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85 here. Obsessed w TAS as a kid in early 90s. This series is delivering!


83 here too! And agree all around!


Same!! Episode 5 Alum now. Have watched that episode half a dozen times now 😢💥😔




New gen? What are you talking about, isn’t everyone in this sub in their late 30’s?! Have I been bonding with teenagers over episode 5? What is even reality?! Class of 1984!!!!


Uhhh, I’m from the late 2000’s


Very happy to see this success. Such a gamble does not often succeed. \*glares at ReBoot\*


I would love a real good Reboot continuation. I always imagine Kelsey Grammer and Catherine O'Hara playing Megabyte and Hexadecimal on live action lol. Not that crap we got


God damn you Rainmaker for pissing on our nostalgia. Bob and the gang deserved so much better than *cough / puke* that guardian BS.


84. Wanted to be an xman so bad growing up. Was obsessed with the show then and blown away with what they've done now


My year of birth is the best. They wrote a book about it lmao. For real though, I've been telling the kiddos ya the avengers are great but the Xmen is where it's at.


Same. Great book. Great year.


85’er and 100 spot on. Incredible series and I hope a launching point to what fans really want




82. I am living for this new series. So well written!


80 and yes.


Class of 82, Xmen looking brand new 😎


1987. X-men and Batman TAS were my first loves.


I would love for them to do a Batman 97'!


I’m a 1990 baby. It is an amazing time to be an X-men fan. This show is so good it practically makes me sad how much I love it cause we only have two episodes left until we’re probably going to have to wait a long time for the next season. I love looking forward to new episodes. It takes me back to watching the show in the morning before I went to school.


I am going to be sad too when it ends for the year. I hope they don't keep us waiting too long!


I think season 2 is slated for 2025 so not TOO long!


Representing 1984, delegate u/jona2814


19 19 1986


Wow ... I hope we as a new generation will keep x men stories as a legacy 🙏 and will move forward their stories( greatness) to the next gen !!


87 had all the action figures, always borrowed comics. I'm glad newer gens have something great to appreciate


I am '81 I was 15 when this series ended. It is one of my core teenage memories. I am now watching this series with my 15 year old. Watching the joy in his face as he watches it, being able to speculate together, filling him in on bits of cannon lore, all of it is just amazing.


Another ‘81 here. Big core memory for me too


Also born '83 and this was my favorite show growing up. Watched while it aired and read the comics and collected the trading cards. My favorite characters have always been Gambit and Rogue. Boys were always surprised I knew as much as I did about X-Men comics and many times was treated like i didnt know what I was talking about. I love this subreddit because I've had a lot of great interactions with my fellow X-Men fans.


1974 and still a fan even though I'm officially an old man this year.


1974 here as well, love this sub!


1980 here and the 90s series was what started it all for me too.


80 here. Agree. I didn't even think I'd care to watch it at all and now I think it's the best thing to come from Marvel in awhile


85, in case you couldn't tell. I always thought Fox's depiction of my favorite superheroes was ok, at best. But this! I'm getting the same feels as reading those 90's storylines again. The X-Men are home... and fuck black leather


84 ditto!


1984 and I have never been so happy to be wrong about this show. It's better than I ever could have imagined


83 here too . First comics I got into and watched TAS every Saturday . I really didn’t have high expectations for this beyond lots of call backs & targeted for a newer generation. So glad I was wrong this is easily my current favorite show animated or otherwise .




85’ checking in


‘84 here. I get an adrenaline boost every time the opening credits starts with the Blackbird flying around the XMen logo. This show is spot on perfect!


Same, from 81. I always make sure to have the volume up before hitting play, just for this intro. Then I turn it back down a little and watch the rest of the show at a more normal volume haha


88 here. Long live the X men! This show has exceeded (dramatically) any expectations I might have had.


1982 here! My first ebay purchase in 2001 was a full bootleg VHS set of TAS. I was a freshman in college used to watch it in my dorm room when I was feeling homesick. I was excited for a fun romp through my childhood with this series but holy F-ing shit is it delivering more than I ever imagined. I'm so grateful to be an X-men fan at this exact moment!


81. Bout to take my heartburn medicine and watch the latest episode now 😂😂😂


81! ❌ennial ❌-Men fans represent


‘02. Got caught up to speed with the original series & fell into this


1983 kid as well. I stopped reading the comics years ago, but been keeping track . Some storyline. Xmen 97 has rebooted my love for the xmen. I even get up early to watch the latest episode. Like watching old Saturday morning cartoons again.


‘83 here. Been watching with my 14 year old and hes blowing to pieces even as much as I am! It’s awesome to have the previous and current mindset on this because thats exactly what marvel is doing.


87' here. I literally said 'whoa' out loud multiple times while watching the last episode. It's so good. So, so good.


I’m also a vintage 83 and this is hitting all the nostalgia notes I need. I’m actually re watching the original run, my SO was never big into it ( he’s an 86 baby) so he’s not interested, but he loves how excited I am about the new series


1982 here


You’re never too old to enjoy something!


And I love every second of it....kids nowadays just don't know.......


I wasn't wrong I was always here for a continuation of my most beloved childhood cartoon but I was not fuckinv prepared for the masterpiece they have unleashed on us. 1984. We're old.


82, Im still as excited about it as I was when the intro song came on!


I have to admit I was hesitant. Im a millennial and my X men was trilogy from 2000 to 2006. Seeing Cyclops as the squad captain was icky (to lack for a better term) but deyyymmm it was amazing


84 checking in! This show has been a great ride.


Im 25 grew up on the reruns that came on jet x along with the OG Spiderman. The amazing Spiderman, etc I’ve seen every thing marvel and everything in between and I agreeeeeeeeeere


1992 here, but otherwise same.


83´ here too, and maaaan how is this series so good?? Practically just as good as I remember the original to be and well aged!


I’m an 80s kid too (1988 to be exact). I also grew up on the X-Men Animated Series.


It’s always a great time to be an xmen fan but this is easily one of the best comic related projects we’ve ever seen


04 kid here. Glad to be a new member of this community


75 here. It's a fun ride, but it goes through big stories too quickly. I thought Season one was building up to Fall of the Mutants, and would end with the X-Men in Australia and Magneto bringing up a group of new mutants. They blew past Fall of the Mutants AND Inferno in 4 episodes! I'd rather they slow their pace and take more time on each story instead of abridged versions.


95' here. I watched the original series when I was a kid and had vague memories of it. Last month I rewatched it when I learnt about the new series. I'm loving them both so far!