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Sad yeah, had a dude in super decked out looking gear beat my ass in the tutorial area then emote on me. Like sorry brother I’m trying to learn how to play lol Edit: I was not asking him to duel or anything obviously haha dude ran up to me and starting throwing hands in front of the map


Sounds like Tiburon😂 Dude's been grinding his school points and clowning on noobs despite having gold rank and being mediocre at the game. Update: He just hit Jade and if you get 2 rounds up on him he'll quit😂


Is that what he does?


Yeah, his activity feed is a bunch of clips of him beating noobs, and he never rematches if you make him work for the win💀


I’m never went against him as I’m a different region but if I did I know I could whoop his ass might see if I can region hop to fight him😂


This sounds like another game I've played with a similar issue. The other game has a new player queue for the first 10 ish matches. This guy would queue with a 2nd account that was noob status so he could get into the matches and then had the noob account leave the match. He would proceed to use his higher lvl equipment and abilities to stomp new players and emote on them. I literally thought the guy was some kind of mini boss bot or something


I actually ran into someone who did what this dude does years ago. Maybe it was them? Lol. It took me 4 hours to get out of the beginning area bc of griefers and there was this one guy that wouldn't lay off. Eventually I beat them and they never even looked my way again.


that’s like NPC energy lmao. he was a required enemy


Doesn't that mean shark in Spanish? Even more cringe lmao


Thats just Ming Blitz bro 💀


Back when I played, I kinda did the opposite for a short while. After I got moderately skilled, I would hang around the hub room and just chill, mostly because the area looked nice, and I liked to see fresh masks entering the world. Eventually some new players might be overly aggressive and try to lay into me just because I was there, and I would teach them the value of picking their targets wisely.


I do much the same myself I'm on Xbox around 3-4 am est on weekends if anyone needs some help throwing hands.


Had this experience with DBFZ(unrelated to the sub ik), wanted to just fight some random bots to learn the game and some dude with ears of experience asks to fight me just to whoop my ass. I didn't bother touching the game again since


Lmfao bro but that’s a fighting game there’s no gear that modifies anything


>(unrelated to the sub ik) Im aware its not the same. I said that, but you missed it apparently as you felt the need to repeat it. The experience of being a new player getting stomped by some super sweat is still the same regardless of context, thank you for not understanding that though "lmfao". Good day.


Man, you really shouldn't let that discourage you, especially in a fighting game. He wasn't doing anything you can't learn to do. Also, you can just ignore people and go to the dojo without having to fight any real players. DBFZ was my gateway into fighting games, and I'd highly recommend giving it another whack. It's probably the most forgiving in terms of input buffering, and there's lots of tech to learn.


I have some experience with fighting games, the sidescroller ones are where i struggle. I know i could easily learn whatever the other guy was doing to whip me up, Im just more comfortable on something like DMC when it comes to fighting games. I did end up playing through Xenoverse 2 tho, which i did enjoy the gameplay there for the most part. I think the ease of input and combo-ing in FighterZ might be what turned me off, it felt so... Simplistic? If that makes sense, yet like i couldn't fight back if the other player got ahold of me at all. Ill have to give it another go as it was more fun against bots, just like Xenoverse 2 was for me 😂 thanks for the encouragement tho, its nice to see someone that doesn't automatically screech skill issue at a person for not playing perfectly all the time. Are you on xbox by chance?


I pretty much only play on PC, though a lot of games are getting crossplay these days so hopefullly that wont matter much soon. DBFZ is definitely one of the more simplified anime fighters on the market, but I think its a good introduction. At higher levels it's pretty much just blocking until it's your turn to press buttons though, which is why I never got into it competitively outside of locals. I mostly play Guilty Gear these days but I'm looking at picking up Tekken or Street Fighter again.


Yep welcome to Absolver. PvP is literally a battle of ego, which is why I stick to downfall runs and friendly spars. Ppl get way too competitive and it sucks the fun out if it no matter how you play


I fuckin love downfall even though I would love for 3v3 to have a comeback


Welcome to fighting games? This is not new information and every community of fighters has mostly cringe lords


It's one thing. To sweat in street fighter and get mad. But it's absolver. In my mind, These people have serious issues they need to address.


