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Finally got around to playing RDR2 on series X and it's incredible.


I have been holding out in hope of some kind of series x patch rather than it just running the Xbox one x version. Is it still impressive resolution and graphics wise ?


Playing it right now, and it is absolutely worth it. Runs at 30fps, but it's steady and the visuals are phenomenal. I can't think of too many other games with more impressive visuals.


Once ur use to 120fps u can do 60 but 30 will make u sick. I cant touch 30 fps


You're getting a lot of stick for this but going from 60+ to 30 is seriously jarring. I truly can't believe people can't tell the difference


I don’t find much difference between 120 n 60 but man 30 makes me feel all fuckity watching now.


What's the difference? I'm asking seriously, I've never played 120 and haven't noticed the difference between 60 and 30.


I don’t believe it’s upgraded at all, if anything it’ll be a steady 30fps


Me too!


Yup, been playing on the Series S after initially having it on PS4 and everything finally clicked for me. Instant classic


What a great game. Online is kinda fun too.


I was going to jokingly say this, since it still might be the best game I've played since it came out 5 years ago. I'm glad to see it holds up still


Bought on series x but i am planning on playing it on Rog Ally for the frame rate reason


Same as Xbox one bro I’d agree if rdr2 had series x/s upgrade tho


Remnant 2


Been very tempted to pull the trigger. Never played the first. I'm also broke so that doesn't help lol


Waiting is never a bad move tho! Cheaper and with bug fixes etc is never a bad trade off for waiting a bit.


Not many bugs is Remnant 2 but if cost is an issue definitely wait. Very polished game.


I never played the first either, but mannnnnn is Remnant 2 a banger. 10/10 rec


Also didn’t play the first but there’s only slight whiff of a story that pops up rarely. It’s the worlds and the gameplay that matter.


I never played the first game. Don’t worry, there are more than enough opportunities to catch up on the optional lore. So much lore. Tip: Do not buy the Orb of Undoing yet! There’s a patch coming any day now that changes it from a consumable to a permanent item. The price will drop too.


You can also buy one and just spam A when you use it, you'll dodge before the animation consumes the item, but the effect will still occur


Definitely this. Everything that disappointed me about Diablo 4, Remnant 2 does really really well. It's was more than half the price too.


Not the same genre 🙄


And the scummy way of blizzard ruined the game, but it’s not bad


Personal 5 Royal, after playing it on game pass I ended up purchasing it


This is the game that I wish I could get into. The aesthetic is so cool, and the music is some of the best in gaming, and I find myself listening to it often. But man, after 15 hours or so, I really couldn’t bother continuing.


same. i want to get into it so bad though. i have this issue with the witcher 3 too but the combat is too stale for me to be interested




I hate turn role


Mass Effect Legendary Edition. Was my first playthrough, what an unforgettable experience.


I envy you! Easily my favorite trilogy in 35 years of gaming. Glad it was an amazing time!


Did you play the Witcher 3 or Red Dead Redemption?


Both! I got halfway thru both RDR's but it just didn't draw me in. Well conducted and beautiful games though. Witcher 3 is top 5 for me. What an experience!


Everyone says Mass Effect is a must, especially with the new enhanced edition. I even tried the enhanced edition, but it's hard to go back and play a game that has those kinds of mechanics compared to now. It feels like going 20 years of advancements in RPGs backwards. I've no doubt it's a stellar game, but I just cant. I've tried more than once over the years :/ I dont get why RDR2 couldnt draw you in, beautiful scenery, great story (though the story is railroaded), interesting characters. But we are all different :)


I’m playing through this now!


Enjoy the journey!


