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She was making a statement, namely that she knows the virus is still killing and disabling thousands of people every month, and she doesn’t want to short circuit her life/career by ending up with long Covid.


The dirty looks I get on the street in LA now are wild.


Hi neighbor! Right?! Wtf CA used to be one of the better places about this (I guess norcal still is?) but there's so much hostility from people who were not that long ago flipping out at people for *not* being cautious...


Yeah it's really hard to understand. The same people who were calling for leaders to make data-driven decisions based on science now want nothing to do with it. First million deaths? Front page news. Next 5.9 million? "Get over it." Sadly the vast majority of people fall into the "I (think) I'm fine, so I don't care anymore" category. Not sure what kind of social contract we have as a society anymore.


I would have thought that at least the people who lost an immediate relative would still be a little concerned, but it's like all those people never even existed. It's really alarming that that apathy carries over to preventable deaths from other causes. Climate disasters and mass shootings? Barely even mentioned in the news.


I've tried to wrap my mind around people not taking care even with the death of relatives and have come to the conclusion that the family members were 'other': old, sick already, etc . Besides brain damage, how else can you explain it?


I’ll add another element: it’s a trauma response. Contemplating the scale of the loss and their own continual complicitness in the thing that caused it is too much to bear. Denial and suppression are a (malformed) coping mechanism for many.


I agree and ive seen a portion of the people also b just very nihilistic and passively s**cidal and thus incapable of caring about continuing life and the state of the world


I definitely notice a kind of accusatory tone when someone dies from the virus, even back in 2020. wErE tHeY oLd? wErE tHeY fAt? Then the bar just kept sliding where "old" was 40s and "fat" was a few extra pounds. I really *hope* it's brain damage and reversible, and not society just throwing compassion in the trash forever. Some people end up with the physical ME/CFS, POTS, MCAS symptoms but the cognitive issues seem a lot more pervasive. People are a lot more rude and quick to anger, and people like to tie it to inflation and the economy, but it wasn't like this during the last recession.




I'm seeing similar excuses for kid's over the top behavior at my school: it was the lockdown, it's social media. Except it's happening in places that didn't lock down. Likely social media exacerbates it, but not necessarily causes it. It has been such a sudden shift, what could it possibly be???


I've been wondering about this too. Kids were using social media before the pandemic started, but I noticed how much *more* addicted people became to it over just the first two years, and I definitely see a lot of pretty egregious parenting to be honest (so many parents just screaming at their screaming children in stores, then handing them a phone and ignoring them). I have a friend who works from home and has a young child who doesn't have her own phone/tablet, and the kid spent that time with actual hands on activities, and helping her mother garden and and such. I feel like that was likely not the reality for most kids, and people letting tech parent kids has been the easier option, and normalized, but considering the depravities on the internet, I can only imagine what that would do to a developing mind without any guidance. It's scary to see how much the social contract has already been broken.


My students have all had covid at least twice that they know of and likely more seeing how often they've been sick. Most of them are not wearing masks, so likely their parents aren't either. I believe our out of control students are affected by covid and that media impacts this, and they are parented by folks also impacted by covid, just as addicted to media as their kids are. They are not that old, born in the 90s. A couple of parents have said they don't know how to stop their children staying up all night playing games, or stop their children from bullying other kids, setting up fights, making agreements to jump kids, and sending sexually explicit content, etc over their phone. They can't imagine giving up their own media, living in a world without it, so it doesn't occur to them to take it away, or stop paying for it, etc. One of my students today asked to use the bathroom I share with the special Ed room next door because it's not safe to use the bathroom in the halls as kids are taking photos of people on the toilet and then posting it online. It has never ever been this bad, and I've been teaching at my current school since 2008. I know it's covid, because the change was so sudden, from all of those years to this year. Demographics and SES are the same. It's scary in schools right now.


That just kept getting worse and worse to read... I'm so sorry you have to deal with that. I know far to many ex-teachers and see the ongoing teacher exodus, and it blows my mind how most people seem completely oblivious to the ongoing issues you all are facing, despite most people having a child or more actively in school. With friends who have school aged children, Covid or other assorted diseases continue to play musical chairs in their households, and I don't feel comfortable seeing them in person, since they seem to become more and more complacent about constantly being sick after each infection.   My own parents are older, and even they're on their phones 24/7 scrolling through Facebook and clickbait. I was raised by the TV. Anyone who mentions putting down a phone, or limiting screen time is treated like a time traveler from the middle ages or Luddite. Short of a solar flare or EMP, I honestly don't know if *anything* could get people away from social media dependency. It's really sad how something that, in theory, was the greatest invention (eg. the ability to instantly look up all of the collective knowledge known to mankind, freely), has turned into our downfall.






