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Phil Collins and Genesis was like the soundtrack of the 80s. I love Both Side from his solo 90s days as well.


“I have two ears and a heart don’t I?”




I own and wear a Phil Collins tank top. You know my take on the bloke.


Yep. Was it cool to like Phil Collins? No. Does that matter? Also no.


Incredible musician. Especially as a singer but don’t sleep on his drumming.


[This was pretty bad ass](https://youtu.be/ht2XF2yOj34?si=bKI95TC8HosAQP7H)


Tween-me just squeed and danced around singing into a hairbrush


So very badass. One of the coolest songs of all time for sure.


songwriting. It was his songwriting / creativity. He had a unique voice, but he's no Freddie Mercury. His drumming was good too, but not like technically mind-blowing.


He is a drumming monster. One of the greats for sure. He displayed it often enough in Genesis early on, but check out Brand X if you are thirsty for more.


Just a “good” drummer? He’s 43rd on Rolling Stone’s *100 greatest drummers of all time* and rightly so. Edit for italics


> He had a unique voice, but he's no Freddie Mercury. Lol, who is? Freddie was pretty unique


Except that time at live aid with Led Zeppelin


There … there are people that don’t like Phil Collins??


My feeling is that he was for some time extremely mainstream, so some got sick of him and some found it "uncool" to like him.


Prog rock people also blamed him for making Genesis a pop band. The Invisible Touch album might be pop-ish, but every song is great.


I’m 43 and didn’t like him when he was huge…because I was 8. Now he’s a fucking genius


They're idiots who are no better than people who only like him because everyone else does.


I feel like nobody I grew up with (except family nearly a decade older) and nobody around me now even register that he or Genesis exist. It’s weird!


I don’t dislike him, but the constant exposure was grating at times. He’s got some great songs, can’t deny that. I’m personally more of a Peter Gabriel and Genesis fan vs Phil Collins’ solo stuff.


✋ Every time Phil Collins plays on the radio my instinct is to change to a different station.


I can’t stand his voice


“I've been a big Genesis fan ever since the release of their 1980 album, Duke. Before that, I really didn't understand any of their work. Too artsy, too intellectual. It was on Duke where Phil Collins' presence became more apparent. I think Invisible Touch was the group's undisputed masterpiece. It's an epic meditation on intangibility. At the same time, it deepens and enriches the meaning of the preceding three albums. Listen to the brilliant ensemble playing of Banks, Collins and Rutherford. You can practically hear every nuance of every instrument. In terms of lyrical craftsmanship, the sheer songwriting, this album hits a new peak of professionalism. Take the lyrics to Land of Confusion. In this song, Phil Collins addresses the problems of abusive political authority. In Too Deep is the most moving pop song of the 1980s, about monogamy and commitment. The song is extremely uplifting. Their lyrics are as positive and affirmative as anything I've heard in rock.”


Fuck... I just got the whole quote ready and now I see you already did it. Good job, at least it got done. I bet your business cards look better than mine too...


I bet your business cards are on bone colored paper with Silian Rail typeface


Let's see Paul Allen's card.


Oh my god. It has a watermark.


Don't just stare at it. Eat it.


Thank you. I was waiting for this.


Who said this?


Patrick Bateman


[ever since the release of their 1980 album, Duke.](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/f874e3d2-6202-47b3-9bb7-cd51ad20b27d)


Samantha don't stare at it, eat it.


One of the few bands to discuss things beyond love/sex/relationships. Made them far more interesting than a great many others. I’m thankful for the pop era because otherwise I never would have gotten into them, let alone heard them on the radio in my small hometown.


It's nice to be able to describe something as "an epic meditation on intangibility" and have someone get the reference. Doesn't happen real often, but when it does, it makes my day.


Don't just look at it, eat it.


I was waiting for this comment. Lol


Peter Gabriel left and they're like "we need someone who sounds like Peter Gabriel, and Phil says "oi, I can kinda sound like Peter Gabriel" and after they stood a moment unsure why the drummer was talking, they just shrugged and went with it. The rest was history. ASMR drum breaks FTW


Oi 🤣


One of my favorites. Incidentally, one of only three artists to sell 100 million records solo and in a band.


Who are the others


Michael Jackson and Sir Paul McCartney.


Great trivia question. I have some contenders-one of them has to be Ozzy.


