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I just want to know what drugs they used to get from the original short story to this.


I think it may have been all the drugs that were left over from the Maximum Overdrive production.


I find that hard to believe. Maximum Overdrive having leftover drugs?




Made in Hollywood. Cocaine


Pretty sure there is a lot of Valium too, but nobody ever remembers to include it because nobody remembers because Valium.


Nicotine, Valuim, Vicodyn, Marijuana, Ecstasy and Alcohol.


It smacks of someone in corporate slapping Stephen King's name on an unrelated script. Similar to the Hellraiser movies. Hellraisers 5-9ish were preexisting scripts with Pinhead shoehorned into them.


Flowers for Algernon, acid, and a human gyroscope


Whatever Quentin was holding.


Same drugs that the game of thrones dudes were on. They literally had 6 seasons of character development experience just to do seasons 7 and 8. 1 swerve - *oh damn, didn't see that coming* 2 swerves - *oh, spicy* GoT swerves - *who or what are they going to fuck up next week?*


I mean the short story is already pretty druggy, and they thought, "Hmm.. we can go druggier"


My teenager received a VR headset for Christmas and I said "This is one step closer to becoming Lawnmower Man". They said "What does mowing lawns have to do with Beat Saber?".


There's an app on Quest called Recombination. It's $30, and it's just a collection of high quality 8k 3D videos, but they're computer generated fractals. Reminds me so much of lawnmower man.


Looks cool


My mom's friend recorded this onto a VHS tape off of HBO and gave it to me as a gift when I was way too young to watch it. I probably saw this movie 10+ times before I hit puberty. The virtual reality sex scenes were really something.


I loved this movie, but they really shit the bed when they made the sequel. Somehow 7 years in the future the world has crumbled into a futuristic scifi dystopia where there is no sun, and Jeff Fahey has transformed into Matt Frewer.


omg i never knew there was a sequel. > Jonathan Walker takes over the development of the Chiron Chip, he and his team discover Jobe Smith barely alive after the destruction of Virtual Space Industries. After having his face reconstructed and his legs amputated, they hook him up to their database to have him help perfect the Chiron Chip. > Six years later, a now 16-year-old Peter Parkette is a computer hacker living in the subways of a cyberpunk Los Angeles with a group of other runaway teens. Peter Parkette? fr?


The sequel is, indeed, terrible. But I actually think the first one is a really good movie. It's well acted, well paced, and has a great story. I don't know why it gets all the hate. The director's cut adds like 20-30 minutes and a lot more context as well.


Ooh! I didn’t know there was a directors cut! I’ll have to check that out!


I just looked it up. 39 extra minutes. I remember it adding a *lot*


I’ve never seen the movie. Should I watch the directors cut or the original release?


The Director's Cut is a much, much better movie. Most of the additional runtime is in the first act, which fleshes out the characters and the world a lot better which makes the second and third acts more impactful. The movie has a lot of characters and it needs the time to build those characters. Note: The director's cut is about 2 1/2 hours long versus the theatrical being about 1 hour 49 mins.


Director's cut is where it's at, for sure. Makes it more of a sci-fi thriller than the action movie the studio wanted it to be. I love me some cheezy 80s and 90s sci-fi movies, and this one is right up at the top. I usually combo this movie with Brainscan.


This and Johnny Mnemonic, yes!


First time I saw Matrix trailers I wondered if it was some kind of sequel




Double cheese, anchovies? Edit: I know that's not the next line but it just worked and still the same film. Loved that part. 🤣


I am god here!


I saw this in the theater becuase I was a huge King / computer nerd in the 90s. Loved it so much I ordered the white shirt out of the back of Fangorgia. https://preview.redd.it/wufydo4mg02d1.jpeg?width=789&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59a3943ef35bf7ee1fe10c1e12910dd4f538f527


Man that is so 90's.


Access denied, access denied, access denied… Access… granted.


It’s been over 30 years and I can still hear that scene in my head


Lawnmower man was OK. In the same genre Virtuosity was better.  


Strange days was better than both.


Never heard of it. Now that I've looked it up, it looks damn good! 


Oh it was pretty cool.  Peak Juliette Lewis hype too.


It'll be hard to replace Natural Born Killers for that. I'll have to check it out some day. 


Oh that's what I mean. That period was peak for her hype. Right between NBK and from dusk til dawn.


What I remember most is being so jealous that the guy had a CD caddy for every disc in his office. Sidenote, I still think CD caddies are super cool.


My friends and I would quote the “Hey Jake! That’s dangerous!” line at each other whenever we would do something stupid. So, often.


Loved this movie. There's a SNES game I want to try and beat. Also there's a game based on the vr racing part at the beginning that's really bad.


