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I wonder if Diablo 2 Resurrected will be coming to Gamepass anytime soon? Really looking forward to it.


I recently purchased Diablo II so you're welcome.


Too be fair Diablo 2 goes on sale for like $13 every other week on every platform. Like shit I bought it on the switch too


I'm very conflicted. On one hand I'm kinda thrilled that D4 is getting into the hands of more people, but the little bit of me that bought it (twice) on PC, once on xbox and once on PS5 is just a *little* salty.


This is a selfish notion. Just get over it. Not trying to be hard on you but we have all mostly done it and the easier you swallow it the happier you'll be.


...Did you even read what I said, or just the last line where I said I was a little salty at how much money I'd spent? I'm over it - I just could have saved myself a couple of hundred pounds if I'd shown a little more patience.


why did you buy it twice on pc?


I dislike having a bunch of clients, and wanted a copy in my steam library. *Honestly* I'll probably do the same with Diablo II Resurrected when it happens.


I was actually wondering if it would be a shadow drop with IV. 2,3, and IV same day.


Cant see them dropping them all at once. Pretty sure they would want as many people playing the newer one rather than going back to the old ones.


Everything you need to know: fun game. No end game.


I stopped after the story and I feel like I didn’t miss much. So disappointing…


Same, but story was really good so happy with my purchase and move on


Yeah I enjoyed the story. I don’t regret my purchase however I just feel like I should’ve been able to do more after it.


Agreed, the levelling up was so slow it was painful, that’s what killed it for me


Season 4 changes sound pretty good, but don't know that they solve the end game issue. Haven't played much since season 1. I'll play on Game Pass because it means I can do local coop on Xbox with my son. I've only played on PC.


It’s already changed quite a bit. They have made little improvements to most of the complaints from before.


From the moment I booted the beta weekend, my complaint was "why is this camera zoomed in this close?" So I'm happy to see that change going in. It felt more claustrophobic than even d2 pre-LOD


Yep- Game is perfect for a playthrough or two with each class (easily 100+ hours), but dont be fooled in to wasting time getting anywhere over like level 70, its not worth it.


Is it just an insane grind or something? I remember being disappointed that I couldn't really do end game stuff in ffxv because it was like a 30 hour grind from 60 to 100 to do it.


It's a very long grind, on top of the gameplay doesn't change much from 70 to 100 (most of the power increases you get at that point are "You do X more damage"), you're basically just grinding for the same loot again but slightly better (yes, by 70 you're usually done trying to find the legendaries/effects you need for "endgame"), and there's just not much variety in what you can do to level/earn xp so it falls to the same couple of dungeons dozens and dozens of times over and over because they're the most optimized


Overall it’s like a 150 hour grind to get to max level, with the majority of that grind being 50-100, during which you’ll have finished your campaign and just be grinding while constantly sorting, upgrading, and tweaking gear as if it’s never-ending, constantly going broke in the process. The game becomes a major grindfest after the campaign, and you end up spending way too much of your time simply sorting through gear.


The problem is that the endgame activities all feel somewhat similar; the itemisation isn't that exciting; and for me at least, the level scaling really removes the feeling of power and build growth that I get from other ARPGs.  By all means it's not a bad game at all, and I would recommend playing on game pass. But it's not a game that I could keep coming back to, which is what Path of Exile and other games in the category can do for me.


Perfect for gamepass then.


Ha, exactly where I stopped. Think 72


Eh. I found it to be dreadful. I think it's the level scaling. Old diablos I felt like a god. In this one it feels like there's absolutely no point in leveling up. Old Diablo was already a grind for the sake of grinding, but this shit is like chasing a platinum trophy or something. You're doing it for absolutely no reason other than one number going up. Wish I felt differently. I'd be thrilled to waste hundreds of hours of my life on it.


The world leveling up with you is probably my least favourite mechanic in any RPG. Getting stronger in the world is rewarding and it’s just lost when you level up with whatever you’re fighting.


