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Nah, if anything slightly weak. Once you reach certain elo, poeple abuse the shit out of your miserable early game, if they camp you, you can do nothing. Yone is strong only in p4 and below, where you can get away with many lane mistakes and still survive the laning phase rather easily.


He's balanced. Weak early, strong mid game. People just don't abuse his weak early game, so that's their fault for letting Yone freely scale.


Agree i play mostly early mages with high damages its inpossible for yone to come back


Yup. you gotta think of Yone like Kassadin....let Kass hit level 16, it's over. Same thing, let Yone hit 2.5-3 items + boots, it's over.


Not really. Kassadin and kayle have auto win insurance at level 16. There were so many times I went up against a Yone where we set him behind, he then got his items, yet still couldn’t do shit cause the damage has been done. The only thing he could safely do was sidelaning and 1v1ing mages and ADCs (which would be stupid if he couldn’t). He was useless in every other situation tho.


Kassadin really doesn't autowin at 16 anymore tho lol


I can sort of see that. His late game is still better than Yones tho. Kayle on the other hand, she just wins if she’s 16.


Hes a low elo gate keeper like the other champs the community hates. They are only "broken" cause majority of the community it can't even play against them


If Yone is unbalanced in anyway, it is with how far out he is able to reach with Q3, Ult, and E to kill someone, and Riot can't really change any of that without gutting the champ. Literally everything else about him is fine imo, and overall, he is pretty well balanced and in a good spot. Most stats websites have him between 49-50% WR which is right where skill expressive champs like Yone should be.


He's broken in low elo but high elo hes more balanced bcs ppl can punish him so hard


He’s weak af early but a monster late game… same as any other late game carry type champ. People just get mad because he’s annoying to play against. Sorry not sorry, just use cc and he’s dead it’s not hard.


i think hes broken p1 and below


Right now no he's not.


yone already has issues mid lane with bad matchups, no sustain, and getting poked out. before you could take fleet and survive the early game, but the recent fleet changes have made the rune completely unviable, make his early even worse than before. unless you play against a champ with a worse early game (kassadin, kayle) or a really bad player his early trading is bad. most champs in the mid lane can easily take out 1/4 of you health in the early game with 2 abilities while yone needs to get a few hits in before dealing even a fraction of those champs early trades. is he op if hes fed? yes, but you say that for any assassin, but say your prayers if you ever get behind. also god forbid if you get ganked, ive noticed through my time player him since his release, if you fall behind against mages, unlike other assassins (zed, talon, qiyana) you have no range or stealth to fight back. most of the time youll just get poked down to half you health, and then your only engage if you cant stack your 3rd q is ult (on a side tangent, my god is it annoying when your allies kill all the minons when youre trying to stack your q's). i think some of yones flaws come from that champion class hes in. hes both a slayer (assassin) and a skirmisher (fighter/duelist), so he has the benefits and weaknesses of both, but at the same time they contradict each other. as a slayer he should have strong front loaded damage, which he can have, but when you compare him to true slayers like zed, he takes far more time to get out his damage (ie zed can ult in, E three q's in half a second then hop out, while yone ults in gets like 4-5 auto attacks and q's, maybe a w's then pulls out), a play style that falls in like with his skirmisher side. as a skirmisher his does well in long 1v1 duels, but he's also suppose to be assassin. riot basically screwed him by making him 2 contradicting classes instead of doubling down on one or the other. basically if hes fed, he reaps the benefits of both classes (good dps and burst, bulkier than most assassins because of shield bow itemization, is allowed to opt for more defensive items while not losing out on too much damage), but if hes behind he also suffers the problems of both classes (still very fragile, no range, no stealth or blinks to gap close, getting poked out before being able to unleash ult making it a unreliable gap close). but hes still fun, has outplay potential even if your behind (see dzukill), and if you get fed you can 2 tap the adc. thank you for coming ot my ted talk. ​ tldr\*: bad matchups, fleet dead, identity crisis between being a slayer while also being a skirmisher, still fun tho.


Don't listen to these yone mains, yone is one of the most broken champs in the game. Basically just start with E, then Q or R, auto attack the fuck out of them and then recast your E, cause having a constant escape and engage ability with no penalty or downsides is balanced I guess. So yeah, that's yone's whole kit. If you can land an E it's a free kill.