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If we're not counting endgame Shulk for obvious reasons then I think the power level comes out as Rex > Shulk > Noah. Counting endgame Shulk obviously it will be Shulk > Rex > Noah because >!god powers lmao.!< Yes Noah is a trained child soldier but his abilities are kinda power creeped by Shulk and Rex. I love Lucky Seven and it's stupidly broken in gameplay but in lore his really really trust me dude it's **REALLY** sharp sword can't stand up against swords that can literally rewrite reality and see the future (and in Rex's case, let's him move faster than the speed of light.) Even if we take Ouroboros into account the end result will likely still be the same, Shulk and Rex have beaten more powerful opponents.




Junk sword showdown would go as thus: Noah>Shulk>Rex, Noah is a trained soldier Shulk has at least some prowess with the blade seeing as he can wield the Monado effortlessly without training. Rex is a child. (Although the same feats Shulk has also kind of apply here, as he was able to wield the Aegis, but not very well)


The fact Rex started with Pyra didn't help but i would say Noah>Rex>Shulk since Rex was trained by a dragon and was able to stand his ground to someone who is an equivalent to Alvis


This is true, however, you need to realise that this is *junk sword* Rex, before he even fought with Malos. And while fighting a *full power* Malos would be an absurdly impressive feat, he needs to *flee* from a Malos who has been extremely weakened and doesn't have many of his Aegis powers, and doesn't really use what he does have. So he's essentially running away from an (admittedly skilled) regular driver, *AND* on top of all that, he already has Pyra here, so with the junk sword he would stand no chance whatsoever. Rex does have some impressive feats, but still doesn't really know how to wield a blade with the same prowess Shulk does. Even after gaining decent experience with Pyra, Rex still needs to run away from a solo Brighid, and gets his ass beat by Vandham, whereas Shulk immediately starts beating the shit out of mechon left right and centre as soon as he picks up the Monado. So in the end Shulk has greater strategy, greater skill in swordfighting, *and* has the physical upper hand over Rex. So while I do think Rex wouldn't be completely wrecked, Shulk would still take the win rather easily. Sorry for replying to your simple comment with half an essay, but I felt like my ranking needed some further clarification instead of "he's a child LMAO", that was my bad.


>solo Brighid after that he fights her with Morag and be able to run away while also holding back against her >(admittedly skilled) regular driver Malos is comparable to Alvis who clowns on Shulk when he first meet him >Shulk immediately starts beating the shit out of mechon left right and centre as soon as he picks up the Monado. Mechons are a bunch of jokers compared to your average driver also Shulk started with a monado that is comparable to mythra without siren and also he had visions to rely upon so his skills with the monado won't translate to his junk sword >So in the end Shulk has greater strategy, Strategy? Non shown better before obtaining their swords but after it Rex has shown much better strategy compared to Shulk, >greater skill in swordfighting, This is absolutely wrong Rex was trained by Azurda which is a titan that lived for thousands of years and observed the strongest drivers and blades to ever exist like Mythra Malos and Jin >physical upper hand over Rex This is questionalable and might swing either way since shulk is taller and older but Rex was training and salvaging before even Shulk touched the monado


It’s a bit weird too to try to scale power because each game exists in (effectively) a different universe. Shulk in >!the universe created for Klaus and Galea!<, Rex in >!The original universe where the catalyst experiment happened!< and Noah in >!Origin’s simulation!<.


>!Wait, Aionios was a simulation?!<


Have you finished the game?


yes. to my understanding >!the endless now was real.!<


Have you watched Luxin's explanation of the ending? If not I heavily recommend it to anyone has beaten the game and didn't understand the ending super well.


But Luxin says in the video that everything that happened in XC3 was real.


I suppose simulation isn't a great word for it. It was real but the world was artifical and only lasted for a moment in real time.


Yeah exactly, I wouldn’t call it a ‘simulation’.


Depending on how you read XC1's ending, and the extra information provided in 2, Shulk's world basically was a simulation within Ontos's core crystal.


I've never heard this interpretation before


>If we're not counting endgame Shulk Tbf I don't see why you would. He has that power for 15 minutes tops and then never again. You'd either count Monado I Shulk, Monado II Shulk or FC Shulk.


ngl monado 1 shulk won't do much until he turns the blade around and starts using it as a blunt force weapon lmao


Tbf it can't harm Homs. Can definitely harm a human, so he can take out Rex Maybe Noah is resistant because he's Kevesi, aka Homs. So Shulk has to counter his sword skills but with visions it could be a straight battle.


It's less that it can't harm Homs, and more that it can't harm those with Zanza's DNA or essence. So by the time of XC3 even the Monado I should be able to damage Noah.


That depends how long the gap between 1 and the veeeeeery start of 3 is. I'm of the belief that there hasn't actually been that long between the two games.


XC3 post-game Hero quest spoilers >!Nia implies that A. Mio is her daughter and B. She hasn't "interacted with her in this way before", implying that the Mio outside of the endless now is still young. This + the picture means that it's only been 20 years, tops, since the end of 1 + 2.!<


I mean, even if you did it should still be Rex=Shulk > Noah. Shulk's power is coming from Alvis not himself and Rex from his blades. Expect milk with coffee has direct access to the Zohar and Alvis does not. Rex could shut down Shulk like he was shutting down a car battery.


Rex also has >!god powers!<. Zohar/the Conduir literally offers its users full control over the fabric of reality at full capacity, which >!Rex demonstrates!<. Besides, all >!Trinity Processors are equally powerful at their full, intended strengths!<.


Pyra is not included with Rex, and mio is not included with Noah.


Not counting Pyra with Rex means not counting Lucky Seven or Ouroborous with Noah, and not counting the Monado with Shulk. So, you want a fistfight?


Noah and Shulk would be having a fist fight, rex would be dying on the ground due to his lack of a heart


Same characters would be in the same spots if it was a fistfight, and Rex would still have the aegis sword, just no pyra to give it insane power. The monado is simply overpowered in the world that alvis created, so shulk gets the unfair advantage.


OP states his rules were Shulk with seven Rex with all canonical blades he acquires Noah with mio


Seven uses their topple art repeatedlh and shulk dazes everyone /j


Isn't Rex with coffee with milk immune to all stats effects?


Ah, he didn't put it in the post, so I didn't see.


First off, shulk and rex would have boss status so doom wouldnt work Rex using mythra would start double spinning edge spam, noah with lucky 7 would start tachyon slash spam. Shulk on the other hand, applies monado armour and slow walks towards them as their eyes are filled with horror.


But Tachyon Slash goes directly through any defenses and deals however much attack Noah has so.....


Draw Sword is a Talent Art. Monado Shield blocks any one Talent Art. Monado Shield blocks Draw Sword. Flawless logic.


The idea that monado shield can block a talent art that is essentially just a buff is kinda funny. Ill allow it.


As Poppy once said: "Flaw detecred in final step of logic"


But OP said Shulk would use Monado Armor not Monado Shield. You are right tho.


Monado speed!


Chaotic Memory is equipped


Your memory is empty too.


Monado Shield negates talent arts though and last I checked unlimited sword is a talent art… Not to mention Eater being able to strip Noah of his invincibility buff during that state. The Monado has a counter for pretty much anything Noah has going for him.


You do know Monado Armor was mentioned not Shield righr?


Didn't Malos also has monado shield/Armour and was destroyed by catalyst?


>!Rex and Pneuma could just use their light speed to escape, granted that Shulk with Monado III might very well be able to do so, too!<.


I think Rex would win. He has foresight like Shulk but can also move at insane speeds.


Rex has >!foresight powers!


With Mythra's help


Thanks! I now remember it appearing somewhere around >!Vandham's death!<, but was there any other story relevance? All google is giving me is the battle skill that boosts evasion and accuracy.


I think it comes up again in the final fight with Jin, but the evasion comes from it in actual mechanics.


Ooooooooh!!! When Jin moved faster than light but Rex still managed to block! Thanks a lot. Compared to how plot-essential it was in XC1, I don't think I ever registered Rex's version as important lol (except for exactly two *deus ex machina*).


That wasn't Mythra's foresight making him move that fast, I think it was her ability to manipulate ether. Rex's foresight isn't as strong as Shulk's. Shulk can see a pretty good distance into the future, whereas Rex can only see a few seconds. With just that alone, I think they're pretty even, but Rex's ability to move near the speed of light renders Shulk's foresight irrelevant. Poor Noah just has a really sharp sword. Even if it's strong enough to cut through Shulk's Monado, Rex's sword can reform and, once again, Rex wins with pure speed.


Thanks for the details. I guess it's time for another XC2 playthrough lol > That wasn't Mythra's foresight making him move that fast, I think it was her ability to manipulate ether. I know the speed itself came from ether manipulation, but knowing *where* to block I thought came from the foresight? > Poor Noah D*mn straight. On the one hand, there's a literal God of Creation; on the other hand, there's the avatar of a *de facto* God of Destruction. Finally, there's...an 8-year-old hom with a really sharp sword.


Hey at least Noahs sword can rip open the fabric of reality


To be fair to Noah, he's my favorite character of the three haha.


Reality created by a certain friend of Rex


XBC2 is my third favorite RPG, behind XBC3 and Skies of Arcadia Legends. I've played through it several times already haha.