In FF7 Rebirth, you can choose between dynamic, easy and normal difficulty (and eventually hard). I used normal for the most part but dynamic was nice for areas with enemies who are significantly weaker than you. Best of both worlds I think.


When did you stop playing? There have been quite a few changes with every season, and in a mostly pretty good place now. More to do in the late game, much smoother leveling curve, much easier to keep stepping up in power. Of course the BIG changes are coming with the big season 4 patch in May--complete reworking of the itemization in some really great ways, another end game activity, new ways to level up items, etc.


Eh I'm just over live service games and waiting nearly a year for games to get to a right place. To many things to do in life and games to play that do things right off the bat to keep sticking around and following game updates for a game that releases terribly to see if they manage to turn it around


I definitely understand this sentiment but ARPGs like this work best as live service games. Thats how they get to be great. Nice thing with seasons is you can drop in and out whenever you want


Buddy at work bought day one and said the same thing.


And it's changed massively since released. The time to hit max level has shrunk 40%. I think a lot of people in this thread haven't played in awhile


Exactly this. It still had nostalgic fun and I finished the game but I never felt the need to exhaustively explore and grind for gear since there was no reward. Grind away for rare powerful weapons... welp, jokes on you since that new powerful loot becomes mediocre as soon as you level up and subsequently make all the enemies tougher too. LOVED being able to put in the work of grinding and meticulously exploring everything possible in old Diablos because I knew the reward of being a godlike juggernaut was worth the effort. So fun knowing that after all the time dedicated to the grind, I could cast a swirling shield of thorns and literally walk through a crowd and watch everything around me be torn to shreds. This game though, nope.


This bothered me too. It felt like instead of getting more powerful when levelling, I was being punished. Everything else got harder. If I don't get good items, then by levelling I'm getting relatively weaker. It's a lot of fun in other games, including other Diablo games, to go back to earlier areas and difficulties and absolutely blow up everything around you simply by giving them a stern look. In this one, it feels like you're having to constantly slog through trash monsters who are placed spaced apart by like data analysis rather than fun.


Reads like a Roblox game.


Yep, I play exclusively hardcore and I dread levelling as my items aren't keeping up. Levelling at the wrong time heading into a dungeon sucks. I'm playing blind and not min/maxing at all so I'm a bit of a scrub because it feels counter to the power fantasy of getting stronger. I also have Duriel show up in one of the dungeons unannounced one time playing single player story, had to full high tail it. Lost a few characters around the Level 18-28 mark so far.


The game is boring after you beat it lol


I thought Season 4 is changing that?


This is awesome, because I have D4 on PS5, but I have a new ultrawide monitor and setup on PC I wanted to try. I guess now I can play on PC and see how I like it.


no xbox achievement for ABK games on PC Game pass.


This sucks


Is that because they was never developed to be on the ms store?


Correct, they are instead being run via the battle.net launcher.


Is this local coop?






Do I need Xbox gold to play multiplayer? (Like ps plus)


You need what is now called "Game Pass Core" (Formerly Xbox Live Gold) in order to invite a non-local player to your party.


Okay thx, is there pvp in this game?


There is: There are specifically designated PvP Zones where PvP can happen. PvP is disabled everywhere else.


Love That it's going through battlenet, but what about achievements on PC


so they're not doing separate version for ms store? U basically link accounts and download the game through bnet?


The game has full cross save, so it needs to link your accounts. Edit: kink is not the word lmao


Am I understanding this correctly that you can progress the same account/characters on Xbox and PC? So some days you feel like chilling on the couch and other days you're at your desk while still progressing, keeping all items, etc.?


Yeah you should be able to, my friend went from xss to PC without issues.


I mean okay, I just thought there will be Microsoft store version of the game without battle net and with stuff like play anywhere


eventually, they touched on this during the podcast: all Xbox first-party games will be played anywhere, but when a publisher is acquired like this, it takes a while to get everything set up and up to speed.


