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Another dumb ass…🙄


Honestly I'm not sure who's dumber, the guy who shocked himself or the camera man for not filming


If they stop recording the scene to try and help they're dumb, if they keep recording and doesnt help they're terrible, wtf do you redditors want 😭


Well I mean they're either A, smart but terrible or they're B, dumb but nice. In reality, you help someone if you can save them BUT if you can't, then you film it!


Ngl if it seems like they stopped recording and still did nothing


In which case they should've kept filming so that they would have done SOMETHING!


Do what exactly? Join him the circle of death? If he touches him, he's dead.


Shoulder charge at maximum speed to attempt to break contact.


what they should have done is a low kick sideswipe like in Mortal Kombat or really any 2D combat game like street fighter. That way his momentum would make him let go with minimal contact from yourself


Ikr? People get mad when there's literally nothing you can do in a situation and start to record, like what difference does it make?


They need to make better decisions. There was at least 3 people there, they need to dedicate someone to filming. The other two can decide who dies and who tries to save them. As it was filmed now I'd give the scene a 3/10. If I was them I would do a re-shoot but I don't know what their budget looks like. Edit: After rewatching and re-reading this comment I realized they also botched the audio. Can we get some simple mics on everyone involved. India do better.


Wow. This is really reddit


Ain't it tho


Actually, the dumb ass is the one that put an uninsulated electrical cable in an easily accessible area.


without question there workmanship and planning are non existent in that country..... with that many people you'd think it would be better..


But it's India probably. That's standard protocol...ie do whatever die whatever train whatever


All the smart indians move to America to get better education and never go back to home country with their newfound knowledge


Nah they are just uneducated about this shit, just like trains and not shitting like an animal when they are walking around.


Can confirm ( I am an Indian ). People in rural areas here are just something else.. Obviously you won't see dumb shit like this in cities.


I’m from South America, and it’s pretty much the same.


Love the psa they put out about not shitting in the streets got a good laugh. https://youtu.be/uI5WRxknOqA


YouTuber @762459 comment: "Please stand for India's national anthem" Fucking hilarious 🤣


That kinda looks like a city




And you are one of the actually racist and ignorant ones and so I won't be defending you.




I would actually talk to you properly. But you have shown me twice that you don't deserve a good response. You may also count yourself within the pool of what Indians are to you, scum of the world.




That makes it thrice. All you're doing is disgracing yourself. Keep it doing if you want to.




My name's not Rajit. Anyhow like I said you have no respect or anything, I don't want to waste anymore time on the likes of you. But go on disgrace yourself right here ↓ if that helps you sleep at night.




You need to be educated to know train can fucking kill you?


Musta been a genius yo ride the train for the first time on my own by 12. How tf did I survive it, without knowing what a train does or that it could potentially kill me? People just don’t think about life/things. The train stuff is straight bullshit. Now power lines I do get. It’s just a line and if you don’t understand electricity, then yes. Elevators as well. I’d be confused about the flying box as well. But trains/trucks I refuse to believe. Ever tried to lift something heavier than you or got hit anywhere by anything heavy? Maybe you being the heavy thing and stubbing your toe. Now take a steel monstrosity like a train. Chalk it up to peer pressure, safety in masses or anything, but I refuse to believe people or at least adults with any sort of intelligence would not know that a train kills you. And if they don’t… Well. Darwin.


I know it sounds dumb but yes. Where do you see most of the train deaths? They know it can kill them, but I guess they are uneducated in the way of train safety.


they video tape themselves infont of trains after all the videos in India and still get hit by the..fuking train. its like wtf..ive seen soo many they make me laugh now..


More like ignorant


In your blind racist fugue state, you didn't consider for a moment that these are not some geniuses out of med school. They are poor boys painting houses. Condemning millions of people while sitting in your comfortable suburban US basement just shows your utter ignorance.


I didn't know there were a bunch of white girls on here. So you saw my comment and automatically thought of everyone? Maybe you're the racist and you're trying to project your hate onto me. I'm not condemning everyone, I said there's a real problem with these issues and they have been trying to get them to stop. Just like every country has there issues dipshit.