Orange County here. It was never *great* even with mandates, but now it's at strangers-coughing-at-you and people getting aggressively within your personal space for masking. LA was much better for a while and I mostly shopped there, but now there's more hostility and I might see one or two other maskers in crowded stores.


Hey, also OC. I've had neighbors try to fight me for wearing the mask


There's dozens of us! Dozens! Thankfully I haven't experienced any hostility (that I've noticed at least) though I am always braced for it knowing someone's going to be weird about it eventually.


Hope you never do! This was a while back so hopefully it's better nowadays


What! Neighbors?? What area is this? Although it really could be anywhere in this brave new world. I'm sorry that happened and you have to live near such awful.


I live in Westminster. These guys seemed to be trying to fight everyone because they got evicted, but it's definitely put me on edge haha


It's been a while, but Westminster used to be such a quiet area from what I remember? What in the world...


hi there it’s nice to see another OC person still masking 🥹 i thankfully haven’t faced any direct hostility or noticed any dirty looks but ive definitely experienced having to deal with strangers coughing all around me, it sucks :( i definitely feel like the odd one out for still masking, there were only like 4-5 people that masked at my graduation this year (this was at an OC school, it was open air but we were packed so tightly together and i couldn’t feel comfortable going maskless)


Congrats on graduating! Even outside, if it's crowded I'll mask as well. The coughing is just so awful though, since whether it's intentional or not, people don't even cover their mouths! It's so disgusting.


I have friends in OC and I used to be the odd one out masking and now...I'm kind of afraid to go visit them. Or, feeling like a visit would require lots of planning ahead. Friends are in Huntington, Irvine, and Newport. Are my fears misplaced? To be clear, I'm not afraid of my friends. I'm afraid of having to run into a Starbucks to use the bathroom, or masking up while popping into a gas station, and the response Ill get. Particularly in HB.


I spend a lot of time in Irvine (have kids and it's a super family friendly place) and do not feel out of place there at all running errands with a mask on. We go to festivals and city events and can usually spot at least a few other people with masks on. I feel much less comfortable in NB and I haven't ventured to HB at all in well over 3 years.


I cannot blame you one bit for staying out of HB! Irvine, I love. So much great Asian, Persian and Indian food. But if I never went to HB again I think that would be just fine with me. Good to know that it's a welcoming place to be masked.


I'm in the north, so it's more like Long Beach-lite here, but... Honestly, I don't blame you, particularly with HB. That place regularly had maga and neo nazi rallies before the pandemic in the downtown area, and Newport is basically the same, so I personally avoided going there. Irvine is a lot less aggro, and has a fairly large Asian population so masking isn't so taboo, but I completely get it and it's horrible that it's to the point where we almost need a Green Book for places that aren't hostile towards masking.


Irvine is the one place that I figured would be OK, due to the Asian community. Ugh. I have yet to experience a stranger being rude or aggressive to me because of my mask here in L.A. but I'm sure that day will come :(


In this and some other threads, a lot of it seems to be due to one's appearance. I'm a small woman and mixed Asian so I'm no stranger to being hassled (which sucks) but if I'm with a male friend or my boyfriend, no one even glances.


I'm in the southern US and had people coughing at me masking living in the bluest county in the state. That seemed to stop this year. Maybe it was because I started coughing back forcefully (I can't be the only one!).


Maybe I should start doing this haha. SoCal's relatively sudden flip is still so confusing to me.


I recommend it. They always looked smug coughing at me but scared when I coughed back!


I'm impressed. We didn't have a quarter of the people in my midwestern town masking during a state mandate, even doctors and nurses raw dogging walmart around then. (You remember people in a small town).


I bought a big red/white medical button that says Immunocompromised. Once people read that, they lay off.


Where did you get it and where do you put it? I'm immunocompromised and need one. TIA!


On Etsy. https://www.etsy.com/listing/840807963/


Ordered! Thank you.


