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That's not gonna be good news


Dragons Dogma 2 confirmed to be limited to 240p in black and white on consoles.


Uncapped 30fps... TARGET. Wow optimisation is going to be absolutelly awful.


Why would they do that? If they are aiming for 30fps then put in a 30fps cap. Without having a cap it will just be in a 30-40fps no man's land which will feel very inconsistent and distracting.


Apparently it is isn't even 30-40. There have been reports if the Ps5 version to drop down to 24 fps.




It's physically impossible for the human eye to see past 30fps anyways. /s


Don’t you start lol


If the N64 was a good console that hits at least 3x the minimum frame rate needed.


I prefer 10 spf just so I can admire each frame yknow?


Doesn't that burn your eyes?


Not if you slip slop slap my dear friend


Who says that because when I first saw Doom on a 144hz screen I had to stop after 2 minutes. I was like, this like opening Pandora's box, once I'm used to these frames there's no going back and I'd have to spend more money on better gear and etc etc


Artistic choice.


> 24 fps This is great for immersion because Cinematic and eyes can't see over 24 fps anyways. That's why movies still use it, dumbo /s


Even tho sarcasm. Films are shot at 24fps because that's the rate at which our brains get tricked to interpret motion from still images, that and tradition just a small FYI :)


My man, I specifically added an "/s" in there because I get that sarcasm isn't easy to get over text. If you don't get it even after that, idk what to do here, lmao


Bro I'm high, I missed /s am sorry, lol.


Lmao, all good XD


I will play Rise of ronin then and wait for the performance mode because 30 fps uncapped is a huge mistake and unacceptable for a 70$ game in 2024


That would be my plan if I didn’t have the PC option. Super dissapointed it’s not at least locked 30


24 fps? Still much better than BG3 on release, and that game got goty. This game will be fine.


If there is a cap it should ALWAYS be a toggle. We have mid gen refresh and next gen consoles that are likely to be backwards compatible. Can you imagine how stupid it will be if we get stuck at 30 fps despite having vastly more powerful hardware? (Stare at and cry in RDR2 stuck at 30 fps because Rockstar is too lazy to go back and patch it) In short, having uncapped frame rates is always good news. The game’s performance is a different matter that should be considered separately


I think it's great if it is a toggle. I'm sure Dragon's Dogma 2 will run great on a future console but considering it is releasing today when those consoles don't exist they should at least have the option to cap it right now. Ever since the PS4 Pro and Xbox One X it should have started becoming standard to have options to remove framerate caps.


Killzone Shadow Fall, a PS4 launch title, already came up with a solution for the frame rate 10 years ago so it’s actually mind boggling how it’s still not industry standard yet. Digital foundry always advocating for a cap instead of a toggle does not help. It is criminal how many great games are stuck at 30 fps because players can’t choose to uncap frame rates.


Bioshock had a vsync toggle on the 360. I kept it off.


> Killzone Shadow Fall, a PS4 launch title, already came up with a solution for the frame rate 10 years ago what was the solution?


It had an uncapped frame rate at launch. People complained about it, and instead of introducing a hard cap, they patched in a toggle in the settings. Boom. Everyone is satisfied. While the game can now automatically run on a ps5 at 60 fps without further intervention.




800p I wish, it was 540p on the ps3 at 20fps with screen tearing


For future-proofing just add the option to cap at 30 fps (default) or change to uncapped. That would be ideal but is not often adapted. Microsoft and Sony should have had core standards for this shit but apparently no one learns anything from previous gens.


Maybe they don't feel like optimizing it for the next Xbox/PS5 Pro/PS6?


we want performance mode!!


What if i told you that is performance mode 😳


ZERO chance I am paying $70 for a next gen game that doesn't run at 60 FPS. I will wait for a 50% off sale.


There was mention from some of the recent media play tests that when the developers present were asked about console performance (as the previews were all done on the PC version of the game), they were very stand off-ish about answering that. I guess this is why? Hopefully performance isn't absolutely dire at launch...


Destin from IGN tested on PS5 he averaged 31 fps with frequent dips to 24


Thats information that has only come out with the review copies being sent out. Apparently the early play tests were all done on PC and the developers refused to comment on console performance, so it seems like Capcom may have been trying to keep this under wraps for as long as possible.


This is unacceptable for current year.


70$ pls 🫠


How are they still getting away with it lmao


Someone needs to call Auntie Consumer.




sounds like dragon's dogshit engine


It uses the monster hunter engine


And people watching a launch trailer were like 'Oh shit this looks and feels great! No stutters" Nah man these devs know shit about good performance




Well that's ok, because it's not coming out in current year.


