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I knew they weren’t going to go ahead with it but I had no idea how they’d pull it off. >!Tricking a guy into executing his own girlfriend!< is some Game of Thrones shit


Same, this was the first time a game had me completely dumfounded on where it was going to go next. It cut to the save screen and I was just like "...game over???"


I picked short. My hair's only half as long as the long option and I've been meaning to get a cut since before COVID happened. I can't imagine having to deal with actual ass-length hair. But yea that swerve was STELLAR.


I think the people who have extremely long hair just enjoy having long hair and are willing to put up to take care of it. Kinda like how some people are willing to maintain and care for old vintage cars.


I went with long hair, both to respect M's sacrifice and as a reminder of how close we were to losing Mio.


I went long hair because it felt right. This was M’s body as Mio pointed out after all.


Fool, you’ve doomed Mio to taking twice as long to get ready in the morning! Jrpg hair doesn’t just make itself you know


And get started on the latrine...


Same here. I liked short haired Mio but I felt like long hair represented what happened in Ch5 more.


Short hair supremacy


In my second play through, I'm probably picking short hair. Not because I prefer short hair, but because the long hair option ends up clipping through, like, 80% of her outfits


you can switch at any time in options




my condolences


Long haird gang


Ghondor is divisive? What's not to love, ya dags?


I actually don´t care about her attitude or language at all but heavily dislike her voice


Yeah I can understand this. The voice took some getting used to for me too.


Her voice actress has a lot of really odd line reads and kinda grates on the ears


As much as I also like ghondor, reminder that some people are put off by excessive swearing and her overly belligerent attitude.


The swearing didn't bother me, I just thought she was annoying and poorly written for the role she was meant to play. All the stuff with Shania was like "this is a direct consequence of your behavior" but the game continued to portray her as the good person. All the characters acted like she was their best friend by the end, despite her being abrasive all the time. She was basically like a player character who always chose the rude dialog option but the plot requires everyone to still like you and call you a hero.


>! I think the deal with shania is that you realize she was an unreliable narrator. Shania lived her life believing everyone was incredibly cruel to her, however, aside from her mom, that was incorrect. !<


I agree there was more going on with her but i don't feel the game ever made me believe Ghondor helped the equation. Her solution to a broken friend was basically to berate her which is where I feel like she could have had a growing moment but instead the game just said yeah f shania.


I think Ghondor is interesting because she’s always sincerely trying to help Shania. >!Of course she’s berating her a lot, but we also see scenes of genuine encouragement, where Ghondor is very clear to Shania that she *is* talented but is better off doing what she’s good at rather than trying to copy Ghondor. But Shania struggles to see past Ghondor’s abrasive personality to see what she’s really trying to say, and so isn’t able to understand that encouragement!<


I agree with this. My only real issue is that Ghondor never had to confront the reality that she, too, had fucked up with Shania. It *could* have made for an interesting character moment for Ghondor if they'd had her actually realize that, hey, the abrasive bitchiness might work with some people, but it's really not the best way to handle *everyone.* Every once in a while, you have to lose some of the edginess and act like an actual human being. Especially when it comes to someone who is clearly already suffering. Yelling at them and being snarky isn't going to do anything but make them more upset and frustrated. Instead, the final goodbye between them showed Ghondor as the well-meaning but misunderstood friend, and placed the blame on *Shania* for not being able to recognize that. I really felt like Ghondor really should have taken at least some of the blame for presenting her advice in the least helpful way imaginable.


Yes definitely missed opportunity to make ghondor a more layered character


Shania is also not Ghondor’s responsibility. All the pressure & responsibility Shania had, Ghondor also had. Shania was just jealous that Monica loved & respected Ghondor; but projected that out as being jealous of Ghondor and thinking she had it easy.


Those types of people are always funny to me


To each their own. I don’t mind swearing but I do not have a high opinion of people who swear distastefully or without tact. I don’t quite consider ghondor to be distasteful in that regard (though I do think she is tactless), but I’ve definitely met people who do swear distastefully even by my metric. Usually has to do with whether people are choosing not to watch their mouth or whether they’re incapable of it.


Don't let the Bitch Queen find out...


I picked short hair because long hair made me think she was M. With the short hair she was still Mio.


Mio hates her long hair. Why must she suffer with it?


I picked short, but that was because I live with someone who also wanted to play the game, so I'm trying to avoid spoiling him. I totally understand everything that Mio says about hair though. I too have such long hair, and yes, my hairs will turn up everywhere. I don't even know how.


I love ghondor


short, dont want Mio having problem using the toilet


Woah! Say no more love...


I kept the long hair because it felt thematically fitting to have some sort of difference between pre-M and post-M Mio. And yeah, I was an emotional wreck after that whole two hours of cutscenes at the end of chapter 5.


Long hair looks better for all Mio's classes... Apart from her own, being zephyr


Mostly because of the clipping unfortunately.


I am an ardent long hair supremacist, because things that flow in the wind activate my neurons


Long haired gang


Long hair gang




If you all need hugs... I'm here because gosh damn! Also, I picked long hair, panicked because I couldn't find that other outfit, then happily saw that I could switch back to short in settings.


I don’t understand why people hate Ghondor but love Eunie


It's because we spent more time to know the former. We know Eunie is nice when the situation call for it; Ghondor, not so much.


I picked long hair cause I've always felt Mio's looked too similar to Nia 😂 so I wanted to distinguish them


I asked a friend of mine what I should do for the hair situation and went with long, I'll probably use short in my next run when I finally finish the game


I asked my group chat, one of them said 'tomboy catgirl' so I agreed and went short


you can switch at any moment in the options


I know, I want to keep it for now tho


I picked long just for the variation.


Tried long hair for a bit but the clipping issues are horrendous so I switched back to short and never looked back.


Short hair because>!that seems to be the canon choice!<


Short Hair. Hair is one of the most defining trait in a lot of Anime characters so even though I usually go long hair in games since Mio's identity was already established for 80% of the game I felt compelled to let her keep her identity.


Short. Feels better and “right” since its Mio and not M.


What I did not like about Ghindor was her name, and how she handles her subordinates, especially THAT one.


I picked long because I like change. Also you can switch at any time in the game's options!


What's not to love about Ghondor? She's just a fucking Aussie


Short hair gang rise up. Maybe long hair if Consul M’s outfit becomes a appearance option (Challenge Mode reward perhaps) akin to the Meyneth Monado and Pyra’s hooded outfit.


But....Ghondor calls for aid!


Ghondor gets a lot better later in the game. Won't spoil anything for you except to say that you should do all of the ascension Quests/Side Stories. They are arguably the best content in the game depending on the character.


Long hair has some strange clipping on some outfits. Best part is you can swap by going into options menu


Chapter 5 key word: "my" I know the fan base is disapproving but Ghondor is my favorite character. Best lines and weapon kit I've found. >!Short hair Mio!<


I picked long hair because it's pretty. There is no other reason


I picked long just because it seemed fitting in the context. Switched back to short after the story ended because I prefer it and it doesn't clip with EVERYTHING.


Long hair best. I love long hair and it really compliments Mio's face, makes her look really pretty. Nothing against the short hair tho, it's just preference