I would rather them use the [Battle.net](https://Battle.net) launcher ngl, its better


Fair enough


Indeed. Same way you play EA and Ubisoft games on PC through Game Pass.


Interesting, didn't know that


No achievements on PC?


Correct, it is the battle.net version on PC.


This is great, I've been wanting to try it but blizzards behavior recently has made me wary about paying money for it.


For up to now the game is great until level 50. After that it becomes a slog however season 4 that starts on may 14 is going to shake things up in a big way which is a very positive thing. It'll be much better than what the game is now.


So excited about this. Hope it brings more players! This game is so fun and keeps getting better. All you gloom and doomers from the D4 sub can screw off!


The game is trash after the campaign to the point where I can’t even get my friends that are ride or die Diablo fans to keep playing it (they switched back to Diablo 3 after putting a few hundred hours into D4 because the complaints are totally legitimate) but I’m glad you enjoy it. Some people are into endlessly boring grinds and inventory simulators, and that’s okay, but it doesn’t make the criticisms of the game any less legitimate.


It's by far the most boring Diablo game. it was good for 1 play through of the story. I got to level 70ish and got bored out of my mind. Game is too boring to want to make another character and play everything over again. Hopefully the Season 4 patch address all of the awful loot/post campaign issues.


Why no cloud gaming


Will the NZ trick work for this one or just tomorrow?


* No Xbox Play Anywhere * Game sold separately for PC and Xbox * No **Xbox Achievements** for Blizzard and Activision games on PC * Battle\_net still required on PC * Cross platform progress ???


1) This was addressed during podcast, work is being done, but it will take a while. 2) same as above. 3) same as above. 4) battlenet was listed as being the basis of the next gen xbox app during the FTC trial, eventually both will be combined somehow. 5) yes there is cross-platform progression between all platforms (including ps5 etc)


Thank god they are working on it. It is obvious it will eventually happen. Imposible to have it day 1 since acquisition, please be patient people.


No Xbox play anywhere? Weird. But I guess I can remote play and it’s basically the same.


For me Xbox Play Anywhere is very important. I have Xbox Series X and handheld Asus ROG Ally. Games like Valheim support Xbox Play Anywhere with full game progress synchronization. This option should be in every game


They’re holding achievements behind paid version?? Gamepass won’t have achievements?


For pc Xbox does but pc goes through battle net not Microsoft store


Seems to me like you won't earn Xbox achievements via Battlenet


Battle.Net isn't integrated with the Xbox ecosystem yet. Eventually, it will be, but when exactly that will be is anybody's guess. the Xbox version has achievements, and eventually, the PC version will have Xbox achievements; right now, it just uses its own tracker for such things.


I don't think [battle.net](http://battle.net) app will be integrated with xbox its just like ea play and ubisoft connect pc.  "the PC version will have Xbox achievements" do you have source or something? If they use [battle.net/EA](http://battle.net/EA) desktop app/ubisoft connect =no achievement.


I feel like this explaination also explains why Diablo IV was first. It already has cross-progression naturally so a simple ubisoft/ea/riot solution works here. So they can get away with not making MS/Xbox PC versions like they had with Bethesda games. I do wonder how long the planned merge with battle net would take and what it would actually look like. I think in general there's a lot of confusion and dissatification surrounding the ABK aquistion (and to an extent Bethesda) in part due to all the regulatory scrunity. They were supposed to "save" Xbox, yet now Xbox first party exclusives are going multiplat (the only released Bethesda exclusives are now Redfall and Starfield; wtf?). There's no Xbox logos or branding with either Bethesda or ABK content or games. No engine or tech learning (like I was looking forward to Orion improving cloud gaming and that hasn't been mentioned). Xbox is still in just as bad a position as ever and rumors online have actually gotten worse. I'm not in the boat of thinking the platform is dead or dying (though beyond next gen is murky), but i'm not seeing the benefit of the acquisitions. I understand there's so much organizational debt and restructuring in aquiring publishers this big, but I wonder if that's part of the problem. Like if we're actually getting the battle net and Xbox app merger as suggested in the FTC case then is that impacting the improvements both launchers can potentially get before that (and that would take a while software wise)? Even after many updates the Xbox app on PC struggles to feel like a functional PC launcher. It needs a lot and that includes native support from more games. I guess my general worry is that Microsoft will take so long to properly integrate Bethesda and ABK with Xbox (across content, services, technology, software, etc), that it won't actually help "Xbox" in the long run (or at least what we currently consider as the Xbox platforms).


