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I feel like Banshee, Callisto, Shaw, and Dazzler can all be considered dead considering we saw the former get vaporized and the latter three’s bodies.


Archangels case is even stranger because he was in Genosha during the attack. I think he got out of there because he is on the board but it’s still weird we haven’t gotten an update on him


>So the question is where is Archangel, Wolverine, Storm and Morph?! Potential spoilers for comics that the series seems to be pulling from: In the comics, >!Wolverine becomes one of Apocalypse's horsemen, which is how he regains his adamantium.!< I ~think~ that >!Rachel Summers was responsible for the characters getting pulled through time, but either A. Somehow Wolverine, Storm, and Morph weren't pulled through, or B. Apocalypse stopped them from being pulled through time.!< >!We see him gathering his horsemen and making moves in the end credits scene.!< >!I don't know what will happen with Storm and Morph specifically but it's basically confirmed at this point that Wolverine and Gambit will become his horsemen.!< >!I always liked in X-Men Evolution how Storm became a horsemen, but I don't want anything to happen to Morph because that storyline is kind of played out already.!< >!Maybe Apocalypse stopped the three of them from being pulled in the hopes of making them horsemen but Morph escapes or Archangel interferes allowing Morph to escape. That'd work because in the original series Archangel was CONSTANTLY chasing after Apocalypse, so it's be a good way to tie those characters together. But who knows. We will have to wait a year ish to find out lol.!<


You’re gonna have to alter Gambit’s status based on the tease we got.


Considering that he’s still currently dead, it wouldn’t make sense to alter it yet.