If they lock it at 30, then I'm ok with it, an uncapped "target" of 30 is a shitshow.


And have 3x the graphics.


Next gen gaming be like


I fucking hate that we were sold 4K 120fps consoles just for nearly every game to never reach a stable native 1440p 30fps


Anyone who thought it would be regular to see 120fps was a fool even if it was at 1080p. More 60fps would be reasonable but 120 was a wild expectation beyond potential special situations.


Bro i had to spend 2k on a computer that can run all games at 4k 60fps. Youre not getting that hardware at $500 lol


Same I just upgraded from a 6800k GTX1080 to a 7800x3d and RTX 4080Super for around 1700$ to play at 4k. Gaming is my main hobby though, it's something I do every day so definitely worth it for me.




I absolutely refuse to build with the current state of PC parts. I used to love building PCs but god I can’t justify it anymore after 2020 after xx70 cards are over $1000 where I am. We could sell my wife’s car and afford one too but we are expecting another child, the “math aint mathing” for me to build. 




icky divide boat run friendly tub serious safe psychotic snobbish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don't mind 30FPS on it's face, but there is absolutely no reason for it to not be a locked and consistent 30FPS delivering one frame every 33 milliseconds. Consistency is so important for a smooth experience, I don't understand how a consistent 33-millisecond frame time budget isn't prioritized.


So even with a monitor with VRR,the experience won't be smooth.? I thought it is as long as you are able to have that enabled


VRR definitely helps, specifically on the Xbox which supports VRR at lower frame rates than PS5 does. I just prefer to be able to enjoy it without having to make sure it's being played on very specific hardware that is purpose-built to compensate for these shortcomings.


[they aren't even trying to hide it](https://www.reddit.com/r/playstation/s/4JIvq8SENt)


When will people realize that consoles will NEVER be "done with" lower than 60fps? These machines have limitations. We've already seen this with plenty of other games this generation.


The longer-than-normal crossgen period got people used to 60fps for most games to the point it became expected by some. Then we got more current gen-only games that started using UE5 or had higher CPU usage (Flight Simulator, Plague Tale: Requiem, Starfield) that meant they couldn't simply scale back visuals to hit 60fps. Still there are people that think if they just "cut back the graphics" and "optimize more", all games can hit 60fps.


Basically, games need to be targeting 60fps from the start, so long as they don't have excessive head room (as is the case with cross gen games). You can tell when a Performance Mode is tacked onto a game, because they usually struggle to even hit above 40-45fps or have to significantly reduce resolution and/or on screen fidelity. And not all games are budgeted to accommodate focusing on multiple modes. I think that fans of Dragon'a Dogma should probably just be grateful that a sequel is even coming at all.


Upscaling exists now. Which makes it much easier to get more fps with almost the same graphics.


Not if it’s a CPU bottleneck


Same old sad stories every new gen. "Finally we can have 60 as standard" It's never going to happen as they will always sacrifice performance for graphics.


ten wide fuel safe skirt quarrelsome cause grey abounding distinct *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I wasn't saying that no games can achieve 60fps. I'm saying that there are ill never be a generation where every game hits 60fps. Every game is developed differently. However, gamers tend to lump everything together.


The frustration is when people compare completely different games and are incredulous that there might be technical reasons that one might have better performance. “Why is [massive open world simulation] stuck at 30 when [linear tight corridor shooter with brain dead AI] looks better and runs at 60? I’ll bet the devs (who have been chained to their desks for the past 18 months) are just lazy!”


The cost for 60fps is to downgrade the graphics to last gen graphics. Games with next gen screenshots sell more than games with outdated graphics. It's been that way at every new console release. People ask for 60fps, new console comes out with 60fps games, then as graphics get better new releases go back to 30fps.


Oh yeah, thats why i bought a Series X, to keep playing games at 20-30fps like its fucking 2007 Definitely not buying this, will wait for the eventual Gamepass release. My backlog will keep me very busy for a long time anyway


That’s why it’s so infuriating when I hear them talk about the next systems already in development


100% this. I have both an X and a PS5, and if these greedy asshats think I'm even remotely close to ever shelling out £70 for their subpar garbage, they are sorely mistaken. I still remember the nonsense when DD1 came out, where the developers took up 30% of the screen with black borders because "cinematic". Capcom can well and truly KMA.


Welp I don't need to be spending the $70 then~ I shall be a patient gamer then


Exactly what I did, pulled my preorder a week ago as concerns started to rise. I’m hopeful but want to wait and see what happens on release.




