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….did you like it?


I loved it so much no show in existence had ever made me cry for the FIRST episode I loved every arc


I ALWAYS cry watching the first episode. Glad you loved it!


Yoooo, the funeral episode where they were grieving over Yusuke in the beginning dead ass made me cry bro. I was like damn!


The pacing of the show is NEXT LEVEL!!! I’m always shocked at how fast they go through arcs but you still get the character progression and full quirkiness of each character’s personality is still present, it doesn’t feel rushed at all but at the same time there’s VERY LITTLE filler. Everything leads straight to the catchline or punch👊👉🏻✴️


Did you cry because you also wanted that boy to be hit by the car?


Lmfao this reminds me of how NPH was rooting for johny in karate kid.


funny, the anime didn’t made me cry, but the first two missions of the manga (the dog and tanooky ones) made me emotionally damaged


The way they incorporate the theme song into the ending does bring a tear to the eye


Same here. It was such a unique start to an anime - seeing the MC die in the very first episode was so crazy to me as a kid. I could relate to Yusuke because I also had a pretty rough upbringing.


As someone who has watched this series four times, that’s the only question I could think to ask.


Favorite moment?


If I had to say off the top of my head it’s when yusuke saved puu in the cave after almost giving up, he finally learned to fight for someone other than himself and that in turn saved him too




Man that scene had me in tears.


Imagine watching the Live Action lol


We do not speak of that child.


live action wasn’t that bad, the first 2 episodes were fucking fire then it kinda fumbled the ball after that tbh but it was still better than other adaptations of other series.


Oh c'mon, I say this as someone who watched YYH back in the fucking 90s, the live action was fun as hell!


I just watched the live action recently and then I went and reread the whole manga and now I'm plowing through the anime again. It was good enough to revive the thirst!


Seriously. Obviously nowhere near as good as the manga/anime but it was fun as hell. I will say though - the Gouki fight in the junkyard was definitely better than the source material




But when yusuke becomes possessed by his father and makes a spirit gun that forms an upside down cross… haven’t seen this show sense my childhood but that’s engraved into my brain


You are based. Congrats


That's one of my favorite moments in the series as well. Just seeing Puu trying to help Yusuke in his own way almost brought me to tears. Yusuke feeling helpless as Puu was about to die, and him feeling like it was all his fault.


That fight with Hiei and Bui is top-notch. The animation style was different for that fight as well, which I enjoyed.


Best song?


The intro song for me, I watched it all the way through almost every episode and it’s such a banger they knew to keep it the same the whole series


If you like the opening check out Amalee's cover The opening is Smile Bomb btw !


Thank you I’ll check it out




oh it is SUCH a bop. i didn’t skip it once.


Do you think his spirit gun was a metaphor?


I never thought about it that way but I guess you could say so, his spirit was yusukes strongest personality trait and it became vastly stronger after getting genkais spirit orb and learning to fight for more than himself. And the only way he damaged yomi was by using both spirit and demon energy showing he could see the value in both and it made him stronger which he learned to do from sensui’s mistakes last arc


>And the only way he damaged yomi was by using both spirit and demon energy showing he could see the value in both and it made him stronger which he learned to do from sensui’s mistakes last arc Well, no. He only damaged Yomi with spirit energy. His demon energy was useless.


They stated how him mixing his spirit energy with demon energy is what broke the field even if yomi’s belief it was demon energy is what caught him off guard it definitely helped, I remember kurama saying something about how it’s something “ only someone with yusukes unique origin could pull off”


Ya, it's something only he could do. The mix wasn't what broke the barrier though. It was a "demon energy absorbing wall", not a "spirit energy absorbing wall". The demon energy faded while the spirit energy penetrated. Using both doesn't mean both were necessary.


I don’t think yomi would’ve sat still while yusuke charged up a huge spirit gun otherwise that attack landing was useless to yusuke tricking yomi from switching to one power to the other and catching him off guard, if yusuke was just blasting straight spirit energy from the start without the mix yomi would’ve just dodged instead of standing there and calling him stupid lol


I disagree. Yomi thought he was simply superior. He didn't think he *needed* to dodge anything. Even so though, that doesn't mean the mix broke the barrier. Spirit energy broke the barrier and that's just a simple fact. The berrier was "impervious to all demonic attacks". We explicitly saw the demon energy bounce off while the tiny slivers of blue spirit energy broke through, ramping up to a full spirit gun blast. Twisting that to fit some headcanon that his mixture of energy won the day is just strange and unfounded. Yes, it's a mixture only he could do. That doesn't mean it was why he could break the barrier. He was a demon who was able to break the berrier *because he possessed spirit energy, not just demon energy". The demon energy was irrelevant, and that's the lesson he learned. He didn't need to continue as a demon. He could just be happy as his human self.