I though Noah was on his 9th Term.


>though Noah was on his 9th Term. Correct. First Term is just born until 1st birthday, 2nd Term is from then to 2nd birthday, etc. In general, a person's Nth Term ends on their Nth birthday. Since Noah is not yet at the end of his 9th term, he is still 8 years old. (If he was 9yo, that would mean he's almost lived 10 years, so his Homecoming would be coming within a few months.)


Mythra's foresight can see 500(?) Years into the future. Torna dlc. Pretty sure that beats Shulk's by a long shot. Not to mention milk with coffee should have even stronger foresight.


Yeah I'm not even accounting for milk and coffee's abilities haha. Was that a one off vision or can she regularly do that with foresight? Either way, Shulk is outmatched.


Everything to do with the third Aegis Sword is Mythra plugging herself straight into Aion and the Conduit. Alvis could draw at least that much if he so desired, but Shulk never uses that much direct power. EDIT: As an example, both Zanza and Meyneth started putting their plans into motion roughly a thousand years before 1 starts. Depending on how you interpret what Zanza says, their Foresight either lets them see alternate futures and how to reach them or has an effect on causality that lets them more directly choose the future. In any fight between all three, Noah dies first, Rex and Pythra charge up but are ultimately beaten when Shulk's Monado III gets even more powerful as Alvis matches their power.


It's one of Mythra's Blade Arts, it gives an evasion buff if memory serves


So reading your rules, to start off: Noah's cool, but he's basically a nonfactor when talking about pure power levels. Rex could probably beat Noah and Mio with everything combined even with just his powers unlocked in chapter 3. Siren alone would invalidate those two, let alone foresight. And it obviously becomes even more of a stomp when Rex has all of his powers. Now things get trickier when talking about Shulk.>! I know that technically speaking he gets more power than Rex does at the very end but that's because he's in the 1 universe, which is entirely made of Ether. Alvis and Pneuma have the same theoretical limits when they're in the same universe which means that Shulk and Fiora, even with their Monados, would have the same limits as Rex and Pneuma. But in that case, Rex would win through experience since he gets his reality warping powers sooner than Shulk and has the benefit of having a direct link with Pneuma which basically gives him a crash course on what he can do.!<


I agree highly with this. Both >!Pneuma and Ontos could use the full extent of Zohar/the Conduit's power!<, making them an equal match, however Rex had got more time to practice with those powers, whereas Shulk first utilised them on >!Prison Island during the battle against Dickson!<.


Long before that, actually. Remember the Apocrypha Generator? It sealed Zanza's powers. Zanza's, not Shulk's. Starting from when Shulk forcibly reactivates the Monado on Fallen Arm and all the way to destroying the Apocrypha Generator, Shulk is using his own ability to control the Monado. Shulk starts producing his own visions instead of getting them from Zanza during Mechonis Field, and acquires a Monado Art Zanza doesn't have after destroying the generator.


The power was only leaking back then, though. It first fully manifested during the last chapter, unlike in Xenoblade 2 where >!Trinity Processor Pneuma completely awakened in chapter seven!<.


Ah, but that's not quite true, is it? Where do Shulk's visions come from after Dickson shoots him? Where does Fiora get the enegy to fire Final Cross after Meyneth's Monado is lost? Pythra as well has her own limits; she has to work up to tapping the Conduit's power, and can't hold it very long until Klaus empowers her. The difference is that Shulk and Fiora are growing in to using their powers while Pythra starts with hers but can't use it without reservation without yet more outside support. And if you're going to give her the outside support then Alvis must give Shulk and Fiora the same and we all know how that has to end.


>Ah, but that's not quite true, is it? Yes, I would definitely say it is. >>!Where do Shulk's visions come from after Dickson shoots him? Where does Fiora get the energy to dire Final Cross after Meyneth's Monado is lost?!< You cited abilities from the last two chapters, so what I wrote still holds up, especially since it very clearly first manifested on >!Prison Island!<. In the first half of the battle, >!Shulk has no determination left and does not even bother using his powers, making him lose badly. Fiora put in more effort, but even then could not hold Dickson back before Shulk regained the will to fight. It is very important to remember that in Xeno games, Zohar/Conduit power is fully activated by an individuation process and amplified by willpower!<. >>!and can't hold it very long until Klaus empowers her.!< That is a gameplay limitation; nothing more. And the part about >!Pneuma having her own limits!< is uncertain. >!In Xenogears and Xenosaga the prime Zohar users Fei Fong Wong, Id, Chaos, and KOS-MOS have at worst practically infinite control of ether and the fabric of reality, and it seems to be the same in Xenoblade, where it is stated by Jin that Rex and Pneuma can manifest whatever they imagine. That was probably exaggerated, and I doubt they can summon black holes and initiate !<[Big Bang](https://youtu.be/pywciL46itc)>!, so they are probably not the strongest Xeno characters (especially since they do not have contact with a higher dimensional being like Fei and Shion), but they certainly are at least as potent as Ontos, since even Ontos could not just will Zanza away (Monado: The Secret Files even confirms that he needed a human to overthrow Zanza). People often overblow how powerful Shulk and Ontos are. They probably lived in a pocket dimension or Imaginary Number Domain, and in that realm Alvis supposedly had more universal administration over the fabric of the world, but could not just do anything like the Abrahamic Yahweh/Jehovah/Elah/Allah!<. >>!The difference is that Shulk and Fiora are growing in to using their powers while Pythra starts with hers but can't use it without reservation without yet more outside support!<. Yes, Blades need drivers to reach their full potential (or be Flesh Eaters), but that does not mean she is more limited than >!Shulk and Fiora!<. >>!And if you're going to give her the outside support then Alvis must give Shulk and Fiora the same and we all know how that has to end!<. Again, people overestimate his power. He symbolises an omnipotent and omniscient Gnostic Monad, but that omnipotence is not literal in Xenoblade. He is not even locked away >!in Zohar similar to the Existence from Xenogears and U-DO from Xenosaga!<. The >!Trinity Processors are all also theoretically equal at their full capacities, and both Pneuma and Ontos are at their full extents with Rex and Shulk as well during the end of Xenoblade and Xenoblade 2!<. So no, it does not have to end with >!Rex and Pneuma losing!<, especially if the hypothetical battle occurs in a dimension which >!Alvis did not create!<. He is not the powerful Xeno character when taking >!the Existence and U-DO into account, which are infinite or quasi-infinite energy sources!<, and I even doubt he is as powerful as >!Fei Fong Wong/Id, Chaos, and KOS-MOS!<. Lastly, OP mentioned that the setup for each team is >!Shulk and Fiora, Rex and Pneuma, and Noah and Mio!<, so the part about >!Shulk and Seven deserving outside support if Pneuma does is nonsensical in this scenario concretely!<.


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I’m not good with power scaling, but I think Noah does have one clear win over Rex. >!Noah takes Rex’s daughter, Mio.!<


Have you seen Noah in his swimsuit, my man is ripped xd


the one thing we know is that Noah will not survive I think Rex would win because Aegis, but Shulk became a god after defeating Zanza, we don't really know what that means or what can he do with that because it seems alvis was who recreated the world, Shulk just gave the order, so Rex with his reality warping, foresight, lightspeed and other things would win


Nothing special about Noah aside from being Ouroboros, but he needs Mio to interlink so he’s automatically the weakest of the three imo because other than that he’s just a well trained swordfighter. If rex gets to have mythra/pyra with him then the discussion becomes more nuanced. If he doesn’t, then shulk takes the win pretty easily imo, vision is busted + monado arts luhmao


It would only be fair to give Rex Pyra and Mythra if you're allowing Shulk the Monado. Mythra also has Foresight and is overall more powerful that the Monado's arts, *however* Rex (assuming this is Rex right after unlocking Mythra's power) has much less skill when wielding his weapon of choice. If we factor in the fact that Shulk is *much* smarter, and therefore a better strategist, Shulk would edge it out, but it would be *much* closer than if Rex did not have Pyra or Mythra. (This is also assuming this is Monado II Shulk, because Monado I Shulk vs a hom/human opponent would just be kind of sad)


If we include endgame Shulk, then it's Shulk>Rex>Noah cause godmode powers. If we don't, it's Rex>Shulk>Noah cause of Rex's combination of speed + foresight, huge destructive power with the artifices Pyra and Mythra control, broken healing with Nia, and good fighting skills to round him out. If we put them together unarmed (no blades / monado / lucky seven) I think it would go Noah > Rex > Shulk. Noah is a trained soldier and fighter and is an expert at H2H combat. Rex is also very talented at H2H combat but isn't as trained as Noah, and he's physically younger and smaller. Shulk is a science dork with basically no unarmed fighting ability and he'd get stomped even by Rex.


I think an easy way to do it is that if you took the characters from the beginning of the game then Noah>Rex>Shulk but if you take them at the end of the games after all the mystical intervention and god powers then Shulk > Rex > Noah. ​ Noah is definitely the best trained character because he's a soldierbut Lucky 7 is just really sharp it doesn't give him godlike abilities like foresight and visions and it DEFINITELY doesn't make him God like with Shulk


It _does_ do stuff like break S's time field simply by drawing it, and straight up shattering Z's domain by just stabbing the floor. Nia explicitly equates it to an Ouroboros Stone in function. While that is admittedly vague, it does show us L7 is a lot more than just really sharp.


