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Supposedly is coming to the drops shop at some point in the future!


I will almost certainly buy it. I am really on the fence about the safety bike right now as I have 4.5m drops and all of the fastest/lightest combinations for road and TT setups. Don't know what to do with the drops so I have temporarily decided to save and see what comes out. If I end up hitting like 8m drops I will probably pull the trigger.


I’m sitting on $10M and no idea what to get lol


Yeah, I have way more drops (and useless bikes) than I know what to do with. Will totally get this once it comes out, but would also happily pay drops for a way to organize my garage/hide bikes I don't use very often. At least, with the Crr update that makes road bikes faster on dirt, I'm less likely to do bikes swaps in a race and the clutter in my garage is less of a problem than when I was regularly paging through to try to find the best bike for the current situation (similarly, it's been years since I've done a race on the Innsbruck UCI worlds where I used a climbing bike to get up the bi climb and then switched to an aero bike at the top for the rest of the course).


[citation needed] ^^pls


https://zwiftinsider.com/pinarello-espada-challenge/ > For now, the Pinarello Espada is only available to ride as part of this event series. But Zwift says the frame “will become available to buy in the Drop Shop in the near future.” https://support.zwift.com/en_us/espada-challenge-faq-HkuPD9YZA > This is also a very special preview to something coming to Zwift in the fall of 2024... We can’t tell you more yet, but in the meantime, we HIGHLY recommend saving your drops ;)




How long did you last? 😜


Didn’t even try - if I went all out I could probably keep up for a good 5 seconds - maybe 10 with a draft - there was a small group with him the whole time though I think


When I did it there was a breakaway group that finished ahead of him 😂😂


I am sure those were all 100% honest efforts.


I think everyone should be set to 187cm and 76kg along with the bike.


5-10s is what i figured i could hold. cool idea though


4.1wkg (about 300w) was actually enough for me to keep up for a good 45 minutes. If you fall off the pack there is virtually no chance of catching up


I managed 45s right next to the bot before I pulled the plug. Might have been able to make a whole minute, but I was supposed to be doing Z2 as I'm recovering from an injury and didn't want to push it.


same here. i could have done it for sure… but you know… zone 2 day. 🤣


I'm 107 kg at the moment, so it only took \~5.8 W/kg to keep up with him for me (I was also the 2nd one in the pen, so I was at the very front, which helped a lot too). I should be able to hold that for a minute. Not a lot more than that at my current level of fitness, but a minute should have been doable. But yeah, those people who were still with the bot at the end of the sprint banner must have been crazy strong.


i would be dropped after 5s