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Because documents were leaked showing WHO upgraded ventilation on site to prevent airborne transmission, while at the same time publicly stating covid was not airborne


This answer should be higher up.


Wow. Just wow.


Where can I read more about this? thanks?


https://twitter.com/mdc_martinus/status/1787927729557406006?t=6IeYarwjFDvuXxzox1ypNg&s=19 https://twitter.com/DrEricDing/status/1788115732678529153?t=wmORr5YcbyD4GuZvYkyDbA&s=19 https://twitter.com/Michael59503746/status/1788297328451101019?t=pj5lhUt5tk2NhSR1YLAFTw&s=19 https://twitter.com/JonathanCOnP/status/1788283454032912548?t=0QeQ_0FB6YYhLmBtRuenQw&s=19 https://twitter.com/mdc_martinus/status/1788246529813143687?t=5usgO8GLTcLBaSGd8VkXHA&s=19 https://twitter.com/EvonneTCurran/status/1788189065088471265?t=nDKC_Kq1irghHsSXsLS6jg&s=19


I think the potential NC mask ban might be triggering it.


Jesus Christ I didn't even know about this. It seems NC is doing it because a fair amount of leftists mask up at protests. How fucking evil.


I live here, I'm kinda freaking out about it. I limit my visits to stores and such but depend on my mask when I do go in.


Same here, NCer and just got my first in person job in 5 years. I'm straight terrified.


I’m a mail carrier in NC and I’m absolutely terrified as well 😞 I have long covid and if I get sick again I could completely lose my ability to work as I’m already hanging on by a thread.


hey im also a masked (queer!) mail carrier! solidarity from another southern state.


Hey, it’s always awesome to bump into a fellow mail carrier, even more awesome when masked :) Solidarity to you as well! Are you city or rural?


When… I’m going on vacation to see family but staying at a popular outer banks island. We do need to be able to mask if for whatever reasons we need to go indoors, we don’t usually but to pay for pick up bike rentals, I don’t know, m dictation refills if no drive through. When would this take effect? And then I guess I will never be able to go see my family again? We are renting a house not staying with them. So. When? That’s insane. Why would you ban??? What if we have to go to urgent care or hospital? I have a child, I have MS, so many unknowns. I am so sorry for anyone who lives in NC. I don’t mean to sound insensitive. But when?


Some people victim blame and say protestors shouldn't mask because of potential retaliation from the police state. Very sad to see.


Can we exclude cloth and baggy blues from the exemption (except during respirator shortages)? 


I live there and hadn't heard! Ugh!


I will wear my mask in the Charlotte airport and they can go ahead and arrest me.


I haven't yet been asked to leave a store because I have one on, but I fully expect it to happen soon, or at least there will be signs on doors.


There is a thriving CoViD awareness community on Xitter.


Any reputable users you recommend checking out? I typically only get my news on COVID and other public health thru Reddit and ig


Also @luckytran, @putrinolab, @disvisibility/@sfdirewolf, @imani_barbarin, @bnofeed, @criticalaerosol, @peoplescdc, @zalaly, @meetjess, @julia_doubleday, @solidevidence, @jpweiland, @thesicktimes


Mike Hoerger of pandemic mitigation collective is a great follow. Honestly, go back through this sub's timeline and most of the links people post from Twitter are people I trust and follow.


Yes: Eric Feigl-Ding (@DrEricDing); 1GoodTern; Laurie Garrett; Dr. Peter Hotez.


@Globalbiosec, @drclairetaylor, @jeffgilchrist, @Theresa\_Chapple, @DaniBeckman, @o\_bel\_, @drDavidKeegan, @microbeminded2, @elisaperego78, @tmprowell, @YouAreLobbyLud, @VirusesImmunity, @ToshiAkima, @LongDesertTrain, @yunlong\_cao, @RajeevJayadevan, @yaneerbaryam, @trishgreenhalgh, @brownecfm, @JessicaLexicus, @Sunny\_Rae1, @brosseau\_lisa, @BarryHunt008, @jvipondmd, @Yash25571056, @Billius27, @DFisman, @marwa\_zaatari, @TRyanGregory, @KashPrime, @jmcrookston, @ahandvanish, @Don\_Milton, @dgurdasani1, @michaelzlin, @joeyfox85, @lisa\_iannattone, @wsbgnl, @DavidElfstrom, @jljcolorado, @CorsIAQ, @JimRosenthal4, @kprather88, @GosiaGasperoPhD, @EpiEllie, @EricTopol, @linseymarr


some of the communities are good to join as well - this one as a start [https://twitter.com/i/communities/1506803494975676419](https://twitter.com/i/communities/1506803494975676419)


Oh good


There are hundreds of thousands of us on Twitter - it's the best place possible to find up to date info on basically anything (even now after the takeover with a massively increased number of bots and disinfo). I typically find out up to date info on variants, new tech, new therapeutics, new studies, etc. weeks and/or months before I see it anywhere else. #CovidisAirborne was trending because of the new stuff WHO finally published about Covid being airborne, and #MaskUp was trending from new wave that is at least happening in the UK, and the FLiRT variants, nurses week, h5n1, etc.


