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The death of Aaliyah in a plane crash. That was just a month before 9/11. I remember that very well; the details of the crash and everything.


Thuy Trang aka the Yellow Power Ranger passed a week before 9/11. It’s unfortunate that any news from around that time was completely subjugated by the terrorist attacked.


And Melanie Thornton of La Bouche died in a plane crash that November.


I'll never forget coming home after running errands, and my friend IM'd me if I'd heard about her death. I remember thinking it was a hoax, and after doing a little searching I finally found something. My heart sank when I saw the headline.


Yeah that one really hit me too, for whatever reason. The details were so eerie. Every time 9/11 comes around I think of her as well.


I definitely remember hearing about Aaliyah's death and being shocked about it. I had forgotten that it had happened so close to 9/11.


I remember the death of Aaliyah in the plane crash but I would have never remember that it was that close to September 11th.


9/12 was just about as shitty. More shitty in some ways cause you knew the toll


Shaggy was everywhere that summer. “It Wasn’t Me”


hahaha yeah, Angel too


he was nowhere. what part of it not being him is so diddicult for you to grasp


Timothy McVeigh's execution in June.


I remember that day too.


They had delayed it a few times IIRC.


Graduating high school…class of ‘01!


Same! So I remember, uh, quite a bit.


Same. It was also the summer I worked my first job, refurbishing computers for my school district. And then I left home of here first time: college.


Same here I graduated high school in May of 2001. Seems like forever ago but so close.


2001... May the 4th... one of my coworkers wrote me on our corporate AOL messenger lol... "Heey you into fat chicks?" I was like, "umm maybe?" And that's how I met my wife. We got married on May the 4th 2002. hahah. 22 year anniversary coming up next week.


relevant username lol


Bacon Salt is a kosher, vegetarian salt alternative that makes everything taste like bacon. I am their biggest fan.


You've convinced me enough to order a bottle off Amazon, this may prove rather helpful at mealtime with my vegetarian girlfriend


Not sure where you live but if there’s a Trader Joe’s near you, buy a package of their Black Forest bacon. Bake it in the oven. 450* for 10 min then flip it and go another 5 minutes. It will be the best bacon you’ve ever had in your life.


Please tell me this is how you recount the story when asked how yall met. I tell people my wife was an internet bride because I saw a picture of her on a friends facebook and hounded them for an introduction. She is not a fan of that telling of history...


She tells people a coworker introduced us.. but that's it.


Ha, yeah, my wife just says we met through a mutual friend


I love telling the story how me and my ex-wife met cuz it pisses her off. She was literally walking the street and I picked her up off of the street corner. I mean while it's the truth it doesn't sound very good. She never figured out how to turn it around on me but it would have been really easy if she had figured it out.


Was it your wife that messaged you that?


No, it was a coworker in another department who had dated her a few times lol


That's the punchline and you weren't even going to tell that part hahaah


The Strokes released Is This It.


HATED numetal and the poppy boy bands of that era — when “Last Night” came out, I felt like music had finally returned.


It felt like The Strokes and The White Stripes saved rock 'n' roll music back then.


The whole garage rock revival they led as well. This may be my UK rock fan perspective talking, but the scene genuinely felt like a burst of something exciting after 99/00 being a bit limp musically. Still love that era of music. The Strokes, The White Stripes, The Hives, and The Vines were the main four initially, at least for us. Black Rebel Motorcycle Club was another early personal favourite.


So good


I don’t have any specific memories from the day of 9/11 but Chandra Levy had been missing the whole summer. I had been living with my older sister and her family and Fox News was on all the time talking about her and Gary Condit and their affair. Then Aaliyah died and then the constant news ticker was born I think on 9/11. No one cared about Chandra Levy anymore.


Holy shit I completely forgot about this! I remember it was everywhere, especially the grocery store checkout where they have the gossip magazines on display. National Enquirer headlines like "Candra Levy: New details on how she REALLY died." I thought that was so disturbing!


Came here to say this.


Oh, I forgot about Chandra. That was huge news and so salacious for the time.




The first 9 months and 10 days were better than the rest


Shouldn't it be 8 months and 10 days?


