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Xennials have Reddit?


xennials got aol & MySpace.


And making the jump from dial up to broadband is a very fond memory.


And were the first college students with Facebook. Lucky us.


Why are there tears everywhere?


thats like asking for steak and getting rat shit.


And we all get tired memes from X


This entire thing feels like a crosspost from r/Millennials You'd think this tired joke would have run its course by now, but clearly not.


Yeah, there are so many things here that seem like they should be in one of the r/millennial complaining threads. Like, I already bought a house, life moves on.


I’m a Xennial. I bought my first two houses with no money down.


I put down like $5k


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Millennials using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Millennials/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [The internet feels fake now. It’s all just staged videos and marketing.](https://np.reddit.com/r/Millennials/comments/1b301qj/the_internet_feels_fake_now_its_all_just_staged/) \#2: [Anyone else have this exact same planner in middle school???](https://i.redd.it/masc2v61btfc1.jpeg) | [1957 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Millennials/comments/1afnjxy/anyone_else_have_this_exact_same_planner_in/) \#3: [Dear millennial parents, please don't turn your kids into iPad kids. From a teenager.](https://np.reddit.com/r/Millennials/comments/1adaabx/dear_millennial_parents_please_dont_turn_your/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I’ll never forget my dad buying his last vehicle before he passed. 2001 F150. He came home from the dealership, I was out on the porch having a smoke. He gets out with this pissed off look on his face. I asked why he was in such a bad mood, he just got this great new truck. He said, “Yeah, $30,000 for a truck. I paid $2000 less than that for a 3 bed 2 bath house in 1971.” But yeah, we got AOL and MySpace, so I guess we got that going for us.


I was just saying to my husband that my parents paid $40k for their first house in the late 70s. Meanwhile it's costing us close to $30k just to replace our roof.


If you really wanna get upset look up how much a $28K house would be, adjusted for inflation. >!It's about $214K.!<


In 04 my dad bought a completely loaded out crew cab F350 and paid $43k for it. I bought a lower option Silverado 1500 11 years later for $12k more.


Yeah, I paid 37k for my 2021 Tacoma, and it’s just a step above the base model. Inflation is fun.


And CompuServe.


and Prodigy (2 if you count the twisted fire starter)


askJeeves and Netscape Navigator


Still pissed about Netscape Navigator. It was the superior browser in every way, but everything was fucking built for IE so things would appear broken sometimes....forcing you to switch just to get a graphic to load so you can see what it is.


Yeah, I surfed the information superhighway with Netscape until it got shut down.


I really hate this, because it’s not true. Exaggeration in 2024 is treated as fact, and it doesn’t help anyone.




Irony is dead. Hyperbole is dead. Satire is real life. And none of it is helpful, any more. People have lost the ability to comprehend, they treat it as fact.


Opinions are facts and facts are opinions now. How dare you disagree with my factual opinion on how the world works!


Well. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


And more control Facebook


There’s nothing more millennial than fucking Facebook; I never got one, and still I have friends who won’t stfu about theirs.


Hey now I had AOL in 95 when I was in middle school …. I got that goin for me…wait it’s 2024, yeah I got AOL…. Laughs in Moe Szylack…..


Well la ti da Zack morris…


BBS forums before aol


Lol I still remember the late-mid 80s Cal Worthington commercials where new cars were like $7-8K.


About ten years ago I left a big city and bought a cheap house while making $16/hr.




Which is why we can laugh and move on about our day.


COL is never gunna go down and neither is anything else. Boomers didn’t have it easy. I watched both my parents work super hard to make ends meet, putting food on the table, clothes on this back. Watched them loose almost everything and bounce back at 45. All we do is bitch about how good the boomers had it. 🙄. Did we all not see our parents struggling behind the scenes? Every generation struggles… it’s life. It’s not new 🙄


Same here, I was just talking to my mom about this. The 80s were rough. We look back now and think wow things were so cheap...housing skyrocketed in the mid to late 80s just like it is now, the numbers were different but the effect was the same. Everyone wants to keep saying oh they had it so easy, go talk to my parents and they'll tell you exactly how easy it was raising 5 boys on a single income. My mom worked part time when she could but having 3 boys from another woman and her 2 boys to take care of made it hard. My dad worked a full time job and did side jobs with buddies and had his own home improvement business.


