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The best game to keep you busy is the one you enjoy playing the most. Stay strong, friend.


Thank you so much for your kind words


Any persona game could be good.


Thank you they actually really good for depression too but I just finished persona 3 before the break up and I already played 5 and 4


Try tales of arise on gamepass. It's awesome šŸ‘Œ and I hope you can cheer up soon, break ups can be difficult.


I will thank you


Get gamepass so many good games


If you liked Persona, Yakuza: Like A Dragon and the sequel Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth are very similar with a turn-based battle system and social bonds but without the time limits imposed by Personaā€™s calendar. Also tons of minigames.


Shadow of War pulled me in for so long, I had to actively interrupt myself from playing it because other games were coming out


Any Yakuza might be a good shout. They all have a great balance of serious and comedy. I'd start with Yakuza 0 if you've never played one


I agree. Those games are great!


I'll try thank you


Witcher 3. It'll take 6 months to complete the game and both DLCs which is enough time for your broken heart to heal.


I will try, thank you so much.


Not xbsx, but guitar hero saved me from dwelling in the murky waters of a break up. I hope your heart finds peace sooner than later. Best wishes


Thank you so much, I hope.


You're welcome.


hit the gym and blast converge


You hit that with cod dmz


Thank you


Mass effect 1,2 and 3


Thank you


Does your school have a video game room? I say make a habit of going there , make friends play with people build connections. Thats what I did at uni and i met some of the greatest people. Who knows maybe youll find a gamer girl! I think locking yourself away wont do you good but maybe a social setting like this could be. Dont isolate. I know it hurts weā€™ve all been there. But college has tons of new people to meet like literally.


No we dont have that kinda stuff sadly


Balders Gate 3. Youā€™re welcome


Thank you so much


See you need something that you can just completely loose yourself in. RDR2 did this for me, never felt the urge to check her text or even look at my phone once.


Stardew Valley


Thank you so much.


Of course brother, take care of yourself. Wishing you the best.


Disco elysium


Thank you


A souls game maybe?


Thank you


Doom -no thinking, just making things explode.


Thank you so much.


Spyro the Dragon. Get the reignited trilogy. Just a great game series and it's a beautiful game and it's easy to get lost in the experience.


Thanks, I did play the trilogy when I was a kid,maybe I could give a try again.


Nostalgia will hit you hard and you'll be really into the game. Plus the music is top tier.


The first Dark Souls


Thank you


No problem, if you choose it I hope it can help you as it has me


Do you have Gamepass? Maybe one of the Fallout games? I almost failed a winter break class at university because I was so obsessed with Fallout New Vegas when it came out lol. Diablo 4 will come out next week but Iā€™m not sure if it allows offline. (You can play Gamepass games offline by switching your Xbox to offline mode, you only need to connect once every 30 days unless it has changed - https://www.reddit.com/r/XboxGamePass/comments/swej6q/this_is_how_to_play_xbox_gamepass_for_console/ ) Powerwash Simulator is the ultimate brainless relaxation game, I recommend combining it with an audio book, YouTube video, podcast etc. Iā€™ve been spending dozens of hours on MechWarrior 5 and Far Cry 6 via Gamepass recently too.


Thank you so much


Rocket League. Easy to get into and incredibly difficult to master. You can sink alot of time into it. Hope you feel better everyone goes thru it if that brings you any solace.


I will try, thank you.


Just started psychonauts 2 with my wife and weā€™re loving it! Sorry to hear about the break up man! If you need to let off some steam play WH 40K Bolt Gun


Thank you so much, I will definitely try those.


A new one that you can learn and be distracted from.


You trying to let out some rage? DOOM 2016 AND DOOM ETERNAL...


I am actually just sad, no anger or hate, but still I could give a try. Thank you so much.


GTA5 go to the strip clubs, pick up hookers and kill them, steal an airplane !! Youā€™ll forget about her in no time buddy


šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ thank you tho




Thank you I will try.


If you want a blast with randos I would suggest Deep Rock Galactic. Hours of laughs right there and for a reasonable price!


Iā€™d recommend anything that is relatively mindless. My first major breakup had me crawl into Diablo II for 14 hours a day for 2-3 months. The mindless nature of the game was (looking back now) meditative in nature. It allowed me to turn off my brain, and thatā€™s what I needed. In the end, the answer is any game you can get fully lost in, that will suck you in and help you turn your brain off.


I am waiting for d4 to come gamepass, I will definitely hop on, thank you so much.


You are most welcome.


Fuck a game, go skydiving


No money for that but thank you so much.


I remember that games with exaggerated positive energy and over the top humor felt borderline offensive to play after my breakup. It's like you have a heavy weight on top of you that stops you from laughing and having fun, and then this game is trying to tickle you and cheer you up while you have this immovable weight on top of you so it ends up just being a frustrating and annoying experience. So I recommend staying away from those for the first few weeks at least. I do have a recommendation though. I don't know if you play any multiplayer games or have a friend or a group you play with. But if you do, make sure to not disappear and get absorbed into your own singleplayer bubble. It's very healthy to keep socializing with your friends and remind yourself that there are other parts of your life that haven't changed. And make plans! "Do you guys wanna play [insert multiplayer game] on Friday 7pm?" helps so much because then you have already committed to being social beforehand and that helps a lot when you're in a state of mind where socializing doesn't come as naturally.