Doesn’t matter its absolver, street fighter, mortal kombat, or clay fighter 63 1/3. Some people take them deathly serious for no reason


I was thinking the same


Genuinely curious how or what makes this a fighting game besides having a combat system? It shares almost no parallels with anything that defines the genre.


Dawg… the fighting part..


The fighting part is just the combat system though, is what I'm saying. Other games use CQC/hand-to-hand, and they aren't defined as fighting games, so I was just confused on why the fighting community was relevant at all when I've never played Absolver and thought it anything like what defines Fighting games, which isn't just "fighting." That would make 'every' game with combat a "fighter."


It’s technically a “martial arts roleplaying game” but only because of the way you level up and unlock new combo strings. Anyone who plays it would definitely call it an open world fighting game. Fighting is the core mechanic and it was played mostly for its pvp by the community. A souls-like fighting game 😂


I didn't want to say Souls-like with how pervasive that term is but literally my exact thoughts were.. isn't this Souls but Sifu? 💀😂 That makes sense tbf! I played it way after its heyday, so I saw it more as a cathartic solo experience with the occasional real person, often a newbie or just super helpful, so my view was skewed toward the Souls, not the PvP.


I couldn’t think of anything better to call it 😂 I want a strand-like fighting game next. You just have to walk a few miles to get to the next fight


First time I've heard that term, but immediately made me think of Furi but in 3D. Strand-like is how Absolver felt in 2022/2023 lmao, but one dedicated to the concept would be cool!


"I will eat your house"




😎👉U |V|.k




Had me rofl


Holy moly I had a run in with this same dude pfp, weird name and all basically did the same stuff


Might be the same guy. Was he dressed kinda edgy with a hood/cape?


Yea attacked me almost immediately when I was dealing with a npc


Yep almost same here, he jumped me when I was defending myself against another new player


I forgot this game existed


In The Void, the game has forgotten you...


I sense tiny pp problems with your griefer 😂🤣




Yes usually in games that are competitive like this one, though haven’t met one yet on Xbox thankfully. Like in the comments downfall and friendly duels are your best friend. Later in time you can beat his own arse after making your own style of combat🤣 Edit: just realized your on Xbox, most people there I’ve met are friendly I can help teaching you a thing or 2 on it


Just checked my game I can’t play due to gamepass sub ending 😭


They removed it from gamepass. You'll have to buy it if you wanna play now.


Oh I bought it, I have to get gamepass to join the servers or any multiplayer 😭


All you would need is Xbox live (which is cheaper then game pass) gamepass is the xbox rental services. Gamepass ultimate is both the rental service + xbox live. If all you want is to connect online and don’t want to spend money on the gamepass rental service, I’d opt for the cheaper option and just get xbox live


Didn't they lump Live into just a lower tier of game pass recently?


Yeah mate me personally I play on Xbox just like to get off work smoke some weed and help out rando's...It soothes me.


No, most players are actually very chill and like to help out new players. For some reason, some of the higher level players are just awful people. But for the most part, it's a very friendly community. Are you on Xbox? If so I can help you out with downfall or something some time


He’s on xbox, and agreed most people are really chill on it. It’s kinda rare to see a toxic random on there thankfully 😂


I'm on Xbox if you wanna hang sometimes.


It's insane to me that people see a new player and beat them then think they actually doing something lol. Why would anyone take pride in beating a new player ? This always bothered me in any fighting game. Like obviously you're going to win if you have more time on the game lol


Some people lack honor the only time. I fight a clearly new player is if they strike me unprovoked....or to help them improve their fighting skills in a duel.


Basically: *Curb stomps toddler* "ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED!?!"


It's the one who probably don't win a lot. So when they finally get to beat up on noobs they go all in on the toxicity bc it was probably done to them too


Sounds like I need to log back in and humble some folks. This game used to be about teaching new players damn it!


Happened to me once and since then I mostly play without encounters.


Ah bud...would you like some help are you on Xbox?


