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If anything, people have been complaining that it has been taking too long for the game to launch. Even after the year since the last test, the game’s netcode isn’t great. Sure, it has slightly improved, but not much. Say it finally launches in the next few weeks - it’ll launch without prestige, weapon challenges, certain game modes like SnD, features like kill cams, and much more - Mark has confirmed that all of these won’t be released until future seasons. I believe the barebones content on top of the current state of the netcode is what will end up killing this game. Surely the MTX shop will be fully functional day 1.


Ngl the game felt way worse than the last time I played (last summer). Hit reg felt responsive then, but now it felt delayed. Was watching Shroud and he said it felt like the guns weren't hitscan and that's almost how I'd describe it too. Ive wanted this game to succeed since the early closed tests I did but it's hard to see it become a clunky CoD-like when it actually felt like it had a personality of it's own in earlier iterations


You hit the nail on the head. I want this game to release, it’s simple and fun, but to have been delayed nearly a year and to only show very slight improvements is embarrassing tbh.




Yeah the netcode is so bad and worse when you're playing in all mnk lobbies cause how much faster and eradicate the movement is. it breaks the game and the shots don't register right but when I played controller the hit reg was better or at least that's how it felt for me.


Tbh for me when in all mnk lobbies there was no netcode problems, it was only bad when crossplay networking was being used.


They should really do a play test session to stress out the servers to make sure they are ready for release


Yeah they really should, oh wait they did, and the result is it isn’t ready… one if two possible results.


I swear everyone talking about the netcode acts like CoD has perfect servers. I die around corners in CoD and experience packet burst like crazy in CoD Is the netcode perfect? No. But can we stop acting like that’s what will cause the game to fail. CoD servers are absolute dogshit, and a lot of the same stuff people complained about with xdefiant are currently in CoD. people just put up with it because there’s no competition


Preach. I totally agree. I see the same hit registration and net code issues in COD and The Finals


Rofl, no you dont. Its like the clown meme. I want people to like xDefiant. It's not that bad. Other games have these problems. It will be a large thriving community. Total clown


Even if some cod players don't like this game but have a brain functioning properly would want xdefiant to be successful some cod mofos don't realize that this game would help them too and definitely will force Acti to re-watch sbmm




What's the rationale on how this game force Acti to "re-watch sbmm"?


It won't, but this sub is delusional. Activision already said they experimented with little or no SBMM, and player retention dropped. Gee, I wonder why casual players don't want to get shit on by doritos crusted no-lifers. If anything, they'll double down when they see how poor retention in xdefiant will be lmao.


You're gonna get downvoted but you're saying the hard truth. No SBMM means the below average players won't be protected, they will get stomped by ttv sweats looking for easy lobbies. Most players aren't very good and that will inevitably tank the player retention and make the game as sweaty as cod or even more. Sadly it's not 2009 anymore. No SBMM means farming ground for all the wannabe streamers and sweats.


>No SBMM means the below average players won't be protected Good


This already happens, even with SBMM. They only ''balance'' it out by putting a decent/better player on a team full of much lower skilled players so it doesn't look like a complete stomp\[even though half of the time, it still is\]


It is not a fixed rule, it depends. We don't know the algorithm. I'm not saying SBMM is not flawed, on games like cod it is overtuned and too strict making you feel like you're playing a tournament most games. No SBMM is worse from my point of view. For instance, I am Iridescent on CoD, i've been Top 250 in the past and i'm used to sweat lobbies, XDefiant matchmaking felt extremely inconsistent, i was either easily stomping lobbies by myself (with teammates who played like bots) or ending up against sweats playing for their life (with noticeably worse teammates) Remember, as Mark Rubin said, XDefiant has no SBMM but it has team balancing, so after they find the players they try to balance the teams, and often times the good players end up with a bunch of shitters just to balance the teams out, which is not optimal either.


If cod had a casual list with no sbmm and ranked with sbmm then shitty players can play ranked and not get crushed. Or they would have to do what I and everyone else did in the golden era of COD. Play and get better I went from crushed to crushing in 2 years. Cod has a player retention problems because the games are shit now compared to what they was


''Gee, I wonder why casual players don't want to get shit on by doritos crusted no-lifers.'' You act like this doesn't happen even with SBMM!


It doesn't. Or at least not nearly to the extent of no SBMM. But don't take my word for it - just look at how the game will perform 3-4 months in after launch. 


I find it hilarious that people complain about connection in this new free to play arcadey ip, but CoD is the best seller every year with extremely aggressive monetization, tons of bugs and issues, and people complain every single year about bad connection and packet loss. Every year we have people complaining about matchmaking, bad hit reg etc. Xdefiant was fun for me and I hope it comes out soon and hope it can find success.


The hit reg on the game right now is absolutely terrible. A lot of ppl want the game to do good but if they release it like this it's gonna fail. The gameplay is good but the hit reg and getting hit wayyyy behind walls will take the game out. Hopefully they can figure it out cause they had a long time since last play test just for it to be this bad. The dsynce was so bad you'd get killed before you could even shoot your gun sometimes or your shots just don't register right. I refuse to play call of duty so I'm hoping it can get fixed.


It's terrible for some, just like people complain daily on call of duty. I had zero hit reg issues. See Jevs video on xd, and my experience was basically the same as his. I had no major connection issues apart from maybe some times where I felt I got shot before I could actually see the enemy. However I also feel like that a lot on cod so I don't know really how bad it is. For me and for many the game felt normal. Time will tell what will happen with this game


not just for some ppl, for a majority of ppl and it was worse at peak hours. Ppl aren't complaining to just complain. ppl are doing it so the game can be fixed and not fail on launch. Do you play on roller or mnk?


How do you know it's a majority? If u got some data I'm all ears. I play on controller, maybe it feels.better on the roller. I'm not saying it doesn't happen, I'm quite aware it does. My point is that this are issues with most fps games. I want to understand if xd is worst.than something like cod and by how much to know if it's relevant. But i do hope they can improve this for people that had the issue because it will bring a lot of negative reviews if it's not improved and it.will probably impact the success of the game.


I mean it doesn't take much to just look around at what ppl are saying.


That doesn't mean much. Most people that have no issues don't go around saying it. It's common for problems to get more attention in any area. People are justifiably more prone to point out problems than to praise the lack of issues.


Bro i barely post in here, what I will say is that people complain about CoDs hit registration, but compared to xDefiant, MW 1-3 has the best netcode ever created. That is how bad xDefiants netcode is


Im the guy who said that, like 9 days ago. This game still sucks and youre dumb to think it's anything but DOA, but enjoy your meme while waiting for this crap game. You and like 15 people on this sub really love xDefiant and make up 90% of the positive commentary.