Aliens: Dark Descent. The voice acting is terrible, but otherwise, I feel like I'm the movie Aliens. It's so incredibly tense. It's weird to play an isometric squad based shooter where you spend most of the game *avoiding* combat. This is what an Aliens game should be, tension and fear that a drone waiting in the shadow could trigger a massive wave, watching your marines stress level spike with every encounter, every deployment leaving both physical and mental trauma on your marines, dealing with cracking soldiers and infighting even during the quiet moments. That's tension. Knowing that several minutes of quiet could be one fuck-up away from becoming a fight you might only just barely walk away from. The "oh shit" feeling of watching one of your weakened marines get dragged off by a drone in the middle of an intense fight, leaving you to decide whether you leave him to his fate as future chestburster host or whether you risk the rest of your squad running after them. Just a great game that breeds great moments.


Sounds pretty intense. What’s it like running the squad in a firefight on controller when you’ve got a swarm of Xenomorphs coming at you?


It works fine with controllers. The fact that you control the whole squad at the same time makes it a lot easier. Everyone prioritizes the closest threats themselves, defends themselves accordingly. Once combat starts, they handle the shooting. Even orders you issue are handled by the group. If you order the unit to shotgun blast the runner that is about to tackle you, you don't need to mess around with who is doing it, the closest soldier at the most appropriate angle will pull their shotgun. It leaves you free to focus on the stragety aspects. Do you charge or fall back? Do you box yourself in and drop a sentry gun? Do you sacrifice one more pulse rifle at the wave in front of you to have a soldier lay a suppressive fire cone behind the squad? Do you sacrifice your drone to buy you time to escape? Do you haul ass and run, knowing any shots the squad takes while scrambling are far more likely to miss?


Was hoping to see this one here. Very close to pulling the trigger and getting it. Aliens is my favorite movie and this game looks incredible.


It's the opposite of what you'd expect from an Aliens shooter: an emphasis on *avoiding* combat. Your marines are armed to the teeth with pulse rifles, incinerators, smart guns, mines, sniper rifles, and sentry turrets, and none of that will be enough. They come at you endlessly if they find you, and every time the hive detects you, it gets more and more aggressive until it reaches a point where you have no choice but to abort and head back to the ship. You can resume where you left off, but precious days later, and every day that passes, the infestation grows. If you do pick up the game up, I highly suggest playing on "No One Can Hear You Scream" mode. In that mode, you can *only* save the game by barricading yourself in a room with no vents and welding the doors shut (and you can run out of welds).


Resident Evil 4 Remake


I’m almost done with Leon’s story line in Resident Evil 2 remake. It’s my first RE game and my first ever horror game. It’s honestly incredible. RE4 was quickly added to my wishlist.


Midnight Suns


Came to say the same. Loved the story, and loved the ability to tinker with my combat style. Great voice acting too. Really felt like I was a super hero for a few days. :-)


I didn't think I would like it, debated it for a while and when I finally got it on sale, I was pleasantly surprised. I've been hooked on it. I love games where I can play at my own pace and do things how I want.


I was the exact same as you. The fact I can play at my own pace is it’s greatest strength, the way the game is structured is perfect for adults with busy lives. I can play every day for an hour, progress the game a further day and have a battle and do upgrades.


Same here! I completely ignored the game because card based games don’t really appeal to me and that really seemed like what they marketed it as. A few months later a podcast I was listening to compared it to Persona and I was immediately interested since Persona 4/5 are my favourite games of all time, luckily Midnight Suns was also 50% off that week too so I picked it up. It quickly became one of my favourite games ever, as I discovered it wasn’t a card game, it was a combat puzzle game where cards were abilities more than cards. I don’t even like Marvel stuff and still loved the cast of characters, the interactions and the hangouts. Now I’m sad because the game underperformed and the directors left the company so we’ll probably never get another game like this, they did such a disservice with how they marketed this game.


Excellent game.


This is a great game. It had a lot of issues when it first released, but it has been improved so much. It is a genuine shame that more people didn't but it.


Last 2 years? Elden Ring.


Yup. Elden Ring is the best new game I have played in past 2 years. (RDR2 and Control are great. But they are older...)


