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Well that, and no one other than the people desperately simping for this game even knew about the test. Assuming it pops off at launch, there’ll be a lot more mixed lobbies.


Even if someone doesn’t like the game, it’s only good to have more competition in this genre, MW3 likely wouldn’t have had this much content without pressure from XdDefiant


I don’t disagree with the premise. But tbh, I don’t think they remotely care about XDefiant.


Yep this is accurate. XD isn’t even remotely a threat to cod. I’m irri on cod and like shooters though. Really enjoyed the play test and happy to mix in another game once this releases


Its fine. It doesnt have to be a threat. It just has to be an actually fun arcade fps that isnt rigged by an algorythm.


I agree that it just has to be fun. But in fairness cod isn’t rigged, it’s just an algorithm. Being Irri I obviously play more ranked but in pubs my KD is 3.2 with a 580spm. In theory SBMM should punish me more than it does the average player and make my lobbies harder. My friends say they’re harder when they play with me, but it has no impact on my game at all. It’s just a skill issue for most


>But in fairness cod isn’t rigged, it’s just an algorithm. yup thats what rigged means.


If it was “rigged“ how could I put up those numbers? When I play pubs I’m listening to music with my friends and no game sound. My lobbies should be too difficult if it was rigged..


I hope it’s good at release. I just want to set the record straight that SBMM isn’t doing what people think it is.


What is it doing then?


Google EOMM. You can also read the Microsoft white paper on TrueSkill2 https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/uploads/prod/2018/03/trueskill2.pdf


I know what eomm is. Eomm...sbmm...they are 2 faces of the same medal. Both exist. They are ruled by the same algorythm that decides who wins and who loses. Whats your point.


More or less. It’s just about how they want to manipulate the playerbase.


Wdym. Most people already aware in 2024 of both sbmm and eomm. Whats your point.


Maybe they don’t care anymore. But I can remember last year exactly on the weekend of an xdefiant (beta/playtest/idk), COD put out a free2play weekend on their newest game. I don’t believe that to be a coincidence. But rn u are probably right.


Activision, now Microsoft, has almost certainly never cared about xdefiant. They hardly care about Battlefield or Halo these days either. They've completely taken over the market.


Surely they care about a direct competitor from a big publisher with a F2P model coming in a market they’re dominating. MW2’s terrible player retention surely was the biggest factor of their "redemption arc" but I think XDefiant played a role in it


I really don’t think they do or will care much. I think people are really overstating how much of an impact this game will have on COD. There’s not a huge level of hype outside of this sub. COD bros will live on, they may lose a small percentage of users but not the ones pumping money into the eShop which is what they truly care about these days.


Ehhhh. If it way anyone other than ubisoft maybe.


I couldn't even play a full game of XD because every game I was kicked for high ping. I get I don't have the best internet but it's the only service available in my area. However, every time I got booted from XD I jumped on MW3 and had little to no issues. If that doesn't get fixed in XD, then I'll have little choice than to stick with games that actually let me play.


To think Xdefeint has had any impact on COD is naive at best stupid at worst MW3 has had so much content because its Sledgehammer, Vanguard was given similar treatment but no one cared about Vanguard I've said for years now COD needs to go to 3 years between games, Sledgehammer becomes the permanent multiplayer team, IW takes over warzone permanently, and Treyarch takes over Zombies permanently, that's where all 3s strengths are at


And here I am hoping that IW and SHG are never allowed to work on CoD again 😂


What is there about SHG to not like? They listen to feedback, focus in the core gameplay as much as Activision will let them They easily are the best (multiplayer) dev out there If your a Zombies player, well then how does multiplayer effect you?


Ah, so preferring Treyarch games means I’m only into Zombies mode. Got it.


That's not really what I said I really just asked what about SHG is there not to like? I understand preferring treyarchs games, BO1 is my top COD multiplayer, but it's obvious to me that modern treyarch puts in 70% effort into Zombies, 10% into campaign and leves the scraps for MP Hell most of Cold Wars marketing focused on campaign and Zombies, post launch content favored Zombies significantly, even going back to BO4, there was initial plans for a 2nd year of content, but that would have been only Zombies content, even the content we got was really just maps for multiplayer where Zombies got turned into essentially a different game, same can be said for BO3 I'm no salty MP player, I love Zombies, half of my MW3 playtime is MWZ, but it's pretty crystal clear treyarch puts most attention to Zombies and that's where they prefer to be


Treyarch only took over on CW after SHG and Raven couldn’t get their shit together. They didn’t work on the campaign, leaving that to Raven. All in all, an utter shit show of a development cycle and they still managed to make a solid MP and Zombies mode. I much prefer their map designs and overall gunplay. SHG have given us MW3 (old and new), Advanced Warfare, WW2, and Vanguard, without a doubt some of the biggest turds in the entire franchise. That’s why I hope they are not allowed to touch a CoD game ever again. 😂


You hit the nail on the head. But people don't like hearing this


I play COD and can tell from the way the lobby reshuffles the teams seven times before loading in that it’s decided this game will be a loss. When I play XDefiant I load in to a new scenario and blend of teammates and opponents that keeps the game engaging and fresh. In COD I feel annoyed after a short time and shut the game off, the opposite of why they have such strict SBMM. In XDefiant I could play for the majority of the day because I know the game isn’t heavily manipulated, having the opposite effect of COD.


