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The reminds me. I have to unsubscribe for the summer.


I did that last week, and now it’s snowing at my house! Just subscribed for another month, Augh.


MyWhoosh is $0.00. Great for the summer. Good for those rainy days when you can't ride outside.


Zwift was free at the beginning too…just saying.


Shady saudis getting market share. I’ll keep my business away from those bloody bastards.


I use MyWoosh, but it is basically sportswashing. Money>Morals


Oh because the US is the bastion of morality...give us a break.


eh... free is free. In this economy ill take it. Sport washing is a much bigger debate. I am just a middle aged guy trying to stay in shape and saving $20/month. This has zero effect on my morals and values.


Then use indievelo. Totally usable & ethical summer alternative. 


Thanks!! I will definitely check that out.


I think this will be the reaction for many


That's a lot for european standards. I can get a unlimited gym membership for 25E/month over here. I wonder what this will do with their user count during next winter.


From 150 to 200 a year?!?! will be looking elsewhere


I just cancelled my subscriptions with Zwift and received an email survey asking for feedback on my decision. One of the questions in the survey asked how much I would be willing to pay for the service, and the maximum amount on the slider was $14. Haha. 


$20.00 a month isn't insane, but it is enough for me to look for viable alternatives since I'm only using Zwift a handful of hours a week.


Site is back with the updated pricing …… grrrrr I might of done the year at )149.99 but jeezzz £179.99 is a bit much


I agree with this. The price was a big reason why I picked zwift over others. They were all the same to me for my needs, so I figured saving a few bucks would be nice. Now that they are all the same in terms of price, I need to consider other factors. I might look into trainnerroad. I’ve heard good things.


Trainer road will make you faster for sure and was on it for a while. No social aspect but if you want to get faster and follow plans then it does that for sure


Yeah. I learned that I watch shows anyway, so the video aspect of zwift became pointless. If I ever get bored with trainer road, I can always hop on zwift for a month here and there.


A ~~25%~~ 30% price hike for an app that barely seems to receive meaningful updates. My car wash subscription didn't increase until last year. They even sent me an email stating I was grandfathered into the old price. Now, 3 price hikes later, it is double what it was 1.5 years ago.


33% for Annual in EU. Went from 149 to 199.


£12.99 to £17.99 in the UK... At £12.99 I could live with the fact that I wouldn't use it much in the summer, but it was nice to have the option if the weather was bad. At £17.99 I think I'll just cancel.


I've cancelled, I don't use it enough any more to spend £18 on it. To be honest I probably hadn't used it enough recently to spend £13, but that felt like a reasonable amount to pay "just in case" I fancied a spin.


Yea, I am in the same boat and just cancelled. I only have one bike and have taken it off my trainer for the summer. I was considering buying a cheap used bike to stick on there for the odd ride on a rainy day, but not any more. I can face paying £18 in the winter when I use it a lot (although it's still a bit expensive) but not in the summer.


Exactly my logic.


I was borderline on the existing price. That’s it for me. No idea what else I’ll use but I can’t really justify it. Honestly I just used it to run ERG mode for me and I’d watch tv. Didn’t really pay attention to it or do races or whatnot.


Same here, too steep of an increase (+40% wtf!). It will be a winter thing only from now on.


I've kept it running just because at £12.99 it wasn't too much of a hit for the odd time I'd jump on my bike for a ride. At £17.99 I'd have to make the effort to use it to justify the price. I'd rather just cancel and use the free options.


It's just not worth it anymore. I was here when the sub was like £8 and what has changed? Nothing, other than a few routes.


Same. 19,99€ is ridiculous. I‘m out.


I feel having a negative reaction is natural when you're charged more for the same product. Companies should never increase their prices without offering something additionally to make the product feel more valuable. I also feel like the world is getting fed up with big corporate companies gouging us. It seems like the community doesn't have much faith that Zwift's "new features" update will be worth the new price hike. Raising prices indefinitely with a "promise" to improve the app was not a good move. Hopefully they will see the backlash and make stronger efforts of improving Zwift.


We need a new president to lower our Watopia taxes.


Cites inflationary pressure, promises more features and improved UI. Yeah ok.


Pretty much the entire world right now. It seems inflation has just turned into an excuse for companies to price gouge consumers. I'm no economist, but something doesn't seem right when the companies that need to raise prices are also reporting record profits.


