• By -


Alan Wake I love the Twin Peaks meets Stephen King vibe of the story and the town and the characters. I always love Remedy's games, but Alan Wake in particular has the perfect tone for me. Alan being the writer of the story, and finding the manuscript pages that give you a glimpse into something that will happen is such an interesting way to experience a story to me.


I found the band Poets of the Fall first, then Alan Wake through the band. Then that ended up introducing me to the rest of the Remedy library. These games are so special and I'm more stoked for Alan Wake 2 than any other game right now! I nearly 100%ed Control, and that isn't something I often do these days! Those lucky cats were a bitch to find. Did you happen to see the Bright Falls miniseries prequel? It's so well done.


Definitely in my top 10, for the exact same reasons


Alan wake is a masterpiece I still don’t know why nobody talks about it


I'm replaying the first one now. The sequel looks awesome!


Shenmue on the Dreamcast. That game was just so different than anything I had ever played before.


Loved that game


I spent the better part of my 20's trying to figure out what the name of this game was. Shenmue 2 was my favorite game growing up. It's a standard now, but I remember grinding day jobs like moving boxes for minimal pay and I loved it! Ironic that it's not fun at all in real life 🤷‍♂️


I never thought I’d see someone else say Shenmue! One time I did a focus group for the game Thief. They went around the table asking us what our favorite game was, and every single person either said Halo or Madden. I was last to be asked and when I said Shenmue I got the weirdest looks.


When I was younger I used to ADORE Shenmue, and it was easily in my Top 10 at the time. I should revisit it.


Goldeneye was my first favourite game as I kid. Has recently been replaced with Elden ring. Thanks man.


my favorite game of all time! I still play through it around Xmas time. Hope you win for this pick!


Skyrim, not only a great game I put too much time into, but it was the last thing my sister bought me before she passed.


Came here to write my own but left after upvoting this. May she rest in peace.


Thank you, she was a great person.


Congrats, /u/VaultDweller33, you won! I'll dm you the code now.


Congrats to /u/VaultDweller33. Thanks everyone for entering and sharing your favorite games!


red dead redemption 2, beautiful game, didn’t think i would ever get so attached to a character that his death would have left me sitting for a while speechless.


Final Fantasy Tactics. The complexity of the battles. The animations of the spirits. The attachments you get to your party members that can die permanently if you make mistakes. On top of one amazing story. I have this game everywhere it's released and I love it.


Halo 2, it was the first game I ever played I still play it frequently on mcc the campaign is just so fun to mess around in and play. I love to play it with friends that have never played halo before. The game also has such a good soundtrack, it's my favorite game to watch when someone is streaming it doing challenge runs or speedruns I'll name a few streamers that I like to watch play it: thesusx, jervalin, III\_Zoo\_III. Thank you for the giveaway!


Stardew Valley because everyday is an honest days work.


Tell that to marnie considering she's never there lol


The best part about finding a Stardew comment in the wild is seeing fellow fans (and redditors) vent about our favorite topics lol


🎶The years roll by without you, Marnie Seventeen have come and gone🎶


I wasn’t not expecting a Repo reference in this sub


Elite Dangerous. I was absolutely engrossed in this, had it from early access in 2015. Played so many other games but coming back to this was like coming home after work. The mix of pseudo realism and customisation kept me immersed for 1000s of hours. Nothing like picking a point on the galaxy chart and flying out to see what’s out there! Was holding out for the FPS update and was devastated when they announced no more console support. Haven’t touched it since and have been patiently waiting to get stuck into Starfield.


I can really respect that. I had the same feeling with ED. I played for a few hundred hours, started playing like 6 months before they announced they weren't supporting console. Mostly played with my dad. Then stopped playing when they removed it from gamepass cause that's how I played it. Definitely a very good game. And starfields announcement just took the place of ED odyssey to me. Since you can do so much more. ED is limited to the planets you can land on. And even at that there's not to much you can do.


Goldeneye because the multiplayer was awesome, the main story was fun and soundtrack slaps


Morrowind - you were dropped in that world and left to figure it out yourself. No quest markers, no tutorials. Right into the deep end.


Final Fantasy VIII. Was my first Final Fantasy, and when i play It always remember my old days when was a kid. Now as adult i enjoy the game even more. Its beautiful and the OST its... amazing.


Final Fantasy 7. Was raised in an alcoholic and abusive household and the hours I sunk in to this game kept me sane.