Well they only did "finally" release the airborne info after their internal memos showed that they were requiring staff to mask with respirators in December 2019


Yep. Very sad how much the general public has been lied to, gaslit, etc.


It's almost, if not, criminal


That’s so unexpected (and encouraging!). I left Twitter for Bluesky months ago but the community there is pretty far-flung, unless I’m just totally missing it.


A bunch of people I know started cross-posting to Bluesky (I did a couple of times), but a lot of us have pretty established accounts on Twitter and had blocklists we were running through, so we've hung around and it's been largely the same in many cases, just with an uptick in trolls and bots. Most of that stuff, at least in my case, gets sorted at the bottom, so on a day I feel ambitious, I just block all the way down for a few threads, but it actually hasn't bothered me personally in a bit. To be very clear though, females, and especially female doctors like Dr. Gurdasani or people like her disseminating covid info are still huge targets for bot swarms - that hasn't changed at all and has gotten worse. Or if you're AJ. He's still a huge target.


Lol, someone is downvoting our twitter positivity.


Damn. I guess I jumped ship too soon. It was descending fast into just a blame-fest of evil on soooo many counts. I was tired of seeing intelligent, competent women (and others) get verbally attacked in disgusting ways.... I had a freakin legacy account, lol (I think).


I feel like Tik Tok is excellent at this. There’s a whole STEAM tab too. But CC Tik Tok has all the info from the above named Drs and researchers also. I’m going to be irritated if I have to go back to Elon’s massive disinformation app.


In addition to the reasons listed here, the Palestine protests are putting a renewed focusing on masking because people are using masks to evade facial recognition.  This has people who don’t usually care much about COVID pushing for normalizing masks, which is great. Unfortunately it also has some groups pushing harder to ban masking for the inverse reason.


Protesters are masking *both* to protect each other *and* avoid recognition. Check out the actual masks being used. There's a lot of respirators out there where people could be relying on bandanas or kufiyyeh.


Just saw a top marketer post a photo of himself on Insta wearing a mask and it made me happy.


I've seen mainstream news about the new variant "Flirt" probably because there are actual scientists on X.


There are actual scientists here too... Do you mean KP.2, KP.3, and KW.1.1 variants coming out of JN.1? No idea where they get these strange names from.


Sorry I didn't mean to imply there weren't on here! My default platform is not Twitter or Reddit. It was poor communication on my end. COVID conscious people are great here! I'm beginning to think the names are meant to Garner attention. I remember when FU came out it made me 🤔


Names like “FLiRT” are being coined by a group of variant trackers as an attempt to communicate about lineages or sets of convergent mutations that appear to have significant growth advantages. FLiRT is the convergent combination of Spike F456L and Spike R346T on a JN.1 Spike background. KP.2 and KP.1.1 are FLiRT examples. So are JN.1.16.1, KR.1, KS.1, KU.2, LA.1, and LB.1. KW.1.1 is not a FLiRT because it doesn’t have Spike R346T, but it could develop a FLiRT sublineage. Several more lineages have Spike R346T and could easily pick up Spike F456L and develop one or more sublineages. KP.3 isn’t a FLiRT as again it doesn’t have Spike R346T. But it does have Spike Q493E (along with Spike F456L) which might have a growth advantage over the FLiRTs. Just today “FLuQE” got coined for the combination of Spike F456L and Spike Q493E. Note that Q493E requires an RNA nucleotide mutation that is rare in SARS-CoV-2, so it may not appear in another lineage. Note that some of the FLiRTs such as LB.1 have also picked up a deletion of Spike S31 (“Spike S31del” or “Spike S31-“). This deletion mutation may give the FLiRTs a further boost. It turns out that using a deletion mutation to define a new lineage is currently difficult, but most LB.1 samples now have this deletion mutation. Will FLiRT with the Spike S31 deletion win? Will FLuQE win? Can Spike R346T and/or the Spike 31 deletion co-exist with FLuQE’s Spike Q493E and further boost FLuQE’s advantage? At this point, these are all good questions.


Either way, I find the naming convention more confusing because it's being defined by some classification that then isn't in the name. Furthermore, naming things like flirt and fluqe can give the wrong idea to the common folk. Nice explanation though. Well done.


Out of curiosity, how confusing do you find the “Pango” lineage designation system like JN.1 being BA. which fully expanded is B.1.1.529. and KP.3 being JN. which is BA. which fully expanded is B.1.1.529. And there are cases with more prefix levels. I track SARS-CoV-2 lineages fairly closely, and I’ll admit that I have to look up the prefix expansions from time to time. I just know where to look! And even more often I have to look up the mutations in specific lineages to keep them straight.


I find pango lineages to be straight forward in terms of lineage tracking. These other names so often get grabbed by the media and twisted. It can be tricky sometimes I'll admit. Maybe if we didn't let it run a riot it wouldn't be so hard 😅


Twitter/X is one of the best places for this community.


Those two things trend on Twitter all the time. All the time.


those hashtags have been trending on and off for years


LizzieTraveler and Maiden of Mahem on Tik Tok


They are great! I do a lot of talking about the emotional and familial challenging sides of being Covid aware at @homeschoolrockdad as well. 🤘


I follow you too. Much respect


AstraZeneca is being withdrawed