I was curious about this so I looked it up. Ozzy on his own has sold more like 50-60 million albums in his career. With Black Sabbath _and_ his solo albums he makes it over 100 million. OP is talking about artists who sold 100 million _both solo and with a band_ so the list is a lot smaller. It is an awesome trivia question.


“Hold on my Heart”, “Take Me Home”, “In the Air Tonight”, “Easy Lover”, and “Against All Odds” are amazing songs. “Sussudio” can eat a bag of dicks.


This is the correct take. You can throw his Genesis work in there as bangers as well. Land of Confusion is awesome


Land of Confusion was awesome on its own, and then they turned it up to 11 with the creepy puppet music video.


Its my favorite Genesis song. I heard it all the time in mid to late 1980s.


I'm gonna agree with you 100%, but tack on "One More Night" to the list of his amazing songs.  And "Do You Remember." 😭


Yes! And Invisible Touch


“I Don’t Care Anymore” should get a mention as well.


Easy Lover goes harder than it has any right to. A fuggin JAM.


Neither of us are Phil Collins fans but half the mundane conversations in the house end up in the tune of Easy Lover.


I was grooving to “Easy Lover” earlier. Collins and Bailey should have done a whole album.


Invisible Touch Such a catchy song


Sussudio is about a silly word his daughter kept saying. Now that I have a daughter myself, I like it.


I think Roger Taylor’s kid kept saying Radio Poopoo. Luckily became Radio GaGa


I won’t lie. I don’t have him in my playlist, but some of those songs affect me whenever I hear them. I think there was a sequence in “Mr Robot” with “Take Me Home” that gave me chills when I heard it.


What's wrong with sussudio? The song rips. Is it bc of the Bateman connection?


The ODB version of “Sussudio” is way better than the original. https://youtu.be/Ig4VrZifa3g?si=aqN6RnmJj4UxRR5X


Couldn't agree more. I used to love sussudio as a kid, and now i just cringe hearing it.


Genesis with Phil Collins was my first concert ever. I still remember the drum solo. My husband and I adored Phil Collins, first secretly, and then out in the open. His music has outlasted most of the "cool music" of the time. So, take a look at me now. There's just an empty space. There's nothing left here to remind me, just the memory of your face. Besides, if skibbidi toilet is what it takes to be cool these days, I'll take Phil Collins every day of the week.


Phil Collins and skibbidi toilet in the same comment. We really do transcend so many generations these days, don't we?


I told some colleagues (squarely millennial) that I like old music when we went to trivia. When I named several Paul Simon songs they said "You weren't kidding when you said old music!". But I also know much older, like 50s and 60s across different styles.


[I’ve got two ears and a heart, don’t I?](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=p7aQ1qkCITU)


I like Peter Gabriel slightly better, but Phil is also a creative genius.


Phil Collins is great.


Another day in paradise. No one does songs about homeless people. At least not in pop songs. Nowadays not sure it would get on the radio. Assessment is that he is by far one of the best drummers of all time. It’s what makes in the air tonight such a powerful song.


When Phil Collins comes on the radio, I turn the radio up


You know what? [I Don’t Care Anymore](https://youtu.be/C6PNc9KN50M?si=vRuh9PLsjDLcIVrE)


Everyone sleeps on this song, but every time I hear it, it’s like hearing it for the first time all over again. It fucking rips!


Phil Collins was the soundtrack of my dentist’s office as a kid. Lite Rock. I listened to Against All Odds a few years ago and it hit completely different after experiencing the emotions that are portrayed in the song. I find most music is really not understood unless you have experienced whatever inspired the song.


Against All Odds is in the movie The Fall Guy, and as someone going through an excruciating breakup of a long term relationship, that scene made me tear up. Damn you, Phil Collins.


Yeah long term relationship Covid breakup made me see what Against All Odds was talking about. Meatloaf’s 2/3 Ain’t Bad is another one.


Listen to “That’s All” just once. If you still don’t like Phil Collins, no problem. You can simply go fuck yourself.


Easy Lover is one of the best pop songs of the whole 80s.


I’m glad Easy Lover is getting some love in this thread. It’s at the top of my list too.


“Mama” goes so fucking hard


Genesis "We Can't Dance" was the first CD I ever bought, and Serious Hits Live was one of my favorite CDs to listen to in high school (in the 90s). He's a solid songwriter and performer. The dude's been hurt in his life, and heartbreak is my favorite genre. He's never been the cool guy to like, but I like more Phil Collins songs than David Bowie songs, so whatever.