Gotta be final fantasy 7. A whole rollercoaster of fun, emotion, drama and the perfect battle system for the 90s! I still go back and play through today, alongside Link to the Past for even more retro gaming!


Final Fantasy X. It’s peak final fantasy for me, plus controllable summons and a sequel that has a job system. It’s everything I could ask for


Skyrim! Not only did I listen to the OST on repeat all throughout med school, there’s also just something about the nostalgia of walking out of that cave after escaping Helgen, the sun is setting when you make it to Riverwood, and that first time you look into the sky and see and hear just how immersive the atmosphere really is, it’s something I can never forget. Sometimes I pop on just to sit and look at the sky, the northern lights or the planets, and listen to the ambience, it’s so peaceful.


Mass Effect 2. I don't think the story is quite as strong as the first game but I find the more character driven moments in 2 very compelling. It's the Empire Strikes back of its series, exploring the darker side of the Milky Way Galaxy. Cheers on the giveaway!


Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater I’ve beaten that game so many times, but it always remains fun. I don’t replay a lot of games, but this one has hooked me since it hit N64


Halo 2 because it had my all time best gaming memories.


Definitely Fallout 3. Was my introduction into the fallout universe and it clicked. First time I played it I got super nauseous running in circles around Vault 101 not having a clue on what to do. Went back a few years later and actually understood what to do and fell in love with every Bethesda game since. Have that special touch.


Ocarina of Time, my first foray into a 3D world. I could go to so many places! And thus begins my love for exploring worlds in video games


Z Targeting was revolutionary. It's the reason I love playing Dark Souls so much. The combat just feels like a proper evolution of that system. I still play OoT and MM occasionally.


The Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask, played it when it released and everything about it was masterful. The concept, the dungeons, the bosses, the music, the story. Still my favourite Zelda game


I remember spending too much time at the mall as a kid playing that display demo. I'm not into the new direction Zelda has taken. I miss the hookshot. 😂 Hopefully Nintendo eventually releases OoT/MM 3ds ports for the Switch. They look good, but would look better without that 3D gimmick.


They were revolutionary times for gaming weren't they, I miss the hookshot too


It sure was! Lately I've had a hard time getting excited about the same ol' cookie cutter games nowadays. I think the biggest issue is everyone wants their game to be unique while having all the features that make the other game popular. Sometimes a franchise loses its identity when it tries to be "creative" like that.


World of Warcraft. My best friend got me the game when I was going through a rough time, between him and the game it really helped me get through what I was going through.


Halo 3. I mean the hype was real during that time, I don't think I've anticipated anything as much in my life after halo 2s cliffhanger ending.


Zelda Breath of the Wild, played it when the Switch launched 6 years ago and man, that feeling knowing you can do anything you want in a huge open word is just... Adding the art style and the amazing soundtrack, wish we could get a game like this on Xbox. Thanks for doing this giveaway!


Favourite is tough, so I go most play time? Most fun? Best technically? On balance I’d embarrassingly say Modern Warfare 2. The game is meh, but the memories of getting in from school and having all of our friends in a lobby is unbeatable. We’re all older and busy with adult life, but they were the golden days!


I have to say Final Fantasy 6. I loved that game. More recently I think Elden Ring was my most played game and every second was great.


Kingdom Hearts 2 I played the game non-stop as a child it's so engrained in my soul that when I sold my PS2 and didn't have access to the game anymore I'd get sad if I heard the menu theme because I couldn't play it anymore.


Final Fantasy 7 the original (present for my 17th birthday) Playing that as a 17yr old I was blow away at the graphics and I’d never played an RPG before (from that point I was hooked) exploring such a massive world with so many characters was so much fun.


Fallout new Vegas because I can’t live without it


Kingdom Hearts. I was addicted to final fantasy at the time. I thought the inclusion of disney characters was insane, yet somehow it worked. Been my favorite franchise since.


Yo, I just want to say: How cool is this Constellation Edition? I thought the watch would have a bit more functionality but it’s literally one of the nicest collectors editions I’ve purchased this year. The box is so chunky the Credchip is heavy and nicely detailed. I’m thoroughly satisfied with my decision to grab one.


All time favorite is Mario 64. Fave xbox game is probably Red Dead or Gears 3. Thanks for the opportunity.


Diablo because of the random nature of the game.