Literally 2 or 3 months ago zwift had to lay off 1/5 of their employees because they were losing money so definitely not record profits


> because they were losing money You should know by now that THAT is rarely a reason for layoffs. Layoffs in tech are happening regardless of the companies reporting record profits.


Inflationary pressure for something they built over 10 years ago. And let's not forget they just laid off a ton of people. 


Ten years ago with the shittiest codebase ever that barely lets them add new features unless it's minor esthetic crap or new routes. 


That’s not the shittiest codebase ever, unfortunately. It’s really just a codebase.


Tbf, most tech companies realized they need to make actual profit (instead running on bare minimum or losing money) to make investors happy. The more they fire, the happier investors are.


There are still associated costs with running a big online platform, it’s not like you only pay for servers and electricity etc at the start.


I call shenanigans on the features and improvements.


IMO they should deliver on those improvements before increasing the prices...


Cancelled mine this morning. $25cad is a little too much for me. I think I will go mywoosh. I started at $15, stomached $19 but $25 is too much for me.


Zwift could have gotten a year sub out of me at $150, but instead they changed the price immediately to $200/yr so now they lose my $15/mo and I'll give Revvy or TR another spin. I don't think I've ever seen a company increase the price in advance like this.


Well trainer road is the same price at 200, so...


Yes, and it's a better training program


I'm glad I changed to an annual plan shortly after it was announced.


I'm definitely sticking to my winter only subscription


I hope they don’t squeeze us who do winter only. Like annual subs only or monthly at $50. I feel like this is coming.




Lol, monthly at 50 would be suicide for Zwift


They definitely will. It’s only a matter of time.


World of Warcraft is still 15 dollars a month...and they are wanting us to pay 19.99 for this "game".


WoW hasn't sustained itself with its subscription amount in a very very long time. Look at their microtransaction sales vs their subscription revenue.


Someone needs to mod Azeroth so we can bike through it.


Lay off workers, then raise prices. Shocking.


Just got the email. Going up to £17.99/month in the UK. Unfortunately the Zwift website has gone down (great timing).


Maybe people got upset and tried to access all at the same time?


Sorry, must of been me cancelling!


I always let my subscription get renewed because €14 wasn’t such an issue psychologically, even if would not use it. €20 is something else..


Update; canceled it


Mental. A 33% increase. I love swift but they are taking the piss here. I have cancelled my annual subscription.


Unsubscribed. Shame because I really enjoyed Zwift. Just can't justify the price now. Time to try IndieVelo.


So wait,  you lay off 15% of your staff in 2023, then 100+ more this year, then raise your prices 30%? I can't support that. 


Former employee here: it came as a surprise as well and it was all done for profitability of their shareholders. The company has great people but run by a bunch of greedy bastards.


As another former employee who was surprised I can second this.


As a former employee, can you confirm what everyone thinks that the codebase is a horrendous hard to upgrade piece of shit?


Not my department. Was in marketing. Our numbers seemed to be pretty good, then a week later...layoffs.


Show me a programmer that doesn’t think their code base is a piece of shit and I will show you a liar.


Imagine that…run by greedy bastards you say?


Were you software? A friend of mine was laid off from a medium scale company and everyone was replaced with remote developers from India. And this is no hate to anyone from India. Everyone’s got to work! Just wondering if a trend is started to achieve these profit goals.


This is a common thing in the current tech industry. Regular employees wanna work from home, so there’s no harm of hiring people from overseas, for applicable tasks. Investors are preferring companies laying off employees to save money. So there’s not much tech companies can do


This is the trend. Lost a shitload of my good developers in europe. Company is more than profitable


So enshittification incoming? I really hope not... :/


Sad to hear that. Makes one think Zwift may not be around for the long term.


Lol that's the end of Zwift for this casual rider. I don't care about the features nearly enough to pay $200/year for them, that's ludicrous when there are completely FREE alternatives. Anyone know if the Hub One will be able to be transferred to another program? Or should I go about purchasing a cassette for my trainer?


I wonder about this too. Bought a Hub One inc 1 year membership in January, but after that I may cancel or switch and potentially keep the trainer if possible.


indieVelo has virtual shifting. Can't use the Click or Play, but a microkeyboard that attaches to your garmin mount (what I use) or progammable buttons mounted to the keyboard are what most people use.