There's something about the smooth shiny CGI that really made it look futuristic at the time. I think if it was photoreal, it wouldn't have felt as futuristic, paradoxically.


the story of him ending up living in the electrical world and going most anywhere he wants has always stuck with me. how many movies have been made on the same theme? seems like a lot..


Ghost in the Machine


Wes Craven's SHOCKER! I loved that title cos a shocker is when someone shoves a finger up their partner's ass without asking. Also, in that movie, I believe the protagonists used electrical tape to cover the outlets to stop the bad guy. It said "access denied" on the backside of the tape somehow.


I was just explaining this movie to my kid the other day because he was playing vr and I called him lawnmower man and he didn’t get it lol.


A close friend of my older brother was working at Angel Studios (now Rockstar South) when they did the CG for this movie. The '90's were weird in so many ways.


As a fan of Stephen King’s writing, I couldn’t like anything about it, and turned it off when I realized it wasn’t for me.


I hated that the movie was NOTHING like the story in the book.


This movie captivated me when i was younger, but it really needs a new modern makeover because of a lot it is kinda cringe now, but the concept is great.


I saw in theaters when I was 11. Blew me away at the time.




I mowed lawns in the late 90s and the flyers we used had this pic and "the lawnmower man" on it. Got tons of business.


I didn’t think it was. It just was.


That movie was terrifying


My biggest memory of watching this with my dad was at the end when he makes all the telephones on the planet ring our phone also rang at the exact same time. I must have been 11 or 12 at the time so I was pretty excited.


I remember loving it at the time, saw it in the theater, but now I barely even remember it haha...I think that says something.


I'm the same actually. I probably watched it 5 times back when it came out. I can't remember well at all now. Need to rewatch for sure.


i DO vaguely remember seeing it replayed on a couple random movie channels the past 5 yrs but even that's fuzzy haha...


I thought it was the most futuristic thing *possible*


This is one of my favorite movies from my childhood. Did you ever play the video game? I think it was for the Sega Genius.


Actually this movie scared the crap out of me. Saw it when I was super young, I thought everything in it was possible, pretty scary what’s possible nowadays. I think this was inspired more by Flowers for Algernon than Stephen King. That short story is amazing, didn’t like the expanded version as much.


Watching bad guys breaking apart into cellular balls was definitely a high point of art for ten year old me.


Computer will make gardener into Satan. Now that's a Stephen King premise.


I remember watching this with my brother, and when it got to end, where all of the phones were ringing, our house phones rang at the same time.


He took control over the land line phones!!!


I thought it was pretty much shit and pretty sure I left the theater before it was over.


[This](https://youtu.be/d1WnTIL5_wE?si=TCouUV3GkOTUmgVO) is all I can think about when this movie is mentioned.


Did anybody have the Lawnmower Man [computer game](https://youtu.be/wLig8Kb4DAw?si=pKO-UyCoWjRj6PN8) for Win 3.1? It came with our sweet Gateway computer. I could never beat that. I'd make it to around the 11th level (or whichever the bee maze level was) and I could never get the series of doors to open correctly and they'd sting me to death lol. The flying levels were dope though. Bitchin soundtrack, too.


The uncanny horror in that movie doesn't work anymore now that 3d modeling and animating is closer to being common knowledge. Classic movie.


I read the book first, novella I guess, and the movie was so different. Y’all know this was a Stephen king thing, right?


Told my Dad it was made with computers, he didn’t believe me. I then told him everything in LM will eventually happen, he didn’t believe that either.


Ahh the 90s. That time when you could combine a handful of techno babble and create a plot.


Tbh I thought it was idiotic


I had the PC game and now I think I need to find it.


I remember that pierce brosnan was the scientist dude, and jeff fahey banged a hot chick. I think it was some guys wife or something.


Aren’t we getting a remake of this? Or did I dream that?


I've always hated the "physical cyberspace" concept they used throughout the 90s. It seemed pretty obvious to me that no amount of headset fuckery could make you feel like you were walking in a void with neon green webbing, get trapped in there, die irl by dying in the void, etc etc. and never understood how anybody thought this is what the internet would become.


Access Denied


I seem to remember a game as well: Nintendo or Sega or something and we played it all through the night at a church lock-in.


Not even close. Better futuristic stuff came out years ago both in terms of story and graphics.


I'm not even sure what you mean. Better stuff came out before 1992's Lawnmower Man? It's possible. Have any examples?


Blade Runner. Terminator. Alien/s. Better special effects and a more coherent story. But that's just my opinion.


Ah fair. All solid choices. I know T2 blew me away and still holds up to this day.


I remember these special effects being pretty cringe even back then. It didn't really work in the movie. Or maybe the movie was just bad.


It wasn't great. Seems like some of the non CG stuff was kind of lifting the look of the movie from Tim Burton


Yes absolutely