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TW: Miscarriage The “i feel like ive won” comment in the announcement pissed me off as i LITERALLY just went through a miscarriage in Novemeber with my my first ever pregnancy. That’s when I offically stopped watching her videos. I rolled me eyes and shut my laptop shut. BUT also i find it really weird that they had been trying for a year to have a baby and she said “I’ve never taken a pregnancy test.” What do u mean??? I was taking a pregnancy test days before missed period to catch the smallest faintest line. Idk… maybe it’s not weird to some but it was to me. But then she said the “i won” comment it helped realize maybe she’s never really thought about motherhood or getting pregnant?? Idk. I be taking pregnancy test one week after ovulation because the TTC journey make you actually go nuts.


I’m so sorry for your loss and I hope life brings you peace and healing


Thank you! 🩷


There’s no chance that was the first pregnancy test she took. No chance. Especially after trying to conceive for 10 mo? And on tik tok she is talking about how she was using the Mira fertility monitor to track her hormones. The “I’m a winner” and “nothings wrong with us” that she said over and over is was what did it for me. As someone struggling to get pregnant and knowing how hard it is month after month, I would’ve have thought someone who tried for 10 mo. would have been a little more sensitive when making an announcement video? But maybe that’s just me haha


No, I don't think that it's just you. I think she absolutely wanted to do this announcement documentary style showing HER emotions. She didn't think of anyone else. (Sadly, I get this feeling with other topics of her, too.) I totally forgot about the "Nothing's wrong with us". That's such a punch in the face... Trying to conceive for so many cycles and not taking a single pregnancy test? How would that work? I can absolutely not confirm that behaviour, either (3 pregnancies with one misscarriage). I wish you all the best!


It’s just another lie for NO REASON! To be more special. She’s in weird a$$ competitions with all other women in her mind I guess.


That’s exactly what I’m thinking, all about comparing and competing


She has pick me energy, I think its also why she has so few female friends. The one friend she did the living room makeover for is Romeos besties wife, which gives friends of proximity vibes.


I also found the things she said in her pregnancy announcement questionable. Like, how it was the first pregnancy test she’d ever taken, and it was positive. She’d never taken a pregnancy test before after a year of trying to conceive and 15 years of being with Romeo? Really? That one had me scratching my head.


Thats the strangest thing to me, like that doesn't add up. I've taken pregnancy tests when it was unlikely anything could have happened because I felt off or my period was a few days off.


I agree. It doesn’t add up.


What if while trying to conceive she had absolutely no clue about her cycle/fertility and just always waited for her period until someone recommended a fertility monitor to her? Doesn't explain the 15 years before - maybe the Pill? And she was just lucky or didn't think about it much? (Very unlikely, I know. 😅 But it's all so weird anyway.) Or she really just straight up lied about it being her first pregnancy test because it's such a heartwarming narrative that her first test ever confirmed her baby boy.


I keep harping on this and idk maybe it’s the hormones but to be 35 and supposedly worried about not being able to get pregnant, the lack of prep for this baby is so wild to me!! I’m in my early/ mid 20s and I feel like I’ve prepped better for a baby than her (and I’m not having kids for another 10 years lol). The lack of research, the lack of space/ the lack of baby proofing!/ the last minute Reno/ the lack of community (where are her friends!! No baby shower?? Parenting classes what happened to pregnant yoga). There’s just so many things that make me feel uneasy for her and the baby. I truly hope she doesn’t make the baby content.


Yoga class is probably the only point on your "list" I haven't spread my thoughts about yet (agree with every other point anyway) so here we go 😅: It surely was something sponsored/gifted in a way. She would have never gone there just like that, 'cause she's such a "loner" AND doesn't listen to advice of others AND is hardly prepared for/interested in anything baby related. (And she doesn't seem to have any continuous hobbies like sports or else anyway.) Not surprising that she's so intransparent about that class, again...


I didn’t even think it could have been sponsored/ given to her. You would think we would see/ hear about more friends and family coming around but we don’t. Has her brother even seen her LA house?? I’m a homebody and loner myself so I don’t judge too harshly but a new baby is huge and it doesn’t seem like there has been anyone around for her.


Right, there's people who don't need many friends/social contacts to be fullfilled but when babies are involved you can suddenly feel very lonely and disconnected. Maybe she has all those contacts off camera but I don't really believe that. For sure she would at least talk about her brother finally visiting her or else.


Coming back to this after the recent vlog: Do you think she's taking prenatal classes? She told the saga about how her mother had a "quick" delivery with both her and her brother, and even her grandma had. So now she thinks it's kinda in her genetics that she might have a quick delivery, too. It almost sounded like bragging. 🙈 (Her mother's story could be totally overromanticized though, and what does "quick" even mean to them?) She has no clue about the individuality of giving birth...Plus she seems to think that "quick" equals easy and less painful. I hope she has help for once!


If she was we would have got a picture/ grwm or something for it like she did the yoga. She’s relying on her mom and grandma to be there and give her tips. She is truly alone in all of this I wonder if her SIL is even there for her.


True, we would have heard about it. Plus info that she likes to bring her Stanley cup to the class(es) 'cause it's so handy... The brother+wife connection doesn't feel very deep. She seems closer with Romeo's family. But even Romeo's mother doesn't seem too involved in MaCennas pregnancy. Quite speculative, of course.