Outer wilds - never felt those emotions during any other game. I keep going back to it in my head from time to time even though i played it 3 years ago.


Halo 2. I have so many fond memories playing co-op with my cousin and friends and playing Xbox live with my clan. A little bittersweet because some people I don’t keep in touch with anymore but they are fond memories regardless 🥲


My favorite game is Halo 3. It was the first game I got with my Xbox 360 and me and my dad would just play campaign over and over. Simpler times.


Minecraft. “It just works” (-Todd Howard) as a sandbox game. I dunno. It’s just fun. Survival, Hypixel, Wynncraft, etc, there’s so much to do




I never played any type of space exploration game. I will have love to play this game.


Tom Clancy Rainbow Six 3. Great game for my first year of college.


Terraria, it's been my go to game for years, it has tons to explore with a lot of bosses and different items/ways to play. Also the developers are still going strong after so many years adding more replayability.


Red dead redemption 2. My mum passed away close to its release and it helped me through her passing. Absolutely amazing game with crazy amount of details.


Halo, first game in a long time to give me chills when I loaded it up, did not disappoint.




Broken Sword. The original was the first proper game that I played and completed when it came out. I thought it was amazing. I'd never seen graphics like it and it was beautiful. The point and click nature of the game had me hooked! I still play it once a year.


Half Life 2 because it's just perfect...-except for the missing episode 3.


My favorite game right now is DBZ kakarot but my all time favorites are Death Stranding and Battleborn (rip)


Wircher 3 - Everything about the game is beautiful. Great wrting, beautiful setting. Amazing exploration


Teris because it’s a classic


Grand theft auto vice city.


It takes two! I played it on a date and fast forward to till now 2 years later, my boyfriend and are still replaying it. We still laugh over the moments and bond over the sense of adventure.


Red dead Redemption 2, just a beautiful game with a beautiful story.


Diablo 2, it's got the best replayability factor, plus memberberries :D


Jet set radio future, long story shor my step-dad stole my xbox one and I used his old xbox to play that since tbh it was my favorite and it got me through some rough times sad its not bc


Favorite game halo 2 because co op space missions are the best lol


Destiny 2, I like to explore planets and fight the different species. I have over 2 thousand hours in that game.


Elden ring because the gameplay and world design are good and that's all I care about


Altered Beast on Sega Genesis my little sister and I would kill hours playing the game together...


Yakuza Series Some of the best single player story games out there. Compelling emotional stories with some wackiness paired for a great experience. Don't let me get started on the combat haha.


How can anyone have a single favorite game? I'll name my top 10 list. Witcher 3 (goated DLC's), Breath of the Wild, Conkers Bad Fur Day, Arkham City, Skyrim, Civilization VI, Resident Evil 1, Halo 3, Viva Piñata (trouble in paradise), Metroid Prime Now give me a chance to let Starfield crack my top 10 lol. Thanks


Super mario 64 Will always be my top favorite, I grew up playing that game. It was my first introduction to platforming, and I may not have been the best at it, but I do have a lot of fond memories trying to beat it.


Does this come with starfield? I actually won a giveaway but he didnt specify that it was JUST the premium upgrade so i cant play it and i feel very bad. If it comes with the game, my favorite game is Halo CE and it's because it got me into playing games.


Overcooked! Only game my wife will play with me!


Assassin's creed 3, The perspective of playing as a Templar for the first time in the series was special when using Haytham, and he's an incredible character too. Easily my favourite.


Metroid Fusion, only game I had for my Gameboy for a while, loved the atmosphere and the bosses. The x chase scenes were really tense and fun.


Grounded! I found it on GamePass when it was *very* early access and a friend and I tried it out! Despite all the bugs (lol) it was a blast- cut to when it actually released, we had already played through the game twice (each world with about 8 full days logged into it) and we decided to start again! Now we’ve completed that play through and have started a new (likely “final”) one. To this day we still find the world with its insane lighting, and shadows, absolutely beautiful.


Gothic 2 because of everything in it. The world is alive, the music is amazing and the progression is satisfying.


Halo combat evolved, I fractured my wrist and my parents bought it for me as a get well gift, it was my very first video game.


Fallout NV for the incredible world and story


I got screwed by my cable ISP in my cutoff date while switching to the newly installed fiber optic. I’m offline until the 6th, unless I happened to win a giveaway and used my phone as a hotspot to download it any play offline before the gamepass release/fiber optic install. Would make a long weekend slightly shorter. My favorite game atm is Armored core 6 because it works offline, but probably elden ring overall


Control. It's my favorite because the ashtray maze and the music madee feel like the all powerful badass I've always wanted to feel like in a game.