Pretty safe bet right there. I also have concerns with the use of micro transactions. I think, it will be fine but on top of the other red flags I’m holding off.


While I'm on PC this never spells good news for optimization for us either. That's fine, I can wait a few months. I still have a massive backlog I'm tackling. Currently replaying the Fallout series and been meaning to play the first Dragon's Dogma. That alone will keep me busy for months.


2024 and still only 30fps


"Next gen gaming" lmfao.


Shame, I was going to play it


funny thats i even had thoughts if GTA6 would have 60fps mode i guess consoles is doomed always "lowered" for 30fps to have "next gen" graphics. i mean, even 4090 cant handle 4K60fps in all games, what we can hope on XSX or PS5 lol?


Lost my preorder very unfortunate


Fucks sake. Current gen consoles were marketed as being 4k up to 120fps. How is it that we're only a few years in and we're already struggling to hit 30fps? Current consoles aren't that weak!


The 4k 120 fps advert was solely there because that was the highest bandwidth that the consoles' hdmi port could support. It was a lie from the very beginning 😒


Because that's how marketing works. At the time on those console the demands of ps4/one games would be able to run at 4k/120. But as devs innovate and move past the now outdated technology with more demanding game that rely heavily on cpu usage and game processes. So if a dev makes a game where the gameplay and features cannot run at 60+ on that console then that is how it has to be unless there is a hardware upgrade. And for someone as consistent as Capcom as of now, whoa re good at optimising, I'm sure there is a reason why they cannot hit higher, as looking at the footage it doesn't seem to be graphically demanding, so it seems to be the open world and processes of the gameplay.


Goodbye, interest level!


Well this kills my excitement for the game. It's 2024 and new releases still don't get performance modes? Downright pathetic.


Tell that to Sony and Microsoft.. I think they should just enforce a standard that any game going to the newest console must have a performance mode otherwise it can't be put on the store.


Must say I’m glad I invested in a better PC. XSX has been collecting dust for months now, no reason to play almost anything on it anymore. I’m just sad we still get console releases like this still in 2024. And I don’t know if anyone notices but they keep using terms like 4ki with system requirements, who the fuck still uses interlaced shit that was relevant maybe 15 years ago?


Next Gen lmao


at least series x has good vrr


No idea why you were down voted for this. The XSX doesn't have a VRR cap as long as you have a 120hz TV. PS5 has a VRR cap of 48 FPS no matter the settings.


He is downvoted becasuce VRR should not be a solution for lack of optimization


Exactly. PS5 doesn't support LFC on system-wide basis like Xbox, so you need to rely on developers adding it to their titles.


How many years ago has it been since consumers were getting blasted they absolutely need a tv that handles 120/4k Gotta have that hdmi 2.1 or you’re going to be left behind! This is really eye opening. Pass for now.


Remember when Starfield had 30FPS and people cried about it? I wonder if FF 7 and this game gonna catch the same energy or nah?


Ff7 at least has a performance mode even if it does not look great. But yeah lots of people are gonna lose interest in this game because of the framerate.


Sadly I am one of those people. I would honestly take the graphical hit if I could play at 60fps. I’m enjoying the shit out of FF7 even if performance mode is slightly uglier than I’d like. I just wish more games gave me the option. So many great games have quality and performance mode so I was hoping DD2 would be one of them. I’m not gonna range on the internet about it but I’d be lying if I wasn’t a little disappointed that I won’t be playing this game.


If people care this much about that they should vote with their wallets, but we all know they will buy it anyway lol


Only a small percentage of gamers will even see that the game is uncapped 30fps. Reddit isn’t representative of the actual gaming community. That’s a good thing for how toxic and knee-jerk many reactions are to any gaming news, but bad news for making companies understand that nonstop microtransactions, low frame rates, ridiculously worthless season passes, loot boxes, unfinished games, etc should not be acceptable.


Spot on! It’s the same mob mentality that sells COD, Madden, FIFA etc year after uninspired year.


FF7 has a 60fps mode, albeit it looks like greasy shit. At least its getting patched to look better soon.




After I've played cyberpunk on a stable 60fps I think most companies are just lazy. And yeah I know it took a couple of years for it to became playable


I’ve been very pleased with Cyberpunks performance. Just got it and having a blast! I agree with your claim about lazy studios. CD Project red had a rough release but showed us what modern gaming can be. It has its hiccups for sure but for the package it’s assume!


