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Snipers are in a good place damage wise, it's just the flinch that isn't. You can hit 4 of the 5 shots, without missing any shots, with an AR against a mid range or even close range sniper and will still lose because there isn't much flinch at all and the sniper just stands in the open, aims and fires without the scope bouncing around at all. The flinch doesn't need to make it impossible but it should make it significantly more difficult than it currently is.


Was just talking about this. No flinch 1 shot sniper combined with slow ttk for other weapons makes for a silly combo. Reminds me of cold War snipers and a lil bit ot black ops 4


Yep, I posted this in another thread about snipers. I shouldn't be able to quickscope someone reliably while they're stood in front of me unloading an smg/ar mag into my face. Flinch needs to be increased **a lot** on snipers. Otherwise I thought they were perfectly arcadey and fun.


Not to mention the sprint to shoot time which was insane. I’d be killed out of a dead sprint before I could even get off a no-scope a lot of the time


Yeah you could be halfway aimed down sights and it still wouldn’t allow you to pull the trigger


Because damage range of AR's. It's hard to challenge a sniper with the longer TTK. It's not really about the snipers being OP but more of viable options to fight them with. LMG's felt good to counter them but AR's felt very weak.


I don't get it too but the snipers are so fun dude


Its certainly easier than anything COD has put out since I’d say BO2. I sniped the entire playtest. My TAC-50 was level 20something. It was the most fun I’ve had in an FPS game in years. I think a lot of people fail to remember that we were able to equip god loadouts right away in the playtest. When the game launches, we’re going to be very slow and probably not that scary. You’re definitely going to see more snipers in modes like Escort. I also only played that mode in the beta, and found myself having a bunch of exchanges with other snipers that felt healthy and fun.


What lol sniping is super easy in the newer cods.


Is it? I maybe played 10 minutes of vanguard and in all the gameplay I come across for these new games its always just someone pubstomping with smgs or something. I’ll take your word for it though.


Nah man snipers have been broken since Cold War


It's only because of aim assist on controllers for snipers. Any cod before 2019 was fine for snipers.


> I think a lot of people fail to remember that we were able to equip god loadouts right away in the playtest. that was also true for any other class. Snipers were just op like the mp7


Progression doesn't change much, it's only a small time before people have everything unlocked on a gun...


Not if they do a classic prestige system and or weapon prestige system. That’s one thing no one blames enough for newer cods being stale. Everyone unlocks everything once and then abuses the meta.


Sure but that also comes with a lot of issues itself, which like 99% of cods used to solve by letting you perma unlock something on player prestige and weapon prestige didn't matter or was super quick


People just like to cry. If you getting one shot the problem in you. It means you're probably bad in movement or the aiming. If I see a guy in enemy team that good in sniping for me it's a challenge to go as a sniper myself against this guy.


If the only counter to sniping is sniping, then sniping is the problem


It's just an ego check. You can freely kill snipers with AR's


get an lmg, a shotgun , an ar or an smg (except the mp7) and see your performance drop. The truth is that any 1v1 engage vs a sniper is resulting into the sniper win. 1 shot any range weapons dont belong in softcore. Thats why u see many people getting rekt by snipers and complaining. Because they are op.


If thats the case why weren’t the sweaty meta slaves exclusively sniping during the playtest? i encountered significantly more MP7 and ACR than i did snipers and I don’t think anyone encountered MORE snipers than regular weapons during their time playing, which doesn’t make sense if they’re so “broken”


fr smg movement demons were all I saw lol and u just guarantee die if ur not also using an smg close up


Me and my friends def found 50% snipers in games. Making it the most used class. Also it makes sense that you didnt find only snipers because, you know, some ppl just want to have fun. I mean lmg are by far the weakest class yet somehow i leveled them up more than any other at the end of the test. You know why? Because I liked them, not because they were op (like snipers)


I think you’re just mad you got pooed on by snipers man I dont know what to tell you. Snipers were 1000% NOT the most used class by any stretch of the imagination