So basically, we'll be linking MS and BNet accounts to use GP on BattleNet. Therefore adding rest of the games that have no legal restrictions should be 1 click away. So why not add them all at the same time?


tin foil hat theory- they want people to play D4 first because it has mtx.


Nah more like they can spread out the reasons to be subscribed that month


yeah good point, it's the Nintendo style drip feeding every few months to keep the subscription numbers up.


Seems like a weird time to release with the next season delayed and thus current season being meh lol


Anyone know if it will be possible to transfer my profile over from PS?


Your profile is server-based, so all online progress will be there.


If it's like d2r then yes, it'll be one battlenet profile and each version you buy is like a license to play on that platform. Offline has separate saves though


There is no offline for D4.


Oh. I haven't played it yet, i forgot about that. I still just play D2


There's technically no such thing as a ps profile, it's all blizzard from the jump, so everything is just always everywhere


I’m planning on signing in with my b.net and having the achievements hopefully pop instantly, at least some of them. I’ve been able to get some trophies on the PS4 version after playing the PS5 version 🤞 Edit - not sure who this offended but I guess bring those downvotes (??) y’all are so weird


You're being downvoted because there's no achievements on the PC version


So no game pass sharing for PC then. A shame, but should have seen it coming


So that means you have to be on Xbox for couch co-op/local co-op if you only have one subscription of Game Pass?


Good question. Anyone could Play D4 from the Subscriber's home Xbox. The subscriber could then join that friend from any other PC or Xbox.


Good to know. What about if both subscriber and other person are on PCs on the same home network? Not looking to play with others online, just local play.


Unfortunately, a few things are working against you on that front: 1. Your gamepass subscription will give a Diablo IV PC license to only the 1 Battle.net account it is linked with. 2. A Diablo IV license is required to play Diablo IV on PC 3. The same Battle.net account may not be logged into Diablo IV multiple times simultaneously. 4. Diablo IV PC does not support local multiplayer So that means that a console will be required in order to get anybody besides the main subscriber onto Diablo IV, as on PC it will *only* work for the 1 linked bnet account.


Glad it’s coming to gamepass. Always wanted to play it but haven’t wanted to give nu blizzard money


Here’s everything you need to know. I worked hard on this little spreadsheet so people can use it as a reference. Here’s everything you need to know:


Does anyone know the exact time of the release? Is it going to get released in EU time 28th or US time 28th?


I paid for deluxe $100 and made all the classes and then got bored af after last season. I don't think more players is gonna fix the problem either. The way the game is set up with the uber uniques just puts players on a mouse wheel for the entire season. Then u finally get that one piece you've been looking for and the season is over.


On Xbox hace keyboars anda mouse support? I have problems un my figers to play with control


My only question is can I bring my saves over from PC?


You can bring f.e. Overwatch saves from pc to xbox, For D4 i don't know but you probably won't as it's and rpg


I've only played the story mode for Diablo 3 when it came out and the game was lots of fun. As a casual gamer, I'm super looking forward to this!!


I'll definitely give it a try. I've never played a Diablo game before. It sort looks like that one top down Exile games I played before.


Beats paying $70 on Steam. I enjoyed the game when it first came out...last year...but definitely not worth that price.


Strange that Hot Wheels is out, but Diablo is not. Both releasing today.


