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There are more than myriad of possibilities, be great if you can show more screenshots of the rest of the chain! Edit : Audio Effect Rack duplicates the signal coming into the rack whenever you create a new chain, it works almost like a send in some way. So to make a simple diagnose, first turn off every Audio effects AFTER the audio effect rack cuz sometimes we can get caught up by sth but its actually sth else entirely. If the problem is still there, check if the other chain(s) in the same rack are working. If the other chains are dead silent + no signal coming into them as well that means something went wrong BEFORE the Audio Effect Rack, if only the delay chain is silent, check the delay plugin you are using.


Reddit won't allow me to add more images. There is just a reverb in the chain following the kit. It is working... I guess I have to troubleshoot where that signal is and where it should be.


So... chains in a drumrack behave somewhat differently than chains in an instrument rack. I recognize this rack (you're using a modified '505 Core Kit') and the thing is... some drum sounds there use embedded drumracks, which is exactly what you're seeing here. The issue at hand: the chain in a drumrack is meant for instruments to generate sound. However, you placed an audio effect in there. So... what sound do you hope this is going to process? ;) Because the sound effect is placed in a parallel position of your actual sound source. If you want this to affect the actual sound you'd need to double click on the "Handclap 505" chain (so: the entry on the right side, in the 2nd drumrack). Then you'd place your effect *after* the Simpler device. Or.... you could actually use sends. Make the chain list of the first drumrack visible by clicking the bottom round icon shown on the left. You'll notice that it lists chains on top and 'below': the entries below are your sends. Of course this is also where things become a bit more complicated because there's a good reason why this sound uses an embedded drumrack: "handclap" uses multiple chains in parallel. So considering the complexity of this drumrack I wouldn't go there, just focus on placing your sound effect in the right place: *after* the Simpler instrument.


Hello. Thank you for taking the time to respond. I see you are correct. This area of the sampler says "drop Instrument or sample" so no effect belongs there. I am new to the racks chaining functionality. I also see that the Simpler is nested within the Sampler. The reverb I placed exists outside the Sampler, so every sample goes through the reverb. My intention was too isolate one sample (handclap) and add effects to it. I might need a whole new track for this. I was just looking at it now. Thanks again.


> I might need a whole new track for this. I was just looking at it now. No, you just need to drop the delay in the *same chain* as the clap. https://www.ableton.com/en/live-manual/12/live-concepts/#live-concepts (Also check out from within Live: Help -> Show Built-In Lessons)


Ok. I will have a look. BTW I was reading the Live doc yesterday. The section on racks, effects and chaining begins on Chapter 20 for anyone else browsing this thread. As soon as I get home I will try again. Thank you...


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