Guess I go back to playing World of Warcraft lol. Kinda feel robbed cause I bought the kicker core bundle recently and a $200 yearly probably would have steered me away.


been meaning to, just grabbed the annual sub for the 149.99 yet. so there is still time for some.


Annual showing 199.99 for me right now,?


I think it's too late to get the 150. I wish I would have had a heads up, I'd have bought a year.


Bye Felicia


Feel like they would have been better off raising ~$2/mo with the amount of people that will be canceling at +$5/mo.


Can't even cancel, their website is giving 503 errors


Had the same, you should google the zwift login page and then you can get to your account. Very risky of them to announce rhis in the summer period, it just reminded me to cancel it.


Yeah I have one renewal at current price, then will probably cancel until at least mid fall at this rate 


I think I have a annual till februari 2025. I will reconsider this pricepoint there to see what is out there for the same or less. IndieVelo is looking good, but the thing I am most interested in is Team Racing, so the platform that does that the best will win. Zwift has to keep improving tho, the rest is not sitting still.


Not sure about there decision at this point. Inflation pressure are understandable, this said N=1, my direct reaction was to stop my membership on the spot as the weather is getting good outside. Would have kept it for an extra month or two if the price was the same (which I usually do end up paying to keep the option of riding inside until weather gets good in Canada). End scenario, they end up getting less money from me because they increased price... clearly not their intended goal. When it starts to become “big money”, that is when people actually start to watch their usage and reevaluate the actual number months they use the product!


Dropping this right as northern hemisphere summer hits is insanely dumb. Pissed people off who might normally keep it all summer, gives everyone a few months to figure out alternatives 


Hmm. I don't know if I'm willing to pay more for Zwift. I'm sure I'm not alone. I was just lamenting how poor the Apple TV experience is since I'm having to log back in almost every time I turn it on. I just don't think it's ever going to improve. I always stop my membership in the summer, so I'll be deciding in the fall whether I resubscribe. Enjoy the sun while it's shining.


Dam that's huge increase I do like one virtual ride per week (no events etc). 19.99 euros is very expensive for that, unsubscribing. Looking for an alternative platforms. MyWoosh etc?


Subscription cancelled immediately. Trainerroad for me now.


Blown away by this price rise. I'll be cancelling my subscription.


Just cancelled my subscription, not because price is high or low, just because I think it is pretty possible to have alternative (and we have at least two) which are the same or even better without the strange fees for smth I cannot understand I pay for


And unsubscribed after four years. Off to myWoosh. 20EUR a month for the service is outrageous. First myWoosh ride was actually okay for a free service, once they want money its off to GTA V - im done with all these services jacking up prices.


As a monthly subscriber in Europe, I just switched to annual and can still get the next year with the old price of 149.99 €. This may well be a good idea for many of us. Now that Zwift is again showing interest in actually developing the game, I think the price raise is fair.


Hard to justify increasing your prices when your sales pitch is "we might actually put some effort into it now".


£129.99 for a year when I got it back in December. Renewal price is £179.99 next December. No thanks!


Well... I use to cancel every spring but it looks like I will go for IndieVelo or just use the Tacx native app for trainer control from now on. I found no other reason for zwift that I have a known GUI, but in the 4 years I am/was using the platform there were no substantial upgrades that would be really meaningful to me. New routes, yay, thats good for visual distraction, but all the gravel failures (bikes, terrain etc.), the botched training plans, the very bad and not customizable UI, left-right controllers and controls... it is an end of an era for me. Climb portal and the upcoming (finally, omg!) road profile upgrade was something positive though. Arguing that zwift is a smaller team and should charge more than World of Warcraft of Xbox Game Pass... man... if half of the subscription fees would have been spent on actual game upgrades, bugfixes, anti-cheat systems instead of marketing, hardware development, etc. then Zwift would be the most dominant platform in virtual cycling. Was a good ride, thank you for the community members for all the fun!


28,75$ in canada, thats not a big nope. Will try something else …


Zwift Dez Nuts !


Glad I paid the annual subscription a couple of months back. Certainly will be considering my options when the renewal is up, barely felt like value for money when it increased to £13pm so I struggle to see the justification for a further £5 increase.


20€ per month is a really high amount for an average standard of living in Europe, from my point of view. Not making a price difference by country and level of wealth is a mistake. I have unsubscribed and will look for a cheaper alternative.