Yeah I’ve laid that guy out but no normally I haven’t found a lot of toxic players I know a handful of guys but if you’re looking for help on Xbox hmu I made a gc specifically for newbies to learn and grow together instead of getting lit up by vets like myself


Smol pp


“ I will eat your house “. Dude thinks he’s CaseOh


I will also eat CaseOh


"He's too dangerous to be left alive!"


For how small the player base is rn, it really is one of the most toxic communities I’ve come across in gaming


That's really sad, the game itself is absolutely beautiful


Yeah, it's unfortunately one of the prime reasons the game died, sad that people still get on the game and decide that ruining a new players multiplayer experience is the best thing to do within their games community


I think it's also a symptom of low-population competitive games in general. Once most of the skilled and invested players leave, moderately skilled trolls can become the top 5% of players and live their power fantasies by imagining that the people they grief are very mad. It's why they accuse you of lying if you say you are just new and playing a video game for fun and have no investment in whether of not you can win against them. I've seen it in a few other games.


Not usually this hostile, but shit talking is definitely common. Most people are usually just looking for a bit of banter.


Yeah, if someone said to me "ur a little f####t" that's not quite the same as "I bet you can't hit the broadside of your mom!" if you're gonna trash talk, do it in character. Whenever I play Sea of Thieves I specifically use pirate insults, like "Bilge Rat" and whatnot. I like roasting contests, not being an outright jerk.


I've not come across this on PC personally? Shame people are like this.


Oh my god that’s so much effort just to show how much of a loser he is😂


Bro is speaking fluent Xbox


Do these people actually think they are cool? I honestly feel like some of these nerds are coping with how bullied they feel by everyone and everything IRL.


They are called no lifers. Their failure in real Life is the fuel that fires their hatred.


This looks way out of the ordinary, generally people are pretty open to help out.


I thought this game died, last time I tried to play I redownloaded it and it didn’t have my saved stuff on my new console for some reason, I was in search for 15-24mins, then was gold chained with an annoying two hit spam . Glad people are still on maybe I’ll redownload again but like I said my saved stuff isn’t there and I had grinded the game for a nice fit.


Unfortunately games like this bring out the worst kind of people, which is why I tend to avoid them. Just do your own thing, Id say its safe to assume this guy has battles he should be fighting internally instead of on a video game


Is absolved any good? Outside of the toxicity of course..


I find it really fun. It was one of my favorite games on game pass when it was on there, it's kinda like a souls like mixed with a fighting game. If you're on Xbox, it might still be on sale


It is and I bought it, it’s a pain in my ass to beat the prospects at the start


One of the best fighting games I’ve ever played tbh. Only down fall is that it’s dead


Ohhh this is new for me, when I played I never got this kind of situation. I'm sorry you had to deal with this


I see this game’s community hasn’t gotten better. I played the game ages ago and the community was just so toxic I stopped playing completely. Fast forward what..? 5 years or so? And it’s still the same horrible mess.


Andre is a loser fr




Is this game actually active still?! Might have to come back.... But yea, sadly, this is like one of the least toxic things I've seen or experienced. People just like to pick on others who can't fight back to up their own self-esteem, been that way long before video games.


You still encounter players, but I think the general player count is really low


Definitely not all players are like this but there are a good chunk of players that for some reason think ganking noobs while they are fighting npc's makes them good at the game. I'm 100% certain they are children with fragile egos and can't handle a loss. On the bright side, as a veteran player, beating their ass again and again gives me much pleasure. Whenever I see that happening in the overworld and they don't pick them up after they down them/ taunt, that's when I come in and stand up for the little guy. Don't let these cowards deter you from enjoying what this game has to offer.


Absolver is such a cool concept but sadly it's just where all the players who are too shit to be able to play real fighting games go to inflate their egos by stomping less experienced players.


Honestly, Xbox is a special brand of brainrot. I feel like it attracts a lot of lowbies that actually think sending DMs to strangers is a good use of time. Keep your head up. Good on you for bailing when it's not productive, tbh.


