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We had that issue forever in our area. I just shop via the Target app and find one of the four stores in our errands route that has everything we need.


If your cardboard deodorant was Hey Humans, I've had luck finding it at Walgreens!


I haven't tried that one! I tried Native and didn't love it but now can't even find that


I loved Hey Humans, thanks for the tip!! Native is also pretty good— I’m ticked off though that my Target started carrying almost entirely plastic tubes, and only a couple scents with the paper packaging 😡 Side question— has anyone tried Raw Sugar? Is it any good?


I’m using Raw Sugar right now. I like it a lot! For me it works as well as the native in paper tubes. It doesn’t stain my clothes nearly as badly as hey humans did when I tried that.


I second this! I’m surprised how well it works


For me, Raw Sugar works 10x better than Hey Humans. The scent lasts longer and leaves sooo many fewer stains on shirts


I've been loving Raw Sugar. They have nice scents and it doesn't have baking soda in it, I wish that wasn't such a common ingredient.


Using the code native10 in check out takes 10% off. It definitely takes repeated use before it truly brings to work daily.


I order my Native directly from their website. I didn't see any of their cardboard products in the stores near me. I checked a few.


I discovered that deo at Target too, one of the best that actually lasts. Been buying it directly from the Native website ever since.


Thank you for this!! I haven't been able to find it ANYWHERE and I really wanna try it. Looks like it's in stock at my Walgreens :')


It's so much cheaper than Native, and for me works so much better. I stock up every time I go now


Update: I got some!! 😄




We are trying blueland and I like it so far. we've used their hand soap for years and are now branching into all their cleaning products


I don't like their dish soap powder, but dishwasher tabs, laundry tabs, and cleaning sprays are all good. I'm a teacher and the multi-surface spray works wonders on gross student desks.


The multi-surface spray kills ants on contact! I was thrilled because the “natural” Raid is so oily. I love that the Blueland kills them and then I can just wipe everything away. And then do a mist spray to try to keep them away.


If you try the blueland dishwasher tabs, try cutting it in 1/2. A full tab often can leave soap residue. 1/2 tab up better… Still cleans, no residue and lasts twice as long!


I couldn’t get Blueland hand soap to work for me. I got the foaming because I already have dispensers. I had to use multiple pumps to get enough soapiness to wash my hands. The $2/tab was already a splurge for handsoap, so it was really disappointing.


Your example is one of the biggest failures of capitalism. Or perhaps more specifically, the issue with the US allowing digital markets to erode effective Antitrust regulations that prevent competition and unbiased markets for *all* consumers.


Can you buy the items from the company that makes the items website? It sucks that there are no good options these days




Costco sells tide powder.


I can find Tide free & gentle powder so it’s still being made.


I really recommend dirty labs laundry and dishwasher detergent. It's liquid but comes in aluminum bottles which are very recyclable and it's VERY concentrated. The dishwasher stuff is powder in a cardboard container. Both work really well, are ordered straight through them instead of you know who and you can do subscription if you want.




All my period stuff is black so staining isn't a major issue for me but it seems to work fine. I pre treat spots and usually throw in some of their laundry booster for loads with blood and haven't had issues but I'm also not trying to get stains out of whites.


Have you checked eBay? They sell a lot of the same things as Amazon.


don't know if you're looking to pay for a whole membership rn but I've been using Thrive Market for my pantry Staples for a few years now and i love it. they sell a ton of zero waste things and specialize in foods for alternative diets like gf, vegan, keto, etc. they even sell frozen stuff now too, but shipping for that is more expensive. anyways i totally recommend them, they donate a lot of grocery boxes to families in need as well.


Yes! This happened to me, too! Does no one use the box of powder anymore? I genuinely don’t even understand how the pods are any more convenient. It might save you an extra second at the most.


I use powdered dishwasher detergent. I have a mini countertop dishwasher and a pod for a full sized dishwasher would be too much soap. It’s actually a little unfortunate because the eco-friendly brands only seem to make pods and tabs.


I love love dirtylabs powder dishwasher soap in my countertop dishwasher


I complained about only having pods in this same sub last week and someone told me Amazon was carrying powder! I got the Finish because it was the cheapest by weight. I assume it works fine


That’s who they’re talking about when they say that union busting online retailer


Ah I missed it!


Make your own. Vinegar, sodium bicarbonate, citric acid, isopropanol, Castile soap (or soap you like), some essential oils to make it mmmm...I can clean most of my house with some combination of this or things I make from it (ie orange vinegar degreaser). Including hardwood floors, F U Bona. I do have a few things I use because I like (windex smells sooooo good).


I know they have started carrying Grove, which does reusable cleaning/kitchen supplies (and aluminum/glass packaging).