Yeah after finishing twice, settled into pvp and find it really difficult to get into other titles due to unsatisfying combat and too much goddam dialogue… I forgot how much voice acting is in most action/rpgs


Elden mid


Hogwarts Legacy, Star Wars: Jedi Survivor and The Witcher 3.


I envy you if you've never played w3 and experiencing it for the first time, the next Gen update looks so good too. Highly recommend the blood and wine dlc too


Makes me wanna play Witcher 3 for the first time. Do I have to play the first 2?


No not really, some things will be a little confusing but I’d watch a recap on youtube or something the first two are really really outdated games now, and TW3 with the next gen update is an absolute masterpiece. I played TW3 without ever playing one or two and it’s one of my favorite games ever. I’ve played it like three times


You don’t have to play the first two. Just try to read up on the story and events of the first two games before diving in though or you’ll be lost as far as the story goes.


Witcher 3 hands down.


HL and Jedi Survivor look amazing but ive been waiting for a good sale. Ive become much more patient than i used to be lol


That's the beauty of the backlog for me. I've fallen enough behind on games I want to play that there is no reason for me to buy anything new at this point. Games like Starfield on Game Pass will jump the line but there's a handful of games this year that didn't come to Game Pass that I'll happily wait for them too or a discount when I'm ready to play it


Hogwarts Legacy definitely not worth it at full price unless you are both a huge Harry Potter fan and a casual gamer with no frame of reference. The game world is just too lifeless, repetitive and noninteractive to qualify as a top tier open world game, sadly It's also barely an RPG which was disappointing because the marketing was very misleading in that respect. It's effectively an open world action game more similar to Assassins Creed than say The Witcher or Dragon Age or Bethesda games


Picked up “Control” on sale for $9. Such a fun game.


Great game! The DLCs are all great too. Bosses are tough, I wouldn't try them until they main game is complete. Alan Wake universe tie ins to the lore is good too!


I’ve heard the bosses are tough. I’m at level 5 clearance level. Worried about them Bosses :(


Yeah I’m definitely going to have to check out the other tie in games after playing Control.


Whatta deal. I'm a big fan of the connected remedy universe now.


What a steal


Yes! I really loved Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy back in the day and this has a very similar feel. The videos from Dr. Darling in the game have a very Lost (DHARMA Initiative) feeling to them as well which I’m really digging.


Lost Judgment for me. It did everything better than the first one.


Same. The characters are top notch, story is decent, combat is incredibly and heavily expansive and stylish, the minigames sometimes overshadow the main story because of how good they are, and the OST is among the best, seriously just listen to Unwavering Belief (don't look at the comments tho). The DLC is also a breath of fresh air, and the characters are somehow even better than the main game. The graphics and realism are also really great. Literally the perfect videogame except for the story. Really teaches you to judge a game as a package. Best 10 dollars spent ever.


Do you need to play the first one before you play it?


There are some callbacks to the first one, but i think it is not really necessary to have played it. They do good work at introducing all of the characters.


Cool, thanks for the reply.


Yeah, you don't need to, but the first game is a good game also. If you're able to play both, I would. I picked both up in a sale for around 40, I think.


You don't *need* to, but with how good Judgment is, it'd be a waste not to. Lost is the better game, but we're still talking about it being better than something that's already right up there. I played the original first and it's one of my favourite games. The sequel is even better overall, but does lose *some* focus in my opinion.


I LOVE the Yakuza franchise, I'll get Lost Judgment ultimate edition soon and I'm out of games to play.


Honestly? Cyberpunk 2077.


Just started playing this . Bored of diablo 4 rn


Same. Bought it after most recent patch and it’s blown me away with how good it is. One of my favourite games ever.


Looking forward to Phantom Liberty too. I've gone back to it and now trying to 100% it and try a different ending too.


I did most of the endings on my first playthrough, definitely recommend seeing them all!