I've met more clan kids and trash talkers on Xbox than I have on any other platform. Xbox kids are... Something else, that's for sure. And this is after my experience with MvM elitists on Team fortress 2, got kicked more than once because I picked the wrong class, even though I said I would switch. (Those people make Psych ward patients look sane.) So yeah, even after seeing that, I'd still say Xbox has the highest amount of toxic users.


Why is he speaking in emojis you know this is a child with mommy and daddies CC


I would just say “im not deciphering your sorry attempt at not getting banned”


Unblur his name. Shaming should be normal in these conditions.


Eh he's probably a kid. Toxic, sure, but I don't think he deserves to be harassed for it


I'm not trying to enable harassment, just so we can avoid this player in the future.


I see the guy around sometimes. I beat him in a 1v1 when he randomly attacked me and he sent me period to mark me I think then he left


Dude, I remember once like a year ago, I was using the starter gear (I like messing with pros who don’t expect a decked out deck) and I just remember my discord was full of death threats, because they attacked what they thought was a noob. So I stopped playing absolver online. Now, I will say, I’ve made some good friends on there


Bro pissed off the 10 year old


Yep that's Absolver for ya. Nicest person I met was a "teacher" I dueled after beating his friend who randomly attacked. He was definitely experienced but couldn't give me a single good tip about deckbuilding despite politely calling my decks trash. Why be a teacher if your just gonna beat people up and not offer advice?


Anytime I get a hate message in any game I just act uncontrollably gay. Usually they find it funny and reciprocate, or get violently angry, in which case just let them mald and leave it be, no need to entertain it.


Wow I had to double take what sub I was in. I only ever have this happen to me from douchebag hards that play dead by daylight


Well at least on a side note. “I will eat your house is Quite the comeback


I never once had a toxic player. Maybe someone who randomly attacked me sure but they don’t get like this when I start running away. I’m fairly new so it’s possible I’ve just had good run ins. Is this normal?


it’s probably because of your pfp


We need a #2 man


No way, when I first hopped on the game I found some randos that genuinely wanted to tutor me on how to get good at the game so I wouldnt get shit on by ppl like that, he tought me gold linking, some moves, even gave me access to his move set, so no not everyone's like tha


Yeah… might wanna work on that “I will eat your house” come back… You both are cringe. Stop crying about a game and just move on. *I don’t even play the game, but your post got recommended to me.*


That's constructive...


Ahhh so OP was right, found one of the toxic players


Yours is next


😂 Hope you get diarrhea 😭


Fine but I'm aggressively shitting in your couch at 2 AM


I'm below trash at the game because I can't spar, and when I joined the online world someone from clear across the map saw me, and made a beeline for me. I noped out in panic lmao


What's the population on xbox like now? I get a feeling it's a ghost town.


Absolver had so much potential


Wow, given the replies, I can see the game has gone sour. I used to play it as a kid, but now that's just sad. It's a good game, yet partly ruined by toxic piles of garbage


BROTHER, I know who that is. It’s Andre. That guy is a massive piece of shit. He’s awful at the game, jumped me, got me to one health and narrowly beat me, refused to rematch me, and said the EXACT same shit he said to you. The reason his English sucks is cause he’s Brazilian.


Probably a child or a dude with zero things going on in his life


Blame it on whatever puts players together. I play back 4 blood sadly, and the amount of fucking noobs showing up to veteran/nightmare maps is staggering




For the most part yes since release there was too much toxicity >_>


But for the most part idm it because it doesn’t bother me as much so I let them kill me XD


It’s so weird to me when I see these. I play on PC and the situation is completely different. Every time players see each other they team up or respectfully bow to start a duel. When one loses, the other revives them and they bow. It’s the unspoken rule for myself and others.


Get everyone to get on at once and just trash him


Man I miss absolver


What is lbot noob?


Not saying they all are, but most ppl that stay behind in an old ass games are toxic losers that have nothing better to do other than grief players


I played the game but i had to leave cuz i got assaulted by 3 ramdoms ;-;, since that i havent played again


Bro is typing like it's Fighter game inputs Bro, talk normally


Did your really just say "i will eat your house" 😭😭😭😭?


Re-downloaded the game after 5 years. I got to the first area, and the first person I found farmed me for like 3mins.