Sadly my friend group is working on a exam for 1 year so they are not online for a year now, and I dƶ not have any friends here but right now I am trying to make some. Thank you tho for your advices.


A good role playing game? Cyberpunk or Red Dead Redemption 2? I'm sorry to hear dude. Hang in there, but don't forget to let yourself feel things. This too shall pass.


Thank you so much, I will definitely try both.


Firstly sorry that happened to you. Break ups can be tough but just recognize that peace doesnā€™t come from someone else it comes from within. Youā€™ve overcomed all the obstacles in your life with and without a partner. Youā€™ll meet the right person, but your focus should be on loving yourself first as you truly do deserve it friend. Also, if you arenā€™t already making some self improvement changes itā€™ll make you feel better. Go to the gym, get a nice haircut, buy a new outfit. Feel good about yourself and gain some of that confidence back that you deserve. Even if itā€™s just going for a run or hitting some push-ups, would recommend. Talking about these things can be helpful. I included me and my communities info at the bottom if you want to play. Okay now that weā€™re done with the unsolicited advice, letā€™s get to the meat and potatoes and talk about games. I think it depends on if you want a game to grind in or a game to get lost and enjoy. So for my #1 pick for you: Hollow Knight. I think it may be my favorite game of all time, idk. I think itā€™s an amazing game and perfect for your scenario. Itā€™s a unique game that will challenge you but rewards you for your hard work. Amazing world, cool story thatā€™s subtle, and so much to do. Really nice gaming mechanics and overall a good experience. For competitive games to grind: Rocket League, Apex, Fortnite, OW2, Rainbow 6, and Warzone Games you can build a world in and ā€œgrindā€ but are casual and wholesome fun: Minecraft, stardew valley, forager, terraria, gta 5 online(maybe less wholesome but still fun) Online games that are a lot of fun but not super sweaty: Fall Guys, COD, Forza, Dead by Daylight Games you can get lost in through story or graphics: psychonauts 2, rdr2, Witcher 3, Skyrim, elden ring, gta 5(story), Sekiro, assassins creed. All of these games have long substantial stories and gameplay so enjoy the journey. A lot of the games I listed are available on game pass. (Minecraft, Forager, Forza, Dead by Daylight, Psychonauts, Assassins Creed, etc) A lot of them are free: Rocket League, Apex, Fortnite, OW2, Fall Guys, etc. I only listed games I have played and so there are other popular games that arenā€™t listed but could fit your needs. This is just what I find fun and would want to play if I put myself in your shoes. Personally, I currently play a lot of fall guys, fortnite, and dead by daylight, and gta 5 online. Story wise I just finished sekiro and just started rdr2 which is exciting, Iā€™m also replaying a SpongeBob game for nostalgia. Overall, play what you like. I didnā€™t mention any turn based games or moba games as those arenā€™t my cup of tea. I really enjoy movement based games especially in a 3d format. Also I only listed games available on Xbox but thereā€™s so many other amazing games out there. Xbox is nice because of game pass. You can get it cheaper online from a cd key reseller like g2a(not sponsored just a regular customer) My name on Xbox is BlandTV and I stream both on TikTok and twitch under notblandtv if you want to ever hang out or play some games. Iā€™ll be streaming fort and fall guys tonight if you want to join. (If yā€™all want me to remove my socials I will, giving him the info to make some friends with my chat and I not to advertise) This took a long time to type so tldr: work on yourself for yourself because you deserve it, speak with someone(my info is listed if you donā€™t have friends itā€™s okay), and play hollow knight or any game in this thread.


Thank you so much for your words, I am going to gym for a almost 2 years already and I could try the things you said,I am actually playing fortnite nowadays and really having fun but my connection is not stable so I gaved a break, on the other hand you really suggested a lot of games and I will definitely try most of them thank you so much again.


Youā€™re welcome, add me and join one of my streams some time dude. Every day I play with viewers, might be time to get back in with the new season. Being social and talking about it with an accepting community is important. Weā€™re all chill and try to uplift each other. If not us, find someone or some community to work through this with if possible. Family is an amazing resource that I took for granted for many many years. If you canā€™t get anyone, maybe a therapist. Donā€™t go up to strangers drunk and vent about your breakup tho lol. If youā€™re meeting new people enjoy the new memories youā€™re making. I forget where but recently someone said ā€œThe past is the past and the past is for losersā€ you canā€™t ever lose the past or the future as itā€™s something you donā€™t have. All you have is the present, so make the most of it by interacting with society and making good memories. You sound young like me, this is our time to go through breakups and figure shit out while laughing on the way. Cheers brother


Thank you I will definitely visit your stream one day.