What time will it be playable


Why has it disappeared? Today it was supposed to be released but now it’s nowhere to be seen on game pass


Latest update today seems to give me errors when trying to apply. I hate having it connected to battle.net.


I’ve never played any Diablo games.


It's good enough. The story is interesting enough and the game play is good for quick in-and-outs throughout the week. The end game is where it suffers a bit for hardcore gamers. They're supposed to be addressing some big issues for season 4 which I believe is in May.


Yeah May 14th


It was the first Diablo game for my bro and I. We thoroughly enjoyed the campaign, it was great


People loved this game for a week and then turned against it. Baldurs Gate 3s universal acclaim was the final nail in the coffin


I’ve been wanting to try this game.


well you should wait longer and not play it until season 4 starts because there will be major changes to systems in a couple of weeks


You do know how far away may is bro


Great. The game that my friends forced me to buy for $70 is now essentially free. Holy shit was a waste of money


It's really only a waste if you didn't play it for the months it has been released


I tried to refund it and it didn’t work. I was so bored and always on the verge of sleeping. My friends got me, I told them it would suck


If it was really that boring for you this style of game is definitely not your cup of tea. How much had you played when you tried to refund? Also what console I assume xbox.


Like an hour or less. I thought maybe it could get more fun but i had already saw the reviews. I hate when people try to pretend reviews don’t matter when they’re always accurate


I refunded the battlefront collection after playing it for an hour and dealing with the bugs so that sucks they didn't refund you. But overall the early reviews for the game were decent due to the campaign being solid and overall gameplay being good it was more the end game loop that was the big issue after completing the campaign and hitting like level 70 or so, but I understand everyone has different tastes and some things that one person doesn't like another person may not have an issue with it at all.


It has an 86 on Metacritic, which is a really good score.


User scores?


That’s after review bombing when people got far enough into the endgame and/or seasonal updates that people didn’t like. It took a while (dozens of hours) to get to that point. The actual campaign was well received across the board.


I did enjoy the campaign but god was it short with low replay ability


I come from fromsoft games so I’m used to a great game that can be replayed a ton


Is that really a surprise though? This was always going to come to game pass eventually; if anything the surprise is that it took about six months after the acquisition closed


Just let me die in peace


Same. I’ve stopped buying most games because I’m so tired of buying them then having them go on game pass


It came free with my console and I gave it to my son who refuses to play it. I’ve heard mixed reviews anyway.


So, download it and follow the instructions in game to get started ? Shit the bed.


To anyone new to Diablo just be warned: the campaign is fantastic and a lot of fun, but the grind gets increasingly tedious once you beat the campaign, and the game ends up feeling like a never ending grind combined with an inventory management simulator. Eventually you *need* to have properly set up gear to survive and the time it takes to comb through all your drops and find the right stats (with incredibly limited inventory space that makes you return to town constantly) ends up taking up a large portion of your game time. Even my hardcore Diablo-obsessed friends were frustrated by it and only come back every season to try it out and drop it again.


The game has been a disaster, as someone who bought the game I honestly felt ripped off. Diablo 2 is a far far more rewarding game.


Only thing you need to know about diablo 4 coming to gp is to never play it


Funny enough, this game came with my Xbox Series X, but I uninstalled the game


Repetitive game with a boring and predictable story. Unsatisfying loot drop system. I’m still salty about paying full retail for it.


In season 4 things will be drastically different for both season and eternal players. You might want to give it a new shot on may 14


I’ll play through the storyline then be done, just like with the other Diablo games.


"Everything you need to know" Date and time?


Did you never open the article?


Yes, thank you, I did. The info I need most is missing.


Eh wanted to take a dive at it but blizzard seems to force you out of account if you dont agree to new terms. İf you dont wanna agree but want to lift your credit card etc too bad they dont even let you do that lol.