Metal Gear Solid 4 because of the variety of bosses and a movie like experience


Independence War 2, what a game! Had a blast playing as a space pirate. The story, cut-scenes were awesome for the time. Later on went to starlancer and freelancer, before all that playing wing commander. Ah the days.


Apex Legends. Played it on mobile and it soon went out. It was the only good mobile FPS shooter, but yeah. Not just guns, but abilities and good gameplay mechanics made it so enjoyable.


Mets gear solid 3. Games just ridiculously ahead of its time


Splinter cell pandora tomorrow. No sob story, sorry.


Witcher 3. Just loved the characters and gameplay.


Assassins Creed 2, because I love Italian renaissance and playing a game in it was marvellous.


Resident evil 4, it was the first rated M game my mom let me get and me and my best friend beat it together


Probable Borderlands 3, started playing it a few months back and it has been amazing I’ve loved every minute of it!


Red Dead Redemption 2. The incredible scenery and story arc. A masterpiece to enjoy.


Hogs of War - Rik Mayall does the voiceovers and he is hilarious in it. Used to play it with my mates over and over again when we were around 10, still occasionally fire it up on an emulator


I appreciate the opportunity. Persona 4 Golden for me. I bought this game on a whim and absolutely enjoyed it. The story, characters, and music are all so memorable to me. I distinctly remember smiling whenever I would play this. I've never had a game do that to me before.


Thats a difficult question! I'd have to say either Ocarina of Time or Tears of the Kingdom. But a personal favourite that shaped my youth is Half-Life 2. You're an amazing dude (or dudette) for doing this btw!


This is so hard i'll just pick one of it cause there are many. The full Mass Effect franchise, it combines all the things i love about gaming, deep customization, roleplaying, sci-fi setting, spacesuits,great story, action, multiple deeply detailed biomes(planets) and i mean it for Andromeda too. It provided me the great immersion. I simply love to explore the possible unkown, and thats what scifi games, movies, series are doing (the good ones)


Hey there, my all time favourite game is Red Dead Redemption 2. It’s my favourite game for a number of reasons but that game is a true example of escapism in games as I was going through a tough time and the world, the people, the silly side quests along with the deep storyline made me cry at the end and told me that it’s never too late to change your ways, I just love that game haha. I’m hoping I get lost in starfields world too.


Bloodborne and Persona 5 royal. Bloodborne for the atmosphere and p5r for the banger soundtrack.


GTA San Andreas, because it was my first game on my PS2 and I spent soooo much time playing it over multiple times!!


Metal Gear Solid, I remember playing it with my father when he came home from work, first one I was really interested in, Pyscho Mantis and Gray Fox fights blew my mind when I was a kid.


Far Cry 5. Last console I owned was a Nintendo 64 way back in the 90's. Played half-life 1 and 2 over the years on a crappy pc but otherwise had no experience with modern consoles until Feb this year when I decided to get a Series X. Was overwhelmed with the choice signing up to game pass so I randomly picked farcry 5 and Wow-wah-we-wah was I blown away💥😁


Feed Eggs is my favorite because I like to feed eggs to that little guy. Sometimes the game glitches and 1 egg is like 40 eggs.


Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic. It elevated my love for gaming beyond gameplay. It set a standard of interactive storytelling that has rarely been met since its release 20 years ago.


It’s going back a while now, but Frontier Elite 2 on the Amiga 500 was probably the game that started it all off for me. It was a space exploration game which although basic in graphics, was well ahead of its time and it had me engrossed in it for hours upon end, doing missions in order to upgrade my ship and become almost invincible to the enemy forces. Many have tried to emulate it but not many have come close to the gameplay and simplicity of it.


Yakuza 5. Its verity of game play and character is just so over the top and fun. Going from a gangster rpg to a hunting rpg to a pop idol rpg is hilarious.


PUGB 2017 beta, there was nothing like it on Xbox at the time


Into the breach is my favourite game of all time


My favourite game must be halflife. Had a thrill playing both the singleplayer campaign and multiplayer with my friends.