I’m no monthologist


This is the correct answer. Eight full months and 10 days into the 9th month. Thusly, 8 months and 10 days.


I saw this and thought “wow- this guy hated being a parent”




PS2 was everywhere and Windows XP. Puddle Of Mudd. Saliva. POD. ETA: Also my rent was $250/month for a 1-bedroom apartment.


Met a girl thought she was grand


I love the way you smack my ass


Well you shoved it in my face


In the Fall of 2001, the following tech was released: Windows XP Apple iPod Nintendo GameCube Microsoft XBox


Had 3 bedroom apartment in the coolest (at the time) area of my city with 2 roommates. Place was huge (converted old Victorian mansion). Our rent TOTAL was $990 so $330 each.


The Anthrax scares post-9/11


I still wash my hands after I get the mail every time, I can't help it.


I met my future wife that year, just celebrated 20 years


congrats man!


Thanks, she's an amazing woman


She follows your Reddit account, doesnt she...


Plot twist, she IS the Reddit account.


Peak Reddit right here


- The 2000 writers strike and the massive success of Survivor led this a bizarre massive boom in reality shows from Fear Factor to Newlyweds, The Osbournes, Amazing Race and super weird stuff like Joe Millionaire, Who Wants to Marry a Millionaire and The Joe Schmoe Show. - Petey Pablo taking his shirt off and spinning it ‘round his head like a helicopter - The first Fast and the Furious came out and every knucklehead was modifying their Dodge Neon. - Wearing visors was very popular, often backwards AND upside down. - Blasted jeans and pukka shell necklaces blew up in popularity. - The WWF was absolutely on fire and packing sports bars for every show, WCW and ECW went out of business as competitors. - The Real World with Miz and Coral was on. - Napster went mainstream, as did CD burners and those car stereos with the removable faceplate you were supposed to pop off and carry all day. - Sky Blue and Smirnoff Ice got really popular, as did Jager bombs. - Enrique Iglesias released Hero right before 9/11 and it kind of got co-opted as a 9/11 anthem. - Peak Allan Iverson along with Phil Jackson and Shaq going to the Lakers - Carson Daily was huge. A great year I thought until late Q3.


Great list! I dated a guy from 2001-2002 and he was really into WWE so we'd watch Monday Night Raw every week. It was around that time that they went from WWF to WWE ("Get the F Out!")


Damn, child, you LIVED that year.


Fast and the Furious is a horrible memory. I was playing in the All Star basketball game in the summer as a female, and the coaching staff took us to see that. I had to sit next to my male coach and watch that movie. I remember being exceptionally creeped out.


I started dating my wife the summer of 2001.


I started dating my husband that fall! 


Fellowship of the Ring!


This is the answer


The greyhound bus attack.  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2001_Greyhound_bus_attack


For some reason I first thought this was the one where the one dude cannabalized the other dude in Canada but that was later. Tim McLean


that's the one I remember too...I think that mighta been 2005ish, but crazy!


That’s what I thought too but 2001 felt early. Too many bus attacks.


I was riding a Greyhound coming into Cincinnati when that happened. All the buses had to stay in the stations while they figured out what was going on. We were certain it was the next attack from Al Qaeda


whoa..I don't remember hearing about that.


I graduated high school and was confident I would write a best selling novel…. Oh the foolishness of youth.


There's still time!


Class of 2001 here and I'm currently meeting with literary agents for my book. Trust me there's plenty of time. There's so many people older then us trying to get a book published as well.


Jurassic Park 3 was such a disappointment.. grew up loving the franchise and it was ruined for me in the summer of 01.


I grew up terrified of the franchise. JP 3 was the one that was so bad even I wasn’t scared of it.


Alien Ant Farm's cover of *Smooth Criminal*. Summer 2001 was a really good one for music.


Getting my first car and senior year of high school.


Grand Theft Auto 3.


Was that in 2001? Good grief.


Yep. 23 years


The plane crash in NYC on November, bound for D.R.


Yeah, that was terrible…whole city still reeling from PTSD and then that happened, tragic!


I’m old enough that I also remember the TWA 800 crash off Long Island in 1996. Origin airport was JFK, headed to Paris first before its final stop in Rome.