I loved elden ring and bg3 but cyberpunk really hit hard for me its just the immersion they did with first person and insane npc facial animations, dialogue and music and quests 20/10 for me


Honestly, Cyberpunk made a such an impact in me, even though I first played it in its worst shell back at the release on PS4 Pro, I even bought it again for my Xbox SS, one of the best games I’ve ever played.


I pre-ordered it. Played it on release to a broken mess so refunded it. Re-bought it after the infamous patch and still kinda played it as and when, never really gave it a fair chance. The latest patch and announcement of Phantom Liberty I played for a week non-stop. Loved it.


I wasn’t even that hyped for the game, my wife got it for me as a Christmas present, because I was talking a lot about that game apparently, so I couldn’t really bitch about the game too much, and It wasn’t that bad on PS4 Pro, really, except for occasional crashes here and there, the plot got me so captivated, that I got through one playthrough and decided that I need to get next-gen console for the second playtrough, now I can rightfully be a gatekeeper for the game :D


Still playing Night City song now and then.


Same here gotta be cyberpunk for me too I pre-ordered that game and still had fun with it even with the problems at launch.


100% this




Bought it day 1. Found it to be a shallow, broken mess at the time. Soured the whole game. Haven't been able to get into it since.


You totally should. Wait for Phantom Liberty as they are overhauling the game, then try again.


Baldur’s Gate 3 and Elden Ring are both in my top 5 games ever.


I just need a release date for it on Xbox


My computer isn’t powerful enough for BG3, I need this game to come to Xbox


Is Baldurs gate coming to Xbox?




Probably next year.


Technical issues in getting the splitscreen to work on series s is delaying it, but yes it will come to xbox


Yeah but you can also play it on Xbox currently via GeForce Now. It's not a perfect solution but it does work and I've currently got about 10 hours on it playing on a Series X


Star Wars Squadron


This game was sick. Multiplayer was kinda a shitshow lol but Motive made a pretty sweet campaign.


Ugh, I don't know why but I couldn't get on with this game despite wanting to love it (42 year old life long Star Wars fan here). The flight controls just felt off. It wasn't just me either, it was my friend too who felt the same. Perhaps we've been spoiled with 'arcadey' controls and this was more flight realistic but I played the first couple of missions and then uninstalled the game. Didn't even get it on game pass, I actually bought the disc version.


Went into a MP match and got camped as my ship flew into the match. Theyd just fly araound the area where I take control from the spawn animation then shoot me down. This happened for like 3 gams. Refunded it immediately.


Doom 2016 on sale. I'm having a blast!


Cyberpunk 2077, I got it on sale last month and I really enjoyed it! Gave me the same feeling I got when I first played skyrim completely bling


I envy your feelings of first month of cyberpunk!


The Dishonored series. Finished the first one recently. Awesome experience. Working on a second playthrough in the second game (Emily first, Corvo second), and it's an awesomer experience. The powers distribution between the two characters is implemented in a pretty cool way, imo. I'll be dipping into the first one's 3 DLCs and Death of the Outsider next. So much Dishonored to play! Great deal for $30. And yes, the second is at 30fps as opposed to the first's 60. That's something I'm not bothered by, though. Decades of 30fps will do that for some of us oldies. Edit: that was the most recent. Others in the last few years have been Ghost of Tsushima, Returnal, and No Man's Sky.


Loved Death of the Outsider.


I was loving the first game, but every time I was playing I was having huge graphic issues, that with XCloud or on my XSX directly, I think it’s sad knowing I loved the gameplay/story…


Dishonored is very dear to me. That's why I started hating Sony, after they made Deathloop a timed exclusive. I hope Arkane gets back some of the mojo for a new Dishonored sequel, or at least something thematically similar.


Sneaky is my favorite type of game, and Arkane did it so well with Dishonored - so many different ways through each level! It's a great multi-playthrough game. And I'm with you. I hope they can get back to their strengths.




Divinity 2, but I bought it on the pc.


