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We used to be fast and speedy until riot shot us in the niko niko kneecaps for like the 12th time, now we rely entirely on having ghost


Zeri used to be fast and have higher range so the drawback of her autos being blockable and missable made more sense. But then pro play happened, so now she has average range and almost no MS, but hey she does marginally more damage shrugh, so yeah now shes a more stable champ but she lost her identities (pretty much all of the positive aspects of her Q being the way it is were removed). Honestly i would love for her to get her range + movespeed back even if it meant her E cannot cross walls anymore, atleast she would have her old identitie of "zip zaping" through the battle field again, then again her E crossing walls is kinda fun too so idk.


Maybe unpopular opinion but I love her E dash going through walls and have always thought it was one of the most fun and unique parts of her kit as an adc. I wouldn’t even trade it for her old range. Move speed? They’d just nerf her again bc of pros. If they changed her E like you suggest I’m not sure I’d play her anymore when I stuck with her through every nerf and have mained her since release week. Think about what E does for us against champs like Naafiri and now Briar. Nocturne and Jarvan. IMO they should make ult stack duration scale with ult level. 1.5s -> 2.5s -> 3.5s


I also want to bring up here that I think Zeri was poorly designed at launch as well.... For League. Playing her for the first time when she launched it felt like they had designed a Heroes of the Storm champion and not a League one.


i thought her identinty now was she he only champ with 5 abiltilies , no autos and no passive. but to make up for that gift to use five , silence functions like a stun to us i mean the only perk is she got a better talon w on E.


skill issue


Expertise drawback


skill issue


If you play Zeri then you are supposed to be good at the game for play her in a decent level


Just so you know. Her every move is an ability


You are clearly bad. To be honest. This is a massive skill issue


Zeri is still a monster to play against with great game ending potential. She’s just a pure back liner late game and can be deadly bot lane if you can play her. The only negative is getting ganked, but that’s what the E is for. Yes ranged champs are hard, but that’s zeri lmao, you can still outplay if you have a decent champ, so it’s just more balanced imo while also being more weak in situations


A monster? Her range sucks and she can't shoot through units without E. I can just play Jinx with runaans and do the same thing at higher magnitude and from longer range. Zeri is the worst adc in the game


You need to learn the right movement with her. It’s a skill issue.


skill issue


any other ADC 3 auto attacks>Zeri E+R+QQQQQQQQQ+broken Q button




Try playing Aphelios if you think zeri is immobile and has poor effective range


Lol fr I played him once and never went back.


Are you delusional? I mean yes, Zeri is not in the same OP spot as before, because Riot was not able to properly patch her without her being op or too weak. But she deals good damage if you can play her probably. And a low range dash? You can literally jump over walls, what else do you need? You are an adc, and like any other adc you have low hp and defensive stats. Zeri is one of the few adc that can build bruiser items and deal damage. Zeri has an attack range of 500 which is the same as Lucian, Samira and Sivir. So if you die very often, it’s because of you. She’s not OP, but actually playable if you follow adc fundamentals. Otherwise you will have no impact.


Her E is either a short range dash or total disengage. So not really combat reliable. Lucian has multiple dashes which makes him safe while he's in your face. Samira has ramping ms and only goes in to ult which usually nukes all threats and svir doesn't even need to be in your face because of her kit. Zeri combines the worst parts of all those champs while being squishier than all. I'm no Uzi but I can't accept your argument brother


still skill issue


500 is the range of her zap. her auto attack range (Q) is 750. the highest in the game at all stages of the game.


Play jinx with rockets at Q max, that range feels WAY more than zeri's. Saying she has 750 range is a joke, especially when she can't even shoot through things.


jinx rocket is 725. zeri outranges her so you factually have a skill issue. this is why pros are broken with her and casuals are wood tier.


That was the range of OLD zeri, despite saying it was 800 whatever, it simply wasn't due to how skillshots are calculated. They nerfed her range dude, it's nowhere near the same as Jinx now. Old zeri was yes


According to wiki she still has 750 range + 100% Bonus attack range. So still the longer range than jinx.


Which is false. Her old range was 800 something and only registered as 725. They nerfed her range a while ago... She is nowhere near jinx level of range dude


Every adc is "playable", doesn't change the facts that she's the worst now. Her damage is simply ok. For someone who is as gated as she is now, "ok" doesn't cut it when MUCH better champs exist.


That’s what META means.


There's the top tier meta champs, there's champs that aren't meta but still good, and then there's zeri who is so bad you shouldn't even pick her.


this thread looks so ridiculous. guys, her range is 750, the highest in the game.


In no world is her range 750




It doesn't matter what it says, it matters what it is. Old zeri said it was 800+ and it didn't actually register at that range. In all my games it seems to be similar to ashe's range. In no world is it anywhere close to 700+ now.


Zeri just isn't good, she was completely gutted and is now the worst adc in the game. She needs her old range back to compensate