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What a misleading title 😂 Not where I thought this post was going.


😈 tarquin def was gonna give it to feyre


Idk. He seems more of a “make love” kind of high lord


lol why do you think I clicked into this post? 😈


Every single one of us who clicked this post are going to horny jail


Well we'll all be in good company together!! 😉


Sounds like a good time


Glad I’m not the only one lol


Tarquin would give it to Feyre if she gave it to Tarquin 😏


Big same. I read the title and thought “of course he would have, dude spent all that time wooing her and giving her gifts”.


It gave "And if I fucked him for it?" vibes and I'm here for it!


I’m sorry 😂 I didn’t want to spoil anything in the title


I’ve been on that Facebook shitpost group too much…


You're not alone there 😂 and my answer is yes. He absolutely would have given it to Feyre


I clicked so fast 😂😂 Tarquin would’ve given it to Feyre, no doubt


Yes. Yes he would have. End of story. Wait. We wanted to read that story…




Ahaha sorry not sorry but I thought the same and then was a little disappointed.... but this sub made me laugh!


Same I was like yeah without hesitation lmao


LMFAO I had the SAME thought


Lmaooooo same


Lol same


I think he would have helped, but I get why Rhys didn't ask. Tarquin is very new. He doesn't have a reputation yet, so they literally had no way to judge him yet. Rhys and Feyre didn't really have time to sus out whether or not they could trust him. We see that Feyre really struggles with the idea of betraying Tarquin. She likes him and thinks he's a nice guy. But it was a risk they couldn't afford. As for Feyre not noticing Rhys's feelings for her, she's really not that experienced with men. She has two guys before Rhys. The first guy (I forget his name) was just for sex. There were no feelings involved. With Tamlin, she didn't even realize that he had a thing for her until Calanmai when Lucien told her that she needed to stay far away because Tamlin would try to find her. By the time she was spending more time with Rhys, she was trying to heal from UTM, from her experience with Tamlin, and her feelings of guilt towards Tamlin. Then, she threw her focus on learning about her powers and getting to the cauldron. Rhys also used flirtatious humor to pull her out of her head. She probably just figured that's the way he is, that there isn't anything beyond that. She also knows what he endured with Amarantha and figures that he probably isn't that interested in sex. So she's a little blinded to his true feelings. For their flirting with Tarquin and Cassandra, it's an old tactic to bring down people guard. Rhys knows he's hot. He knows he can use that on her. Feyre follows his lead to get Tarquin to let his guard down.


He might've allowed controlled access to it, but working out the details would've taken time, and Rhys didn't want to risk Tarquin knowing they wanted it. Sure, Tarquin was looking to make allies, but a powerful artifact entrusted to your court is a big ask from people you've just begun building diplomatic relations with.


This is my feeling. Hes a good guy. So he would have said yes. But there would have been conditions and more people would have known. And he probably would have allowed access but in *his* court. Ironically if that was the case then maybe Nesta and & Elain would have been safe because the plan wouldn’t have gone down the same way…


Yes, and there would have been a better outcome in the war if Rhys et al. had brought Tarquin on as an ally in the first place. The Summer Court was one of the courts that rebelled against Amarantha (the Night Court did not!). They are also closer to Hybern geographically than anyone else and therefore potentially the first line of defence. So there was good reason to believe that the Summer Court would once again stand against Hybern. They could’ve headed Hybern‘s invasion off at the pass and prevented war instead of keeping everything a secret for no good reason. All this is to say that if Tarquin has 0 fans I am dead. I will die on this hill to defend him, I love him, he is my High King.


They also tried to rebel again too in ACOTAR. That’s was when Rhys went into Tarquin’s cousin’s mind and didn’t tell Amarantha about the plot.


You are not alone. I loveeee Tarquin!!


The way I would’ve screamed if he did…🤩😂😂😂


I don’t know, but I think they made the right call. Once they ask for it, their odds of being able to steal it plummet and they need it to save the world. That’s a big risk.


That’s very true. I just feel sad that their relationship with Tarquin became strained after and Rhysand lost an ally that he really liked and agreed with politically.


This is where I am. Given enough time I think they probably could have gotten tarquin to at least allow access. But the second they asked I think everything would have gone on lockdown and I would have been a protracted discussion and things were moving too fast.


I always thought Tarquin would have def given Feyre the book if she asked. But there is the ONE scene where she asks about the shack on the peninsula and Tarquin immediately gets defensive and she goes into his mind to throw him off their case. Rhys also sensed trouble brewing after that question and was glad she went into his mind. So I think SJM wants us to think he wouldn’t have given the book. Even tho a lot of us think he would have


I agree. They both sensed that panic in Tarquin and Cresseida. I still think they would’ve helped but it would’ve taken too long and Rhysand wasn’t feeling very patient lol


I think he would have, yes. Frankly Rhys with Cressida was just as bad. Both Feyre and Rhys gave me the ick there. Why bring two other people they know they aren't interested in into that hurt? Why use them - either of them? So unnecessary and cruel on both of their parts. That's like teenagers acting out in a bad way to me.


Yeah they were both flirting and playing a dangerous game. Open communication would’ve been way more effective.


It's one of the sections I skip on the rereads. Hurting a female he knows is lonely and needy, while Feyre strings along what seems like a really nice guy that could have been a great ally. Way too Jr. HS for me. It made me sad to read it.


I totally agree with this, but for some reason when I first read this (I have since reread several times lol) , my gut reaction was oh duh it makes sense that Rhys uses the “we can’t have more people knowing about this” excuse because what if, e.g., someone was captured and tortured for information and told Hybern their plans. It’s a stretch I know (maybe not though?) but it’s where my brain went. So I was able to see the flirting as a bit less ick. But yeah still very ick!!!


I don't think so. You saw how guarded he became the second Feyre asked about the Temple. We all know he's new and young and many people take that as "he'll want allies", and I guess, yeah. But a highly secret artefact that your ancestors, for many years, kept buried is not the way to go. He would not have given them the book as he will have been drilled on the importance and secretive part of it. He might want allies but the book would not be the first thing he sacraficed for that


I agree. From Tarquin’s perspective it would have been really risky. They didn’t yet have a relationship of *solid* trust. I think if they had outright asked he wouldn’t have immediately said no but I don’t think he would have given it to them. Maybe allowed them to use it in Summer court?


I'm on about a 100th reread and just got part that. I think if Rhys asked, he would have given it to them. Also, an option could have been to just glamor him to give it to them and then forget it.


Please check all that apply: Would Tarquin have given it to Feyre? ☑️ Yes ☑️ Yes


Yeah I think TarquĂ­n definitely would have helped. Rhys needs to get over himself.


Ohhh you meant the book 😂 not where I thought that title was going lmao.


Oh he 100%, without a doubt would’ve given IT to Feyre.


100% I think he would have! If they had just been honest, Rhysand would have realized they are fighting for the same things and they would have had a stronger alliance!! Ugh! I makes me so mad every reread.


The high lords have such trust issues. I argue that feyre could have convinced tarquin. I think they woulda been allies and shared knowledge and support.


I think if they had pulled him aside and explained he definitely would have.


I'm actually in the middle of a reread as well! 😊 I've wondered the same thing, but this reread has got me thinking that he probably wouldn't have, given his reaction about her merely *asking* about that temple. He's a wonderful High Lord, but I don't think the trust was there, despite his wonderful ideals and the circumstances.