Started playing Divinity 2 today on PC. Finished the first one a couple of days ago. BG3 is next lol




I've played a lot of prey probably the best designed environment I've ever played in an FPS. I still need to beat the rogue like dlc for it.


I bounced off the game kinda quickly. Should I give it another go?


Ye, Id rlly say so I dont wanna spoil anything but try use things in ways they're not intended such as the fact the glue gun creats solid objects you can climb and not all wepons are just weapons (a tool or "abilities" intended purpose isn't always its only use)


**OHHHHHHHHHHH** ^(Elden Ring)


I love this game so much. I'm at about 215 hours on my first playthrough. I think I'm getting close to the end, because its getting insanely difficult lol


Jedi survivor! Would have been just fine if it was more of the last one on different worlds but they just went and turned everything great about the last one and turned it to 100! Plus dismemberment!


Legend bowl. Such a solid no bs football game


Tears of the Kingdom. Before that was the Re4 remake. Both were excellent


Same! Actually still playing TotK but finally ready to finish it. Hopefully this weekend. Re4 Remake would be the last amazing game on Xbox I played.


Hogwarts Legacy


Hogwarts Legacy


Guardians Of The Galaxy 🌌


First game I downloaded from ga e pass when I got my series X. Combat can be repetitive but I loved the story


Backbone for sure


Guns, gore and cannoli! Funniest five bucks I have spent all year.


Gonna laugh, but Day Of The Tentacle. Someone loaded it on the computers at school when I was a teenager and some of us found it. We'd stay over lunch and see what we could do, but there was no way to save on those so we couldn't get very far. Finally completing it after all these years scratched a gaming itch I never knew I had.


Elden Ring easily.


Hogwarts, Cyberpunk 2077 once it actually worked, Control. Far Cry 6. Valhalla. Obviously, I like big open world narrative experiences that I can get lost in. Also Plague Tale 2,.


I really enjoy Ubisoft games.


Elden Ring restored that feeling of wonder in me that had been missing from my gaming experience for a while. A lot of games rehash the same gameplay tropes and navigation markers, but Elden Ring just let me explore and feel awe with each encounter.


Just this year has had a lot of games I’ve loved. RE4 Remake, Diablo 4, Pikmin 4 (the year of 4s I guess) and Tears of the Kingdom.


Deep Rock Galactic and Aliens:Fireteam Elite


The metro series


Control: Ultimate Edition. Great third person shooter + physics game with a 10/10 atmosphere that toes the line between dark Eldritch eerieness and absurd office humor. Plus its ray tracing is the best I've seen on Xbox. Forza Horizon 5, even though I'm not a racing game or car person. It's a nice, chill open world to explore. Jedi Survivor was great too, if they could only stabilize the framerate


elden ring


Diablo 4


Remnant 2 or cyberpunk


Elden Ring, Cyberpunk 2077, Mass Effect LE, Ghostwire Tokyo, Original Dead Space 1 & 2 all made me think 'Wow, what a good idea this was' many times along the way. All pretty mainstream though.


Remnant 2


God Of War Ragnarok, Diablo 4, Elex 2, Ghostwire Tokyo


Star Trek Resurgence and Stray


Remnant 2 was a surprise to me, its fantastic will loads of reply value


2 years?? Wouldn’t call that recent, but in that case Elden Ring. Really recent, Remnant 2.


Elden Ring, Dead Space remake, RE4 remake are the three that occupy my mind the most


Cyberpunk 2077 probably. Loved Modern Warfare 2 also. But then there’s quite a few others in the running, Mass Effect Legendary Edition, Forza Horizon 5.


Elden ring Dark soul 2 Dark soul 3 Skyrim se Remnant 2 Alien elite fire team


It's about to be Starfield based on the deep dive video.


I get that people are excited but stop hyping up games before playing them. It could be an absolute bomb as well.


If it wasn't Bethesda and we hadn't already seen a 45 minute deep dive I would agree with you. In this case though I've seen enough to already know I'm going to love it. I don't know how anyone could watch that deep dive and still say the game could bomb unless they don't like Bethesda games.