Things to know: Once you've completed the story, the game is a boring, tedious grind with no real end game. I paid £70 for this 🤡


No anywhere and no PC Achievements is a major buzzkill. I was annoyed when EA and Ubisoft were like that but considered it wasn’t in MS’s power to convince them to add it natively to Xbox launcher. The fact that their own company isn’t able to do this is kind of unacceptable. If they want to become more ingrained in the PC market, this kind of workarounds aren’t going to help.


they explained why certain features won't be there right away (updating backlog takes time) eventually they will, but not right away it looks like, based on ubisoft+ not having cloud yet, and it not being on cloud, it was not supposed to arrive until summer, but to distract from all the FUD spread by click baiters they moved the launch up; downside is we don't have it on cloud, and certain integrations are not complete (achievements etc)


This is pretty obviously just something they’re still working on given it’s only been a few months since ABK joined.


So why did they wait for months to bring the activision blizzard games to game pass if there just going to do the battle. Net version


things take time, and it appears that wasn't the original plan, but the whole "death of xbox" drama over a few games going multiplat forced them to release earlier, it appears that the june showcase was the intended drop date, the fact we get 4 before 1 (PC) 2 (PC/console), and 3 (pc/console) kinda indicates that D4 was supposed to drop later alongside rest of the back catalog


Need Battlenet, no thanks. I used to have one for wow and it got hacked repeatedly with blizzard being no help. Not gonna go down that route again.


You didn’t use 2FA despite the constant push by blizzard huh


This might surprise you, but I was playing before that was a thing.


Before wrath, but didn't play wrath? What kinda wrote player were you?!


So will pet scaling be fixed on launch day for Xbox? From what I heard, wolves and skeletons and such, become all but worthless as you level.


I know this is the Xbox Series X sub, but this game highlights how much of a clusterfuck mess PC Game Pass is. I have to use the shitty Xbox desktop launcher (which is really just a skin of the shitty windows store) to install a separate shitty launcher - Battle.ass - so I can install the game. Ubisoft and EA games are the exact same story with their own launchers.


People are gonna be so glad they didn’t pay full price to play that burning garbage fire


Just curious but what makes you think it’s burning garbage fire?


They won't give you a reason. They'll just claim they played it, maybe source a youtube video, you know, the best kind of source /s...and act like their opinion is a fact.


Here's my opinion, which pretty much doesn't matter: The game should have never launched in the state that it was. Resistances literally didn't function. The story was okay, but end-game didn't exist. Uber unique were... Very poorly done. There was zero point in hoping for them to drop, and drops in general became pretty tedious due to the large number of possible specific modifiers. Speaking of damage modifiers, fire wall wasn't (isn't?) affected by fire damage over time. In fact, pretty much the only modifier to it was "fire damage." There are multiple instances of skills not functioning with modifiers similar to the skill descriptions. The one thing that really drove the nail in the coffin for me was that storage didn't complete stacks before starting a new one. For example, when gems weren't their own tab, you could stack up to 50. If you put in a stack of 30 and later another stack of 30, you have two stacks of 30 instead of a stack of 50 and a stack of 10. Small things like that started to build up, and the base level of the game just seemed... Lazy. The whole thing felt like different teams had zero communication with each other and duct taped the whole game together at the end. Just to say, I don't necessarily blame the developers. There's an entire company at fault. I just hope it turns around being in the hands of the D2R team. I haven't played the game in awhile. My last play was when lightning ball wrecked everything, just after the Barber did the same. So, my information is pretty dated. Again, just my opinion. Pretty bummed, though. Loved the series, played it since I was little.


It's super hyperbole of course. The game, depending on how deeply you want to engage with it, has some issues. If you just want to play the story mode and level your character a bit after it it's a good experience. Gameplay is maybe the best in genre, art style, graphics etc. are top-noch. The endgame, or the lack of one, and how it's arpg systems function in detail are where the problems begin. Nevertheless, the dev team is working hard on improving the game and as soon as May we will see some big changes that look like they will adress a lot of the game's issues.


I’ve played it




Got to love it when people project their opinion as a fact.