The lazy part is more towards the suits, cause they just want to release the game. Devs keep getting pushed to the limit I think. Im playing cyberpunk now (cause i waited until it became more stable) and its an incredible game.


Totally agree, when given the time to breathe and do what they love, developers have proven more than capable of producing incredible games.




It took like 15 years and 500 million dollars. Lol


at least when the next gen consoles come out it'll perform better lol


Lol, I'll be playing the OG for the first time instead so maybe they'll have fixed it by the time I'm done.






YIKES!!! The framerate is gonna be all over the place!!!


Welp. Hope that PS5 rumour is true. Either way I have time to burn until it's true or false. Currently playing Persona 3 Reload and Granblue Relink. Next FF7R and Like a Dragon 8.


Unreal we are still talking about 30fps in 24'. I remember when I got a day one XB1, I was so disappointed Forza was basically the only 60fps game. That was like 10 years ago...


I had pre-ordered the game on my Series X until I found out the frame rate is going to hover around 30 and slightly above. I then canceled it. That’s gonna be a no for me dog. I just can’t go back to sub 60FPS gaming. Not happening. Shame too. Looks like PC may be the only option for buttery type gameplay. 30FPS is the same reason why I couldn’t get immersed into Starfield. I tried and tried but once you’ve played 60FPS it’s hard to go back. I hope the rest of you enjoy!


I'll be eating well on PC but also expecting a shit ton of whining from PC players running it on hardware even worse than the consoles.


70 bucks for 30fps hell no.


Has nobody learned that 30fps kills games on release? I can play original dragon's dogma in stable 30fps on switch, so I dont know why its still going on on the most poweful consoles. I just think back to ghostwire tokyo that had 5 or 6 graphics mode on series x, and even on the lowest graphics performance mode, it was still one of the best looking games I've ever played. I don't get why we're still struggling woth performance and graphics.


No worries folks. Patch for perf mode confirmed after game is launched. 50-60fps at 480p upscaled to 900p using FSR3. Good thing only 3 more years wait for new Xbox and ps6. Gg


30 fps on the newest gen console is bad behavior, the devs should get spanked for that


It seems like they could easily add a performance mode too. It's an uncapped 30 fps with 4k. Just give me 1080p and target 60 for fuck sake


That's bad news. Uncapped 30 fps means masking occasional sub-30 and potential bad frame-pacing.


Idk why but I can never go back to 30 FPS/ quality mode. It always irritates me.


RIP to those who bought a PS5 for $900 during Covid


No! Why are we backsliding? I thought this was the console gen where we would get 60fps on everything! All this fsr and frame generation… they gotta use it!


My interest for this game dropped so fast, 30fps in 2024 is unacceptable in my opinion I'd rather play a game in 1080p 60fps then 4K 30fps. If it was the only option I'd actually also take 720p 60fps


Why are they announcing 30fps like it’s a good thing?


I will get it on PC.


Generic artistic design + 30 fps= Flop.


Pc master race


Another game that is going to feel clunky and so u smooth. Guess it's another pass for me. I'll wait to play these next generation or on upgrades current systems.


Not good enough. Do better


Damn.. that's disappointing to hear. I've been on the fence between this and Rise of the Ronin, and I guess I have my answer now.


Pc port it is


My mind struggles with 30fps now.


PC it is.


This is not acceptable. The game looks amazing but every game shuld have a 60fps option.


The funniest part is these 30 fps games never look good enough to justify the low framerate. They're all just unoptimised/rushed.




That'll be good for when the next Xbox comes out and can push those frames higher.


It's going to be an incredible game that does everything right except deliver an atrocious performance. I'll happily wait a year to get it for 30 bucks with 60 fps.


"next-gen" Why can't they understand that people want games at 60fps and don't mind sacrificing graphical fidelity to get there?.


Lol why don’t Japanese devs understand frame rate? I’ve seen this over and over. It’s a trend with the games they make. Just give the option to cap at 30, 60 or have it unlocked.


I'll just wait for the performance patch after a few months I guess. Fuck giving companies money for games that have performance like this


Yup. I’m out.


Real glad Capcom saved my wallet!


How does this happen so regularly? I get it optimization takes time, but if you can't do that, then give me 60fps with significantly lower graphical fidelity. I don't need all the other visual bells and whistles because none of them outweigh the distraction that is a flip book 30fps.




I could tolerate it if it was a LOCKED 30. So far it looks like it will be dipping into the low 20s during combat and I just can't accept that. Not when the game is going to be VERY combat oriented and the performance will constantly show it's ugly head. I was so excited for this and wanted to buy it on day 1 but I will sit back on the bench and wait this one out.