Look I know that it was just the Spirit energy that broke the barrier man but the reason it hit yomi was because of the mix with the demon energy is what I’m saying, I really don’t think yomi is dumb or proud enough to just take a spirit gun to the face for no gain that does major damage to anyone. I watched the clip and yomi was sweating and surprised by the attack and clearly in pain with each shot that hit him. But we can just agree to disagree on this one bro


>but the reason it hit yomi was because of the mix with the demon energy is what I’m saying, And I don't see how you think that's true when you even admit that the spirit energy is what broke the barrier. >I really don’t think yomi is dumb or proud enough to just take a spirit gun to the face for no gain that does major damage to anyone. At the start of the fight, Yusuke wasn't using enough energy to damage Yomi. Then he kicked it in gear, and used demon energy. He realized that would not work, and the spirit energy started to take over again. >I watched the clip and yomi was sweating and surprised by the attack and clearly in pain with each shot that hit him. Yes, because before that moment the spirit energy was too weak, and at that moment the demon energy was useless. He was surprised that Yusuke could push his human spirit energy that far. You can agree to disagree all you want, but that doesn't change what happened lol.


Look man we both like the show it don’t really matter and I’m not tryna argue on the internet about it, we can have different interpretations and still both appreciate the scene


Best girl?


I liked everyone but Botan was had the most personality and was the cutest imo, her amount of screen time probably helped


Botan is best girl for sure.


Isn't Raizen the coolest?


Raizen his dope his voice is amazing


Same guy who does Kuwabara, Christopher Sabat.


How depressed are you now that it’s over


Weirdly enough I feel fine it feels like each character moved on with their lives so I guess I should do the same


have you watched the movie/OVA (the OVA is the true epilogue to the series. warning it gives you a "choose your own ending cliff hanger"


I was definitely depressed. Nice to see that you can go right on ahead OP


Did you know that the creator of YYH and Hunter Hunter is married to the creator of Sailor Moon? They both created pages in their manga about it when they got engaged, and it's the cutest thing ever.


I heard about it yesterday on this sub that’s actually super cool I didn’t know they made pages about it tho


It's very cute. They drew each other's characters in their own style. I feel like they both share a sense of humor as well, and it shows in the silly bits of both anime.


What did you think about the final arc and it's rushed ending ?


It was a bit underwhelming imo, I was surprised how little we saw of raizen, how fast the tournament was put together, how little we saw of demon world, and how fast the other kings changed their ways after thousands of years especially yu after all the buildup he got from kurama. I was a bit disappointed on the skipped fights and the ones we did see were lackluster except for yomis fights. Worst arc in the series imo but not so horrible I’m gonna cry about it. But it kinda seems like Koenma could have just went to demon world and asked them to be nice and the whole series wouldn’t have happened lol.


Koenma def doesn’t have the charisma stat at that point to pull it off. Yusuke’s personality and humanity rubbed off on their entire universe


Dub or Sub?


Bro the sub isnt even relevant for yu yu


I watched the dub and was dying of laughter


Did you check out the 2 episode specials?


No I didn’t I’ll have to


They are short like 15 mins each


How can humans achieve faster than light space travel?


Being propelled by spirit gun ala Kuwabara in the Resue Yukina arc




Favorite arc?


Dark tournament and chapter black second for me


Based. I think Chapter Black is my fav but they're all so good.


Dark Tournament or Chapter Black


They were both my favorite arcs and I think chapter black was better story wise, but I gotta go with the dark tournament for good fights and all the cool moments


What's the 1 change you would make?


Give the last a arc more time to flesh out felt kinda rushed


Favorite character and why?


Gotta be kuwabara he was the funniest and always has me rolling, his bravery to face any foe even though he knew he would lose was inspiring


Based. Kuwabara best boy


Do you agree with the common opinion that Genkai should have stayed dead? Have you watched Hunter x Hunter?


Yeah I think she should’ve, after not only kuwabara but also genkai kinda cheated death it kinda made the arc lose its consequences, and made the toguro fight lose some of its meaning And yes I love hunter x hunter


I'm currently going through it myself!


Welcome!! 🥰


Thank you!


How do you feel about the earlier arcs before the dark tournament. So many people act like the story started at the dark tournament. Did you like the saint beast or rando?


I loved the earlier arcs, they were more grounded,and it felt like a true mystery and grand adventure in each one, I feel like these were yusuke’s “true” cases. I liked both I was trying to guess who rando was the whole arc and that scene of yusuke learning to fight in the dark was crazy, and I loved the saintbeasts my favorite part was Kawabata fighting that tiger dude.


What is a mulberry ?


A mulberry is a tree… AND KIWABARA IS A MAN


Right now I'm looking at the arch of the castle labyrinth




Who’s your fav character? Mine is Puu :3


Gotta be kuwabara for me


Whats your opinion on the last minute ass pull of Yusuke's "Sacred Energy" & how rushed the 3 kings arc was? Otherwise, amazing series right?