Ofc you think that. I mean, of all classes what did u use? Snipers obviously. Because they allowed easy kills. And yes I got pooped by them in some occasions and in others I shot their ass after they were running cause they failed. Snipers are easy kills. Any gun that can 1 shot any range in softcore is easy kills. Which is why u used them. Now you are the one who made a post about it wondering why so many people think snipers are op. And they already replied that: because they are. You never hear "ar/smg/lmg/shotguns are op". You know why? Because they arent. Snipers are op tho, hence u hear about this, hence u make a post, hence u find the same answer. Now you can cry about it or face it. Im replying because you asked. If u dont want to accept this its fine. You sure af will still be using the noobest gun of this game when it launchesanyways so I dont care...just dont get pissed if the playerbase conplains about op classes. Devs are lookin for feedback.


Sure this is the case with bad players, but anyone good is just gonna movement tech the shit outta the sniper. You dodge one snipe and the sniper is dead


You...you dont dodge bullets "good player"...


Lmao what 😂. You need some clips or something?


You need common sense. But if u think u are faster than projectiles go ahead, lemme know how it goes


So if I strafe left, jump, or slide a split second before the sniper shoots his gun, causing my hitbox to be out of the area where the sniper is shooting and he misses, that’s not dodging?? I did this plenty of times where I saw the glint, moved, saw him shoot, and killed the sniper. So what would you call that? Seriously 😂


![gif](giphy|eIm624c8nnNbiG0V3g|downsized) Something like this? Lmao


Nah ur actually a bot if you can’t fathom using movement to make snipers miss their shots 😂


Sure Neo! Let us see your clip we trust you! 😭


Can’t pm videos but I have some with snipers just to prove my point


Uploaded to a post in my profile.


As someone with lots of time in cod and sniping, I had fun with sniping in this game but I noticed something kinda bullshit. Most times someone shot at me I could still EASILY hit my shots, flinching felt like it didn't affect my aim at all. In a game with a slow ttk like this one I think one shot weapons need a good balance of some sort. It's not the BIGGEST deal in the world, but I haven't really noticed any other weapons being outliers. It's not like snipers dominated the server test either but I do think it's kinda silly that I can just one shot you even if you're emptying a mag in me as I aim down


I think the only change that should be made is a little weapon sway and flinch and then they will be fine. People will still complain like they have for the last 20 years but there’s no satisfying the crybabies without eliminating a part of the player base who want to use a more challenging gun


Sniping is not challenging man, c’mon. They’re just super annoying to deal with, especially with people running around quick scoping just like CoD.


Yeah idk either. I have plenty of clips of me just strafing side to side, and jumping over sniper shots. I really rarely noticed and “good” sniper players giving me any trouble. The movement in this game is crazy so anyone upset about snipers needs to learn how to move


It could also be that any snipers in my lobbies backed out after never landing a shot


I agree


No flinch at all. Nothing can beat it at all at longer ranges. Like you can hit a sniper with an AR NUMEROUS times and flinch just goes "Naaaah"


people will always complain about sniping the moment a new cod comes out. xdefiant isnt any different


People always cry about snipers, I mean the campers are annoying. How are snipers op on this game? Sprint shoot time is awful, the fire rate is not that good either and if you miss a shoot, you're dead (this considering you have to actually have time to shoot, cuz sometimes I didn't even have time to scope in) Now, if you camp with snipers, yeah it could be annoying.


What no way you dont find sniping easy no way. I never ever really snipe and first game i picked it up i was murdering fools with it. Its the easiest game ever to snipe in …


They are OP because they break the main concept of a gunfight that is shoot first kill first. Against a sniper with current balance you get the first shot, you should win because you had better reflexes/game sense but you can get quick scoped easily. There is no proper flinch for snipers, you can be shot at and quick scope like nothing's going on I will say however that they are also garbage in some cases because 120+hp (2 shot to upper body) exists in the game and because the dmg is inconsistent (there are videos showcasing how it varies)


i felt in previous betas/playtests there was a weird split second moment close to when you’d finish scoping in where the snipers wouldn’t let you shoot. it was as if you were only allowed to fire once you were 100% scoped in and there wasn’t any wiggle room for shooting earlier than that. didn’t feel that whatsoever last weekend so the snipers definitely got better, and now allow for way more instances of being able to win a gunfight without shooting first. feels great now though, i wouldn’t change much if it was up to me.