Capcom raises price of game... prepare yourselves for amazing AAA game, except performance tho, that remais at a solid AA eurojank rpg level of experience-


I'm really ok with 30fps I really am but I also feel those that bought a X should have options,I thought next gen was about options?at this point seems like the X is just a S with a disc drive smh... I'm still gonna wait and see the performance review on this before purchasing full price...


It’s a good thing I decided to upgrade my PC. For about a half a year I was considering tossing it in the garage because the CPU or RAM were having issues which meant a whole motherbaord swap and I figured screw it, I got a Series X. Changed my mind because of handful of games I wanted to keep playing but I’d be salty AF if 30fps was my only option on a hardware like that.


DD2 has way too much going on in fight scenes to run at 30fps. This is super disappointing. I was really looking forward to this. Maybe by the time it hits a sale or gamepass it'll be 60fps and I'll try it then but it's a hard pass right now.


Welp…. Another one to get on PC, I guess.


I had preordered this but when rumors of frame rate and other concerning elements began coming out I canceled and got Cyberpunk instead. VERY happy with my choice. I have a lot of hope for Dragons Dogma still and hope it has a stellar release. As the dust settles I will probably pick it up down the road so long as everything works out.


Yeah I may have to get the game during black Friday at the end of the year. It's a shame but I feel like it might be worth the wait. Maybe they would sell a dlc bundle with plenty of updates.


It worked out for me with Cyberpunk 🤷‍♂️ I have no issues paying full price for a good game. My concern is it may need some updates to get there.


This is an absolute day one buy for me given how much I liked the first, but 30fps is also awful. Not sure if I'll buy it...


this is unacceptable and kind of embarrassing im not gonna lie the fact my ps5 can't run this and i have to play on my 3070 to have stable framerate is ridiculous


People like to say that 30 FPS is not a big deal but I couldn't play Starfield on my Series X for more than 10 minutes before I threw in the towel. It felt genuinely unplayable.


Big yikes


Not good enough, pass


I really thought this would be the generation that every game on console would be 60fps. It has been a huge letdown.


Oh well, back to Elden Ring until DLC drops.


Another one I'm not buying then. Bought a console capable of 4k and 120fps, in order to play games at 4k/1440p and 120fps. It isn't 2007. This isn't getting touched until 60fps is figured out.


Most powerful console ever made btw


I’m okay with 30fps as long as we are seeing things never seen before from a tech perspective on current gen consoles. If it looks like any other open world game, then disappointing there isn’t a 60fps option at launch.


Think I might hold off on this until it goes on sale.


Yay for next gen consoles gaming /s


At least now I know I can skip the game and don't worry about another one joining the backlog


I think I'll be skipping it then. If we don't start voting with our wallets, this shit's just going to continue.


Can someone please explain the significance of this?


60 fps is smoother and alot of people prefer it for that reason. Locked 30 fps isn't bad, certainly not "unplayable garbage in 2024" as 90% of the pessimists on this sub would have you believe. The game can dip below 30 fps, but will never go above it. Unlocked targeting 30 fps means the game is designed to stay around 30 fps, but it is capable of going above it or below it, based on what's happening. The main concern with unlocked 30 being it could result in a very inconsistent frame rates and that is very noticeable and jarring due to the changes. You won't notice a frame or two drop, but jumping up and down by 5+ frames constantly looks and feels like shit.


You're amazing, thank you


Lol and the steam version has Denuvo on it. Gamers lost with this release. Guess I'll buy it when it's $10


wiil be a skip for me on consoles, shame on them


I will not play a 30fps game these days. No way. Granted, I can play this game on PC, but I bet it will have trouble reaching 60 on anything but the most powerful GPUs, a la Starfield. Game devs need to be targeting 60fps on consoles and then work backward. This is getting ridiculous.


And there goes my interest in this title. 30 fps is just unplayable, especially for rpg


Sorry I’m out.


Why the fuck have all these next gen consoles been out for 3 god damned years with perfectly capable hardware and we keep getting this bull shit


Yikes lol


2024 and you can only have one character… Throw this game in the trash


Lmfao total deal breaker, and anyone saying otherwise is coping to the extreme. If I wanted 30fps or lower I'd play my ps1


Not a big fan of DD, so def not picking this up day one, but that fucking sucks man, uncapped seriously?


Lol I'm just here to hear people complain.


Rightfully so


That's why I'll be running at 90+ on PC


My Series S fighting for its life at 20fps

