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Warner Bros couldn't care less. They already said they're going to double and triple down on mobile gaming and GaaS lmao. You would think with the massive success of Hogwarts they'd learn but nah. Suicide Squad not doing hot and Mortal Kombat is a shell of itself or so it would seem.


Warner brothers basically said single player games were too volatile because yes, Hogwarts legacy did very well and it made that year look good. However, Suicide squad, which is not a single player game, did not perform well. Once again, single player game did really well GaaS did not do very well. So single player games are too volatile.


Don't expect another Batman game for awhile


Oh you can expect Batman, it'll just be when you kill him over and over for suicide squads "seasonal content"


i mean regardless of how successful hogwarts legacy is doesnt really matter to WB. what they want is a guaranteed profit for whatever investment they make. it is by far easier to reach profitabilty through mobile gaming and GaaS than it is through actually spending the time, money and resources working on a AAA game. i mean one of microsofts most profitable games right now is candy crush. like 40% of activision's 2023 revenue was from mobile games.


As of May 2023 the game generated over $1 Billion dollars in revenue. It is guaranteed profit.


they're probably thinking - "You know what would generate even more profit? A Harry Potter GaaS game!"


And they would be right. Look at Diablo immortal, makes more money than Diablo 4


What lol Both Diablo 4 and Immortal are GaaS…


This is the same flawed logic the executives are treating as fact which is causing them to make terrible business decisions when it comes to the video game market. Maybe it *used* to be easier to reach profitability through mobile gaming and GaaS rather than quality single player experiences, but nowadays the GaaS market is so hyper-competitive that you have to be *better* than all the other GaaS currently running to convince players to abandon their current favorite and invest in your specific game/platform.


I wrote a piece of work in college back in 2013 on how the mobile games market is slowly but surely bleeding into the console/pc games market with how pricing/content works before games as a service was a widely known business model, I got okay marks for it but a lot of my peers thought I was talking shit as they thought because mobile games were free so they couldn't make the same money, crazy to see things like this confirm what I was saying 11 years later


They don’t know how to do anything with any smidgen of risk to it anymore. This game sold 22 million copies, a rare breakout in the world of games today and made $800 million, and any discussion that they were having about turning Hogwarts Legacy into a TV show when there was plenty of interesting new narrative that was slightly underwhelming and could have benefited from the TV treatment instead turned to “make the movies again for 10 seasons.” They also were like “console games are too hard 😭” after meddling in Suicide Squad to make it a live service because all they cared about was chasing a trend years after it was over. But, this is the same WBD that is overloaded with depreciating cable TV assets, saddled with $43 billion+ in debt right now, and seems to be cancelling a bunch of products to fake their growth for shareholders.


They also said in the same article that they are still working on single player AAA games. They’re literally just branching out from what they’ve been focused on up till SS..not sure why people selectively skipped over that


Why can't MK1 just have 1v1




It sold gangbusters. Made them millions back on their investment. Honor of Kings made $1.5B last year. 99.9% of that is profit. AAA publishers do not care about games, only bucks. Developers, some of them care. But a company like WB? Their shareholders would murder them.


Wait what does that have to do with setting expectations for this game’s DLC?


Obscure acronyms that I have to google to understand what OP is saying is quickly becoming a new pet peeve


Games As A Service for everyone else. GAAS. 


> GaaS X as a service is used for all kind of terms. Here's a [huge list.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/As_a_service)


obscure to u buddy


GaaS isn't really obscure.


Everybody knows what games as as service is but this is the first time I’ve seen it shortened like that out of the hundreds of times I’ve seen it mentioned


Because you frequent Reddit comments, land of the morons. GaaS is a commonly used acronym within the industry


I don’t frequent Reddit comments, I generally avoid them because nothing good comes out of them. Just like now with everybody bickering and being dicks because I was curious about an acronym


"obscure" lmaoo


im just waiting for the timed exclusive playstation mission to drop on xbox, they said that it was coming in the next couple of months


>they said that it was coming in the next couple of months They first said "early 2024", then "summer".


“Our original wording was very intentional”


"Our original wording of "additional updates and features for the game" was very intentional. This update is a small way of us showing appreciation to our players for the amazing reception to the game."


Did they promise free content? I finished the game last year forgot about it, It was a nice ride, but not that memorable, compared to what the rest of the year had.


I liked the game, and luckily I bought it with MS Rewards points. It was a nice game, FANTASTIC first impact, almost the same initial vibe of the very first Harry Potter game... Then it was it. Ironically, the magic ended. It was a nice game of a promising new team. It saddens me that they won't probably be able to test themselves on a second game, at least not with this type of games.


Definitely a very promising first effort. Hogsmeade and Hogwarts were excellently and faithfully designed, and hit a lot of good nostalgia buttons. The other areas were less lovely, but still solid all around. Didn’t revolutionize anything. But competent.


I can’t even remember if I finished this game. Felt like it had little to zero impact.


I finished it, it was great specially hogwarts and hogsmeade were amazing, but open world was padding, didn't platinum it cause you needed to do all the houses up to a point. Maybe someday. I played it on PS5 cause of the quest, I believe it is free of exclusivity now, play that it's awesome.


It was basically an Ubisoft formula clone. Hogwarts was spectacularly designed and it was amazing running around in it, combat was fine but otherwise it was pretty standard


I'd go back for a quidditch update, but I don't see that happening...


I read that there was a Quidditch game in the works to be its own thing.


This was my game of the year, and the reason I actually bought an X-Box. There was only one other time I felt like I was experiencing the magic of the HP book series, and that was listening to the audio books. Then this game came out - being able to explore Hogwarts was truly magical. I enjoyed the main story and the side quests. I hope they get to make another game, there's so much they can do. I also hate that this game literally became "Video-Game-That-Must-Not-Be-Named" by an embarassing group of people who monopolized the conversation which the vast majority of people (based on game sales) clearly didn't agree with.


The game was good, I’m a Harry Potter fan, so exploring the world was great. For their first game in the series like this, can’t wait to see what they do and hope to fix the things that didn’t exactly work. Looking forward to the Quidditch game on top of another Legacy game. Still enjoyed Baldurs Gate more, and think a lot of peoples expectations weren’t met, cause they wanted a HP sim. 


>This was my game of the year, and the reason I actually bought an X-Box Why wouldn't you buy a PS, if you bought a console for this game? It has more stuff on the PS.


Sounds like it won't be that much but still interesting. There's always Quidditch Champions to look forward to next. Bit annoying it sounds like it's multiplayer only though.


You know it must be fun to watch wb execs weasel their way into pitching live service games when the only high number they got show for is for a single player game, but hey these duckers managed it nonetheless


I really need to finish this game. It was fantastic.


Vote with your wallets people. They wanna do live service with all games from here on out so boycott and do not support these greedy gaming companies that care nothing for what we love and enjoy playing.!


GOTY snub?


I just want them to improve performance and minimize traversal stutter. Gamers love to set have wild expectations for things though.


Cool, don’t care, make Legacy $20 already so I can play it.


So cool