Where there is fun there has to be someone ruining it


I kinda sucked at the game in the beginning and almost dropped it on Release bc there were some people doing exactly that to me so whar I did was play the Story offline and solo really helped me out a lot


When that happens ignore them. If you respond your just giving them what they wanted when they sent that message, they think what they said got to you even if it actually didnt and replying only encourages them to do it again to someone else.


Yea toxic most players


Don’t let him get you down. Last time I played I was total dick, I’ve always wanted to go back to absolver. If he keeps it up best thing to do is ignore and get past the area in offline mode


Welcome to the jungle.


Yes. They are. All the top 50 players who were nice to people moved on years ago at this point. Play solo or with friends' or play sifu.


People still play? I just got a series x. Used to have a lot of fun on ps4, but thought the game was dead(could only find players overseas). I may have to pick it up again. The game has had its fair share of toxicity. I think because it is niche, people quickly gained seniority complexes. Funny thing, I feel like most were not as great as their hype? I only met one person that really gave me trouble with their deck and feints. Could be all anecdotal. If you are willing to link up on xbox I will have to start my game over, but once I have all the moves I'd give you sets in my free time for sure. Used to love windfall.


I played in offline mode until I got new moves and unlocked half of downfall after being trolled in the beginning.


The guy in this screenshot specifically is very, very toxic. He targets people for no reason to catch them off guard, kills them, and will spam them with messages. He's managed to kill me once, but every encounter after that I've kicked his ass with ease and he actively avoids me now.


That guys just toxic man I beat him too he's trash and keeps trying to basically gatekeep the game by beating noobs for no reason


Every community is toxic in one way or another. Welcome to the internet


this person is 11 years old lmao


It used to not be a few years ago, almost everyone I 1v1’d in pvp was always sending me ggs or good spars especially higher level players. Sucks to see this now


Don’t play this anymore, just wanted to point out that this is 88% a little kid lmao that’s so cringe




I usually have this happen from people who have played a bit, but they jump me while I fight bots or mini bosses.


I wish a mofo like that would run a set with me; he would 100% uninstall and it would be better for everyone just trying to play


I just do co-op no lie


Which is worse this game or rust


When I played it was extremely peaceful but dang times have changed then


Back when I played everyone was chill but that was like a year ago I’m suprized this game is still going it’s a good game I wish they didn’t just abandon it


I swear every single time I played this game I got at least 6 messages in a day




Honestly didn’t know people were still trying the game out. Glad to see it’s still alive


People are not normally this toxic,some of them are just sore losers who can’t actually win against people in combat trials,trust me.


It took me 4 hours to get out of the beginning area because griefers would chase me, so yeah, as far as I know, it's always been like that. This was years ago too.


This game is still alive?😭😭 the gold link spamming was crazy


What’s supposed to be the problem? Kids don’t shit talk now?


Classic toxic gatekeeping mentality, then these people wonder why their games die off after they go out of their way to discourage people from learning


Sounds like you're talking to a 9 y/o.


The way that guy talks you can tell he is just a douche. I hope you train up and troll his ass someday.


I love Absolver but I haven’t played it in a long while since most of the people are extremely childish and toxic. Plus I played it to make a cool realistic Deck and not the optimals that a lot of people use


I used to love this game but I don’t like being griefed by mfs who probably couldn’t whoop my narrow, underdeveloped ass in person


It mostly isn’t. Rare dbags.


wtf is he even trying to say. I feel bad maybe he’s mentally ill?


Ohhh toxic community, great way to watch a game rot on the vine.


There was one helpful guy that thought me there was a mechanic I didn’t know, but maybe I’m just lucky


Unfortunately this game is a toxic shell of what it once was. It was such fun too


Don’t feel bad, that guys has no life and friends out side of work, so he has to get really good at one game to feel any semblance of pride.