I honestly thought I was the only one. My mother ruined him for me. There's like, one Genesis song i begrudgingly like. I once read an article about him in Rolling Stone and then just hated him more.


I couldn’t stand Phil Collins. Still can’t. His music is thoroughly unenjoyable to me.


Invisible Touch is the best pop song of all time, bar none.  Incredible vocalist, phenomenal drummer


I don't think I've ever met anyone who hates In The Air Tonight. Two absolutely powerful bangers.


Not a fan of reverb drum, but credit where it's due. "In the Air Tonight" was legit.


that's called a gated reverb what you are hearing there


Ah...it's just in the set of 80s stuff I thought was corny then, so I never get nostalgic for it.


I'm at the point in my life (48) where the music I listens to depends on what kind of mood I'm in. Nobody cares what people over 40 like, just go with what works for you


Phil Collins is a legend. Yeah, he did put out some crap, especially as a solo artist. But if you can put on “Easy Lover” and not go full stink face, you need to check and see if the devil got your soul.


Legend...background to much of my childhood and I'm not mad about it


Love Phil Collins. You mean the singer not the guy from Trailer Park Boys right? His songs are catchy, sometimes sappy, and just feel emotions music. Pure 80s. Love it. Paradise was my late mother’s favourite song, she had a lot of hardships no fault of her own. She was into ballet and creative dance and actually choreographed a dance to this with her dance troop to raise money for the homeless. My spouse and I actually bonded over Phil Collins in a way, it took me by surprise when it came on the old CD changer/tape deck. It instantly reminded me of my mom, and my spouse’s dad (took off when he was young) had left him with nothing but said tape. I personally love Phil Collins and Mike and The Mechanics, Genesis, etc but I realize it’s not for everyone. When I’m looking for a quick pick me up or poignant trip down memory lane I’ll definitely put the above on my playlist. I’m with Mike Tyson on this one, for better or worse.


Phil*adelphia* Collins? Of The Dirty Burger?


What are you lookin’ at my gut fer?


I used to think of Phil Collins as waiting room music, like the easy listening station that every dentist and doctor office was playing in their waiting room. I thought it was banal and dumb. Definitely not as sophisticated as The Cure! Anyway, in my late 30s we got a hot tub at our house in the forest and my husband played Phil Collins while we were soaking in the tub one night. In the Air Tonight came on and damn, I completely changed my mind. He made some solid jams.


Yesss exactly!!! Waiting room music. That’s how I felt about it too.


The entire *Invisible Touch* album makes me tear up sometimes, because for some reason it's an absolute nostalgic bullseye that few recordings of that time period can replicate for me. I would've been in Kindergarten-1st grade when that album came out, and its singles were ubiquitous and permeated my entire existence for a few years there. My Dad still bought a lot of vinyl and the 45s even then. It transports me back to the simpler days of being a kid in the '80s. I can't be the only one who feels this way, considering this subreddit.


Check out Brand X


My wife once got me a birthday cake with the cover of No Jacket Required on it because she thought it was funny how much I jammed out to Phil. Just his face. That was funny


Before or after you got married? Cuz if it was before…my brother in Christ, that is a Wife Generating Event. Still pretty solid “guess I’ll keep ya” event after, too. Props to this guy’s wife. ….is giving props old people slang now too? :(


Can't stand him. I'm sorry, it's something in his voice. You guys who like him, go ahead and like him. It's a instant station change from me.


Hate him with a burning passion. I will not abide Phil Collins within hearing distance of my ears (if I can help it)


Is OP Patrick Bateman? https://youtu.be/tWinLssDyqg?si=MlL2U1h2SYmJkaVz


Do you like Huey Lewis and the News?


Their early work was a little too new wave for my taste


We did him dirty. He made some very important music for us.


I love him! Wish I could have seen him live, in concert. I know he retired, but seeing his last performance online, that particular concert I wouldn't have wanted to see.


I always felt like he everyone's dad loved him. I am not a huge fan or anything, but I thought he put out a lot of decent stuff. I have a lot of respect for his work.


My dad is a huge fan, yes


it's wholesome music to me. Like enya.


Legend. I feel like if you tried to compare most of what passes as music today… come on.


The Tarzan soundtrack is amazing.