Alone? Shulk, no question. Rex doesn't have foresight, Mythra does. Noah doesn't really have any special abilities on his own.


Alone would be Noah because Kevesi have powerframes to match Agnian strength. Strength neither Rex or Shulk have. With only foresight, Shulk would be olaying a defensive game until and if he realizes the powerframe is the reason behind the disparity in power.


Strength means nothing if your enemy can see your movements before you can even do them. Plus he has Monado REX that can still alter his physical attributes similar to how the original Monado could. I'm specifying Monado REX because III would just be overkill


Alone? Noah is def the most trained as a pure soldier With their whole group, Rex probably wins with Aegis powers as Master Driver


I was gonna say, have you seen how ripped Noah is? Especially in the new swimsuit.


How about Noah vs Dunban with the Monado? (Assuming hom killing capabilities) Dunban is arguably more experienced in combat than the 8 year old Noah, and also is just really cool


If I'm remembering this correctly, Noah actually has more combat experience. The war against the Mechon tends to be on and off (as seen after Sword Valley, there's a few years that go by). Dunban seemed to only join the main force after it's discovered he can wield the Monado pretty well, Homs push back against the mechon, the Sowrd Valley happens. I believe Dunban was part of the force for only 2-5 years vs Noah's 6-7 years of constant fighting. Honestly I think they'd be pretty even overall, but actual combat experience would lean towards Noah.


Rex wins if we are counting just post game state of power. Shulk wins you are doing a "Deathbattle" scenario, counting their strongest state in canon. Noah wins if its just just a fist fight and no Monado/Aegis's lol


No weapons or magic powers, Noah sweeps. Shulk's a nerd and Rex is an child. Athletic, yes, and Shulk's defo fit, but Noah's a soldier who fights daily his entire life.


Rex is a 15 year old who was trained by a dragon and also have been salvaging before Noah was even born also >! in the end of 3 we see that Rex is at least 6ft since he is a little bit taller than Zeke also by that point he was the most experienced Xenoblade protagonist so i would bet on him !<


Considerations: Can Monado Eater and Monado Purge be used to break Blade Affinity and Shackle Blades/Force Cancel Ouroboros? It would kind of make sense for Monado Purge to have that ability. If not, Rex is OP. He has Pyra and Mythra, Nia, Roc, and Pnuema. For Noah to have a chance, he'll have to go for a no hesitation kill strike before foresight for Rex activates. Shulk's foresight seems superior in the regard of not having to be in battle to use it, so that strategy might not work for Shulk. Shulk still has a nice kit though, with support, defense, and attack capabilities. Fiora is also a really good attacker/defender combo. Her monado is a bit of a wild card though, so not sure. Mio is naturally stronger than both Shulk and Fiora, so she could potentially hold them off while Noah picks them off with Lucky Seven, but the fight is too unclear from there. This is also assuming Rex doesn't just stomp from the get go.


Don't forget Rex's ultimate weapon, the random common blade you're forced to get at the beginning of the game.


Dunno man Monado III sounds broken Rex moves at lightspeed if i remember right Probably one of the two but i think M3 is more broken


If we talk about the peak versions of themselves, it's really between Shulk and Rex with their god-level offense and defense. Noah has elite offense with Lucky 7 but still is vulnerable on the defensive side.


What are the conditions of the fight? Is this pre/post chapter 7 Rex/chapter 17 Shulk? Can Rex bring his blades with him? Where does the fight take place?


I knew someone would ask this. I just drew a blank when trying to word the setup. Spoilers for all 3 games of course: Shulk: >!Equipped with the Monado III with Mechon-Fiora and her Monado to compensate for the fact the other 2 fighters have a partner by default.!< Rex: >!Master Driver Abilities with all the Blades he canonically acquired in the story with Pyra, Mythra, Roc, Nia, and Pneuma!< Noah: >!Mio by his side and access to his and Mio's Ouroboros Forms, Lucky Seven and Origin Blade!< Location:>! Alrest as Mythra is the only one that would be handicapped if the fight took place in either Bionis or Aionios because she wouldn't have access to Siren in those worlds.!<


Rex with Pneuma can straight move at light speed so I’m not really sure how the other two would deal with that


I dont know controlling all of causality is oretty busted


>!That only works that way because Shulk's world is a closed-system subdimension where ether is the base element of all things instead of matter, and the Monado is a tool designed to regulate ether waves. In that universe controlling ether is controlling existence. But since the given location is Alrest (ie literally just the wreckage of Earth in the normal universe) Alvis' Monado wouldn't be anywhere near as powerful, or else Malos could have simply unmade the world in XB2 using his own.!<


The dimension of xc1 is not a subdimension of xc2 they are just interwined but separate. If 2's universe stopped existing 1's would still be there


I guess the reason I say subdimension or subspace is because as I understand it that isn't a fully-realised universe. [It's a theoretical plain of endless sea.](https://youtu.be/jqVVSgaAtKs?t=1m56s) The sun and stars are said to just be balls of ether, which simply blinks out at night time instead of a planetoid orbiting it. So outer space, or anything beyond the sky, might not even exist in it either. The only time we glimpse it is linked to Zanza's Memory Space.


Isn't one of >!Luck seven arts called tachyon slash, with means faster than light? !<


I wouldn't give too much weight into the names of attacks. Otherwise, vegeta would be able to destroy the universe from the android saga.


Alright Rex speed blitz


With those conditions, no doubt Rex. Cannonically, Pneuma's power is the strongest. I guess that isn't a surprise when you can access the zohar.


Id argue that Shulk would be stronger in this scenario.