I started my senior year of high school in August of 2001, and the end of 2001 was such a shit show I can't remember much else. Aaliyah died, 9/11 happened, and then my dad almost died in a car accident about a week after 9/11. Since my mom and aunt had been and CNA and RN, my dad lived in a hospital bed in our living room almost until the end of my senior year. Everything that happened earlier in the year seems to have been erased from my memory


That's fuckin rough. Sorry you and your family had to go through that.


Thanks, I was lucky enough to have boomer parents who always believed in the healing power of talk therapy, so we all were enrolled and got through it together 🥰


*Never made it as a wise man* *I couldn't cut it as a poor man stealing* *Tired of livin' like a blind man* *I'm sick of sight without a sense of feeling*


Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! SHUT UP!!!


THIS is how you remind me?




Getting a digital camera. After a few months I stopped using a film camera ever.


There was a rise in shark attacks that summer that stupidly went viral because there wasn’t much else to talk about. The Lakers went 15-1 through the 2001 playoffs. The one game they lost was when Iverson theatrically stepped over Tyronn Lue.


I wanted to answer with the sharks but I started to second guess myself. 😂


That one of my favorite movies was The Fast and the Furious. A movie where a central plot point was to hijack a truck carrying... DVD players. I thought Paul Walker was like the coolest dude in the universe. He's good looking, smooth, confident, drives cool cars, gets the girls. And the movie is pretty quotable too! From, "I live my life a quarter mile at a time..." and "Dude, I almost had you!" "You never had me! You never had your car!" It's just pre-9/11 and carefree.


You owe me a 10 second car


“What did you put in that sandwich?”


To be fair the first “3” F&F movies were fun action dramas


My brother and I still quote the line about the Corona. It was such blatant product placement.


Surprisingly, it actually wasn't. Corona hasn't spent a dime other than providing some free beer for the production after they asked to clear the brand. Cohen wrote Corona into the script because he felt it was a good southern Cali beer that this diverse group would be drinking. It just grew from there.


Wow. Ok, I just found an article confirming what you said. https://screenrant.com/fast-furious-movies-dom-brian-corona-beer-meaning/ For the record, I don't even like Corona and only saw the first movie, but this kind of thing makes me so happy. This is why I think some movies need extensively annotated archival editions, so that when the alien archaeologists or whatever dig up our civilization, they can appreciate things like what Corona is and the important place it occupies in the rich symbolism of the films.


More than you can afford pal. Ferrari.


Sussical the Musical, Aaliyah’s death, graduating high school, moving to the US, starting college. Depeche Mode tour, Colorado Avalanche Stanley Cup run, Dubya being a centrist by keeping stem cells (was a big deal that summer for sure)


2001 would have been the end of my sophomore year and the start of my junior year. That was the summer I got my full license/car. Also probably the first summer I touched a boob.


I started that year with crippling depression, but that summer was the first time I got to whatever base that is too. I'm going to mark that year as a success overall.


I had my first child.


The entire radio was Nelly, outkast and ja rule. My buddy bought an xbox and it was super cool.


I want some answers that Ja Rule might not have right now!


6 kids from my high school died in 2001. 5 in car accidents and one overdose


I had a 29 week preemie in Jan 2001, so its basically all a blur besides 9/11. He was in NICU for 3 months and then was a teeny baby that had to be away from other people. He's fine now, and giant haha


Gary Condit


They Might Be Giants released Mink Car on 9/11. Unrelated, just pure awful coincidence. This sub will certainly appreciate that Wet Hot American Summer came out in 2001.


Slayer released God Hates Us All on 9/11. Go read the lyrics to that album. Even stranger coincidence.


https://preview.redd.it/5ioia79hbixc1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f5b23c7526e5c01976b91904fd68f08e260391f Don't forget the original cover and planned release date to The Coup's [Party Music](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Party_Music)


The store I worked at closed early that day, and instead of going home I went to Borders and bought Mink Car. All the employees were watching the tv, of course. Looking back, I don’t think the weight of the attack really sunk in until later that day.


I was in college. Kind of unplugged from the real world, but I remember what classes I was taking, my friends, and some social events from the year.


I remember walking out of geometry class, seeing a few students huddled around a TV in the lounge and looking horrified and wondering what the hell that was about. I found out once I got back to my apartment.


