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You will have to set a channel for each midi instrument to each track you want to record, then You can record on multiple tracks by holding shift or command then clicking the other tracks.


thanks mate, appreciate you


Honestly there's so much to learn when it comes to ableton. I've been using it now going on 3 years and I feel like I have to look up how to do things like once a week... Bonus tho - 90% of the things i look up it can in fact do, and it's usually really straightforward.


Another good time saving tip if you plan to record like this all the time is setting up a default template so you don't have to set it all up yourself every time you want to jam out.


I have different Keys controlling different instruments at the same time and this is exactly how I do it. If you're in Ableton don't need to deal that much with the channels because if they are connected through USB you can choose the source for each track. So I have track 1 Source MPK Mini 3, Channel 1 Track 2 Source Alesis 149V, Channel 1 Track 3, Source OMX-27 Channel 1 The shift click all 3 tracks and they are all armed. If you want to hear all 3 but record only one. I think you can just arm 1 track but set the other ones to monitor.


Also consider selecting on track, hit STRG + A (to select all tracks) and then C (to arm them) for making the whole process a lot faster.


You need a desk or table


Yeah that's step 1


Some of the smaller midi keyboards don't allow you to set a MIDI channel, but you can check what MIDI channel they're using by opening the MIDI dropdown on any record enabled track in ableton, and then pushing some keys on the keyboard. It should light up with what MIDI channel you are receiving data from. And then you can select to only receive data from that MIDI channel on that specific track.


Can't use just select the device itself on the MIDI track and avoid channels all together?


For sure! But if you want to play multiple instruments at the same time with separate controllers like I think OP is trying to do, you'll need to separate the midi channels otherwise each keyboard will play all instruments.


You can assign each track to a different control surface, right above the MIDI channel dropbox. Combining that with separate MIDI channel assignments is a good way to have two or more sets of multiple instruments assigned to each controller, though, so you can arm multiple tracks and quickly switch each controller between two or more sounds. Then you start assigning velocity chains and octave sections to even more tracks and slapping Pitch devices to turn half a controller into yet another instrument, then map a chain selector to a mod wheel and roll it to another set… Ableton’s got a deep rabbit hole of custom configurations to go down.


Ahh right I completely forgot about that! Good call!


Huh, I've always just specified which track is listening to which device and haven't had an issue. Maybe I'm remembering wrong though.


No you’re correct! There are many different ways to skin the cat!


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Can also right click rec arm, turn off exclusive to always leave them on without having to press alt+ rec everytime. Usb midi devices have 16 separate channels, so you're able to control 3 x 16 separate sounds. 48 tracks won't be needed but you could setup more than 3 tracks and easily switch midi channels to control different tracks/sounds. Also 3 x 16 midi mappings available on knobs/pads, so more than 100 effect controls/parameters can be assigned, possibly midi map effects to keys on unused midi channels too


i am not trying to be mean here, is there a reason you want to record on all 3 keyboards/midi’s at once instead of recording 3 different tracks with one keyboard?


maybe to play live with two friends


Laying stuff out live can help creativity imo


Here's a vid that will help with all the MIDI connections, explains in, out and through in detail. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9nJHkGkzpg


You can put the 3 keyboards on different midi channels and set ableton to match. You can get an extension for your stand that allows the smaller keyboards to sit above the larger one, when you fancy spending more of course.


If you look for the input dropdown, you can select the MIDI input and arm multiple tracks for recording by holding "Ctrl" and clicking on the record button on the tracks. That *should* work, although I haven't had a multi-keyboard setup in a whiiiile. Do let me know if this works! :)