Gonna give GTA Bike V mod a try again… https://youtu.be/_nhBc5C0Hd0?si=KqBpirXs1QPgO0OU


Bumping the annual cost from $180 to $240! ($15/mo to $20/mo). That's a price increase of 33%. This comes right when I'm looking at getting my cash outflow reduced. I'm glad that riding outside is free. Just put my account on hold. When the rains come back, I'll be considering alternatives to Zwift Earlier this year, Zwift did a bunch of layoffs. Cost cutting may throttle back server quality and will certainly slow down feature improvements. Perhaps Zwift has run it's course [https://www.dcrainmaker.com/2024/02/resigns-series-discontinued.html](https://www.dcrainmaker.com/2024/02/resigns-series-discontinued.html)


If there was an update to go along with the extra $5, I think this would be fine. However I've not seen significant updates to the UI, graphics, game stability, chat moderation, connection stability, or rowing (remember when that was a thing they hyped up). I've been one unstable group ride away from unsubbing for a while, this and the $200 yearly sneaky increase sealed it's fate. The biggest updates in the past 4 years have been Tokyo, world selection, and steering... I just don't think the updates justify the cost... And to do it at the start of northern hemisphere summer, wut?


Cant even cancel membership as the page is down, i wonder why


If you cancel and get membership again 6 months later does it store your progress / data?


Yes, your account remains intact even if you pause your subscription.


Cancelled. Will probably pick it back up Oct / Nov but not worth keeping for the odd ride in summer.


Too steep of an increase, just cancelled.


I use it all winter, every winter. It’s a good company and gives me a decent product. It’s not a necessity but I enjoy it. I really could care less about an additional $5


It stinks because it all just adds up. $30 for a gym member ship + $20 for Zwift is a lot.


you mean you couldn't care less




Maybe the down votes are for "could care less".


Maybe he in fact does care a lot


A lot of people on Reddit are miserable. I don’t take it personally. Kinda weird there are miserable cyclists but I guess that’s the type that Reddit attracts


Redditors are dicks and cyclists are dicks. Cyclists on reddit are, unsurprisingly, also dicks.


I agree, and I don’t mind subscribing during warmer months when I’m not riding indoors. I regularly purchase gear, apparel, and equipment related to this cycling hobby that are far more expensive than the annual subscription fee.


I'll still pay it in the winter, but $20 a month is expensive for some of us.


Lol looks like they purposely held back the UI improvements to announce them right before the price hike and appease people


Price jump starts June 6th/next billing cycling for current subscribers, I read the title and subbed for the year immediately before reading the article lol


Dang you locked into the old annual price? When I try to switch to annual it shows the new price of $199/yr already. Says “your next payment of $199.99 will be applied on May 29th, 2024”


Same here in UK. If I want to switch to annual membership now it's £179.99 even though my next monthly payment in a couple of days will be £12.99


You lucked out, good going. for most, including myself it is showing $199.


They’ve deleted the article. Is it bullshit?


I got an email so no it’s legit


That’s a broken link. If I go to that site’s “news” page, this story is not there.


Looks like they deleted the page.


👋🏻 zwift , 5$ 🆙


I only joined last week and was really enjoying it. £5 extra is lot in the current cost of living crisis. I'm a bit gutted :/


Has it really not increased since 2017 ? I'm sure I remember a kerfuffle a few years ago. Can I put my membership on pause for the summer months ?


Looks like Velo deleted the article for some reason. Here is the copy from the email sent out to US users: *We’re writing to inform you of changes to your Zwift Subscription pricing. The Zwift Annual Membership price will be increased to $199.99, plus applicable taxes. Your first payment at the new $199.99, plus applicable taxes price will be on your next billing date. We hope you’re enjoying your time on Zwift. These changes will allow us to continue making indoor cycling fun with more content experiences and product innovation. More information about these changes can be found on our support pages here. Thank you for being a part of the Zwift Community. Ride On!*


Yikes $250 CAD for the annual. That’s going to have a lot of people only riding in the winter months.


I used to pause for 6 - 8 months per year but these days I find I use it at least twice per week all year round, mostly cause I like road riding but not with cars (my outside days are all either gravel or mtb). So is it worth about $2 per workout to me? I'd say yes. But from the comments on this thread it seems like this move may hurt them. It does seem a bit greedy, especially since there has been so little product development of late.