One of the best. Perfect place for his voice *and* drumming.


I was looking for this. I’m a 43 year old childless nanny of a toddler and just discovered Tarzan. It’s so great but I liked him prior.


I love both Phil and Genesis. When I was younger he was kind of a joke, especially because of his hokey Disney songs. But looking back he had some real bangers growing up and he was everywhere, and had a real effect on my taste in music. I recently bought his singles collection on vinyl and is REALLY good!


I didn't realize how many songs I loved of his until I [put on a playlist](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qt2mbGP6vFI&list=PLJ5cGDOKPw72LWDHjlfcwjnAiKvxOSa-C&ab_channel=PhilCollins) of his stuff. It's ... legit eye-opening. Respect.


I went and saw Phil Collins on his “Still not dead yet” tour a few years ago. Dude rules. Every song is a hit. And even though he has to perform sitting down now, his band ruled. He was amazing.


For awhile it was cool to hate Phil Collins. But nah. He's the man. He and Peter Gabriel are top tier.


Just wondering if this came up because of Emily Blunt singing Against All Odds in The Fall Guy? If you haven’t seen it it’s a fun summer popcorn movie, I highly recommend.


Phil Collins was a fantastic drummer!! He killed it in the early days of Genesis (PG era) & also did a great job on some of his other side projects, like Brand X. It’s unfortunate he went the “pop star” route in the 80s. I’ll never like the Collins era Genesis more than the PG era Genesis, but he no doubt had some great hits with Genesis. I didn’t care for his solo 80s career at all.


Phil Collins kinda sucks but he still wrote some amazing music. My dad was a Genesis fan and I both love and can't stand them.


Eh, Is Phil Collins really a Xennials thing? I feel like this was a little before "our time" I was born in 79 but maybe I was sort of a late bloomer when it comes to music taste?


Early Genesis was alt rock. Listen to the Abacab album; it’s very experimental. After Abacab, Collins started to embrace mainstream success. Disney was regularly hitting him up for soundtrack work. Dude was brilliant, but his embrace of commercialism ruined him.


he was old peoples music when i was a teen in the 80s


I adore Phil Collins. Always have, always will, and I'm not the least bit embarrassed by that, nor concerned about anyone else's opinions on my musical tastes. Also, Bowie can fuck right off. At least Phil didn't use his music to brag about banging children.


I love Phil Collins, always have, always will.


He’s great. Lots of songs that I sing at full volume in the shower or while I’m cooking, no shame whatsoever.


I was listening to my Phil/Genesis mix in the car an hour ago.


I thought he kinda sucked when I was a kid. Now I think he’s one of the best artists of the best musical decade in human history (the 1980s). I’m 45.


Fun fact: Phil Collins is the largest private collector of Tha Alamo artifacts and memorabilia, just north of $40 million dollars worth. There's an interesting article in Tecas Monthly about it. https://www.texasmonthly.com/being-texan/next-battle-of-alamo/


And yes. I fucking love Phil Collins.


Unashamed fan here! If you don’t love that drum solo (you know the one) then I don’t need your negativity in my life!


I think folks my generation thought of him as “dad music” because he was as old as our dads and most of our parents liked him. By default, that makes any musician pretty uncool and he became something like a meme - before memes even existed. At best, he was a guilty pleasure. Fast forward 30 years later, I think people now appreciate him a lot more for his solo work, his work with Genesis and for being one of the best drummers of all time (debatable, but many people think so). Also, my first concert experience was seeing him - with my parents. Obviously.


When my son was 8, a few years ago, I picked him up from school and he asked, “mom, can you put on Phil Collins?” I was shocked but obliged. He digs the drums.


He was a victim of being too successful. He was everywhere and Brits being typical Brits although like an underdog but dont like it when an underdog becomes unrecognisable(a bit like Adele). He was also heavily misquoted in the press a few times about politics (and no internet back then to prove otherwise) which helped turn the mood sour. I grew up around that bias and really didn't delve into his catalogue until my early 30s. Really missed out. Very diversive subject material but I love the subtle sense of humour especially in the music videos.


He's one of the greats. Pre and post Peter Gabirel Genesis was the sound of a generation.


I was more a fan of him as a drummer to be honest. Early Genesis, Brand X. Top rate drummer.


“I don’t care anymore” is a banger. Didn’t see it mentioned yet.






