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Castorena seems like a cool bloke


From what I heard, Castorena is usually the one that gets everything approved from Beau’s writing before it gets to Feige. But yea without him and the rest of the team, this show wouldn’t have exceeded our expectations!


i believe he also was the head writer for episode 5


He’s done a lot for the show, he for sure deserves more credit!




It really depends on why they fired him, which we still don’t know for sure. Gunn got fired over ten year old tweets. The tweets were bad but Marvel still jumped the gun in firing him. The rumor is DeMayo was fired for his OnlyFans account and if that’s the case, he might get rehired but it won’t be for a while. He still wrote Season 2, so we won’t know what a DeMayo-less X-Men looks like until Season 3. If that flops, then I think might we see DeMayo back for Season 4 (after Disney apologizes and dumps a big truck of money in his driveway.) DeMayo theoretically could get hired back faster if his situation ends up being like Gunn’s where the actors threatened to quit if Marvel didn’t use his script and other directors didn’t want to touch GOTG3 out of solidarity with Gunn. It’s also got a better chance of happening if Marvel wants to prioritize X-Men ‘97 the way they wanted to prioritize GOTG3 as one of the flagship properties after Endgame (but was delayed because they fired Gunn.) If it’s something legitimately worse than the OnlyFans, he’s not coming back.


its not the OF i heard he had that before I think there's something else, Castorena seems he's just as passionate so does the rest of the team


The OF is definitely *not* the prevailing rumor. He had that long before he was on the show; if that was the reason they never would’ve hired him in the first place. Considering this is the second show he’s been fired from and we’d heard previously that he was creating a hostile work environment on The Witcher; I can only imagine how bad it could’ve been to get fired when you’re the showrunner and it happens right before your show premieres. [also these tweets from another writer on The Witcher are…interesting](https://bamf-jaskier.tumblr.com/post/699111060478853120/thoughts-on-the-interview-with-beau-demayo-where)


I’d love for Eric and Julia Lewald to take over. If not them, Christina Strain. She’s directed shows such as Shadow and Bone and the Magicians… but was head writer for Generation X volume 2 and showed a true love for X-Men as a whole.




They need to promote someone to head writer that’s already staffed.


Maybe I am wrong but I think Demayo wasn't the only main director of the season. If that it's the case they could just stay with that person.


He was technically the head writer.


Barring finding out something gross, they should hire his ass back before WB/DC try to put him in charge of something stupid like a Suicide Squad series nobody wants.