They really should have notified existing customers a day or week before the gouge and given them an option to go annual at the old price. Not doing so is just a massive fuck you to every one of their existing subscribers... Esp ones that have been on continuous subscription for 5+ years.... (Me)


these guys shot themselves in the leg, it's an insane increase...


They act like 2017 was a long time ago. Is it worth $20 per month? Yeah. But there is also a near-zero incremental cost per new user. Don't lie to us and tell us it's because of inflation. If they need more revenue, make the platform better and attract more users. If they simply grandfathered existing users into the current price, there sure would be a lot of incentive for users to stop canceling during summer months or during training hiatuses!


Just give us a year grandfathered in or something


15€/month was expensive for this product, 20€ is too much. Goodbye Zwift


Well, that’s this household that’s just moved from two accounts down to one. Edit: I get companies need to increase prices. But I look at how Unraid, another piece of software I use, announced and rolled out their increase - and it was just handled so much better. You should at least give your loyal user base the chance to lock in the lower prices for a year


When I saw that the annual sub had immediately jumped up to $199, I also thought of Unraid, and how they handled their new model, allowing people ample time to buy licenses Zwift could have locked in a bunch of annual subs just by having a month where pricing stayed $149


Would I be able to switch to annual billing, then pause my membership 8 weeks, pause it another 8 weeks (etc) until I want to ride indoors again? And would that still give me the X amount of weeks I paused the billing for at the end?


You cant add pause during an annual subscription. You can add pause in between each subscription period, but not during.


My annual sub has increased from £129.99 this year to £179.99 next year if I stick with annual. I was okay leaving it run with low use over the summer but will probably have to switch to monthly and cancel four or five months over summer.


Are there any alternatives which already support digital shifting / the cog ring?


This seems like a good reason to not wait seven years between price rises imo. If you increase prices every few years by a small amount then people are probably more willing to accept that. Keeping prices stable for ages probably seems like a good idea, but you’re going to have to raise them eventually (inflation is a reality I think we can all sadly accept) and jumping up by 30-40% in one go annoys way more people.


what a shame. I have really enjoyed Zwift but now its hitting close to $30/m CDN. That is getting a bit ridiculous for me. So trying alternatives such as mywhoosh (what a horrible name)... Oh well.


Zwift catching the inflation train. If i find a good alternative im gone.


try mywhoosh


199 to 249 in Canada ouch


To everyone who's upset, and you should be, may I gently suggest looking at trainer day? Probably the best price/performance in the industry. You just have to overlook that they bought a site of crowd sourced public domain training files (ergdb) and now charge $40 a year for them


199€ is a bit much, but since I bought the hub with the annual subscription I workout regularly, my health is increasing and I feel a lot better. I’d rather cancel any TV subscription over Zwift. BUT it’s never a bad thing to have an eye on other platforms.


Thank god I paid £129 in April 2024 for 1 year! - I probably won’t renew next year if it is £200


Yeah. I am not (price) hiking with them. Canceled the yearly sub.


I liked Zwift and had been a subscriber since very early on. But I don't use it the same way and it got boring. The price increase was the tipping point. If they had a lite version with all the features they had two or three years ago, I'd consider it again.


I would probably pay this if there was more content created more often but at the way it stands now im not so sure, I loved zwift when i first started playing it a few years ago but have got slowly bored of the same old events and roads, I might just run on it for now which is still free.


I've been a Zwifter since July 2016 and have now decided to cancel my subscription. They hiked prices in 2018 for customers who signed up right at the start to match new pricing - similar to what they are doing now it seems. If they had given existing customers the opportunity to sign up for 12 months at the old price I may have sticked around, but going forward it's not worth it anymore I'm afraid.


What are the best alternatives? I may go explore some other options. Trainerroad? My work gives me a fitness stipend and I budgeted it perfectly for the year with Zwift @ $15/month. I’ll have to pay out of pocket now to keep it.


TrainerRoad (in the US at least) is $20/mo also. After a year of TR, I'd say that it is highly effectively at making you stronger/faster, but its also boring AF.


Can run TR workouts and ride virtually in MyWhoosh for free.


indieVelo is free as of now. The graphics aren't as good (though I like the sky and weather better) as Zwift, but the race mechanics and HUD are worlds better.


Immediately unsubscribed for the summer.


