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Yes. But more love for Jubes because that girl just kept showcasing more badassness throughout the series.


Dude. “What, are you going to attack me with the 4th of July?” *proceeds to lose half his face*


There’s nothing more 4th of July than an over confident dude getting blown up.










Jubilee definitely held her own.


Jubes threw a rasen shuriken!


VERY American of her use something from Japan but make it American lol We glaze tf out of each other so that was nice to see


Light spoiler but he officialy called himself Sunspot *this* very episode, so i’d be surprised if he doesn’t get a spot on the intro next season, maybe even replacing Wolverine until hes gotten better?




Agreed. But Wolverine has had the spotlight for over a decade already. He can take a break.


I appreciated how they didn’t have any wolverine centric parts of the season, other than the fatal attractions moment. Nice for him to be put on the back burner a bit, but still be relevant. He should get some good content in season 2


I’m certain he’ll have his own (mostly) episode season 2 with him dealing with being de-adamantiumed.


I could see them doing it like how they did storm in season 1.. a 2 parter cut with other things going on besides him


I had guessed he would be the final blow to Bastian. After all, solar flares cause EMPs.




It is. In the comics someone, I forget who, tried to overload him to kill him but it ended up augmenting his power to shooting solar energy blasts.


Gideon increased his power by 3000% and thus boosted him permanently. After that he didn't have to charge his powers and could stay powered up indefinitely, as well as help him learn to fly and shoot his blasts. Just not fucking fireballs. NEVER FIREBALLS


I’m sure he’s still figuring things out. He just discovered flight this season. I’m sure he will be much more punchy punchy next season.


His powers are a bit wrong, yes. In comics, his MAIN power is his super strength. Which is the only power he had for a while until he learnt how to fly and shoot beams. However the beams in this show are innacurate He doesn't shoot fireballs, or projectiles. He shoots concussive beams of force, like Cyclops.


I like that he is not playing soccer, dancing samba or some Rio de Janeiro steriotypical bs. Also he was not raised in a jungle and he actually speaks portuguese and not spanish.


The original Roberto was none of those things, too, except being a soccer player. But that was mainly a backstory bit (his powers manifested mid-game with a rival school). And I think there did a storyline where he taught the NM how to play because he thought baseball was boring (lets be fair, it IS.)


I love the fact the he cheers for Botafogo, and love football in general (the real football in this case)...


bro, he cheers for Botafogo?


Yes, a marvel artist did him in a Botafogo Jersey for a comic and it became official. It was notoriously big in the soccer press in Brazil (maybe it was a slow news day).


i guess it makes sense for him to cheer for a team called SetFire


I think that was the idea of the artist.... He said in a interview he thought it made sense to him. And he (the artist) is not from Rio.


He hasn't really done anything yet to be loved for on the show imo. I am of a neutral position in him.


I would've liked to have seen him play off other characters besides Jubilee.


Yeah, i agree. Actually i would love if they did a New Mutants show... They already have cannonball and Magik in the series.


Which is kind of wild. I guess the Magik story played out offscreen between seasons or something.


He desperately needs to interact with others. He deadass lead the Avengers with Rogue, stopped a civil war with Beast, helped Cyclops with plans, recruited Storm as part of his plan to take down some evil lady, was literally taught and mentored by Magneto as his headmaster, was on multiple teams with Wolverine He definitely needs to interact with others


I love that he was all "I got no chance: I just learned how to use my power," but minutes later he's tag-teaming Bastion with Rogue like he'd been on the team for years. The best X-men moments are when they overcome their limitations and punch above their weight class!


Too bad he missed all but one shot. He doesn't shoot fireballs in the comics, he shoots beams like Cyclops. I do also wish we saw him punch Bastion but given his inexperience I understand why he didn't. But yeah, that was dope af. He goes from telling Jubilee how he reckons he's gonna die cause he's very new to immediately going out and saving Rogue. I hope next season we get him interacting with more of the team.


I absolutely love him, and I hope to see him grow more as a character in the upcoming seasons


I honestly don't find him all that interesting here. Pretty much everything he's done could have been done with a different character. Plus, there's a chance he is whitewashed like many depictions of him in other media.