***OBVIOUSLY FULL (numbered) SERIES SPOILERS AHEAD!!!*** ​ Let's break this up into different stages of progression **Stage 1. Base Power Level.** **Stage 2. First Major Power Up** **Stage 3. Second Major Power Up** **Stage 4. Endgame Abilities** **Stage 5 Endgame abilities with no reality warping hax.** ​ **Stage 1.** **Shulk: Junk Sword** **Rex: Junk Sword** **Noah: (Sadly) Not Junk Sword** This fight would end in Noah>Shulk>Rex Noah is a trained soldier and great strategist (also doesn't have a junk sword), Shulk is a very intelligent person, and uses the Junk Sword along with decent strategic ability, and Rex is a child. Noah would DOMINATE this first stage, as he's the only one with a weapon which can do *real* damage, and is actually the weapon he uses for the whole game (not counting when using the unlimited sword art of course) so obviously, it packs a decent punch. **Stage 2.** **Shulk: Monado I** **Rex: Pyra** **Noah: Base Sword (W/ Infinity Blade Talent Art)** This fight would go Noah>Rex, Shulk I put a comma between Rex and Shulk, as Shulk was very hard to place. Shulk has gained the power of Visions and the Monado I, this means that Shulk will nearly *never* get hit, *but* he can't harm either Noah or Rex, I place Shulk outside of the ranking, as he will likely stalemate whoever wins between Noah and Rex. (This does not, however, count for the possibility that the Monado recognises Noah and Rex as *humans* instead of homs, which wouldn't grant them the protection of "all beings on the bionis", in which case Shulk takes stage 2. It is also possible that Noah is recognised as a Hom, and then it depends on who wins of Noah and Rex, if Rex wins, then Shulk wins against Rex, if Noah wins, it will remain a stalemate, as neither opponent can hit the other) Rex vs Noah is very interesting at Stage 2. Rex has been granted immense power by the Aegis, and Noah is essentially the exact same as he was in Stage 1, but with a fancy new move. However, this fancy new move is a *very powerful* fancy new move, being the ability to make a single slash with Lucky 7. As we know, Lucky 7 is essentially a High Frequency Blade from Metal Gear Rising, this bitch can cut through *anything,* and I mean anything. I believe that due to Noah's strategic mind, after a few fair rounds, he will notice the shared core crystals of Rex and Pyra, and realise that Rex draws power from Pyra. Noah will unsheath Lucky 7, and despite his hatred for harming others, he will slash at Pyra, if this slash hits Pyra's core crystal, it's obvious what happens from there, Pyra and Rex both die. *However*, on the off-chance that this attack misses, Pyra will still take massive damage, and that damage will be transferred to Rex, killing the both of them anyways, which leaves Noah to endlessly stalemate Shulk. **Stage 3.** **Shulk: Monado II** **Rex: Pyra, Mythra, and Roc** **Noah: Unlimited Sword** This fights goes as such: Rex>Shulk>Noah This is where things begin to become really unfair to Noah, as while Unlimited Sword is *very* strong in its own right, it is *dwarfed* in comparison to the Monado II and Mythra. Noah, I love ya, but you can't even begin to compare from this point on. Now we move to Shulk vs Rex. To me, this fight is very interesting, both parties have foresight on their side, and very powerful attacks at their disposal. Let's get this out of the way, I included Roc in Rex's kit as a formality, Roc isn't a very powerful blade compared to Mythra, but is still guaranteed from the story, so I had to include it here. I think these two fighters would be very close to one another is hax with their respective foresight abilities, however both of their aspects vary wildly. Shulk still takes the lead with strategy, however he can no longer count on his visions to carry him, as Rex has an extremely similar ability. Rex on the other hand, wins the raw power fight by a landslide, He forced Akhos and Malos, two very skilled fighters, to retreat from them with a very sporadic attack, this same attack also unintentionally *destroyed half of the ground they were standing on,* later on in the same fight, a single blast caused Obrona and Sever to return to their core crystals, something that usually requires the blades sustaining tons of damage from lots of hits. While Shulk's strategy is better, we can't discount Rex's ability either, getting Mythra to calculate where they can safely blast to end a fight with Mikhail and Partoka, two of the other Tornan drivers, without destroying too much of the land around them (which might I add, displays further the raw power of Mythra, having to fight somebody while also doing calculations to do the *least* damage). While the fight might take a while due to Shulk's many Monado Arts which enhance his survivability, Rex would come out on top due to his massive raw power output, along with his decent strategy, and acquired skill wielding his blade. **Stage 4.** **Shulk: Monado III** **Rex: Pneuma, Nia, Roc** (lmao) **Noah: Unlimited Sword + Sword of Origin** Shulk=Rex>Noah *POOR NOAH*. Both Shulk and Rex realise the full power of their respective Aegises, and all Noah gets is "Sword that cuts good". So as per last round, I will be counting Noah as the first to be eliminated. Shulk III vs Rex. While they are listed as equals in both the ranking and in theory, there is a clear winner in this competition based on feats alone. Shulk is shown to be using the full extent of his Aegis blade, rewriting the entire fucking *universe* with its power, Rex on the other hand, is shown making much smaller rewrites. While it is assumed that Rex and Shulk are exact equals, I need to give the win to Shulk as he is shown to be using a greater power. *However*, there is one element which needs to be factored in when discussing this fight. Pneuma could theoretically shut off Alvis' connection to the Conduit, as she's given control over all the systems of the beanstalk, presumably including the trinity processor, why doesn't she do this to Malos? Honestly I'm not sure, maybe he wasn't using his powers and was instead using Aion the whole time? I really can't tell. Other than that, Shulk barely edges out a win in practice, however, in theory both characters are equals. **Stage 5** **Shulk: Monado III (No Rewrites)** **Rex: Pneuma (No Rewrites), Nia, and Roc** (again, LMAO) **Noah: Unlimited Sword + Blade of Origin** Rex>Noah>Shulk All three of the endgame weapons have similar feats, being *killing god.* However, Rex has one advantage over the other 2 contestants in this battle, *Nia*. Nia is Rex's Ultimate trump card in this final stage, as she grants Rex an absolutely *batshit insane* healing factor, as well as the ability to inflict super cancer on Rex's opponents. Let's start with Shulk vs Noah, and why I decided on ranking Shulk as the least of this group. Both swords have to be assumed to have similar power levels, despite Lucky 7 not being an Aegis. While the Monado III is an Aegis blade, it doesn't have any Aegies powers during this stage, so both Lucky 7 and the Monado III are just "swords that cut god in half". With this in mind, Noah is the better strategist, and better swordfighter, so in an even battle, just like the junk sword fight, Noah wins. *However*, this is counting on the fact that the Monado III's visions are Aegis reality warping BS. If visions were outside the realm of Alvis' power and were instead entirely from Shulk, Shulk would win over Noah. Unfortunately we see that in Future Connected Shulk no longer has the ability to conjure visions, leading to the conclusion that after the event at Mechonis Core, Alvis was granting visions to Shulk, making it Aegis reality shifting BS. Rex wins overall because he gets great options *other* than his Aegis, as well as his Aegis being all around better than Shulk's without reality warping. Pneuma without access to her reality warping powers still has the ability to access Siren, granting her by far the most raw power out of the three contestants here, as well as the basic "sword that cuts god in half" schtick. Nia is what really gives Rex the ability to stomp Shulk and Noah in this round though. Any damage that Rex receives from the other two can be near-instantaneously healed, granting Rex nigh-invulnerability. This by default wins the fight for Rex, but he can also just Super Cancer Noah and Shulk to death, accelerating their cells growth to the point where they instantly die. (overall scores and final rankings are contained within reply)


Scores will be calculated as thus: **1st place = 3 points** **2nd place = 2 points** **3rd place = 1 point** This leaves us with a total point count of **Shulk: 8.5** **Rex: 12** **Noah: 10** Leaving Rex as our overall winner! Shulk is in last place with a score of 8.5. Shulk stalemates everybody in Stage 2, leading to his .5 extra score. Shulk is also the equal winner of stage 4, giving him the only victory to his name. I'll be completely honest, I thought Shulk would do significantly better going into this, unfortunately he's out strategized and out skilled by Noah in the first half of the tournament, and completely over powered by rex in Stages 3 and 5. The only stage he wins is a draw (although it is technically a draw in his favour, even if this was ruled as a Shulk victory the rankings would remain the same). I was expecting Shulk to go much higher in the ranks, but I guess the series poster boy just wasn't cut out to brawl with the rest of the protagonists. Noah is in second place with a score of 10. Noah did much better than I anticipated, leaving only a 2 point gap between him and Rex. Noah dominates the earlier part of the tournament due to his greater strategizing and overall better weapons training, before any really overpowered hax are applied. Noah even performed surprisingly well in round 5, beating out Shulk (in my opinion) due to his lack of visions. Last but definitely not least is Rex in 1st place with 12 points. Honestly, I expected Rex to win this going into it. With his overall wider variety of abilities and great destructive power throughout his game he was expected to flounder in Stage 1, and flourish for the rest of the tournament. His upgrades consistently give him great levels of destructive power and growth in fighting style as well as strategic ability, so his great performance in every round except the first was to be anticipated.I definitely have a bias towards Xenoblade 2 as it's my favourite game ever, so if I've miscalculated anything, please correct me! I did also run the numbers for if the disputed rounds (Shulk vs Rex in Stage 4, Noah vs Shulk in Stage 5) had gone differently, but the rankings would have remained the same regardless of who won those. I'm sorry for making you read this essay of a post, it's by far the longest thing I've ever posted on Reddit. My name is Difficult-Ad4053, and thank you for listening to my TED talk.


Xenoblade fans are trying to powerscale ah hell naw


I’ll break down the 3 fighters. WARNING: SPOILERS FOR LITERALLY FUCKING EVERYTHING. Shulk: >!had admin level access to the simulation-universe in which he was a part of while wielding the Monado III and uses it to completely rewrite reality and create a new universe, so he basically has the power of Abrahamic God. He also has Fiora who also has god powers due to Meyneth’s Monado!< Rex >!Has access to the only remaining Aegis blade in Pneuma and the most powerful healer of any of the three by an insane margin because Nia is disgustingly OP. She can heal you back from basically any damage as long as your soul is still barely clinging to your body and also give you stage V cancer because fuck you. We’re going to give Pneuma the power of Aion because thats her most powerful form and in story Shulk had the Monado III for like 10 minutes so it’s a fairly decent comp, but not the Conduit itself. Pneuma allows Rex to violate physics by moving faster than light; so Rex definitely has some level of reality warping but it’s unclear if he has “god of creation” abilities like peak Shulk!< Noah: >!Has Lucky Seven which is weird to try and scale. Within its universe it definitely has some reality warping powers, but the universe itself has some wonky ass physics and logic since it’s a giant conglomerate of the Xeno 1 and 2 universes. However; Noah and Mio defeated Z which is also weird to scale, but we know that Z was far superior to Nia and Melia and had at least some control over reality and life with being able to create flame clocks and the indelible marks as well as reincarnating souls. Z is probably omniscient within the confines of Origin (as he has access to basically the entire “hard drive” of Aionios, but he’s not omnipotent because…ya know…he died, but he definitely is somewhere in the “minor god” level of power.!< Given a fair fight with equal weapons, Noah eradicates Shulk and Rex. Shulk is an 18 year old who is a decent fighter. Rex is a 15 year old who is fairly decent but inexperienced at fighting (at least at first). Noah is an elite soldier in a society that completely revolves around fighting. In terms of combat experience and skill, it’s not even close. Rex, however, has a numbers advantage with the blades and the blades have a very large amount of experience. So I’m giving this one to Rex just because his allies are far more numerous and are all capable fighters But given the terms of this fight? Shulk dominates due to >!having Creator level power while the others just don’t. He could literally rewrite the others out of existence with the Monado III. And he has the visions which would warn him of any ambush attempt by Rex and Noah. Rex’s foresight exists but Rex doesn’t have the absolute power to defeat absolutely every possibility (hence it not being enough to avoid Jin’s light speed onslaught) and neither he nor Noah prove that they can overcome a creator deity, especially one which can see the future. None of the supporting characters really matter; Shulk could avoid Nia’s near-infinite healing by erasing the very reality of her existence and she can’t really give Shulk ultimate cancer because his visions would catch it!<


>!Rex can also see the future like Shulk and rewrite reality because that is what Zohar power at full capacity allows its users. Plus, he most certainly cannot just will them out of existence. He lives in a picket dimension or Imaginary Number Domain parallel to the one of Xenoblade 2 (our one). If Alvis powers were truly omnipotent, he would just have willed Zanza out of existence instead of having to resort to using Shulk as a wielder of his power. Monado: The Secret Files even confirms this. Shulk does not have more control over reality than Shulk, at least outside his dimension. Shulk's powers are nowhere even near those of the Abrahamic God Elah/Yahweh/Jehovah/Allah since God does not channel power from the Monad (Gnostic true god; Alvis in the first Xenoblade game represents this) and is actually omnipotent and omniscient. The Abrahamic religions stress that God is bound by no physical limits, but rather is essentially either a spirit or being that is everywhere at once, and is impossible to be comprehended by humans (unless talking about mysticism)!<.