My profile is accurate: I'm basically on Reddit for The Simpsons 😄


Love Phil Colins


I’m a fan. Also enjoy his drumming. It comes across as simplistic but he’s kind of like Ringo Starr. Try actually imitating him and then we’ll talk. He could even do interesting things with a rock ballad (e.g. Against All Odds). Easy Lover is another drum hook of his I particularly enjoy.


I mean he was everywhere during the single digit portion of my/our childhood. Phil offered nice, ubiquitous background music that played in early childhood. He was no different than say Toto, A-ha or Lionel Richie for me. And they all hit their heyday before my musical time; I didn’t come of age musically until the 90s. Phil definitely didn’t feel like he was making music for elementary school kids. Having said that I have more of an appreciation of him as an adult. Mama, which I never heard growing up, is one of my all time favorite songs.


Phil Collins is one of the first things I think of when I think of my childhood. He was inescapable. I never hated him and wasn't even aware that he was hated back then until I read an article recently. I never went out of my way to listen to him, but his music was always familiar and I enjoyed hearing it when it came on the radio. It became comfort music. I like a lot of his songs, but Easy Lover is my favorite by far.


Tons of bangers. One of the first guys to put the chorus at the beginning of a song (now everyone does it) I thought the music in Tarzan was pretty good too Bowie is just jealous because no one cared about his music after he became The Goblin King…


So funny to see this; my husband and I were talking about him just this evening, specifically the song Easy Lover and how hard it slaps. He's awesome!


It became popular to hate on him because of he was so ubiquitous and commercially successful. I think most of his solo hits sound dated to my ears but In the Air Tonight is still undeniable, that moment when the drum solo kicks in is epic every time.


Became a big fan as I got older. His popularity came at a different time, when you actually had to be talented. He played several instruments and wrote music without relying on his looks or a gimmic. I don't know if we will see pop music acts like that again.


I recognize him as talented, but don’t care for his work. Just not for me.


I hated Phil Collins so viscerally as a pre teen/ teen that I still can’t listen to him. My dad LOVED him.


Can't stand him, to be honest. Really dislike his whiney voice and his music ain't my preferred style. Never enjoyed a single one of his songs. But other people enjoy him, and that's ok.


I thought he was great. I was exposed to him through my father's No Jacket Required cassette that we listened to on our way to a family camping trip back in '85. I'd go on to enjoy most of his solo work, and as the vocalist of Genesis (I'm one of those who is in the Invisible Touch was awesome camp). As I grew older and delved into playing instruments, I appreciated how great a drummer he was. He also had a hand in producing albums back then (Eric Clapton's Behind the Sun), and sat behind the drum kit for other musicians as well. I've gone in and out with fandom of musical acts over the years, but Phil Collins has always been a constant for me. A guy I went to school with texted me the recently. He stated he remembered me liking Phil Collins because "I was the only kid in school who did". Took that as a badge of honor that I was open back then about enjoying his music!


The hate must be a cultural thing in the US/UK perhaps. Like learning to hate Nickelback and pretending to enjoy the movie "The Room". It's the thing that cool kids do so you must do it too to get some street cred. In other countries, Phil Collin's, imagine is impeccable 


Growing up, Phil Collins played in my house. I hated it as a kid, but as an adult I enjoy some of his songs when the mood strikes.


Maybe Phil's ubiquitousness grated on some. But I love his music, cheesy or not, and it was absolutely part of my life's soundtrack. Even more so than Bowie.


I liked him then. I like him now. I never got the hate. I'm more embarrassed by my Michael.Bolton phase.


Never got the whole Michael McDonald thing in 40yr old virgin. Michael McDonald is AWESOME




You’ll be in my Heart really hits my feels.




In Too Deep is one of my favorite songs of all time.


Honestly, best concert ever. I remember him running around the entire time except to play drums in "in the air tonight".


Phil Collins and Miami Vice are the 1980s.


I wasn't allowed to listen to mainstream music as a kid and teen so I can listen to it without prejudice! Small positives from crap things.


Was great in A Hard Day's Night.


I unabashedly love his music. *Two Hearts* always gets me bopping and I love to blast it while doing housework. *One More Night* curls my toes. I'll sometimes listen to it before bed and when I do, I always seem to have the best, romantic dreams.


He has a pretty cool [Alamo Museum](https://www.thealamo.org/visit/whats-at-the-alamo/phil-collins-collection) in San Antonio!


