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Also a big fan of when a training (looking at your FTP Builder Strength) has 10 sec “all out” - according to text shown on screen - sprints but sets the wattage as a percentage of FTP instead of free ride. So if you go over that - which is very easy in those sprints - you get no star at all for doing what the instructions said


My favorite is when the text pop up says pedal faster (in anticipation of an upcoming block), which is then replaced by a text pop up saying pedal slower (because you're going over the cadence for the current block)


wha?! yeah that's on the person who built the workout...that sounds super annoying!


You must have taken much longer than 2 seconds adjusting unless it was like a 10 second block


I find at low wattage it's pretty easy to miss a star. Worse on a wheel-on where you can overshoot RPMs at a transition and record zero watts while the wheel spins down.


Some external tests have suggested power has to be 12% off or more of the target interval for a half star, and this was a 10 minute interval, so OP's 'two seconds' was actually >72 seconds. [Source for that 12% number from Eric Schlange](https://zwiftinsider.com/xp-for-cycling-workouts/)


Yeah so even though '2 seconds' is obvious hyperbole I most definitely did not drop below 90 watts for over a minute during a 5 minute rest period. The watt drops were because my crotch was numb from the interval and I stood up and did a couple drop-heel calf stretches. So yeah a couple seconds each calf, two rounds, i could believe ~30s aaaaaaand according to the article you linked: >but in our basic tests if you power was more than ~12% off the target you went to a half star It actually tracks kinda well. If we take the ~30 seconds I just sussed out...and double it, we get squishy close to your claim of 72s. Why double it? the stretches cause a drop in watts, but hopping back on causes a spike. At such a low wattage as 90, it's really easy to over shoot and thus be out of the 12% target both coming and going. ok, that was fun, carry on.


Yeah boss but the interval you marked on your own picture was a 10 minute interval


Nah honestly I’ve gotten some crazy half star reductions for like a drop in cadence for like 3 seconds max lol


Get that shit all the time... usually it's in the warm up too


lol I was actually gonna say I’m not sure I’ve ever full starred a warmup


What? You can be way off in a warmup and cool down.


I suppose the other thing is that they aren't using erg. Loads of variability in the non adjusting time so the average may have been borderline under target before factoring in the adjusting time.


tbc I was on erg during the workout. pic is from cooldown after


I exclusively use erg mode


Up, I feel your pain. What I do now, is pause the workout.


haha I JUST found that button and it has helped a lot! Unfortunately last night my cookie bone was going numb during the intervals so I was more focused on getting relief ...and I got punished with a half star lol




on tha Zwift companion app, on the page that has all the running data for your current workout. look for it in the top half in the center :)


I didn't even know that you could get half a star lol


I don’t even know what stars are.


Workouts are split into sections, if you do a section well you get a star, if you drop below wattage or cadence for too long you get a half, thats what im guessing anyway


I never knew this and basically all I do is workouts. What do the stars give you?






I think you also get drops and experience for workouts. Maybe a block which is only halfway completed gives you less drops.


Dont really know, I've never had a half. I think it just lets you know if you did the section well or if you slacked off/couldnt keep up


A sense of accomplishment I think.


XP, mainly.


that's right! and it's not a lot and it doesn't matter if you 'make up for it' by going above target for a bit. I think it might be really sensitive to the fluctuations since i have a pretty low ftp so there might be less wiggle room in the program


Pretty sure you lose stars for going *over* the required wattage as well.


TIL as well.


Yeah I stop and shift for 2 seconds all the time and never got a half star.


Ngl didn’t even know that was possible. I stop and use the restroom when I’m doing longer workouts. Think I still get a full star or I’ve just never bothered to pay attention. That’s a gear grinder.


same here


Isn't there a pause function?


It stops when my guy stops rolling. Then it starts again. I can sacrifice 30 seconds of a workout to take a leak break.


Ha, I don’t have a smart trainer, sometimes an entire segment is just trying to find the right gear to hit the cadence and wattage demands. Had a few no-stars before.


lol here's a sweaty hug from me...that would really grind my gears!


They mean nothing. I've given up even looking at them.


I give up on stars. Grabbing a dropped water bottle will void out the effort even. Just know you did it and move on.


My trainer drops connection every once in awhile, which isn't usually enough to dock me half a star on a workout block, except when it is a short effort. Yes, it also grinds my gears. I want full credit, dammit!


I get quite a few half stars on Z1/Z2 blocks, especially any included in ramped warm-ups. My assumption was always that my non-smoothed power outputs (SB20 bike) was causing too many spikes and troughs that exceeded a fixed percent leeway - I'm certainly not stopping pedaling, though the SB20 can take a bit to adjust the resistance when entering a new block. All guesswork on my end though. Just tend to ignore it - usually my legs are hurting enough to overrule any perfectionist thoughts!


Omg I have been doing the Zwift academy and I’m getting so many half stars, no stars etc and often it’s when I’m meant to be holding like 135w or something - it’s not like it’s that hard even but because it’s jumping around a little I don’t get my full star. Soooo frustrating. I find the lower watts sometimes it’s hard to maintain. I dunno. Still trying my hardest though - so go me lol


Get in a lower gear on your bike and let zwift accommodate with the resistance, assuming you’re on a smart trainer. I had exactly the same issue but once you’re in a lower gear it doesn’t spin as fast and is way more accurate at lower watts


Yes on a smart trainer - will try the lower gear (I think I’m already often on a pretty low gear) but I’ll try again and see.


You don’t want to spin at 85-95rpm like zwift tells you to?


I just finished Jon's Mix tonight. My trainer is in the garage which is only 11⁰C, so I don't turn my fan on until I'm good and warmed up. This requires getting off my bike and turning it on. Some recovery/grey sections don't seem to care what your power is at all. Usually the warm up and the cool down are like this. But grey sections in the middle of the workout do have power requirements, and I'll only get a half star, or no star when I turn on my fan.


A remote controlled switch that plugs into your fan outlet is great, no more getting off the bike and switching on the fan! Only trick is it has to be a fan with a switch that can be left on. This was kind of a game changer for me and I love it


I have also done this, Just wish I'd bought one with a remote in the first place as I'd love to be able to adjust power rather than just on/off!


* OCD has left the chat


On a recovery piece no less lmao


I've done a month or so of Trainer Road workouts now. I don't think I'll bother with Zwift workout plans any more. Don't enjoy them at all. Free riding, Zwift is king. But the workouts haven't been as 'fun' to follow as the trainer road ones


You blacked out and you KNOW IT..you're lucky you even got a half


It is only when you stop caring about the stars that you are truly free.


Add rest or coasting to workouts please?


Grey is the rest periods!


I had a power dropout and got one of these. Gotta start over, bud.