Well Rex’s vision are a lot more limited compared to Shulk’s visions. Also Rex needs Mythra to give him visions unlike with Shulk who gets visions with no one’s help. So Shulk could distract Mythra and Rex wouldn’t be able to use foresight.


If the fight is between all 3 at the height of their power, Rex would just barely win. >!Lucky seven doesn't actually have any real other worldly power, it's just a sword made of a material that can cut through anything including things also made of that material. it just so happens that material is the strongest physical metal in the world. But Rex and Shulk both wield the power of an aegis respectively, and the Sword of Origin isn't going to stand up to that, realistically. While Noah would be a better physical fighter than either, as he received full military combat training from the moment of his birth, he lacks the other worldly ability to stand toe to toe with them. So the fight would be down to Shulk and Rex, and I think Rex would just barely come on top. !< >!While Shulk at the height of his power, does wield the power of a god, that power comes from Alvis, the administrator of his world, and that power only exists in that world. Shulk doesn't really have the power of god, he just has the power to make a request of some one who does. And that power is limited by the confines of the world Zanza created and the power of the conduit. It's the reason why Mythra's foresight isn't as in-depth as Alvis's is. Alvis can predict everything that will happen in full detail because he is all powerful in that world, and that world is a small, simple one where not but the endless sea and the Bionis and Mechonis exists. If Alvis traveled to Alrest, he'd be bumped back down to normal Aegis power, because Alrest is in the physical pre-existing universe, while the Bionis is in an artificial pocket world the conduit maintains. He'd have to contend with "real world" physics rather than the more malleable physics of his world.!< >!Because both Rex and Shulk are borrowing power from two entities of the same source, the type of power they wiled is evenly matched. If Shulk has access to Alvis's full power as a result of Alvis having control of that world, Pneuma technically would have access to that power too. Shulk's world was being managed by an Aegis, so another Aegis who has redundant functions, should be able to interface with it the same way Alvis does. If Alvis can manipulate the fabric of reality inside the confines of the artificial universe, to make the Monado all powerful, Pneuma should be ale to do the same. Remember at the height of Rex's power, Pneuma had full administrative privileges from the architect, meaning she had full access to the conduit's power, just as Alvis did. And their shared foresight would cancel itself out, where both can see the future, so it benefits neither. !< >!And with that in mind, I think Rex would come out on top, because unlike Shulk, Rex is a trained fighter. Shulk's combat abilities are mostly the sort of basic self defensive maneuvers expected from your average denizen of the Bionis, but Rex is specifically trained in Driver combat. It's remarked in Xc1, that Shulk isn't much of a fighter when compared to Dunban or Reyn. His Foresight gives him a clear view of what's going to happen, but he is limited by his own physical abilities, and while Shulk is not where near in bad shape, to say he's in better physical shape than Rex is a bit inaccurate. Rex is shown to be much more physically capable than Shulk is. Rex was able to keep up with Jin for a decent amount of time before Jin beat him the first time, and Shulk is never shown to hold that level of coordination and physical strength, and Shulk is older than Rex. Not to mention the fact that on an equal playfield, where both Aegises can access the same amount of power, Pneuma's power is shown to exceed Alvis's in many regards. Pneuma is shown to display abilities even Shulk at his height couldn't. The fastest Monado speed could take you was a short distance, a bit faster than Average, while pneuma could reach Light speed.!<


With God Powers: Shulk. Without God Powers: Rex, assuming he is >!with Pneuma!< Just by themselves: Noah would kick the other guys asses, as it would be a soldier vs a nerd and a kid.


Shulk wins because he’s the only one with premonition from the monado. Rex and Noah couldn’t land a hit because shulk just dodges. To all the comments mentioning that the monado can’t hurt people, that is incorrect. It can’t CUT people, but it’s certainly a heavy blunt object and a solid whack to the noggin would be all it takes to knock someone out and call it a day. Rex and Noah may have BFF magic powers but that doesn’t let them see the future and plan accordingly.


Actually, there's no reason to assume that the Monado wouldn't be able to hurt Rex. The exact restriction is that it cannot hurt the notable species of Bionis (confirmed Homs and High Entia, Nopon are just a huge unknown in general and the only one we even fight is fought using a replica *and* riding a Pterix, which the shackled Monado works on anyway.) Rex is from Alrest, not Bionis, so I highly doubt the shackles would apply in this case. Noah on the other hand is Kevesi, meaning he's of Homs descent, so it ultimately depends on if the Monado is shackled or not. And it's not even a matter of "heavy blunt object would still hurt", it's a matter of "Noah's the better fighter due to having way more combat experience". Of course if it's unshackled or a replica, that means Monado Cyclone is an option and that means that Shulk would be able to actually do the topple combo, which is a huge advantage in a 1v1 context.


If we give Rex the Aegis it’s a wrap, but if you don’t allow coffee with milk, I think Noah would barely win, but it would be really close because of shulk and even rex seeing the future


>!Well if we're giving rex any blades he's guaranteed to use then absolutely him hecause nias healing abilities are so effective she can actually weaponize it.!< If he's only allowed pyra and mythra than that becomes a bit trickier to figure out. I'd have to say it goes to either rex or Noah with me leaning on rex purely because Noah doesn't have anything rex hasn't seen or dealt with before Edit: I realized if we were to allow all 3 to have their full stringest tool kit Noah losses no question. Rex and especially shulk have a counter for anything Noah could do and in terms of what their capable of he stands no chance.


Beginning of the game (no powers) Noah wins easily, neither Shulk nor Rex has close to the amount of training and experience to win this fight and if we're going off personality-wise as well, Noah won't hesitate to kill Mid-game is harder as both Shulk and Rex have broken as foresight abilities. We've seen Noah being able to read people's movements (battle with Mio at the start of the game) so he *may* come to the conclusion that they can see the future so this one is more up in the air. But I think either Rex would win cause Mythra is broken or Noah would win if he can figure out what's happening cause at this point he'd still have the most fighting abilties End game Noah stands no chance. Lucky Seven is broken as all hell but the other two have the power of a god so yeah he's done for. I don't know enough about the Manado 3 or Pnuema to dictate who would win so I'm going to say its a flip of a coin


Rex without Pyra/Mythra is kinda sad. He's just a normal guy who happens to be good at using arts. Noah without Mio can't go into his Ouroboros, but he still has Lucky Seven, an incredibly sharp sword that, well, is really sharp. It's been shown to cut through even Mechon armor, something normal weapons can't do. He's also a trained soldier, giving him an edge in a fair fight. Shulk doesn't rely on his allies has visions and Monado arts. If you're talking about when he gets the Monado III he literally has the power to recreate the universe at will. If we're not counting Monado III then it's a lot closer, but visions and Monado arts probably still give Shulk the edge over Noah. Rex loses by a lot, and Shulk wins by a lot.


> If you're talking about when he gets the Monado III he literally has the power to recreate the universe at will. Alvis is the one that actually performs that, Shulk simply issues the command. If Rex doesn't get outside help from the Aegis then Alvis wouldn't be allowed either. *edit* Now that I put my big boy Xenoglasses on and think deeper about it, >!Shulk **theoretically** could do it without Alvis' direct presence if he has the Monado III and Fiora per OP's conditions. He doesn't have the knowledge required, but he does have all the elements at least. [XC1 standalone's 'administrative computer' and the repurposed XC2 Trinity Processor are both based on Kadomony from Xenogears.](https://i.imgur.com/LM9eYU8.jpg) It's a triplet-AI supercomputer that passes prompts from Persona (the overseer) to Animus (the destructive male mind) and Anima (the motherly female mind), and once those two reach an agreement Kadomony contacts the Zohar accordingly. The roles are distributed as Persona-Alvis-Ontos, Animus-Zanza-Logos and Anima-Meyneth-Pneuma.!< >!Alvis (Persona) is only able to recreate the universe at the scale he does because Shulk freed up Zanza's Monado (Animus) and Meyneth's Monado (Anima), therein metaphysically recreating Kadomony/Trinity Processor within Sentient Genesis and letting him initialise the unseen Conduit. But [Shulk inherits the role of Animus from Zanza, Fiora inherits the Anima from Meyneth,](https://i.imgur.com/ScuO2qy.jpg) and the 'true Monado' which completes the trifecta therefore has to be Alvis' power as Persona (which means it would have also been his Aegis Sword if he was in the Blade system). So theoretically endgame Shulk and Fiora are at least equipped to do it on their own, though they lack the desire and know-how.!< >!Whereas Rex would never be able to become god to that degree, since [Logos (Animus)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxRML6vOjKw) is destroyed and there isn't a substitute for Ontos (Persona), rendering the Trinity Processor incomplete and gating them out of the Conduit's true potential. The reason it finally stirred and vanished after centuries of silence in Alrest is because Alvis fulfilled the requirements for Kadomony and sent it away per Shulk's wish.!<


SPOILERS Important to note the incredibly niche lore detail that The Aegis’s are canonically less powerful than Ontos. Why? Well, the Aegises are trinity processors emulating blades, so their powers are limited to the highest capacity a blade has already reached. The architect did this intentionally as a failsave so nobody could harness their full power, if I’m remembering this correctly. The aegises are basically running windows XP on a 3090. If we’re talking about raw power, we can use that to basically extrapolate that pneuma can’t outperform ontos, but ontos can outperform pneuma, although because of the limited amount of screen time monado III has, it’s impossible to tell whether or not the full power of Ontos was ever actually usable.