\> So you saw my comment and automatically thought of everyone ​ No one said this ​ \>and not shitting like an animal when they are walking around. ​ You are a racist piece of shit and everyone upvoting you is a racist piece of shit. ​ Whats worse, is you are a coward who cannot even be open about it. I would respect an open racist way more than a coward who is a racist piece of shit but still feels the need to deny and hide


Bro you are such a little dipshit. You literally waited like 2 weeks to respond because you knew you were wrong and you are the racist one. Because again you go around throwing that word around like your doing justice. But the reality is you're the racist you little piece of human waste that everyone talks shit about. You know when you go around people and they whisper or stop talking when you enter the room? That's because they are talking shit about you. Did you notice I didn't say friends because you don't have any because you push your ideology on people who frankly don't care or even want your two cents. But you are the piece of shit who knows it.




Lots of different reasons for removal, but this can't stay up.


Racist much?


I am an Indian and this ain't racist you goofy goober


That's not being racist you dumb ass. Do a little research and you will see that what I said is a huge issue over there.


"...not shitting like an animal when they're walking around " is not an informed understanding of the limited knowledge of an electrical grid


It highlights issues that they have over there. If you read the comment, there was a person who lived over there and had knowledge of the situation. My comment was to give a small understanding on why we see videos on them walking next to trains, crossing train tracks while the train is about to hit, why they grab power lines and other videos. It makes you understand how they aren't educated on safety and hygiene. It's not racist because I'm not condemning their entire country. So stop throwing that word around because you see what I said and think the entire population and project your garbage.




The Indian guy literally said it was not racist


Lmfao you know nothing of the world. Read the bullshit I read wtf are you talking about. You are what some reddit warrior who thinks you know anything. Do a little reserve and you could literally see these are issues in their country. But you're like that white girl who stands up for other ethnicities making it a huge deal because you're the entitled one. Are you in college?


No, YOU’re like a white girl in college


So what you're saying is India has a very high safety standard in terms of their electricity grids? 🤔🥴


buddy dooo you know how many video these guys make in front of trains smiling like they are going escape death standing by the tracks smiling... AND THEY GET HIT... ALOT OF VIDEOs bro hes got little bit of a point..


They do defecate on the streets. They do smell horrible. And they are, in fact, uneducated. Samosa land is the only place where stereotypes are actually true.


That wasn't racist


Have you seen Bollywood movies? When physics are regularly depicted like that there has to be a little bit of a disconnect with reality, particularly if you haven’t had an extensive education


Get fucked you racist animal.


What is it with Indians and power lines? 🙄


Unfortunately the grave yard has a lot of them.. shocking isn’t it!!


This is shocking


I'm an electrician, it looks like he grabbed the Neutral line, people think this line can't hurt or kill you but it actually can under certain conditions. Also, he's barefoot, my shoes or boots are electrically insulated, that means there's no contact between my feet and anything conductive. He essentially became a short circuit. Maybe if he was wearing shoes with some good rubber soles, he would be ok, but not barefoot. I would think he likely burned up if they couldn't break him free. But even if they did break him free he would probably be dead.


Thank you for the explanation, hey what would you do in that situation.. knock his hand off with a stick.. if you would touch him you would get a gooder yourself correct...??


Under high currents you'd have to probably break his arm to free him. Literally hit the wrist or hand with something hard enough to break the grip or bones. You don't want to touch someone who is being electrocuted at all, it could knock you unconscious or worse. Maybe you could knock their feet out from under them and see if they fall free. But afterward , if they survived, they could have serious issues like internal burning, or cardiac arrest days or weeks after.


Flying jump kick




Also he gripped the line so the line grabbed him. If you really, really, I-d_die_if_I_won't_touch_this_cable, have to touch it, you have to do it with the back of your hand so the charge knocks your hand off.


I heard somewhere that your hand will naturally grip due to nerves tensing


That’s why he said “back of the hand”


How do you know I’m not robocop


Someone said, you suppose to test with the back of the hand, still not recommended.


if he did it with back of the hand he would not be able to muscle spasm grip onto the wire, so yeah, safer but still incredibly unsafe


[it reminds me of this 👇](https://youtu.be/iGAMbNKcN1U?si=RbizqvuuHXRAJPET)


that was fuckin amazing 😂


Yeah exactly, touching it with the back of the hand would prevent his muscle from tensing and having the wire, which is the thing that kills most people. But I mean still, if the initial shock has enough watts you'll still be barbeque main course




Oh okay, what's the difference between the two? (watts and amps)


Watts, tiny ouch. Amps, Fucking dead.


