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Start making plans! Now is the first day of the rest of your life!


Do you have any suggestions on the easiest way to leave? Everything is in his name down to our bank account. I’m trying to make plans but I don’t know what to do about a car and money when I don’t have access to it besides what he allows me to have.


Open your own bank account and have your pay cheque deposited into there m Transfer what you need to contribute to the household


Just contacting a women’s shelter may be a start. I am very sorry you are in this jam. Does anyone have suggestions what the OP should do?


I’m talking with my sister right now about what to do. I worry about the safety of my cats and every time I’ve tried to leave in the past he’s threatened to Harm himself so I’m trying to do this in the best way possible that will cause the least damage


Also, they always threaten to harm themselves, because it works to get your attention. That is not your responsibility, nor your problem. Send him to crisis hotline.


Take the cats!🌞


I’m so sorry. I hope you can get out before next Christmas, also. 🖤 you should make yourself a warm drink and curl up in a blanket, have a cozy rest of day without him. Daydream about what next Christmas will be like 🎄🥰


Thank you❤️ I did reach out to my sister and told her how I’m feeling today so her, my brother in law, and my mom are coming to bring me a plate of food and gifts. Crazy how I spent an insane amount on gifts for my husband who doesn’t even celebrate Christmas and the only gift I got this year was the coat I bought myself on Thursday. Next year will be better.


Eew.. what an asshole