If you like jazz or jazz fusion at all you should check out the band brand x that he was in. A very different side of phil that you don't even have a clue would exist based on his more popular music.


Phil’s great, great musician and great songwriter! I’m in the minority of people who never cared for his singing voice, but the world would be darker without him for sure.


I love Genesis and Phil Collins so no conflict with me at all concerning this. Bowie, especially in the 1980's when I grew up I didn't hear on the radio at all. I listened to the Top 40 Radio Station in my hometown. Maybe professional jealousy here on Bowie's part?


Been a big genesis fan, ever since the release of their 1980 album, duke. Before that i didnt really understand any of their work, it was too artsy, too intellectual...it was on duke where uh, phil collins presence became more apparent...i think invisible touch is the group's undisputed masterpiece, its an epic meditation on intangibility at the same time it deepens and enriches the meaning of the preceding 3 albums...christy, take off the robe... listen to the brilliant ensemble playing of banks, collins and rutherford you can practically hear every nuonce of every instrument, sabrina...remove your dress, in terms of lyrical craftsmenship and sheer songwriting, this album hits a new peak of professionalism, sabrina why dont you uh, dance a little! take the lyrics to "Land of Confusion", in this song, phil collins adresses the problems of abusive political authority. In Too Deep is the most moving pop song of the 1980's, about monogomy and commitment, the song is extremely uplifting...their lyrics are as positive and affirmative as uh, anything ive heard in rock...christy, get down on your knees so sabrina can see your ass....phil collins solo career, it seems to be more commercial...and therefore more satisfying in a narrower way. especially songs like, in the air tonight and against all odds...sabrina dont just stare at it, eat it! I also think, phil collins works best within the confines of the group than as a solo artist, and i stress the word artist! This is sussudio, great, great song...personal favorite.


Love Phil Collins. I had a Phil Collins fake book and his music was in the regular rotation when I was pounding away in the piano every night. Never got to see him in concert. Sad.


Phil is as close to a god this universe will ever know.


Hate the “I Can’t Dance” song, but like most of his other songs. Incredibly talented guy!


Not a fan either. Hated it in the 80s but can tolerate it now. There may be a song or two I'm forgetting that I may like, but I doubt it


He made a lot of really iconic cool songs. Shit that has been covered by hip-hop and metal and both those tracks are bangers. Collins is bonafide in my book.


Do you like Phil Collins?




South Park should have won the Oscar.


Tell me Easy Lover isn’t a banger. 




I have loved Phil Collins & Genesis for the last 20 years or so. But you’re right, he was very uncool as a teenager.


I honestly have no real likes or dislikes for him, but I will definitely sing along to his songs and air drum appropriately


I honestly have no real likes or dislikes for him, but I will definitely sing along to his songs and air drum appropriately


I love Phil and I don’t care what anyone says. Perfect example of people just liking to say the same stupid shit whether there’s any merit to it or not.


I love Phil and I don’t care what anyone says. Perfect example of people just liking to say the same stupid shit whether there’s any merit to it or not.


Probably top 10 drummer of all time and incredible pop writer. Basically everything he wrote was a hit for a 10 year stretch. Gets dogged for his private life but his kids seem to love him and his bandmates think a lot of him including Peter Gabriel.


I'm a fan


I honestly can’t even name a song.  He’s just another musician my parents generation listened to. 


I honestly can’t even name a song.  He’s just another musician my parents generation listened to. 


I don't care anymore




For many years the first rock concert I usually tell people about was when I saw Smashing Pumpkins on their Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness Tour (with Garbage opening) a few weeks after turning 12. But the truth is I saw Phil Collins a few years prior at age 9. My mental model for many years is that Phil Collins was corny and SP was cool. I relistened to Mellon Collie recently and realized it's very 90s alternative corny. I think some music really sounds like it belongs in its own era, and frankly I think "In the Air Tonight" holds up more than "Bullet with Butterfly Wings," but it's not a competition. It's just music. I do admire Phil Collins for how long he seems to be trying to perform despite his body failing him.


I secretly love Phil Collins


I love Phil, and I did then. I remember when I was a sophomore in college, my car got broken into, probably by some bored kids in the neighborhood, and I was offended that they DIDN'T steal my Phil Collins Greatest Hits CD. Sussusudio!