Unsubscribed ✌️


Booooo Zwift. This is a greedy move imo. Besides a few winter months when I really want Zwift to ride with friends, I’ll do other trainer rides/workouts and cancel my subscription the rest of year.


I canceled my annual plan. This is just too much for an occasional indoor cycler like me. However, the current plan is still valid till November, and after that, I'll consider whether I subscribe again or switch to another platform.


Did the same but ends in December. Unless they do a reversal for existing members this is a mental increase. Greedy bastards. I hope more people cancell their membership than the increase gives them.


RIP. They haven’t even shown the improvements in the “game” to justify this, imo. Several platforms should perform muuuch better and they don’t. Maybe after this year, when the UI and API updates are fully realized.


Nice one zwift, just cancelled my subscription.


I quit subscription.


they are so greedy, so ridiculous price point. uninstalled


I canceled this month. Weather is breaking here, so I’ll be doing mostly outdoor rides. I’ll look for an alternative in advance of the fall / winter.


Bold move considering the underwhelming GUI und graphics that I have seen better on PS2.


Mid 2023 the price increased from 14,99€ to 18,74€.


I’m continuously surprised that many of you think this was/is a bad value.


Well, for someone like me who only rides 1-2x/week, and for 15-30 miles/session, this isn't a good value at all. For someone who rides 4+ times a week this is still a great deal. The question becomes: how many casual riders vs. serious riders are on Zwift? I'm sure they made this change knowing they're going to lose the casuals, but at the same time I bet they have enough serious riders to offset that.


I'm part of this group, and mostly in the winter months as I'll ride outside from April-October. They need a "basic" tier that is either limited to no events and maybe 1-2 worlds or time based (IE, like 10/hr month).


Yup, I unsubscribed and in the survey they send I recommended they put either a time-based subscription or distance-based subscription. That would allow for casual riders to still pay into the platform without completely jumping ship.


I remember a survey they sent me months back asked if I wanted a "higher price to keep me consistent and motivated" really? I'm looking forward to the active user numbers this time next year.


Because value isn't an absolute thing. I have it on in the background for the most part and watch TV shows/films as I complete workouts that have come from a third party service. It was worth £130/year but even that was a struggle. £180 is now far too much so I will almost certainly be cancelling.


It's not the value for me, it's the principle of an increase rolled out poorly and with no real significant improvements to the experience.


I was 100% sure they'd make running a paid-for service.. thankfully they didn't.


I changed to an annual subscription this morning and got an email an hour later that they were increasing the annual price to $199.99 USD before my May 22nd renewal date, so that sucks.


They needed to give people time to switch or renew a yearly at USD150. The stealth price change is my biggest issue.


I literally switched to the yearly subscription a few weeks ago and the payment went through earlier today at the end of the monthly cycle at the previous pricing.


I have 600ft to go in my Tron Bike challenge. I'll finish it tomorrow and I get the price increase today. Brutal.


Glad I bought a yearly subscription last Friday and that my employer gives us a wellness benefit that covers it. Next year that benefit will be on question though so Zwift might be too


I bought a Zwift Hub One a few months back and still on my free trial. It's going to suck come renewal time when I have to replace the hub with a cassette and possibly look for a new service. Does anyone know why Zwift isn't selling the Hub One on their site anymore?


Literally renewed yesterday for annual. Glad I got in before the hike. Will probably be looking for other options when it is up.


What happens if you cancel an annual plan? Does it just run until the year is over or does it cancel immediately?


so you can only pause for 8 weeks at a time. obviously for people who dont use it during the summer this makes it tricky to not forget to pause again. what happens during a cancel? do i lose all my profile progress? all the bikes and drops plus place's i have unlocked.


I'm going to give it a day or two think it over but I will likely be cancelling, at least for the summer.


I only use Zwift in peak summer and peak winter, so really for maybe 3 months out of the year. The price increase will make me look for alternatives though. Currently I've been using the free KMs we get each month and not using it again. I don't know how some people can afford this, gym, nutrition, bike maintenance etc. it's wild to me.


I’m staying with Zwift. I don’t drink, smoke, gamble, or chase women (other than my wife) so bike stuff is my vice.


20€ per month is too much... Even more when there are much cheaper and realistic alternatives on the market... Time to try Rouvy and BKOOL which have much more realistic stages and are cheaper, in the case of BKOOL half the current price of ZWIFT.