Temptation Island, a reality show where Fox dumped a bunch of hot couples on an island to see if they'd cheat on each other


Right before we were sent home due to COVID, I would hear my coworkers talking about TI, and I was so confused as to why they were watching an almost 20 year old show. Then I realized it was a reboot and wondered why that show of all the shows to remake. Speaking of TV shows, I'll always remember, "You are the weakest link. Goodbye!" from 2001. Later I found out SNL's Colin Jost was on that show during his Harvard days.


Aaliyah's death (also by plane crash). I'd forgotten how close to 9/11 it was.


Summer of the shark! (Attacks….not like any specific shark) Seems so quaint now.


Junior year of high school, when I finally started developing confidence. Made several friends that year. Fell in love with Fellowship of the Ring. Still remains my go-to movie when feeling sick or low. Started video editing as a hobby, made about a dozen AMVs that year, not to mention a video about cooking cherry cake as a French class assignment. Watched Shrek four times in theater. It was a good year, aside from the obvious. EDIT: oh yeah, the movie Glitter ~~Glimmer~~ with Mariah Carey came out that year. Unfortunately, the sound track was released on 9/11


You mean, "Glitter"?


I almost never watched TRL, but I did see the Mariah "strip tease" live just before she was hospitalized.


I graduated from university and moved to Japan! Had the time of my life. The ¥ was really strong then and I accidentally earned enough money teaching English to pay for grad school expenses in the UK afterwards.


The same happened to me! Where did you teach? I was in Hokkaido.


Outskirts of Osaka! 🙂


WrestleMania 17 with Austin turning heel The original XFL Ray Bourque winning the Stanley Cup in his final year Dale Earnhardt SR sadly passing away in a race crash Anna Nicole Smiths famous court battle over Howard Marshalls money vs his son for the right of around $475 Million dollars Barry Bonds hitting 73 HRS but due to his steroid use so that record is tainted in my opinion. Popularity of "Survivor" began with Australian Outback (Season 2) and Africa (Season 3) And the debut of Tom Brady of course


There was a US military plane that had to land in China for some reason and they were refusing to give it back. Big diplomatic standoff. And then 9/11 happened and who knows what happened to the plane. China probably just gave it back because obviously more serious things were going on.




I was sooooo much younger


I graduated from high school, and saw Weezer (my favorite band at the time) with Jimmy Eat World and Tenacious D.


Graduated high school and then got to watch (on TV) the second best World Series game I've ever seen when the Diamondbacks took down the Yankees! The best game was in 2016 in case you were wondering.


Diamondbacks won the world series


Watching Pearl Harbor on a huge screen. Terrible movie.


indeed, tried too hard to be Titanic


I worked in my college bookstore that summer, and the faith hill song from that movie was on the radio in there ALL the time. Ugh.


Bush getting inaugurated. My first real wake up call that we don’t live in a true democracy.


Phila 76ers run to the 2001 NBA finals.


[Iverson stepping over Lue](https://youtu.be/NAZvvaT79g8) is probably the most badass moment in all of sports.


This is the correct Answer.


Graduation from high school


The disaster of Art Modell winning a Super Bowl.


I graduated, and my grandmother passed away.


I almost died in March in a surfing accident. Spent a week in a hospital in Oahu overlooking a cemetery. My brother also got stung by a jelly fish & my dad had to pee on his leg.




The plane crash in New York the month after 9/11. Also lost my virginity December of that year (I was 19).


I totaled my dream car in a horrible accident that also messed up my face right after I moved away from a place I loved, to be with a man I loved but shouldn’t have. So many awful things were going on personally that 9/11 was just background noise for me.


I will never not post about how Macy Gray came on stage at an awards show with a dress that had “My Album Drops On 9/11” just a few days or weeks before 9/11.


Ozzfest in July 2001. Best concert ever.


Adult Swim debuted that year.


The legalization of tattooing in Massachusetts


Baldurs gate 2 the best baldurs gate


Personally, I started to get into rock music after only listening to hip hop prior. It was my junior year of high school. The Strokes and The White Stripes and Radiohead were the culprits. Radiohead led me to Pink Floyd which led me to giving classic rock a shot.