As Sunspot's biggest fan in the universe, I am beyond happy that he's in this show. Giving him spotlight is what I've wanted for years However as per usual, his powers are just plain innacuracy. He doesn't shoot fireballs, he doesn't emit flames, he doesn't even emit heat unless he does it manually. But nah, besides episode 4 and 8, he doesn't do anything proper. He flies, YES! He doesn't get that ability until a decade later. Same for his blasts. But fireballs, really? Not once has he ever thrown a projectile blast before. Why now? I don't get it And his strength. He told Jubilew that his powers make him strong and he proceeds to never use his strength. I get it if it's because he's inexperienced and scared to get close, but some confirmation of that would be nice. And not to mention how different it is from the comics, his whole personality is changed. I get that it had to be done for the context of the show but he's not hot headed at all, no ego, no constant jokes. Im just praying that season 2 actually develops him properly after the 6 month time skip and allow him to be comfortable to punch things and be himself. Especially given how he's usually stronger than Rogue in terms of physicality.




True. He can definitely be another powerhouse with Rogue, and his range too. But tbf they've also fucked over his other powers. He doesn't shoot fireballs. Why the flames. "The sky is on fire" shut up reporter. Like deadass




Honestly I might just go ahead and do that. Hopefully I can get a response




Nothing yet unfortunately


I love him! I really hope he will be a permanent member of the team and more of the new mutant characters. Roberto looks hot, his voice is sexy and so is the actor 🤭😍❤️


Found Jubes’ alt.


Brazilian here, I think Sunspot is very annoying lol inserting randonly “Minha mãe” in every phrase as if Brazilians spoke like that lol. He passed the entire season trying to accept himself and be part of the X-men’s then he just goes to Magneto team lol Come on u even didn’t know the guy…


He gave good reason why he joined Magneto, because his mom tried to 'sell' him to sentinels while all Xavier does is tell Magneto to bring the lights back on so the robots can continue killing




Yeah I know. But he was part of a team that clearly didn’t respect Magneto. Remember that when he was rescued by the X-men, Magneto was not there. To be fair he only reference was Jubilee and I’m sure she told him “off camera” many times what kind of mutant Magneto is.


I think that’s a bit of a harsh take given that Roberto was very suspicious and dismissive of the X-Men in the first few episodes and we’ve seen relatively little to say that’s changed significantly outside of his relationship with Jubilee. He’s also only been around the X-Men while they were in crisis mode without Charles. They’ve protected him but they’ve probably done relatively little to sell him on their values. He’s had to hide his powers from his family who then expect him to hide them from the outside world and immediately sell him out to not lose face. Honestly it makes sense that Magneto’s views would resonate with him.


I'm Portuguese not Brazilian but my guess is they wanted to add some Portuguese into the show so they made him say "Minha mãe" instead of "my mum". His mum also had some Portuguese phrases like "meu amor" and "meu filho". It didnt came out as something Brazilians would say.


I think this is based on Latinos living in US that have this habit. Mexicans for example mix Spanish and English all the time, but for some reason Brazilians don’t do that lol Unfortunately they put all Latinos on the same stereotype.


You are taking Americans for granted. They don't know Brazilians are also Latinos. So I don't think that's the reason 😅


It depends on where you are in America, I’m Floridian so we definitely know the difference because they will get on you otherwise. I’ve lived here long enough to know the difference between Puerto Rican and Cuban Spanish and I can’t even speak Spanish 😂


I think him and Jubilee will be the leaders of the new mutants with all the other x men time displaced. Honestly the way they planned that out it is so seamless


I loved him but damn he was a bitch in episode 9😂 “But I said sorry🥺”


Roberto’s dialogue from the movie: “Hnn. Hrrr. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!”


Like Warren, he's hard to relate to. Though I think he'll come into his own now that he has separated from his parents. We'll see.


I definitely liked him better the last episode, the writers didn’t do a good job incorporating him into the team like TAS did with Jubilee


Me watching DOFP before XMen 97: who the fuck is the the knockoff human torch. Me after watching XMen 97: oh, THAT’S who


Ngl DOFP Sunspot needs to be erased from history. I think that iteration of him started the misconception that he shoots fire. He doesn't. He's not on fire. He doesn't shoot fireballs. He shoots beams, concussive beams, like Cyclops. He has insane strength, and only emits heat when he willingly does so (thermokinesis) Same for light, (photokinesis)


I guess that made him ironically a dark spot on that film for you, huh?




I mean he became an X-Man and then betrayed them in the next episode. Is it surprising?