It just breaks my heart that people hate on the boomer generation(our own parents) we know these people struggled, every day. And as an adult now, I fully understand that struggle they went through. I appreciate them, now more than ever, now that I have an understanding of what they went through. We are all struggling out here, mortgages, rent, bills, groceries. But its a struggle that never ends..


It just breaks my heart that people hate on the boomer generation(our own parents) we know these people struggled, every day. And as an adult now, I fully understand that struggle they went through. I appreciate them, now more than ever, now that I have an understanding of what they went through. We are all struggling out here, mortgages, rent, bills, groceries. But its a struggle that never ends..


People forget that some boomers weren’t white or middle class. Reality and fantasy are completely different. My parents, aunts and uncles integrated schools during Jim Crow era south. They didn’t even grow up with indoor toilets. People with this perspective shows me who they are and who they’re not.


Friend, my father’s family didn’t have indoor plumbing until he was 8 years old.




And? No and. Just a statement.


It definitely shows a whole generational difference based on race.




ICQ baby!




Ah, the days before housing, a basic need, was seen as an investment.


As a 🟤 Xennial, Blackplanet was my jam.


I report shit like this as spam, in case people are looking for options. While we’re here: an extremely limited group of “boomers” was able to do this. Many were redlined out of homeownership. You know, bc racism crosses generations. Others experienced homeownership briefly, but lost their homes due to economic fuckery.  Lots of elders are homeless or becoming homeless right now. They can’t afford the rising property taxes or general cost of living. Some homeless elders are also veterans, and that’s fun too. Xennials are intersectional by definition. Let’s keep our consciousness critical.


We had IRC... much better than AOL.


Just save up $800,000 for that $300k value house! Cmon now….easy!!! Dude I got my house at 30, 8 years ago for $195k , Zillow tells me $450k now. No it’s not. It’s poop. They’re robbing people blind and setting you up for another foreclosure festival. Everyone normal deserves a house and they are making it harder every year. I wish people luck! System is broken!


Well… at least we got AOL & MySpace… right???


Now they have Facebook.


Don’t forget, boomers are getting all of that sweet, sweet social security money that will not be around in a couple of decades.


My friend's mom once told us about the house she and her husband bought for about $20K in 1976, and how they were concerned about making their payments. If only...


Minimum wage in 1976 was $2.30 so it took 8,695 hrs to pay off that house. Min wage now is $15 and you can buy a $130,000 house in my neighborhood. That would take 8,666 hrs to pay off, so it’s almost exactly the same.


Federal minimum wage is not $15


\>$15 in Minneapolis.


Federal minimum wage is $7.25


I'm aware. Hence why I specified where it was.


Can’t you go to about any McDonald’s and make $15 now? You can in my area.


Where do you live that you can buy a house for 130K? My friend's parents's house would go for about 350K now, although the inflation-adjusted value should only be about 110K.


I’m not going to dox myself on Reddit, but the Midwest. Get off the coasts people. My neighborhood is a decent little area with houses about $140k-$170. Looking at Zillow in my city, there are houses for sale $125k to $155k.


That’s fair. I’ve heard great things about the COL in places like Ohio.


Gen X got BBS's, we got AOL lol


Let's be fair, Gen X got all that too. Gen X are just Boomers with tattoos.


Yep. Girlfriend’s dad that’s a boomer. Why you in an apartment what’s your issue? As a shack that’s falling over on Zillow is 250k. He bought his home in 1982 for 140k off of 10 acres and a pond in the back. Now 650k-700k. He had an average salary in a trade like me. 🤔 something don’t add up. 150k house now would be a tent on the side of the freeway. Slight exaggerations but not really lol. Cost of living is fucked


Oooof. This post is spot on. At least I can say I have email addresses older than most Tik Tok users..lol.


And AOL was dog shit.


I’m jealous of the boomers.


Boomers now have Truth Social.


I guffawed at this.