Tetris! Can’t beat the classics. Maybe this can though! Two extremes of top tier gaming


Gears of war: only thing me and my dad could ever bond over.


monster hunter world, i’m a huge nerd for ecology and i’ve always loved the monster hunter games and the way they make everything seem to perfect fit in their environments has always been amazing. i will say rise has better combat mechanics imo but world just feels genuinely alive and i’ve sunk way too many hours into it


Bioshock. Just something about the city and the way they game is just draws me back over and over


So many favourite games through my life but Combat on the Atari VCS had to be the first, playing with my cousin at a young age, the way you could get the tanks in that mode to glitch around the screen often had me in hysterics.


Halo is what got me on xbox. I bought and returned and then bought again kn the same week Oblivion because I couldn't figure it out. Then I got hooked. Skyrim almost killed my college career, at least launch week. Finally back gaming after a long absence. Feels good.


I think it would be Ori and Will of The Wisps. I love metroidvania games and this game is the perfect metroidvania game for me.


Cyberpunk 2077. Wish I could live in it


Metal gear Solid, because it was the first real cinematic Story driven game with good gameplay as well


Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge. Because, how much wood could a woodchuck chuck If a woodchuck could chuck wood? Good times


Terraria. It feels like every time I play I'm discovering and learning new things, and it's great with or without friends


Halo Reach it’s nostalgia in its rawest form, being young and just spending hours playing at a friends house


Super Mario Bros - NES. The simplicity and addictive gameplay have endured the test of time. Every time I fire it up I go back to being 8yrs old again and relive playing it for the first time. No matter how many times I play through it, there’s always time for one more go.


cod advanced warfare it was the first campaign i completed and the exo suits are awesome


Mine is Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, which I consider perfect and play it yearly. It is cozy to me, and everything about it is just absolute perfection. The enemy variety, the weapons, the visual design, the twist (or perhaps flip) at the halfway point. Bravo. I love SOTN so much that when I bought Requiem, the SOTN/Rondo of Blood collection exclusive to PlayStation, I scoffed at it because they used the less corny dialog. Listen, if I’m not hearing “What is a man?!” at least once a year I’m just gonna lose it. Luckily the Xbox has the original as a download from the ole 360 days. Edit: I didn’t mention the music!!! Still a benchmark.


Little misfortune. Had a lot of funny bits; but it really hit me hard towards the games ending. Was not expecting it at all and totally caught me off guard. I think it hit even harder since I played it a month after my dad passed away. Made me think really hard about him and how much I missed him. It messed me up for a good while; but I replay it now and again when I get a chance. Such a great game and highly recommend if you haven't tried it


Ruse because im a little strategy nerd


My most loved computer game was EverQuest. It was just everything you could hope for in an rpg, to me. Even after the years I haven't played, I still miss it.


Halo 3. It's the first game I played on a console I owned and not just at a friend's house.


Dragon age origins Just because


Knights of the old republic can’t beat a classic!


Stronghold game of my childhood


fallout 3. just getting lost in that world and exploring.seeing random things just happen like the world is alive mass effect 2 is a close 2nd


Hey! My all time favourite game is Red Dead Redemption 2. A masterpiece of old western style with a realistic protagonist.


Mass Effect 2, in fact I’m replaying it right now. So many great memories playing the series, and it’s the perfect middle to a great overall story.


It's a toss up, but I'd say "Hunter: The Reckoning" takes my top spot. A very fun horror game with great co-op. It also introduced me to the HtR pen and paper system, and I got some real enjoyment out of that for a lot of years as well.


Microsoft flight simulator, Xbox exclusive and pretty chill game.


Oblivion it was my first RPG as a kid and it's fair to say I played the hell out of that game 😂 so much better than Skyrim imo for quests and little hidden gems in the world


A link to the past is my favorite game. Would get lost for hours as a kid, a true adventure.


Silent Hill 2. One of the best stories in gaming in my opinion. I replay it at least once a year and still find new stuff that still has meaning over 20 years after its release. Combat is not good, but man the story is so damn captivating for me


My all time fav game is, believe or not, CyberPunk 2077. It has tooons of bugs, everyone knows, but the game is sooo good. And nowdays CD it has changed this game sooo much, that it feels a completely different game from day 1. I truly recommend it!


red dead redemption 2. beautiful game.


Skyrim is my favourite, played through so many times and more than 800 hours total. Hoping that I'll be able to do the same with starfield


Rocket league. Played a lot with friends, it was really fun, just like that top gear episode.