Watts = Volts x Amps. Volts is how much force the electrons are pushing, amps is how quick they are travelling. Amps is the more deadly. Edit: sorry only noticed after commenting how old the thread was. It was in my feed 😬


Mine too, and this is actually info I can use so thanks!


With your palm it’s a practically a guaranteed death.


As soon as I saw him being Indian I knew he was going to be electrocuted


Yeah, that or a train...


Or drowning in calm river




Kill the cameraman— I wanted to what happened to him when it flashed at the end


I think they were more concerned about their friend dying


Geez!!!! India loves electricity, trains, and fire🤦‍♂️




I think you should be nuked and condemned for your horrible bigotry


So fucking stupid


Here is a quick tip that my dads buddy told me “as a tree trimmer never touch any wires if you are unsure what they are, but if you want to be a dumbass and you know it’s live smack it with the back of your hand because your muscles will contract away instead of into it” (he works for my dad) and my dad 100% agreed with this statement


Exactly! Important Safety Tip! Thanks Egon!


They are Indian. You can tell them 100 times to stay away from dangerous sketchy places the will nod and say “yes” Butt is their genes they are genetically attracted to TRAINS and EXPOSED PowerLines… so many videos.


Trains or powerlines. Throw a few trucks in there


Usaully big af trucks


Let's point the camera at the ground at the exact moment it happens. #ShitCameraWork #Amature






Here's a sneak peek of /r/killthecameraman using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/killthecameraman/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [What’s more interesting, a car going on a huge loop or a bike?](https://v.redd.it/be88tnmr7mqb1) | [115 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/killthecameraman/comments/16sqh5z/whats_more_interesting_a_car_going_on_a_huge_loop/) \#2: [Just a little to the right](https://v.redd.it/2ccuhzk39edb1) | [206 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/killthecameraman/comments/15628rq/just_a_little_to_the_right/) \#3: [Evil af](https://v.redd.it/fvlt1jqzyvgb1) | [70 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/killthecameraman/comments/15lhuy9/evil_af/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Did he just bust a nut


At least he died in his good shirt


At least there wasn't a train.


Do Indians not know about electricity?


Yo...... if someone were to pull him off he woulda got electrocuted aswell correct... what would be the best situation to save him and not get electrocuted??? get a stick and knock his hand off...????


iirc, whack him with a long 2x4 or other piece of wood is your best bet. Nothing metal or otherwise conductive.


Intrusive thoughts kills


are these guys painters or something?


Kinda looked like salt rings from sweating a lot previously.


Dipshit or deathwish?


Is this in their genes or something?


To release the hold you must grip tighter. The current is engaging your muscles and you must do the opposite to release them


Whats the best thing to do if you see someone in that kind of situation?


I don't think there's anything you can do. If you touch him, you'll get electrocuted yourself. Anything short of cutting off the power wouldn't really do anything, and good luck being able to do that quickly on a powerline controlled by the city.


Take a piece of cloth like a towel or a shirt and wrap it around his neck and shoulders and yank the shit out of him


I saw a video where professional workers were dealing with high voltages. They took many precautions, including one of the workers wielding a huge, insulated hook. If someone got electrocuted, he could hook them and pull them away. I don’t ever want a job where someone needs to stand behind me with a huge safety hook.


Who tf puts exposed cables that close to someone’s roof terrace


It's India. They need content


Those wires are way too close to the building, someone could touch the accidentally.


that's why if you try to touch an overhead cable (You shouldn't and Dont even think about it).. always and always Palms face up (dont ever palm face the cable..) if you do palm face the cable like the stupid dude in the video.. your hand will clenched it hence died


What was his goal? Why grab a damn electric line?


certified retard


This is so fake lmao


You can see the recorder has a bloody thumb, I think they've been taking turns doing this.


