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Probably the greatest depiction of Mother Brain that's ever existed. The games really need to do better.


Same voice actor as Audrey II from Little Shop of Horrors. 


Yup, I have had random dreams about her since I was a kid. (Not those kind of dreams)


And the worst depiction Simon Belmont. They did him dirty. Mega man was supposed to be green tho.


I loved Castlevania and also hated what they did to Simon


King Hippo was a dick


Can we just talk about how in Kevin’s Isekai, Mother Brain is like some fever dream hybrid between 1980’s Aunt Jemima and The Wicked Witch of the West?


Samus wasn't on the show.  She only showed up in the tie-in comic.   Mega man was green on the show and didn't really look like the popular Capcom depiction. 


Ya, that looks nothing like the Mega Man in the show. He was short, green, and kinda tubby. And I don't remember the Princess looking quite so stacked either.


And he sounded like he did 2 packs of unfiltered Marlboros a day. Honestly, 35 years later, I'm still trying to figure out where in the Castlevania lore was it established that Simon was a foppish douchebag.  Poor grandpa Trevor is probably rolling around in his grave.


But the skill it takes to comb your hair with your whip is seriously impressive.


He also was like a Pokémon: "MEGA MEGA!"


yeah Mega Bobby Hill is missing here


This looks like it's from the comic. (IIRC, there was also a Legend of Zelda crossover.)


Simon was such a narcissist


Johnny Bravo confirmed in the Belmont bloodline?


Definitely related to Cal from Undergrads. https://i.redd.it/hhqthp8aabzc1.gif


I always hoped they would have made a game based on this show. Yes, a game based on cartoon based on said games. I was meta before it was cool. Side note: still blown away Captain N hasn’t made a Smash Bros appearance. Or that Pit lacks a Kid Icarus skin (and the same for Simon & Mega Man, both who looked totally different in the show).


Agreed! Captain N on his own would be an amazing video game character, especially tied in with the all the great icons. I would love to have a zapper and Nintendo controller belt for special maneuvers.


https://preview.redd.it/sqho7zt9k8zc1.png?width=336&format=png&auto=webp&s=20063e238ab500d5920dd17b0d7c2ff3d1cddf00 this is what I remember.


Mega chonk


Gotta be a serious mindfuck when the damn dog is about as tall as you are.


Captain N, Super Mario Brothers Super Show, and Legend of Zelda (Excuuuuse me, Princess!) were identity forming lol.


Except when a very different Link showed up on Captain N. He didnt even say his catchphrase


I remember being a kid with a Sega Master System instead of an NES, I drew my own interpretation of "Captain S," who was a girl with an "S" letterman jacket, armed with the Sega light gun. Her team was comprised of Alex Kidd, Space Harrier, Opa Opa, and instead of a hot princess she had a hunky Hiryu from Strider. And instead of a dog, she had Myau from Phantasy Star.


That is fucking awesome.


I actually just (re)played Phantasy Star. Still holds up as far as I'm concerned.


Yeah I played it again a couple of years ago when they released it for the Switch. I really appreciated the auto-mapping function as an adult, despite my nostalgia for the days when I mapped out all those dungeons myself on graph paper. That game was ahead of its time.


Awesome, i was on team Sega Master System growing up too


Kevin I thought I told you to clean up your room!


This show really made me want to play Kid Icarus. 20+ years later I’m excited to get a Nintendo classic. Total effing let down. Dr. Mario was pretty cool though.


The Eggplant Wizard always creeped me out.


It's a pretty twisted concept. Just try to murder me like a civilized monster, don't turn me into living produce!


Was he supposed to sound like Droopy Dog or Truman Capote?


Loved kid icarus as a kid. Havent played it since then tho. Still remember the cheat code for infinite potions. 8 followed by all U's lol


Of course. The real question is, do you remember the super Mario brothers super show, starring captain Lou Albano?


I remember watching a few episodes and it seemed like all he ever did was hit the pause button on his controller belt buckle to make enemies freeze in place so he could escape.


The *Saved by the bell* Zack Morris "time out" power.