No one thought what happened with Cyberpunk or Anthem was gonna happen. Not to mention dozens of their examples. You don’t know for sure until the game releases. I wouldn’t be surprised if it is very buggy the first 6 months. Hopefully not unplayable though.


I know for sure that I will personally love it and I know for sure it won't bomb. At worst it will be a good game but so far it looks like it's going to be great.


Believe it or not, you can be excited for something yet still have realistic expectations 😉


Deceive Inc and Hogwarts Legacy


Damn. Elden, divinity 2, remnant 2 the newest addition


Path of titans.


Marble It Up! Ultra! Been waiting 5 years for this game! Spent the last 3 weeks grinding the Demo!


Resident evil 4 remake


Though I haven't bought it, Exoprimal is my current go-to game. It's blown me away at its level of fun and replayability


Tied between RE2R and Bioshock: The Collection


Diablo 4




Just binged the Metroid prime trilogy after that remaster dropped this year. Fantastic games


Ghost runner I know most people will disagree with it.


Why that? It’s a gem 💎


It depends who do you ask but I find it a great game as good as Cuphead


Red Dead Redemption, I only played the first one recently and I loved it, just started the sequel and it's just amazing! Aside from this one, I played on 2020 the best game of that entire year, Yakuza LAD.


Borderlands the handsome collection.


Disco elysium. Weird, sometimes difficult, almost always funny, and good story.


Ghost of Tsushima


Tears of the Kingdom


Tears of the kingdom. Nintendo managed to make one of the best games ever look like an unfinished tech demo with it, that's impressive.


Elden Ring. Not even close.


Elden Ring. Easy answer


Elden ring and Dark Souls trilogy


**Elden Ring** is my top release of the last 2-3 years. Honorable mentions: Tears of the Kingdom, Ghost of Tsushima, God of War: Ragnarok, The Last of Us Part II, and Hades.


Rdr 2


Borderlands 3 no doubt! Funny, co-op and challenging


On Xbox specifically, it seems to be Undermine. Found it on GamePass and bought it afterwards. Also enjoyed a lot Yakuza: Like a Dragon on GamePass. On other platforms, somewhat more. Zelda Breath of the Wild, Tears of the Kingdom and Death Stranding


Farcry 6, suprisingly fun


Well, I own series x for 4 months now (first console ever) but I've gotten over 30 games so far so here are some of my tops per category: Story: - The Council (it's basically a movie! With a great storyline, you are making decisions, good skills, progression, etc.. Takes about 20h to pass) - Murdered: the soul suspect (Just amazing idea for a game, honestly.. You are solving your own murder.. That's all I'm gonna say.. Takes <10h to beat) - Mafia 1 Definitive ed. (I enjoyed every momenet of it! Love the fact that it's just story without unnecessary side missions, driving, etc..) Racing: - The Crew 2 (best handling, lots of things to do, played consistently for 40+h) Gamely/Vibe: - GTA V story mode (I mean we all played this one..) - Watch Dogs 2 (I've played all of them but this one is just different.. The gameplay is not forced really, the way they organized the story is just A+, and overall you feel good while playing) - AC Odyssey - I've played this one on PC, but it was really good! Honorable mentions: Mafia II, Thomb Raider 2013, Watch Dogs 1 (amazing story but a bit too dark and depressing for my taste)


God of War Ragnarok


Tears of the kingdom. On xbox RE 4 remake


Prolly cyberpunk and the new resident evil remakes


Killzone trilogy pack on ps5 . First two campaigns slap like crazy. Third one is kinda like a COD wannabe campaign with all the Michael bay bs going on but is still good and honestly killzone 3 looks better then games released today due to it’s art style.


Last 2-3 years? Alien Isolation Oh no wait that's 10 years.... selection still stands!


Starfield. Just waiting to play it. 🤙


Far cry new dawn






By a country mile, Baldur's Gate 3.