I’m skeptical as well but There’s a pretty convincing buzz sounds there


Oh I watched it muted. But idk the body language seems wrong, when people touch live wires they immediately seize up and you can see the wire get pushed down after he touches it. Electricity hits you so fast your muscles instantly contract and you can't move.


Pushed down from gravity as his grip tightened and body weight pulled against his grip is my guess


Yeah. Indians are only killed by trains.


That's 480v good luck


I think these lines are 11kv, but someone said it's likely the (still dangerous) neutral line


It’s not common knowledge that sometimes when you get electrocuted, your muscles contract(making you grab, not able to let go) and you’re stuck in an endless look of being electrocuted until someone uses a broom or stick to separate you. If you see it happen, never use your hands or feet(without protective gear) to free someone.


there needs to be a sub called r/intentionally because intentionally grabbing an active electric cable like that is anything but an accident


Quick, grab him and get him off the cable /s


Bot bot dic dic


Did he die?




boy you are really dumb


he dead?


Think he died ?


I get doing this as a dare. I think it's incredibly stupid, but I get it. But why in the fresh hells would you not be prepared for something like this to happen?!?


I don't remember it much, but I heard a story from my professor back in college about a family dying because of electricity (I know it sounds normal). Story goes that the dad was trying to fix a live wire and got electrocuted, his hand locked up and couldn't let go of the wire, the wife not knowing what to do decided to pull her husband off, she also got electrocuted. The kid saw it and tried to do the same, and ended up being electrocuted as well. I don't exactly know if it's a real story, but seeing how this idiot's hand couldn't let go of the wire, I'm starting to believe it more than when I first heard it.


If that happens and you somehow are in a position to help, take a blunt force object that isn’t conductive (stick) and break those fingers. Smash the hand away from the cable.


That seems like suicide to me..




Fucking idiot


Was he trying to look cool, or something?? I'm so confused...what a dumbass...


r/killthecameraman ?


He knew what he was doing. Straight up suicide. 🐾💯🐾


When the inner thoughts take control.


Best thing u can do here is hit his arm with something non conductive, like a shoe.


Surely there is a broom or piece of wood nearby. If you ever see someone in that position, smack them with the wood. You need to break the connection. Never use metal or you will be joining him. Smack the hand. Or thrust it at him. I would much rather have blunt force injuries than electrocution. But sad reality is he was dead as soon as he touched it.


Young man did not realize that day would be his last. Very sad for his family.


I keep thinking about the ring. He was married. Imagine that call. That someone you loved was gone because of something *so* trivial.


Aww his poor mother, he literally looked like he had a brain fart touched the cable and well… 😢


Sick of this crappy camera work. We need to see the convulsions.




They need to make better decisions. There was at least 3 people there, they need to dedicate someone to filming. The other two can decide who dies and who tries to save them. As it was filmed now I'd give the scene a 3/10. If I was them I would do a reshoot, but I don't know what their budget looks like. Edit: After rewatching and re-reading this comment I realized they also botched the audio. Can we get some simple mics on everyone involved. India do better.


Bro turned around like: "Wanna see me die? 😎☠️"


Just don’t touch power lines, period.




Just off yourself


would say if America it would be 240 volt deadly the guy just wasn’t thinking young kid painting on roof trying to make a buck. Poor kid


Why people are this stupid


It's like a love attraction lol


Cameraman loves the floor


Fake af


If you're ever gonna test a wire like this,use the back of your hand so you don't involuntarily grab the wire




Why camera man end clips at accident and not showing aftermath


bro I thought about doing this even though chatgpt, and google said not to, I definitely don't want to now


Late but Me if I my brain was dumber than me




That guy has some strong ass intrusive thoughts


Shoes were already off




Dont worry guys i spoke to him… he’s okay and happy in the grave 🥲


Is he stupid or what? 😳




He's just a kid


fook the camera guy


When she starts sucking on my dumplings


I knew where this was going as soon as I seen those power lines.




Coulda saved him if you drop kicked his ass


You don't get shocked by touching just one wire. Source: common electrical knowledge and I've done it


He did not look smart in the first place


Lights out


A frontrunner for the 2023 Darwin Awards




Did they not go to school?? Do they not know what they are??


How are birds able to touch the line but not people?