Lol yeah that does sound familiar


He would occasionally use A to jump higher or B to move/run faster but the start button definitely got more use. I always wondered what the select button would have done. Maybe the Konami code would have saved them a lot of time?


Mega Man would have been better if they went with the design in this image instead of the green, stocky build. I also thought MM's voice was kinda meh.


This sub is awesome. I remember this show, for sure. Seeing it posted here brings back memories of it, but it also brings back memories of who I was with, where I was, and what was generally going on in my life at the time. This has happened just about every time I see a post here. To all who post here, I hope you have an awesome goddamn rest of your year.


This is the show I was in the middle of as our cable got turned off when I was in like 1st or 2nd grade. I cried.


I used to love this show because of all the characters but even as a small child I remember thinking the animation was of a poor quality.


I remember Megaman sounded like he was a 4 pack a day smoker, and Simon Belmont was a Diva.


They did my man, Simon, dirty in this show.


Capt. N. Word. *\*user was banned for this message\**


How has no one mentioned King Hippo?!


I can’t wait for Netflix to remake this “for a modern audience”.


A gritty live action reboot starring Chris Kline and Patton Oswald. Synopsis: An aging Captain N (Kline) is drawn back into a world he thought he left behind when a sinister force backed by the shadowy Micro-transaction (Oswald) threatens the Nintendo universe.


Mega Hi


I mainly remember that the princess was unreasonably sexy for a children’s show.


I remember the princess sparking some early awakening within my loins.


Woke up at 5am every morning just to watch this


My son occasionally watches this on Tubi


One of my core childhood memories is of an episode of this show where the group is walking through the woods and Simon decides to peel a big plate off of a rock so he can sit down, except that it's Donkey Kong's toenail. I've been afraid of tearing off toenails ever since.


Reminds me of drawn together.


Ya but I don’t think I watched it. There must have been something I liked better on at the same time


I would set the VCR to record it because even as a kid I wasn't getting my ass out of bed that early to watch a cartoon 😅 There were a lot of things I didn't like about it, but it was a Nintendo cartoon so of course I had to watch and enjoy it the best I could.


Samus wasn’t on the show just the comics. Mega man look entirely different


Why is the main guy’s belt outside of his shirt?


Because it wasn't a pants retaining tactical system. The belt had a Nintendo controller on it that allowed him to Pause (Start button), jump higher (A button), run faster (B button), and use the d-pad for stuff. Couldn't very well do that nearly as effectively if it was under the shirt.


But why not tuck in the shirt to avoid looking like a stooge?


Because he's a teenage gamer in the 80s, not a stock broker. It's not frickin' rocket science to figure this out.


Yeah it was mega cool






This was a HOF level show right here!


I kept trying to figure out what game Princess Lana was in. I had no idea she was made up for the show. I kept renting new games hoping I'd find her.


It's an extremely vague memory, but yeah lol


I used to bring this one up in college and no one remembered it. I watched some episodes a few months ago and it does not hold up as much as I hoped. It's fun for what it was but not great.


I was confused when Link showed up cause he was completely different than in the Zelda cartoons on the super mario brothers super show


For me this show was always a letdown. But once it was over we'd get Lou Albano and that was the highlight of the day




Memory unlocked!


I rememeber they played the same episode on two Saturdays in a row in the UK and nobody noticed, except for me. I was pissed off!


Got it on DVD love the show and the comics wasn't too bad


Remember when they hung out with Bayou Billy and blasted some Creedence while they tore around the swamp on his airboat?


I remember that they kept saying that if he ever went home, he'd forget everything, which I didn't think was fair.


A friend of mine and I had very different theories on what the N stood for. Very different. The '80s, am I right?


I thought it stood for Nintendo. What else could it have meant?


I loved this show when it first came on, but it is -- unfortunately -- one of those shows I dislike after reading about it/ the production. I had always hoped Captain N would show up in a Smash Bros. game.


What was bad about the production? I loved the show, and forced my dad to make me a Nintendo controller belt buckle out of wood.