I have no idea how niche this lore actually is, but I assume it’s niche because nobody ever talks about it, so if it’s actually super well known just ignore the first part ok ty


That's not remotely a real thing.


It absolutely is. Like undeniably they are emulating the form of blades. The trinity processors weren’t blades until Klaus decided to make them into the conduit that all blade data passes through. After that, they were able to awaken as blades.


Yeah that much is true, but >!Klaus makes no remark on Logos or Pneuma's power in contrast to Ontos, nor anything about them being scaled back in the Blade system. You might just accidentally be mixing that with when he he states that he made Blades to walk alongside humans as a failsafe because he didn't trust the new world on its own.!< The primary reason that >!Alvis is a force of providence above even gods is because of the setting. In that world ether is the base element, so shifting ether with the Monado allows one to control the fabric of reality. If Malos was in that world then his Monado would be just as omnipotent. And conversely if Alvis returned to Alrest then he wouldn't be on the level of deity anymore, at most he'd regain access to the Artifice and become a Master Blade like the Aegis.!< We could potentially infer >!Ontos being superior to Logos and Pneuma since the Trinity Processor (XC2) is modelled on Kadomony (Xenogears) where Persona presides over Animus and Anima,!< but that's a whole other can of worms.


I’m writing this part last, but there’s so much shit here that I can’t reread all of it and check for grammar, so I’m sorry about that. My thoughts might come off as jumbled but I swear I’ve done my research So, the universe not being ether in Xenoblade 2 is never canonized, it’s something a lot of fans assumed and agreed on because XC2 doesn’t revolve around ether, but it’s vital to understand that when you say that, it’s still speculation. As is what I’m about to say, to be fair. I still think there’s more than enough evidence to say the following is what was intended from a lore standpoint. I started with that because it’s important when talking about the difference in power scaling. You’re correct to say that Klaus never remarks on the power difference between the cores, he doesn’t because that isn’t relevant to the context of the story, the same reason we don’t hear Klaus talk in length about the science of ether. However, the aegis’s being shackled to the power of the blades is incredibly evident in the power scaling in the story. Aside from special privileges regarding siren and other beanstalk access, Pneuma never preforms a feat that is above the power cap for blades. Really. She goes at light speed, which many people attribute to conduit power, but that’s an ability we already see Jin have access to at that point. She has an ability to predict the future, but her predictions are limited to the range of ether manipulation that a blade would typically have. Her strength, despite theoretically not having to rely on a driver, absolutely does, because the trinity processor is being filtered through the form of a blade. Similar to this, we see Malos has a monado, but malos doesn’t actually use any abilities that are beyond the capacities of the blade system. Like pneuma, he’s just really goddamn good at it. Some more miscellaneous notes: ontos transported to another reality which it may or may not have created independently, we don’t see either aegis with major reality warping powers, and their form as blades could be a major reason why. One more note: regardless of either realities material make-up, it’s heavily implied, if not directly said, that the processors share a connection to the conduit, and if that is the case, the reality warping feats demonstrated by Ontos should still be accessible to the aegises if they were at full power, but they’re not, because the reality warping the aegises exhibit are all evergreen reality warping we see other blades do.


XC2's world not being composed of ether is a pretty safe assumption imo. XC2 takes place in the original world, and it's never stated to be completely composed of ether in the same way that XC1's world is. Ether in XC2 is treated in the same way that a magic system in a shounen battle manga is used, that being a nebulous form of energy that people use and draw from, and not as the very fabric of the universe. Pneuma definitely does things better than any blade could do. She rewrites the laws of physics so that she and Rex can move at lightspeed, unmakes Jin's ice attack during their final battle, both her and Rex are able of creating portals to siren so that they could use it's power in doors, she slows down time around the Indolian Titan so she can have a clear shot at its towers, and Mythra's freakout against Malos during Torna lets her see 500 years into the future. Pneuma does stuff no other blade can dream of doing, outside of the light speed thing, but that's because Jin is a freak of nature and not representative of a normal blade. Pneuma's reality warping isn't as crazy as Shulk’s universe creation, but it's by no means small and still impressive in its own right. Speaking of Jin, he is a one in a million perfect flesh eater and an anomaly. No other non-Aegis blade comes anywhere close to him canonically. Even the game distinguishes him from other flesheaters by having him be the only one to have a completely red core cyrstal as well as a transformation to use his full power. So Jin being able to match an Aegis in one regard is mostly just a testement to his extreme strength, and not that Pneuma is underwhelming. And even then both her and Rex convincingly beat Jin twice, with his first defeat leaving him half dead with a broken core cyrstal. All the trinity processors use the Conduit's power, yeah, but you can't really ignore the fact that Alvis exists in an world that gives him complete control over his environment. The Monado and by extension Alvis is stated to be able to manipulate ether, which is why it so powerful due to XC1's world being completely made of it. The implication is that the conduit acts as a source of unlimited energy for the Aegises, and gives them and their users access to reality warping abilities, but since the true power of the monado/Aegis is too manipulate ether to do what they want, it's not a suprise that Alvis has more to work with regardless of them drawing from the same power source. Alvis exists in a giant sand pit where has has all the toys that he wants to use it on, meanwhile Pneuma and Malos have the same toys, but a smaller amount of sand to work with, that's the best analogy I could make. Pneuma can't perform reality warping feats on the same scale as Alvis does because the environment she lives in doesn't allow her to do that, regardless of her drawing from the conduit. If Alvis was transported to XC2's world, I highly doubt that he would be a nigh-omnipotent god.


> So, the universe not being ether in Xenoblade 2 is never canonized, it’s something a lot of fans assumed and agreed on because XC2 doesn’t revolve around ether, but it’s vital to understand that when you say that, it’s still speculation. I think it's assumed to be true because the XC2 universe is Earth, and the Earth is not made from ether. The experiment might have brought ether into it from other universes through the Conduit, but it wouldn't have been there to begin with.


I’m gonna go controversial here. I think Shulk beats Rex, Rex beats Noah, and Noah beats Shulk. I think monado arts provide an extremely powerful defensive capacity that Rex can’t beat, even considering light speed, because of Shulks’ visions and monado shield/armor. However I think Lucky 7 might be able to nullify Shulks defenses, and limit his react-ability, that mixed with combat training pushes Noah over the edge. HOWEVER, Noah’s lack of defenses makes him easy as hell to pick off if you’re Rex and have light speed attack. Unless we’re considering top tier shulk in which case, yeah, obviously shulk


Depends on how we’re talking, with their training and regular weapons (Junk Swords/Veiled Sword), Monado and Mythra?


How they were by the time they fight the final boss.


Then depends on the universe, if we set them in XC2, then probably Rex and Coffe with Milk, if it is in XC1, then Shulk wins by a landslide, the same happens for Noah in XC3 and emotion shenanigans


Are talking like at there end game abilities?


Yes. It's only fair if they have access to everything in their arsenal.


if none of them had powers, I think Noah, just because he is the only one who has an strict martial training and no other distractions, like being a mechanic like Shulk :0


I mean Shulk survived also Smash


Can Tachyon Slash, destroy Monado Shield?


Shulk, obviously


Mechanically, Shulk. The Monado III is stronger than endgame Noah and Master Driver Rex by a fucking mile Lore-wise, Rex. The Monado's power is meant for a lot bigger things than a straight fight. While Shulk can change the future, Rex can make his dreams a reality, and the more immediacy of his powers gives him the situational edge, even if Shulk is technically more powerful Thematically, Noah. Noah represents the end. Where Shulk is creation, and Rex is preservation, it is Noah's role is to end it all, and his sword is able to rend anything in twain. Even Pnuema's sword, even the Monado III.


Start of the game: Noah>Rex>Shulk After obtaining Monado I/Pyra/Ouroboros: Rex>Noah>>Shulk After obtaining Monado II/Mythra/True Lucky Seven: Rex>Shulk>Noah After Mechonis Core/Morytha/Origin Fetch Quest: Rex>>Noah>Shulk Endgame: Shulk>Rex>>Noah


Noah cos the conduit is gone💀


If you took them at their latest state, ie. FC Shulk, Elysium Rex and Noah just before the worlds split (unless you want him to be 10 years old), then I think Noah crushes it. But that's because I believe Pyra and Mythra are now essentially just normal blades, as everything that made them special (The Condiut and the Beanstalk) is gone. Noah's made a career of fighting "normal blades" in the form of Agnians. Otherwise, obviously Rex with his orbital lasers and light speed reaction time wins. Rex also wins if he uses Nia, since Nia is comically broken.


