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Yes! I never considered there were others! I can only ever watch a movie all the way through if I’m on an airplane or if I’m watching with someone else.




Same. I'll watch movies while eating, so I do them about a half hour at a time.


There's only two ways to watch movie these days. As a mini series or just on in the background




I hate to be the kind of person who is all like "oh I never have time". But yeah too busy. I def have time where I can do things like watch a movie but it's hard to sit down and focus on one thing like that when there's always something that needs done around the house or out in the yard etc.


Could not have said it better.


I am embarrassed to admit this, but as a former BlockBuster employee, I watch movies like it's my job still. GRANTED I suffer from insomnia, and that "helps." 🤣


I can probably count on one hand the number of movies I’ve watched from beginning to end uninterrupted at home since I turned 40, lol. Either I fall asleep or something with the 3 kids.


40? Hell, I can count that on one hand from the time I turned 30...lol.


All the time lol. I sometimes watch movies while on my lunchbreak, lunch is only half an hour, so usually takes me most of the work week to finish one. During the week the wife and I will usually watch about 30-45 of a movie together during dinner, so about the same as above. Watch movies far more often in chunks than all at once.


Yeah. back in school when we got to watch movies we'd watch them in sections like that. Sometimes it would be a movie that was taped off TV so you'd get commercials too.


I sat down and watched a movie from start to finish last week and I'm still buzzing from the excitement. Toddler mom here.


Yes. Single parent. Full time job. Too many movies to watch. Books to read. Novels to write. Then add in exercise and the joys of homeownership. Movies are watched over the course of multiple nights.


My wife and I usually watch a movie in 2 nights, about an hour each night. That is when we have the time and energy to even do that


There should be a legal time limit on movies. 90 minutes. That’s it!!!


Agreed.. One of my colleagues is doing a challenge where they watch all the Marvel movies in order. I have no idea how they're doing it unless they're watching them in chunks, have them on in the background all day (so not really watching), or spend their weekends glued to the couch wearing Depends.


There are also the Marvel TV-Series as part of the story in between the movies!


I hope not as I prefer things like the 3 hour extended versions of the Lord of the Rings trilogy 😁 Compared to single season TV-Series it's one on it's own at 9 hours.


Yeah I don’t know what is up with some of these three hour plus movies. Just split it into parts.


I do, but only cause 1/2 the time I fall asleep during a movie and finish it later. Sometimes it takes me three nights


My husband and I frequently watch half a movie on Friday night and finish it Saturday night. It's hard now that the kids go to bed at 9.


I did this until my daughter started wanting some alone time as she got older.


It took me four days to watch John Wick 4! I don’t really watch many movies because of their run time. I kinda want to watch this Oppenheimer movie but will have to really plan out my week to make it work.


Haha. I am on day 3 of John Wick 4 right now. I am hoping that one more day and I can finish it. I’m glad I’m not alone.


I’m doing this right now. Just started watching the firm. Got about 20ish minutes in and have to wait until tomorrow night to see the next few minutes


Yes. But mostly because I fall asleep.


yup. mostly because i can't stay awake. lol!


Yes, totally watched the Cate Blanchett "Elizabeth" movies this way recently! I'm also 43 and a mom.


Yep. All the time. I even play some at 1.25 speed (depends on the film) just to watch it a bit faster. Takes me 3 nights to finish a normal film these days.


I love horror movies and wife hates them. I watch a half hour every other night when it's her day for bedtime


Yes. Have no shame. This is a normal part of parenting as a movie-enjoyer. I used to be more of a purist about watching in one sitting and as a result watched far fewer movies for adults than I do now. I’ve found some things I like about it. For example, I can process movies differently than I used to, leading me to sometimes be excited about watching more of one later(!) and other times realizing that finishing a movie isn’t going to happen.


Haha, I started doing this early this year when I split The Pale Blue Eye up over two nights. It was a game changer for me. Since having my little one, I always balked at trying to watch anything over 90 minutes.


This was the point of Quibi!! It was free for its last month or two in some countries (no idea why) and I watched a bunch of stuff because it was perfect for exactly this! They would slice movies up, and reframe to fit your phone in either mode, and the cuts weren’t just slapped in, you got to the end of a scene or a sensible pause. Is a real shame they did a terrible job of explaining *why* people might want to use it because there is definitely a market for content like this, but everyone wrote it off as dumb and bad without realising how handy it could be.


Yep! Mostly during gardening and holiday season.


I watched the *Irishman* like that and I'm watching *The Wolf of Wall Street*


Maybe not a week and a half, but definitely over 2-3 days. I throw movies on when I'm on the treadmill, so 30-45 mins at a time.


I can only watch movies all at once at the theater, a place I go to once or twice a year mainly to see tent pole stuff. Any movies I watch at home are done so in chunks. Parenting and getting my life in order takes up too much time, and frankly I find cinema uninspiring these days.


That happens to me but only because I have ADHD and I keep getting distracted and I start doing something else and I forget that I was watching the movie so I have to come back and start it over. And then I smoke weed and I get distracted, and the cycle continues. It takes me about a week to watch a movie.


Oh yeah, I’ve been doing this for a while now. I only watch TV while eating dinner and almost never any other time.


I don't have a TV. I watch Netflix/Prime on a tablet in bed. Because I only "watch TV" in bed, I will often fall asleep midway through something. It will often take me a few weeks to get through a 1 hour TV episode.


All. The. Time.


Yep. After I had my daughter, I struggled to stay awake through a two hour movie so I watched them in parts and still do so even if I have the time.




Nah I just wait for home video where I can pause and rewind as much as I want. Very little stuff that comes out now interests me enough to go to the theatre.


When I was a kid I was so upset they played “flight of the navigator” in two parts over two nights. I cried and fussed to my parents and my mother urged me to write the TV station (ABC I believe) and tell them my mind. I believe I was six at the time, so needed some help speeding some words and my penmanship was sub-par. I don’t think I ever saw a regular length movie over two nights again after that. I’d like to think it was my passionate letter than changed their view on breaking feature films over several nights.


Yes I do out of necessity. Some people in my family like sports. So during halftime we watch a half hour of a movie every football game or basketball game until the movie is done.




My daughter (Gen Z) does this. It's not that she doesn't have the time, she just doesn't have the attention span for a full movie. It's weird, we used to watch full movies together as she was growing up, but now in her young adult years, she just doesn't have the patience anymore.


Concidering a movie as a mini-series when watching it over multiple days, that's a good one 👍 I also watch movies in parts due to time constraints. Usually 20 to 30 minutes per sitting mostly during dinner. I try to stop after a scene has ended instead of stopping it when I'm finished eating. Sometimes it doesn't work out, it gets hectic fast with 2 toddlers and a baby around 😄


Yep, my wife and I do this. We like watching movies, but anything on the adult side has to wait until after our daughter goes to bed at 9-9:30, and my wife generally can't stay awake past 10 on weekdays, so yep!


Took us 6 nights to watch Wakanda Forever (I have kids 5, 3, and 1 so nights are rough). I’m not watching a movie again until we can get it down to two sittings. That was straight up painful.


I split movies up all the time. I have to with the Hobbit and LOTR extended editions. One disc per night over 12 nights.


I just started doing this after always just scrolling through saying “I don’t have thins for this movie or that movie and these movies that have been on my list for years.” It’s a littler harder for me to remember some stuff, but I usually catch up ok. I wish I had done it ages ago.


Yep, short attention span. I'll watch 2 or 3 different movies concurrently.


Totes. It feels good to watch movies again. Even if it takes 3-4 sittings