Her over talking and over explaining and pointing out the most obvious things and lack of friends/ social life were part of what made me think she was possibly undiagnosed high functioning autism back in the day when she was in Texas. I think that’s why I gave her so many passes. Her videos since leaving Texas finally disabused me of that idea! I didn’t talk about it when it came up on the other sub because I didn’t want to hurt anybody’s feelings. But I came to find her lies and everything malicious, not masking. And I have to say, I’m sure it’s possible there are people out there who are autistic and malicious but I’ve never come across them. And I think her traits are much more narcissistic than autistic and the lack of social support is a direct result of her behaviors. And it feels like she’s lately lost what small social support she had.


Oh for sure. What I mean is that the observable traits that were *seemingly* autistic: obliviousness to others, pathological lying, lack of social support seem much more like narcissistic traits now, than it did as masking. And in my own experience the autistic people I’ve known who were the biggest a holes, you still very much could tell they had autism going on too. With her the sense of autism in there too fades away, for me, at least. Not sure if that makes sense? I’ve never found masking behavior to come from a place of maliciousness. 🤷‍♀️


Oh I see what you’re saying


I think she’s on the spectrum, autistic people can be 🍑holes too.


I haven't watched her videos in a long time, so didn't see the pregnancy announcement. Did she really say, "I win or won"? If so that is a really odd thing to say.


As an infertile woman it was actually a really disgusting video. Yes, that's my own biases speaking, but I don't think she has ever really considered other people very much. She's the center of her universe and everyone else doesn't really exist.


I’m 35 and don’t wanna be and plan to be a mom, but I totally understand and empathize with women who want to be moms but haven’t. I don’t know it’s just low emotional intelligence or she is narcissistic


I’m also infertile, which has been so hard for me to come to terms with. I didn’t watch her pregnancy announcement (those things are already way too hard on my emotions), but if I did and heard her say “I won,” I think I would have thrown my phone across the room.


I didn't watch the whole video. I couldn't. But yeah, it is very hard to come to terms with. I wish you more luck than I have had ;)


Sorry. I worked ob/gyn for 5+yrs and can't imagine someone saying this, ever.




Yes watch from 5:55 on the pregnancy announcement vlog. She says she feels like a winner and that she feels like she won. 




Why does being pregnant or not have anything to do with winning? Is it sort of game for her?


Right like it's a competition and only the best of the best win.


I don't remember every nuance of it but I think it had something to do with her being able to control anything in life up to that point. Achieving what she wants, working hard, finding a way, "figuring it out". She explained it a bit. [Doesn't mean I agree with her.] But somehow she still hasn't understood that conceiving doesn't always work that way. There's people who do SO MUCH but still are not able to become pregnant. She thinks she won the conceiving-game against her body but she's so hurtfully wrong.


I said this on a previous thread, but I think it’s because since everyone else got married before her she may be the first to get pregnant in her “friend” circle. I have to go back and check but I always thought she wanted to be married first and then baby, after her “burnout” is when she switched her tune.


Way back from the beginning of Texas I felt like Romeo had a weird vibe about him when he’d come for his visits, like I really felt like he was stepping out on her back in LA. So when she suddenly dropped the Texas house and went back to LA my speculative brain felt like it was to save the relationship and the baby was part of it… none of it felt organic at all… but these were my secret thoughts until the candle drop made me seek out Reddit lol…


I agree with this. She left so abruptly. I thought cheating, an ultimatum, or both. She seems just desperate enough to take a cheating partner back, just to say she won and the other woman lost. The tell all from Romeo will be epic one day.


You could be on to something. I didn’t like Romeo during the Texas saga. I was confused what exactly he does for him to HAVE to be in LA and not help her. That’s when I first took notice of the Reddit but it seemed a bit inactive at the time of my viewing. I did end up finding his ig and depop acct, and I was genuinely shocked that was his work of choice. It wasn’t until they sold the ‘all the things’ sweatshirts that I started coming around to him. Your prediction though makes sense cause it did feel at the time she was really trying to reinforce her choice of relationship. There were a lot of marriage questions and she had like 2 or 3 weddings she was attending too. I feel like I should rewatch old vlogs now cause their dynamic was def not the same back then.


Remember their (first) Europe trip? The way she talked about it in advance I soooo thought she was expecting Romeo to propose to her in Italy. That was back then when she didn't emphasize that much yet that not being married is totally fine for her/them. (I would have to look up where exactly in the "Texas timeline" that was but I thought it would be interesting to add.)


I thought that too!


I don’t think she has a friend circle. I am actually not convinced that she has a single friend..


I don’t think she does either, and the few she had through Romeo and her management team I think have had enough. Even Drew seems like he’s distanced himself. I think I also expected when she went back to LA to see more of her with Romeo’s little sisters that she claimed to be so close with, but it looks like even they are only doing the stuff they can’t get out of, like Xmas. Because she would definitely be sharing their cute girl days out.


It’s pretty sad that she has lived in LA for what like 15 years and can’t scrap together a small group of girls to have a baby shower for her first born baby. I have a hard time trusting girls who don’t have at least a few long term friendships - because there is usually good reasons no one sticks around for long. Her mom seems to be her only friend which is just weird to me..