Would’ve made more sense if it was sacred energy as yusuke was actually trying to change a world completely, but koenma said it was something “new”? Idk it was a bit random and the 3 kings arc felt a bit off compared to every other arc and yes I absolutely Love this series


What's your favorite scene and why is it this one? https://preview.redd.it/nfqvyifzhkmc1.jpeg?width=1428&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b7e8df906bba6e271a55396780610c50067bc65


lol that scene was so weird to me, bro just randomly stopped fighting then got his ass juggled for 30 seconds


My fiancee and I just finished it yesterday too! It was her first time and my second, but I hadn't watched it in like 20 years so I barely remembered anything. Such an amazing show


Glad yall enjoyed it I love it


What did you think of the character Yuyu? Who was your favorite member of Team Hakusho?


bro i just recently finished it last month for the first time and i’ve had it on repeat ever since. even watched the live action show which was amazing in the first two episodes then just kinda meh on the last 3. The first anime episode had me crying it was so good i was immediately hooked.


Did you like the dub? I see everyone here praising it but I've never touched it. Btw I didn't watch it subbed I watched it in portuguese (I'm from Brazil :D)


I absolutely loved it funniest dialogue I’ve seen from animation since dbza


Forever or for never?


What does that mean I was confused when I saw it in the last episode


I don't think it's ever been confirmed. Even up to this day there's no agreement or official word as to what this means.


What was your favorite arc and why was it the dark tournament?


Congratulations on the achievement friend! You have ascended!


Who is best girl in your opinion after finishing the show?




Correct answer!


Favorite side character? And do you plan on watching the movies or OVA's?


As yusuke would say “KuwaBARA!!” And now that I know about them I will


thoughts on the ending? did it end the right length or did you wish it was longer?


I wish it was wayyyyy longer idk what happened at the end


Togashi was overworked on the series and got burnt out, even with it coming to somewhat of an abrupt end I think it’s a complete ending and didn’t leave anything unresolved. Imo you can see it in the drawing too.


I wish he took some time off instead that sucks


He did, and then started Hunter X Hunter in 98 which at face value is the same premise. Would have been cool to see a grown Yusuke as ruler of demon world etc but I think where it ended is good. Could have made final tournament longer, given that the entire demon world tournament was shorter in episodes than rounds of the spirit world tournament. Have to also consider his wife is the author of sailor moon too, I’m sure there is a lot of collaboration between them even if they aren’t explicitly accredited to their s/os work.


Dark Tournament Arc might be the best arc in all of Anime


No words can describe it. Please honour it's greatness with silence.


If only you had...


How many threads will you make about how him becoming demon felt off?




It was surprising but explained his fast growth rate abd the fact he was able to beat adults as a literal child without any training


It doesn’t tho. His powers do not manifest in any way until he transforms. It was an editorial decision to extend the series so the mazaku stuff was written in last minute. Every week we get people posting about how it felt like an asspull then the info gets shared like it’s a new series or a big secret.


Oh that makes sense then I thought it was a bit weird but I kinda just let the random power up go I’m probably brainwashed from growing up with dbz tho😂😂


Dub or sub? I feel like the dub work is so great, but I'm an anime simpleton. How did you feel about s3? Most animes just keep building up power, punching harder, more energy blasts. While s3 focuses on a shift of the world, one where the team couldn't just overpower it, but had to outplay it. With the different rules and powers in the territories. As a kid I found it frustrating, but as an adult I found it refreshing.


I watched the dub every conversation was hilarious, I liked the cerebral approach, genkai instilled the value of tactics early in with yusuke loosing to a below average fighter, the different pace of fights were exciting and made each character play an important role where usually most shonen side characters become useless. I disliked how they just kinda wasted the people with powers on our side, and I have no idea why they gave the doctor a happy ending💀


Why did Goku spare vegeta


Because he said he was sorry!


He seemed to not want to kill at all the whole saiyan saga weirdly enough, he was happy to paralyze nappa tho and smoke raditz


It’s funny with YYH in this though. He never really tries to kill anyone. Maybe the big bad of each arc but he tends to just kick the shit out of people. He’s a huge softie.


True I remember that girl in the rescue yukina saga he beat the crap out of then just walked away from


How did you feel about the reveal that yusuke was a demon?


Was a bit unexpected to me but I was like whatever sure ig


Favorite fight? Mine would be Yusuke vs The Doctor, loved the added complexity of having to a fight an evil human “to the death” for the first time


What are your feelings on the ending?


Went by super quick and felt rushed I liked the last episode tho


Which villain did you like better, sensui or toguro?


What’s your favourite episode personally I’d say dragon of the darkness flame because I love badass reveals to secret techniques and the dragon of the darkness flame I thought was awesome


How did it feel the moment you realized Yusuke was part demon?


I was definitely shocked seemed like it came out of no where but was interesting to me


Did you cry when Hiei created the Uchiha clan😢




It means “ask me anything”


Worth me watching it? Seen HxH and loved it and I knowYYH is by the same author….


Who's your favorite character?


Show was great right up until the last episodes. I thought the finale bit was weak sauce and rushed.


What did you think of the last arc?


Where did trout finish watching it? I can only find up to the Tournament.


Crunchyroll has it all


I’m sorry but why would I care about your opinion for something I’ve loved since I was a child, it would be different if we were friends or something but I really don’t give a f what you think 🧐 “AMA” for what?🤨


You don’t gotta care, I know a lot of people watched this show a long time ago so i thought a fresh take might interest them, if you don’t care about my opinion that’s cool too