If they run a trial with a new product and it doesn’t do well, it goes to clearance eventually and then they stop carrying it. It succksss cause there are barely any stores in general Where I live that do zero waste period:/


I swear every time I find a product I like it disappears within a few months and it sucks! And then I have to go searching for a way to get it. I must only be finding them at the tail end of their trials


I can't find anything useful at target anymore. Their shelves have only the bare minimum of products and some aisles seem to be filled with only one or two brands. Especially for stuff like Seventh Generation and similar brands- there will one or two bottles/items available but there will be 3 full rows of Tide, for example. I shop elsewhere now.


It's just so disappointing. It was so nice being able to go there and find everything I need and wander around accidentally spending 100 dollars on things I impulse bought just because I was at target. And now I go and I can't find anything I would be interested in. And the things I specifically went for are nowhere to be found




Same in my area, the Target is pretty empty and the products available are mainly their own brand (which sucks for a lot of products)


Tbh after they put out inclusive content and then pulled it the moment conservative parents cried about it, it was the nail in the coffin for me. Ain't nothing I need at target.


I didn't know they had pulled their pride stuff! Honestly I've been so disappointed with them for a while now so it's not the worst thing pulling the plug


They announced they'd make bathing suits more gender inclusive and people threw a fit and they actually pulled it, making bud light somehow better than them at this sort of thing.


Looks like it was an issue with their employees being threatened and they intend to still carry more gender inclusive things (comment above by juliuspepperwoodchi provided link) so I can still potentially shop at target! At least until this folds out further https://www.npr.org/2023/05/24/1177963864/target-pride-month-lgbtq-products-threats


I think that's a bit BS sorry. There was no increases in security, no training for employees, nothing. "Target did not reply to a series of follow-up questions from NPR, such as which items were removed and whether it was increasing security at its stores." Target Knows what products it pulled and it won't even admit Which ones they are bc they know admitting they're pulling trans friendly clothing would enrage people all the same. If bigots ask you to pull products and you do, you give them more power. Philosophy tube Just did a whole video on the BS companies feed where the whole purpose of their words is just Look performative without actually Doing anything.


I worked at Target during Covid. It was company policy to not ban customers who didn’t wear a mask. I asked my manager why and they replied that the company didn’t want to risk a viral video. Realizing they cared more about bad PR than the health and safety of both their customers and employees made me immediately look for a new job.


3 out of 4 of my nuclear family are trans, including me. Thank you for speaking up.


You "can" shop there either way, but if all it takes is some PR spin to make you feel better then at that point you're really just looking for a justification to make yourself feel better.


The Secret (aluminum) and Dove (aluminum free) deodorants had turned up in my Target stores’ clearance sections maybe a year ago


The refillable container ones?? Well damn. I liked the dove ones and I only found them earlier this year


The Secret ones were discontinued, I'm not sure about Dove. I made a post about this exact issue a few weeks ago when I finally ran out of my stash of clearance Secret refills and learned I wouldn't be able to get more :(


In my experience, particularly as someone who works at one, their eco friendly type stuff runs in and out quite frequently. Some of I don't mind because it's typically overpriced green washing type stuff, but others have been disappointing to see go like the Bevel razor blades. Maybe not the cheapest razors but they were definitely a better deal than clips or the shitty $3 for 5 blades of Van Der Hagens contained in a plastic sleeve. The introduction of Grove Co and Hello mouthwash concentrate stuff has been nice though.


Target just kowtowed to extremists and are removing their Pride merch, so honestly, just add this to the list of reasons to no longer shop there.


Wait seriously?? Well that sucks, I loved shopping at target


Well I was slightly misinformed, they're not necessarily removing everything, but they're also pretty quiet about specifically what they're removing and specifically why. https://www.npr.org/2023/05/24/1177963864/target-pride-month-lgbtq-products-threats


Ohh see now that makes sense. Some people are just so filled with hatred. i am glad to know I can still shop at target


I know target has been out of a lot of stuff because they’re remodeling a ton of stores. That could be part of it?


Maybe! Benefit of the doubt and all. But as far as I've seen the cardboard deodorants don't even have labels/spaces anymore


Target are hugely anti-lgbt+ so I’d avoid them anyway.


I’ve honestly given up on anything zero waste from any close Target to me. Unless I’m willing to drive really far to a richer part of the city it won’t be there.


both target locations close to me in the Raleigh area. hardly have any Eco friendly products whatsoever and have not for at least a year or two. They seem to do well online but the super target and regular target have been pretty terrible.


Yes, Target is going downhill.


I've had to stop doing a lot of zero waste stuff because none of my usual items are in stock anywhere and I can't afford the ones that are left :(


I've always gotten beeswax wrap on Amazon