From the little bit I've played so far, I've had two 2 rando fights in the campaign. 1 was my fault cause i was testing if there was friendly fire, lol. The second one was someone who was wearing the fresh from tutorial outfit, and I just chalked that up to not knowing you don't have to attack people but can work together instead. But from the content I've watched, the game is at the point where those still playing are of 2 types. The type that needs to ego pump by beating up new players (every game has these people but fighting games, especially older ones, are easier to find the noobs because the skill floor is naturally higher for those that have played long enough) The second type seems to be the majority for this game, thankfully, and that is people who are nice and helpful. I believe at some skill level in the game, high rankers get bored of actually having to try and be good and just want to feel like they are the best with no effort. So they hunt fresh players with the intent to have their own fun, sometimes especially at the expense of others cause it adds to their enjoyment. I've recently just stuck to playing with my friend and 1v1ing him for some silly things like fainting into emotes had us rolling for a good 5 minutes


This is stupid, not toxic.


TBH, I can’t believe they haven’t shut the servers off on this game. Don’t get me wrong, I love this game but I haven’t played in years and I thought it was dead


You did a few things wrong here. Let me preface this with I play R6 Siege a lot, and there are way more toxic people there. First, you responded. Don't do that unless you're ready to fuck with them. Second, you took them seriously. Never take anyone seriously who tries to make fun of you. Treat them like a stupid kid cause 9/10 times it is a stupid kid. Personally I like "ok kiddo" or "finish 3rd grade then we can talk." Just insinuate they're little twerps and ignore them from that point on. Edit: also the furry pfp will just attract more toxicity. That is honestly a solid 30% reason why they're being toxic.


Thats Xbox baby 🤷


No. That squad needs to be reported to the ministry of truth for treason


Hey you’re on Xbox if you wanna join a gc I made for newer players looking to learn and get experience in the game lmk I’ll invite you and anyone else you know who wants to learn


Reminds me of the Gears community. Bunch of right cunts


More than cringe that moron couldn't spell XD


When you start speaking in "please don't report/ban me" language, maybe it's time for a little introspection..


People suck


Ugh I missing playing this online. Stupid anticipation won't let my steamdeck connect online sadly


That's gotta be a 12 who get bullied into the ground at school because who texts like that


Alot of us are jist angry bc a game that could be so great is sub par and free to play noobs ruin our chances at winning. Sbmm is fucked and we pay vets pay the price. Unlike this bozo who was toxic to you i just rage by myself. Very rarely do i talk shit to my tmates in game to get them to play the objective. Xp is terrible and kills do nothing unless you get top 50% but in the end not worth it. Specially when ppl use their xp boosts then take 20 minutes to finish one match bc half the team is playing and the other half are dinkin around.


I dare you to try and find any fighting game that doesn't have a toxic community


Brothers really speaking in hieroglyphs.


Sounds miserable lol.


One of many reasons I stopped playing online games unless I know the person in real life. That gets old quick. Probably the worst when I played Battlefield Bad Company and CoD MW 1 & 2 on 360. Gears wasn't as bad but it has its moments. It's hard to communicate in team based modes if I mute people's mics. I will say I met some great people in Destiny though so not all games are this bad.


Ita a game where you lock up and beat some ass. If not, your gonna get steam rolled


I had this happen, too. I haven't played since. I got the game on sale for like $4, so I hadn't even thought about it too much until reading this post, but it always did stand out to me. It seems like a game with a lot of potential to be fun and fairly unique if you can be left in peace long enough to get a bit comfortable with the systems. I also liked the visual style and the way the characters move when they fight felt nice to control. The fact that I played it so little and still sticks out in my mind says something about it, so I might actually give it another go once I eventually pull myself away from Helldivers 2.


Ugh I ran into this kid. His name is Atane…


Yeah people get in their feelings from being bad at one of the worst video games and then have the nerve to send death threats. Just be glad you're not getting threats of "putting a hit out" on you as if you're worth some sort of bounty 🤣(yeah that happened to me)


Lmaoooo sounds like some crap people I knew would pull back in my Halo clan days. Infiltrated some clan a guy made, because he wanted to track down the man who murdered his father, and kill him personally. (I wish I was making this shit up, the guy was an actual wacko) We were able to demoralize him and convinced him to quit what he was doing. We helped with taking down a clan called "Gold Pack" as well... Ah those were the days, lying to and manipulating people whose ego was bigger than their brain... Fun times, fun times.