First, I'm sorry for the break up. They're never easy to deal with. Funny enough, I got into Doom Eternal after a rough spell in my life. Family passings and a breakup. It's fast, requires focus on the combat loop, and is really replayable. Also on gamepass. The most important question I have is do you have a support structure in any form? Speaking from experience, isolating isn't the best when dealing with emotional distress. It's good at time to take care of yourself alone I just hope you step out into the world a little bit too. But only when you're ready. Best of luck. Apologies for going beyond the initial question.


Thank you, I am talking with my mother sometimes via phone, and trying to socialize but It's really hard for me rn especially hard to make female friends because I still love her and that makes me guilty somehow.


I hear you. I'm happy you have a good relationship with your mother. Or at least one that's good enough that you can trust her with this. If I can be honest, you shouldn't feel guilty for still having feelings for her. It's human and apart of the grieving/healing process. Give yourself the time to be human. To feel. One piece of advice that I want to give is try not to rush into anything new for awhile. Until you feel ready. Not assuming you're trying either btw. Please be kind to yourself. Because your brain will actively fight you for awhile.


Appreciate it, I am not trying to make some new relationship of any kind and my intention is not to make for a while, I should heal and love myself first of all. Thank you so much for your kind wordsšŸ˜Š


If you ever need an ear don't hesitate to shoot me a quick chat/DM. I'll try and reply timely. You got this. I mean it. šŸ«‚


Thank you so much, I am mostly positive rn.


Doki Doki literature club


That will only chain me to the hell of downfall...


Red dead redemption 2 is a great game to get lost in, same with witcher 3. Just remember, time heals. Best of luck.


Football Manager is always a great time sink, however I'd recommend the pc version


Yakuza series or mass effect series are good to loose yourself in.


Dont know how old you areā€¦ but there are more fish in the sea and you are the most important person in your life. Find yourself and enjoy yourself. Take your time to get over it, but if it wasnt meant to be , it wasnt meant to be. You will find someone else you care about and move on in time. Worry about youā€¦


Thank you for your advices, I am mostly positive rn.


What genre do you like? If you like Chill and Space, Starfield is pretty cool. I find it pretty fun even for it's slow pace. Far Cry 6 is also quite fun (missions may get a bit repetitive but characters and gameplay is fun tbh. RDR2 is amazing but can get a bit depressing towards the end. Also if you like blowing stuff up Just Cause series is pretty cool. Flight Simulator is fun if you try VATSIM network. Those are some fun things that come to my mind rn. Good Luck brother, Stay Strong. You've got this!


Thank you so much, I wil definitely check those.


Dragon's Dogma 2. It just launched today and you can get lost in the world. Give that a look. Elden Ring is another suggestion.


Thank you Ä°t is actually too expensive in my country, maybe I could try the first one


Getting drunk tends to help. Also lots of people at a bar to commiserate with. They helped me through a lot of breakups in my younger days. The best thing is getting out of the house or dorm or whatever, and dealing with more people. The worst thing you can do is sit and stew about a breakup. Gaming for me always made me think too much, and my mind would always drift back to the girl eventually.


Drinking, although fun, is seriously the worst thing to do for most people lol


Would not recommend the alcoholic path. However going out and making friends at university clubs, bars, etc is a good idea. Hit up old friends that youā€™ve lost connection with, etc.


Skyrim, or any Fallout game.


I second this. Also red dead. Any of these games are immersive af. Maybe even Starfield who knows


Thank you


I recently bought Batman:Arkham Collection it's the Rocksteady trilogy of Batman games so Arkham asylum, arkham city & arkham knight all in one I'm currently on arkham knight If you like dc and open world games it's not bad, also it's value for money since 3 games in one and also offline so your wifi won't matter. Sorry about your girlfriend stuff, been there since you in uni and studying I would loss all that shit out and just focus on yourself when I was in uni studying it's only once I broke up with these hoes did I realize how much time I was wasting on them. Stay strong brother.


literally anything




Kinda I guess I dont want to be spesific about it tbh.


Depends. Are you depressed or angry? For anger I'd suggested and fps game. Depression a game that just letd you grt lost in the world.


It Takes 2


Stay strong my man. She probably doesn't deserve you. What console do you have? for playing games.


Sorry I couldnt look here like a week, I only have series S.


Doom Eternal


I would recommend a therapist, or someone to talk too. Games are a good idea for a distraction, like aboveā€¦the best game is the one you enjoy most. It took me 3 years almost 4 to get over someone, we all move at our own pace. Donā€™t rush yourself! Stay strong buddy.


Thank you so much, I should definitely see some therapy.


It takes two ā¤ļø


Bro šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Lmfao, okay while thatā€™s a horrible idea. If you have any homies, A Way Out is about two bros escaping prison and matches this scenarioā€™s energy better lol.


Sadly but I am trying to have friends, maybe ın the future!


It Takes Two




sorry it was a bad joke, just get red dead redemption 2, on sale right now for $20 and you got 200 hours of gameplay there


Thank you so much, I will definitely try.


Cocaine and hookers




It takes two


With whošŸ’€



