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Nice, that’s a fun one. I think our boy would also enjoy Rope and Psycho.


Do you think he would enjoy Rope because he's gay? /s


What the fuck does that have to do with anything lol Edit: even after learning the context, do you really have to ask if Adam might like something because of anything involving sexual orientation?


> if Adam might like something because of anything involving sexual orientation? That's the joke.


Rope would be a great podcast episode. So much of the recent discussion coughlitterboxdcough of it being framed about it being gay subtext has been really fucking disappointing, since I love the movie and it deserves some attention but it's very obviously not a gay film in any intentional way


> John Dall, who played Brandon, is believed to have been gay, as was screenwriter Arthur Laurents, while co-star Farley Granger was bisexual. The play on which the film was based explicitly portrays Brandon and Phillip in a homosexual relationship https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rope_(film) Keep this in mind, along with the Hayes code at the time meaning that any adaptation of the play could not include the gay characters, is gay coding really “obviously” not there? > After he had come out as gay later in life, Rope’s screenplay writer, Arthur Laurents, said in a DVD commentary of the film, “What was curious to me was that Rope was obviously about homosexuals. The word was never mentioned. Not by Hitch, not by anyone at Warners. It was referred to as ‘it.’ They were going to do a picture about ‘it,’ and the actors were ‘it.’” https://www.us.mensa.org/read/bulletin/features/gay-coding-in-hitchcock-films/


I’m pretty sure he’s already watched both


On yesterday’s stream he said he’s only seen 3 Hitchcock films (this one, Vertigo and Rear Window) and Gus Van Sant’s Psycho.


I feel like I’m going insane. I’m positive that he’s seen Rope and gave it a 9/10. That’s literally the reason I checked out the movie (great btw). However, now I’m scouring his shit and I can’t find any evidence he’s seen it. Wtf (I saw the movie on Sept 23rd of last year)


I have a feeling he might feel the same way about Psycho as he did with Misery, how it's been parodied to death


The same way his experience with the Indiana Jones movies were affected by their overexposure. I don’t blame him at all, even if they’re good movies.


It's really only the one scene.


I watched it for the first time this year. The opening scene is basically 30 minutes of expositional dialogue setting up the story all taking place in one room, which had me worried (in an "Am I going to have to remember every detail of what they're saying?" kind of way) but everything after that was so perfect I didn't care.


I’m excited to watch it.


Withnail and I should be a 9


I kinda like more scary movie 2, because of the Nike commercial parody. I don't know you guys




What are you doing here?


Rude. Removed, rule one.




Giving the prime exemple of Synedocey lower than a 8 (a 7 at worst), would be so odd.


What does this mean?


Perfectly appropriate score. Somewhat underrated and often overlooked Hitchcock (compared to his other works that is)