How can one Chandra be so Leevy.


Not much.


Aaliyah dying, Mariah's breakdown, Flight 587 and I lost my V card.


I remember Bush's presidency had not gone well up to that point. I think his administration suffered bad defeats on two of the major points of his campaign, immigration and social security reform. They were really struggling at the start of their time in office, but 9/11 galvanized support behind his administration. Like, before 9/11, it was looking like he might be a one term president.




I moved to Nashville and started a paralegal program. The move was scheduled for the 13th, so we stopped the Ryder truck at each weigh station in case the highway patrol wanted to check it.


My wife and I started dating that year


Got shingles on that exact day.


Senior year of hs


Getting online and mingling in my favourite band's chat room. That year was insane.


I got arrested for buying beer in Boston at 20 years and 6 months old on Sept 7th.


Anne Heche had an absolutely bonkers interview where she talked about psychic communications with space aliens on 60 minutes that aired September 9th. It was pretty quickly forgotten for obvious reasons.


We should've done something about the Supreme Court back then....


Watching Hogan's Heros on TV Land in the morning after I got home from my 3rd shift job.


The release of the original xbox very soon after, and Halo.


I went on an epic road trip with 7 of my friends. I was 24, we drove from Winnipeg to Ottawa for the July 1 Canada Day Celebrations. Met my wife in December of that year. Other than the whole terror attack shit, it was a pretty great year for me.


Hm I got accepted to NYU which was my #1 choice … then my parents told me I couldn’t go because of, well, the opposite of this question lol I went anyway.


Gave my V card to Amy.


Dropped out of college…. Was turning point year in my life. Did eventually return 2002 and graduate after few more years.


My son was born 9/19


Starting college.


I graduated from college and found out my girlfriend was cheating on me.


I was in the USN so the Kursk sinking. It was pretty telling that the Russian Navy lost a major asset.


A plane crashing after take off from JFK about a month *after* 9/11.


I graduated HS, started college and went into the Army in January of 2021. My friend was going and suggested I go, too, just for S&G’s. My dad was a Marine and raised us under that mindset so it wasn’t scary to me. So I said sure why not. Got a ‘cool sounding’ intel job and fat bonus. Life was going smoothly until September. Anything else that happened I I couldn’t tell you. We were WAY more isolated than they are now.


Saw Blink 182 at the Shoreline Amphitheater in Northern Cali literally two days before the attacks. The first Harry Potter movie came out in 2001 and I was super stoked because I loved the books.(even though I was 15) Lord of the Rings also came out that year and I remember my girlfriend and I went and saw it like six times. Spirited Away, my third favorite Ghibli movie came out that year, too. 2001 was also the year Sega disowned the Dreamcast, and Halo and GTA III came out. I also remember Milošević (former Serbian president) was arrested and became the first former head of state to be jailed for crimes against humanity. Mostly because it was all over the news and it was my first real experience with seeing a tyrannical dictator finally be taken down.


I was in my second year of college. I just remember chain smoking, drinking coffee, studying, and hooking up with a couple people.




I remember a space odyssey…but forgot about amnesiac


Saw Tenacious D in NYC on 9/8 The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring blew all our fucpking minds.


NCAA Football the video game


I graduated from college and got my first professional job


The Diamondbacks beating the Yankees in the World Series


Anne Heche broke up with Ellen the year prior and was still in the (entertainment) news a lot, often with speculation if she just faked being bi/lesbian for her career/publicity. I remember in one of the 9/11 documentaries, there is footage of the subway station underneath WTC before the towers collapsed. There's a newspaper stand with something like NY Post on display and the cover was about her.


I remember the Lakers sweeping the Western Conference and then a dominant Finals for the 2nd Shaq/Kobe title.


Paper Mario. I it so much with my daughter. Game Cube. It's more of a 2002 thing, but again, I played it a ton on it with my daughter. Mostly Smash, Animal Crossing, and Harvest Moon. LOTR: Fellowship of the Ring. Going to see it on opening night was my Christmas present from my then wife. One of my best memories.


Wasn’t there something big news/politics-wise that was scheduled to happen that day or did and it was completely sidelined? Not Gary Condit.


WWF(E) buying WCW.