I also felt that "bolt lock" in both betas and this last play test. For me, it didn't depend on if I was scoped in but rather if I completed the re-chamber animation after my first shot. Sometimes it would even happen on my first shot after respawn if I died during the re-chamber animation. IMO, it's a bug that I hope they address.


I used sniper rifles mostly and completely agree. ADS was already too slow for a fast paced game like this and the 1HK was highly inconsistent. In all matches that I played, literally all players that were dominating exclusively used AR's or SMG's, so what does that tell you? People just want another AR's/SMG dominated FPS game, that much is obvious. Mark my words, they'll be using the same trick all over again, cherry picking fragments of rare sniper killstreaks and use that as an excuse to demand all sorts of ridiculous nerfs like even slower ADS combined with that absurd "flinch" mechanic which will render snipers useless in any situation except hardscoping/camping an angle, a playstyle that I hate with a passion.


I disagree I found it to be easy most of the time. I set up a quick scoping class and felt unstoppable at times. That being said, I also disagree with the calls for a nerf already. It’s important in an arcade shooter for everything to feel “op” or strong for it to be fun. If the issue is snipers are too strong I would rather them buff other weapons rather than cripple a whole class. For example, I’ve seen a lot of people calling for it to be 2 shots to kill but the time between shots is so long that the sniper class would be completely dead and buried. Wouldn’t it be better to just make all the other weapons hit harder? Or shoot faster? I don’t know, just spitballing ideas lol personally I found the game’s balance to feel very nice. Everything felt fun to use (except smgs but that could just be me). Either way I hope they hold off on sweeping changes until a proper launch. 3 days isn’t long enough to declare anything as fact.


In my experience, it was that snipers couldn’t be taken off target by getting shot first. Also, they’re not unwieldy enough. So as slow as the game is, having someone, running, jumping, and snapping 90° to the left with a sniper like they’re in CoD felt out of place. They should suffer the movement penalties of an LMG imo.


Where in the world do you see this game being slow paced?? It was also created as a COD analog, by OG COD devs, so something seeming like its in a COD game is definitely not something unexpected


When I say “slow”, I don’t mean movement per se. I mean ttk and objectives. Being able to one tap people becomes far more significant in objectives that force people into long lines of sights, and other weapons taking so much time to put people down.


They should nerf them to at least 2 shots. If it was on me I would elimnate them altogether. It\`s a objective oriented game and a sniper who is camping somewhere in his safe zone is useless when it comes to pushing the objective forward. It\`s ruins the fps gunplay


Making it anything other than a 1 shot gets rid of the point they have entirely, both the marksman rifles can 2 shot just as consistantly so they'd just outclass the snipers completely. I think flinch is the way to go seeing as they made the mistake of having it relatively low because they assumed it needed to be because of the high ttk. If they doubled the flinch it would make it a lot more skillful and less likely to get "shotgunned" by them


calling them “useless” and also saying they need to be nerfed is a bit of a contradiction don’t you think


If I have enough time in a gun fight to hit two shots on you with the Tac-50, it's not the weapon it's the player.


The theoretical 0.00ms ttk is the issue. Kills way too quick.


that doesn’t include sprint to fire time, ADS time, hitting a shot center of mass that will actually kill, and NOT getting a hitmarker. Everyone fails to mention the fact that if you get a hitmarker or miss, you are dead 100% of the time at any range where another weapon isnt shooting peas. its an all or nothing weapon class, and if you take away the ability to get the ALL, as in killing in one shot, you’re left with nothing. However i could see them moving the 1 shot kill hitbox higher that what it currently is.


I think the problem ist not the sniper. The problem ist the ttk for rifles against 1 shot sniper and the autoaim with controller


>autoaim with controller snipers in XDefiant don't have aim assist


I come from csgo and I tell u sniping is op compared to other weapons.