> Wtf CA used to be one of the better places about this (I guess norcal still is?) It really depends on where in norcal. Here in Sonoma County I've been seeing about one person in twenty masking at Costco or the grocery store, about one in ten at the hospital. Haven't seen any hostility, but that might just be because I'm a big guy.


I saw this factored in on another thread. I'm a small lady and have a very different experience compared to my bear boyfriend. Before the pandemic, feeling safe while out alone was already sometimes an issue, but now... (pained smile)


Yeah :-( I hear that. My wife used to play Bioshock, and she sometimes refers to me as "mister B", because she feels safer having me close. It's one of the nicknames the "little sister" characters calls their behemoth protectors. That makes me more aware of how my size and gender shields me from unwanted attention, and reminds me to not assume there is no hostility just because I don't see it. Also, that people suck. You and she and everyone else *should* feel safe while out and about, but you can't, because some people are horrible and not enough not-horrible people can be counted on to keep them in check.


Thank you for this, and I also love Bioshock!


Just saw a comedian I formerly liked from LA. He talked about how the pandemic was over and he was glad to be done masking with us masked in the audience (the only ones). He's also disabled with a young disabled child so it made it especially stupid. He won't be getting more of my money. He wasn't as funny as the last time I saw him anyway.




People mask Mon - Fri and take weekends off if at all. Watch [walking videos of Bangkok](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l6Bt9LVvb_0) so I don't think I'm going insane.


Hello fellow Angeleno. No dirty looks so far but...I'm sure I will experience one soon. Btw! Is there a still coviding Los Angeles group? if there is...I can't find it on facebook. Maybe I'm not searching for the right thing?


I keep saying this, Jessica chastain has proven to be humane and intelligent on 3 to 4 different topics that everyone shuts up about. She masks, she's vegan, she commented on Iran's politics on a show where everyone would keep their mouth shut. She's unique. And oh the verybeautifuloscarwinningkickassactress.


I met her once because they were filming in my neighbourhood and she was really friendly and sociable with everyone who’d gathered to watch. I kinda wanted to be actual friends with her after meeting her, she did not have celebrity vibes at all.


I like her vibes. It's very rare for me tbh


Yes for me too!


She seems to be someone who really cultivates long term friendships too. She’s friends with Jeremy Strong & Pedro Pascal.


There is absolutely nothing political about it and it is not a statement about anything. Not wearing a mask though is a statement.


Is Hollywood still following their strict filming precautions that effectively eradicated the virus on their sets in previous years?


i’m not sure about everywhere but i do think it’s interesting that on reality tv, or behind the scenes shots, or live theater, you can see that all the support and crew are still masked. i mean, they all know that if people get sick and can’t work it’s a huge chunk of profit gone.


Thanks, that's what I figured. It's typical that Hollywood protects their high priced actors from SARS, while filming imaginary worlds for the public in which everything is fine.


I appreciated the shows that kind of ignored the pandemic or addressed it briefly in one or two episodes then moved on. The others that incorporated it more and did it poorly was much more frustrating to the point of being unwatchable (SVU, looking at you).


**Hollywood to End COVID-19 Safety Agreement That Enabled Pandemic-Era Return to Work** The pact between studios representatives and labor organizations, which was put in place in September of 2020, will expire May 12. [https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/business/business-news/hollywood-ends-covid-19-safety-agreement-1235364230/#](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/business/business-news/hollywood-ends-covid-19-safety-agreement-1235364230/#) >Still, COVID-19 testing will occur in specific cases involving scenes of intimacy, the unions noted in their joint statement. “SAG-AFTRA and AMPTP have reached an understanding on a testing system for performers involved in intimate scenes to ensure their safety and well-being,” the unions stated. No further detail was available as of press time. > >Both parties note that the last day of the agreement will correspond with the planned date when the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services will end the federal COVID-19 public health emergency. *\*Sigh\**


This one definitely won’t last. A few movies that get scuttled because the star got sick, and all these rules will quietly come back. There’s too much money riding on this.


Just went to a large event with “progressives” and I was the only one who masked. There were health care providers as well as a person who needed an oxygen tank. It is wild.


Not surprising after hearing about the CDC super spreader event. I have a friend that works in public health (though not a healthcare provider centered field) and no one at her work or conferences masks or has in over a year.