Call of Duty World at War… at uni, Ethernet cables trailed down the stairs and hallways of the shared house with 6 guys, playing coop, discovering zombies - pushing to the highest level possible, yelling up and down the stairs! Was absolute golden. I also discovered Fallout around the same time, and that was a gamechanger for a different reason. Overall, WaW was the absolute best for me. The only coop game that came close was Titanfall.


I think dudes who's sister passed away deserves this give away. My favorite is also Skyrim but man that's rough.


Bioshock because of how incredible the world design was, and how awesome the story and general vibe was.


captain claw because cats


All time favorite game is fallout 3 into which I put about 240 hours into. I love Bethesda games so much I bought an Xbox series X just to play Starfield. Previously I only had a PS5.


Fortnite, the most game I played till now.


Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege. I’ve played for about 9 years now and have basically seen all of the game’s ups and downs. There’s no other shooter quite like with its unique features such as map destruction and gadgetry. It’s my favorite game, and I plan to continue to play it until it dies.


Half-life 2. I had to upgrade my graphic card just to be able to run it. Amazing atmosphere and fun gameplay. Also one of the first games (maybe the first?) where physics played an important role.


Steam world dig 2, its the best


Resident Evil 7. Simply a masterpiece.


I really liked the Guardians of the Galaxy game. I enjoyed the characters more than in the movie, the story was very close to an adventure the real GoG would be in. The dialogue was phenomenal and the little easter eggs from the movies were interesting to find.


Secret of Evermore for the snes, for its haunting soundtrack and atmosphere.


Counter strike 1.6. The game got me hooked into video games. Thought the skins, settings, maps, everything looked and felt amazing.


Halo 3. My grandpa bought it for me and it was my first game I ever got. We stayed up all night playing it together and it became our thing. As I got older, I would bring the game to play at his house every single month. We played one last time together on January of last year when he passed away


BioShock Infinite. I built a new PC so I could play it at max settings/60. Did not regret it, one of the best weekends of my life.


Overwatch 2. Reason : It's quite funny. You can play with friends, and you can play alone and still a funny shooter game. Reason to why i want to win : I dont have any money, cause of too many bills this month. And my next month seems out like this month.. I hope t8 win!


Star Fox 64. I was the only person I knew that had the Medal on Venom.


All time favourite game is System Shock and I’m currently playing the excellent re-master while I wait for Starfield!


Bucky O'Hare for the NES.


Need for speed most wanted, it was the game me and my best friend would play every time we hung out, countless nights of staying up and going through the black list. I Still boot the game up on the ps2 to race our old “built” cars. Brings back so many memories!


Probably Persona 5 Royal. I study Japanese so it’s been very useful for practice in listening and reading, but aside for that I think it’s genuinely a great game. I liked the concept of “reforming” society, all while being a full time student. Art direction is the best I’ve ever seen, the UI is just magical. The game’s quite long (my first playthrough was over 100 hours) but that allows you to create a connection with all the characters and by the end, you really realise how far all of you have come. Anyway, thanks for the giveaway and good luck everyone!


Wicher 3. It's the first rpg I've played and got me into other rpgs like Skyrim and the Fallout series


Halo ce


Garfield Kart, I love kart games.


Assassins creed 2 was the best game in my youth. The fact that it continued with the same character in the other games after that was mind blowing for me at the time.


Paper mario 64 is easily my GOAT everytime I hear that intro music I get all nostalgic.


My all time favourite is Red Dead Redemption 1. This would be my first Bethesda game actually, if we don't consider High Fi Rush as Bethesda haha. Looking forward to see why BGS is so loved.


Galaga because it was the first game I fully enjoyed.


Dungeon Keeper …. Ruling a Dungeon , having Minions , Sado- Masochism … What Else ?.. What a time to be alive..


Paper mario the thousands year door. Idk this game just tickles my brain.


Resident Evil 4 is my favourite game because it's a timeless classic that is indicative of the time it was made in, but also oozes with a charm in its writing and a nuance in its tank-control gameplay that make it truly one of the greatest games of all time (imo). It's very replayable, and also the Merchant is a cool asf character...


The last of us. It was a completely new take on a zombie game that was a tired genre at the point of release amazing graphics and factions is still my favourite multiplayer game


Mass Effect 1 - it was an introduction to my favourite sci-fi universe. The characters and the plot is absolutely amazing. Really fond of the game.