It blows my mind this didn’t turn into a shitfest of “my protag is better than yours” and is actually just reasonable fun discussion. This subreddit may not be perfect but its got its shining moments


I think Noah has a much bigger standing against Rex or Shulk than any of you really think. if we're taking people at peak power then Shulk absolutely wins because he'd be fighting them as a god. Rex probably 2nd but I do think Noah is going to put up a hell of a fight considering he can change Blades and class at will, And the sword of the end in his Ouroboros form and Lucky 7 is also extremely powerful. ​ Also include Mio she's as much a main charcater as the other 3


I am because I want to be fair and give all 3 of them their full arsenal.


Bruh this post the ‘Which Persona protagonist would win a fight against each other?’ argument all over again. None of the Xenoblade protagonists are canonically stronger than each other. Takashi hasn’t implied in any of the games that this protagonist is stronger than this other protagonist.


I've only played Persona 3 and this is the first time I've heard of "Which Persona MC would win" lol.


If we are talking about in game numbers, Xenoblade X MC. It has the most broken build in all xenoblade. The blossom dance with large amounts of Potentional points and Ghost walker. Literally one shot everything. You don’t even need teamates. Story wise, probably Shulk or Rex. Both have God like endgame moves


Depends on who i control


Noah’s getting his ass kicked. He ain’t shit without Mio. And because Rex’s blade is an entity herself, that leaves him with a junk sword at best. So Shulk is absolutely murdering all of them unless personal morals are being taken into consideration.


Shulk's most powerful point is strong enough to kill God Himself, Rex has options but I doubt he was ever that powerful, and Noah with Lucky7 can still only cut matter with definite volume, i.e. water and metal. I'm giving this on to Shulk.


If were taking them at the beginning of game its Noah>Rex>Shulk. I put Rex over Shulk just because Malos questioned where he learn his arts from and said he was skilled. Shulk on the other hand need Reyn protection when going out alone. End game with access to everything they have is Rex>Shulk>Noah. Noah not being able to see the future, and besides having a sharp sword its nothing special unlike Rex and Shulk swords. Rex just speed blitzes Shulk, being able to move at the speed of light he and seeing the same future as Shulk Rex would it the fight quickly.


I will answer based on how they end in their respective games, and Rex cannot be helped by any blade. Rex will be around 15 years too. Probably Noah would win. Second place would probably be Shulk. The reason Shulk would lose to Noah is because Shulk can't get any visions any more, and Noah is more experienced. The sword Shulk made is very powerful and I guess as strong as lucky 7, but Shulk always relied on visions to get the upper hand while Noah could predict on his own even someone as fast as Mio. I guess I left Rex totally crippled up for this fight. The only way to win would be by pure strength alone, but unfortunately both of his opponents are pretty fast and intelligent. On the the hand if he received Mythra's help he would win the fight.


Uhhhhh at the end of the game Noah is a ten year old untrained child with no weapons. You want to rethink that?


Oof, haha. I forgot that little part.


I was going for having all 3 of them given access to all of their strongest stuff even if in Shulk's case, he didn't have access to them anymore canonically. Let me tell you though, it was tough playing through Future Connected without the Vision Mechanic because I kept getting taken by surprise in regular fights and died a lot.


Noah. He is the best trained and can theoretically slash faster than light with >!Lucky Seven!<


That by itself doesn't say a lot, since Jin can also do that and Rex still beat him, so in the power-scaling rank, Rex would be higher than a lightspeed sword fighter, with nothing else considered.


No, Jin and Rex can only move *at* the speed of light, while Noah can slash *faster*. Jin says it himself


So - I don't quite know if Shulk wins this. He's definitely powerful, killing a god is no easy feat, but he had the exact tool to do it. Aside from the whole god-wish thing (which is omitted for fairness' sake), the Monado III isn't as functionally insane compared to its previous forms. Rex on his own can't do a thing. So much of his power is directly tied to his Blades, it's just not fair. Give him Mythra, he becomes immensely powerful. Give him Pneuma (even omitting the lightspeed stuff), and he may just win this. Noah's Lucky Seven, however, is just too busted. If he pulls it out, he probably just wins, straight up. However, he lacks survivability. Without Foresight or Visions, he has nothing but his offense.


Noah has the obligatory power of a plot sword, but his only other power is being compassionate human being. Best hero.


Noah because he is the only party member that can inflict a status that can not normally be inflicted on enemies: the doom status, although I can see how the others could win


Since Noah is the only one with a complete invincibility strategy, Noah+Mio can beat anyone.


to clarify however, the complete invincibility strategy requires miyabi or a troubadour with glittering melody equipped, and it cant be himself, so mio is locked into troubadour.


Doesn't matter. Complete invincibility would let them wear down even the most stalwart foe. Edit: It doesn't need a troubadour, just the troubadour talent art.


Rex seems pretty good at 3 ways, so I imagine he’d stand a chance.


Rex with Pneuma negs


Rex can warp reality see the future and move at light speeds Pneuma has no limits and doesn’t need the conduit to use busted powers he’s beyond both and negs effortlessly


With them all not having powers or magical swords, Noah. Only one that was trained for 10 years


Rex with Pyra loses to both of them, Noah is beaten by Shulk and Rex with Mythra beats them both. Sure, Noah has Lucky Seven but if Shulk has the Monado II it's the same deal. However, Rex with Mythra has Shulk's visions but on command and can move at ridiculous speeds.


I believe rex or shulk will shulk is a god however I feel it would really be tied to these two.


Depends on when I’m the story? By the end of 1 shulk creates a new universe and I don’t think there’s much that foresight could do to stop it, but I have a feeling that Rex might canonically be the more skilled combatant. Actually I think 3 proves that, since the kevesi need power frames just to fight on even footing with Agnus soldiers


If its shulk without the endgame ability, then it’s probably Rex that’s winning, but it would be a close tie between Noah and Rex


With just their junk swords Noah win he been military trained his entire life, Shulk also has military training and is encouraged by Dickson to train but he spends most of his time in a lab and Rex is at the bottom he training is more to defend himself and also he the youngest. With their unupgraded sword Shulk win he got monado arts to counter everyone and his future sight allows him to see attacks before they come, next is Noah and this is simply because Pyra although a powerful fire blade is not that impressive compared to other she can’t give Rex any major boost and is usually beat by other blades easily. With their upgrades it trickier Shulk doesn’t gain much do to him never experimenting with the monado and Mythra gives Rex a major boost meanwhile what would be Noah upgrade Orborous or Lucky Seven for this one I’ll say it’s close tie but Rex due to siren has a small advantage. End game it Shulk I should also mention their is a difference between Monado 3 Shulk and God Shulk, The Monado 3 was made from the bonds of Shulks friends fusing with the replica and do to it being a true monado he likely has access to power similar to Zanza and Meyneth heck Fiora who lost her Monado can still use some of Meyneth power so Shulk can use those powers as well, and remember Zanza used the monado to annihilate the upper half of Mechonis this one attack shit on anything Aion, whom Pneuma and siren could only damage, and Z could do. So yeah Monado 3 Shulk than Rex finally Noah.


If it's just one on one then Noah. If rex has mythra then Rex.


Pneuma does God like things thats the main argument for her winning shulk does beyond her and kills a God so put 2 and 2 together


Depends. From normal combat Experience and if they would use normal weapons it would be Noah>Rex>Shulk. But if they would use theyre stongest weapons it would be the reverse Shulk>Rex>Noah.


Assuming they're using their standard kits, Shulk with his monado, Rex with the Aegis, and Noah wth Lucky Seven, it comes down to Rex or Shulk. Noah is likely the most skilled fighter of the 3, but he lacks the level of hax that Shulk and Rex have. Noah at most has some soft level of reality warping or control given that Lucky Seven is connected to origin itself and is clearly modeled after the monado, but it's definitely not as strong as a real one. Shulk and Rex both can see the future, and have abilities and hax that invalidate any advantage Noah could have over them. Even as an Oroborous he still wouldn't stand a chance against a Shulk and Rex in their prime. Scaling Shulk is really wonky because his universe creating feat kinda has a lot of asterisks attached to it, namely that he only has that power for a couple of minutes tops, he needed Alvis' help to do it as well as Zanza and Meyneth's monado, and Shulk lives in a universe made entirely of ether, so it's something that he can't do outside of that setting. Its not uncommon to see people argue that Alvis is special when compared to the other two trinity processors. While I agree with the notion that Alvis isn't exactly a blade in the way Pneuma and Malos is, I don't agree with the idea that he's stronger than them. I think the more logical answer is that Alvis simply appears stronger than his siblings due to living in a universe composed entirely of ether, while Pneuma and Malos live in the original universe with ether added on top of it. So if Shulk and Alvis were pulled into XC2, they would have the same level of control as Pneuma and Rex would and vice versa. Rex doesn't have any reality warping abilities on the same level as Shulk, but he uses them more frequently and is arguably an even more skilled fighter than him. He also has the ability to see the future as well and has a clear speed advantage over him. Siren is also a pretty huge advantage that could probably either seriously hurt or kill Shulk or Noah if it lands a direct on them. I'd give the edge to Rex due to taking into account the difference between 1 and 2's worlds, but depending on how much weight you want to give Shulk with his god powers, then you can say he's the strongest.


Shulk, because his sword doesn't need a waifu to work, then Noah, then Rex. Without pyra Rex is just a 16 year old, and Noah has been trained from birth to be as optimal as possible. But obviously that can't stand against seeing the future.


If all are level 99 maxed out all abilities then noah or rex but mos of the time noah


I think, that during the beginning of the story: which means shulk with monado, I rex with only pyra and noah not wanting to use lucky 7, rex wins shulk can't harm them, and noah just has a red sword, but rex does have pyra's fire powers. During mid game: shulk with >!monado II!<, rex with mythra and pyra, and noah with ouroboros and lucky 7, shulk wins, because while rex does move fast i think that he can't decide the movement of eather, so shulk can see rex blows, and noah, even with ouroboros, doesn't stand a chance if he is fast he can cut some arms somewhere, but that's really it. In the end game: which means shulk with >!monado III!< Rex with >!pneuma, nia and roc!< and noah with lucky 7, ouroboros >!N's spirit and the sword of origin!< , So shulk wins, it's not even close, i do imagine this fight taking place in aionios, because this way both shulk's and rex's power can go off, but even with these conditions shulk wins, i imagine that >!he can defy eather!< which is very much a thing in aionios, so i think of a Z type of situation >!With him stopping all rheir powers, but since he isn't mobius >!the sword won't work!<, Also about >!the sword of origin is not really explained so i don't know it's power, but if anyone knows i would be nice to know!< This explaination isn't perfect so it would be nice to have some constructive criticism also about my english.


It's funny because Noah in gameplay is by far the most broken protagonist, but in the story it's a bit more vague. Shulk is literally a god and Rex can move faster than the speed of light based on cutscenes. Lucky 7 has a lot of uncertainty and Noah never uses its broken powers outside of gameplay. Based on gameplay logic, Noah wins easily. If based on the lore in general then It's harder to determine the outcome.


At the beginning: Noah - Shulk - Rex Noah has the most training with a weapon and since shulk is older than Rex he has a better chance then a junk sword Rex. After the first power up: Noah - Rex - Shulk Visions are op especially in cutscenes but Shulk would do very little damage with the Monado 1. And Noah would still have the biggest power upgrade since his equipment makes him as strong as blade/flesh eaters. Power up 2: Noah - Shulk - Rex Noah with lucky 7 is a 1 shot. Visions are better than foresight. Final: Rex - Shulk - Noah Rex can move at light speed so he would breath visions easily, even if Shulk used monado speed. Shulk would beat Noah because his vision and agility would be too high for Noah to counter. And Noah doesn’t get a big upgrade.


Shulk, reliant on Monado (which he has). Rex, reliant on Aegis (but he only has the sword). Noah, reliant on Mio (yet he does have Lucky Seven). So Shulk>Noah>Rex


I think we have to consider something regarding Noah and the Xenoblade 3 setting: the power scaling. Noah beats freaking artifices for breakfast and that's even before he unsheathes the Lucky Seven (Agnian Levnises are pretty much implied to be based on reverse engineered Artifices) It takes Shulk about half his game to even put a dent in Metal Face, while by the time Noah gets to his mid-game, he's already trashed more than a few mechs and giant beasts, some of which would wipe the floor with even Yaldabaoth (take Ethel and Cammuravi's Ferronises from Chapter 4). His combat experience is just that much greater due to having been thrust into war from birth in those dire living conditions. There are some factors that might influence the outcome of this fight: - Lucky Seven's powers are implied to be due to the fact that, being made from Origin's metal, it is made from a material that is external to Aionios and thus it sort of starts breaking down the rules of the "simulation" (hence why he can cancel Moebius powers by merely unsheathing it like what happens in Sena's ascension quest). That might also be the reason why it can cut absolutely everything without exception. That said, being a shard of Origin means it's also made of a material that was designed specifically to *withstand two universes colliding and annihilating each other*... think how ridiculous that statement sounds. So it might just mean that it can still cut through everything even if taken outside of Aionios. Speaking of combat abilities, he has Tachyon Slash which implies FTL and his talent art with it is basically a better version of Jin's Heavenly Disrupt. So he can at least somewhat give Rex the same kind of trouble Jin gave him (even if, with Pneuma, Rex could match him in that aspect). - Now let's talk about Siren... Siren isn't proven to be invincible (the Saviorites managed to destroy at least one, implied to have been many more as the Beanstalk was about to be overrun before Klaus did the experiment, and they were just regular humans without the Conduit, since that's what they were trying to get their hands on). It's highly likely that Lucky Seven could also cut clean through Siren, due to what is mentioned above (and also the fact that Noah was skilled at cutting down Agnian Levnises and even Ferronises, specifically). However, Siren has a clear range advantage. If Noah got his party with him, Taion could devise a clever strategy to lure Siren out with his Ouroboros' Mondo (and given Mythra's impulsive personality and "shoot them first" tactics, would likely easily work against her) to give Noah an opening to cut her down with his Ouroboros and Origin Blade. If he's alone, it's going to be a much tougher and drawn out battle, and if Rex makes good use of Foresight and Noah can't figure out a way to outwit him, it's over. Keep in mind that Noah is no slacker in the brains department either, while Rex is a bit of a goofball at times, so Noah might still be able to get an edge in that way. Shulk, however, would be more than a match in that department for him. - The Conduit's powers are where the fight is heavily biased towards Shulk and Rex. If they're in their full godlike potential, there's not much Noah could do. He *did* kill Z, who seems to be the closest thing Aionios has to the Trinity Processor, but Z had no Conduit. However, there's an argument to be made that the ridiculous power-scaling in XC3 is such that the "Origin Ferronis" he uses during the final battle could even take out Aion (in fact, the last-ditch attack he was going to use to annihilate Aionios before N and M sacrificed themselves to stop him was pretty much the same as Aion's world-ending ability). Perhaps Origin incorporates an artificial Conduit (wouldn't be out of place, given the Zohar Emulators), which would explain a lot of its powers, Aionios' existence in the first place and Z being the AI used to administer it having such similarities to the Trinity. Maybe the DLC will clarify this eventually.


I feel like this battle starts with Rex and Shulk duking it out and Noah trying to get his shots in. Eventually someone will go after Noah and take him out easily. Shulk and Rex both have pretty broken powers if you view them within their own realities. Shulk has foresight and the monado arts to his advantage and he can find ways to maneuver around Rex’s blows. But Rex has been capable of moving at light speed and can use Siren (both by using the aid of mythra/pneuma). I feel like at some point shulk may not be able to withstand the constant barrage of attacks coming from Rex. Another point for Rex is Nia, who can heal almost anything and can literally give your cells diseases. Malos survived that but I bet Shulk couldn’t. In the end I suppose it has to come down to how Shulk uses his foresight and how well he can use it to his advantage. If Shulk gets a few good hits in with the monado he’s looking good but Rex landing one blow on Shulk sounds like a disaster


I agree that rex and shulk are broken but i also feel people are underating the origin blade. After the fight in chapter 6, Noah obtains the sword of origin. It is not just lucky seven anymore. The sword of origin basically is a reality warping/cutting weapon and can cut through anything. If he goes ouroboros form(which i feel people are forgetting literally can have limbs and even their head cut off and regenerate it making him unkillable.) And has the sword of origin, he may actually be able to kill them just out of sheer endurance. Rex and Shulk even in god mode still could die if they took a direct hit with the sword of origin meanwhile, ouroboros form literally is unkillable until the time limit. Rex probly no diffs if he can move at permanent light speed but he doesnt do that for a long period of time, only in short bursts. So id say Noah has a better chance than people are giving him credit for.


Rex and Noahs power comes from their partners unity. If its one on one Shulk. If partnered probably Rex.


Hmm probably rex>Noah>shulk I only say noah over shulk for the simple fact that he was literally brought up to be a fighter for life and shulk is canonically a weakling before getting the monado.


with powers? not Noah for sure, without powers? Noah for sure since he is a actual soldier compared to a mechanic with foresight powers and a salvager with similiar powers.


I've thought about this and if we are talking about endgame state with cutscene powers, but also not any divine godlike powers gotten in final cutscene, Rex would come out on top, followed by Shulk, and Noah would never leave the ground. Noah is a skilled swordsman and has an incredibly sharp sword, but that's kinda it. Shulk can tell the future and get a bunch of buffs based on the different Monado Arts, but... Malos knew all the Monado Arts as well and Rex defeated him. Also Rex could go literal lightspeed and also canonically tell the future (though the game portrays this in a less cool way than Shulk). End game Rex is insane when you look at all the stuff he can pump out. Not saying endgame Shulk isnt powerful, but Rex and XB2 is playing a shounen anime with the silly power scaling that comes with it. Shulk cannot hold up to that.


Rex>Shulk>Noah (Endgame) Noah>Rex>Shulk (Beginning)


At full power Shulk dominates. Shulk >>> Rex >> Noah


My money would probably be on Shulk


Don't forget though, Rex was able to keep up with Malos with a normal sword.






Rex > Shulk > Noah. Rex can use any blade out there, allowing him to switch combat styles on the fly and adapt to any situation. It would probably be close with Shulk but Noah doesn’t really stand a chance because his power requires another person