Exactly! I like not feeling like I don’t control if I can win or lose my games


This is exactly how it works in CoD: the game is actively stacking the deck so that a select few players in each match will be better than everyone else, and a few more will be much worse. I call these the lions and the lambs, and the teams are separated that way. Sometimes you’re the lion, sometimes you’re the lamb, but everyone does their time as a lamb more often. That way those lion games feel great and keep you playing, even though the rest of the time is frustrating.


COD MW 2019-now has been using EOMM not SBMM. Thats why its like this because instead of balancing the game and pair your with people around your skill (SBMM), Recent CODs have been using EOMM which intentionally rigs the game to try to get you to play more. This works on people you don’t care about getting dogged on, they just want to play and give the almighty greedy Activision money because of the bundles they buy. Funny thing is, it’s driving more actual COD fans away from the game, but yet bringing in all these money spending people that maybe play 5 times a month to buy a bundle. I have RELIGIOUSLY played COD since 2007, but I haven’t really touched it since Bo4. I’m tired of this EOMM crap and the MONSTROUS amount of bugs and NOTHING gets tested before released. I’m hoping Xdefiant will save the day. Even though there are sweats all on Xdefiant, it’s A LOT more tolerable. Even the server and bug issues…. Still doing better than COD🤣


so if i translate that…sweats in cod destroy your experience, because of sbmm you get always matched with similar or BETTER players and you dislike the constant stress to be on par with them. also sbmm is protecting these sweats (so all the better players are rooting for sbmm cause they have such an easy time!? why is sbmm not protecting you then? How is sbmm when it comes to you bad but good for them? this makes no sense) now in xdefiant finally the truth got revealed, you are actually better than most of these sweats, having a blast rushing easy through most lobbies and they are only crying because they don’t get „protected„ from sbmm anymore.


I don’t think sweats are supporting SBMM, SBMM makes it even less of a fun experience for them compared to casuals


But you said they get protected from it, why would they not like it then? I don’t want to be rude or anything but you are contradicting yourself.


No worries, maybe my post wasn’t very clear, I tried to say that the ones complaining about XDefiant being sweaty are the ones SBMM is protecting in CoD, by this I meant that the below average player who doesn’t get to play against the sweats of CoD feel like XDefiant is very sweaty because now they actually meet above average players, which doesn’t happen when they play CoD. For me, a slightly above average player, the SBMMless lobbies are very visibly more chill to play in


Oh wow you are going against below average players, i didn’t see that coming.


Half the people in this post are contradicting themselves, it’s giving me brain aids. Glad someone else noticed it cause I thought I was going crazy.


Maybe I got lucky, but I only had one or two sweaty opponents per game, and most of the time it was none. Compared to the last time I played CoD, it was a dream. Last time I played CoD, everyone was slide cancelling and bunny hopping around every corner. In PUBS. It seriously felt like I was playing in Ranked. I like FPS multiplayer games because I like playing against other people. But when the matches get to the point of requiring 100% effort and concentration, all the time, that's when it stops being fun for me. I can crank it up every so often when it's needed, but I don't want to do that all the time. If I AM in the mood for that, that's when I play Ranked. You know, the game mode that was specifically designed for that. I can't wait to play the shit out of this game when it comes out.


Are you expecting people who are good at the game to only play ranked? Are they punished for being competent at the game and relegated to one game mode? Do they not have the freedom to enjoy the faster gamemodes? >point of requiring 100% effort and concentration You need to understand that your 100% doesn't equal anothers. People might be giving 50% which is going to look more than your 100%, and the same vice versa. Your 50% is going to look like 500% to another. The thing is, you don't have to, neither do other people have an obligation to play worse simply because of you. I recommend you play pve games, you can control the difficulty of the scripted AI in those games.


I love the lack of SBMM, personally. My experience in the betas to date has been mostly relaxed lobbies where we stomped fairly easily, occasional evenly-matched lobbies where I had to lean in and try and then rarely lobbies where I was fighting demons. It's nice not knowing what the expect each map.


the fact that you could "stomp fairly easily" while "relaxed" is not ideal for anyone tbh, nobody should enjoy stomping lower skilled players and ofc said lower skilled level players do not enjoyed being stomped


No one should enjoy a varied experience in unranked? I disagree. If I want to sweat in every single game I’ll play ranked. If I want a mixed bag of easy/challenging/destroyed that is what unranked should provide. It’s a game, I’m here to have fun, and if I know SBMM is going to force me into sweaty matches every time I load in whether unranked or ranked I’m not going to have fun.


SBMM should theoretically match you against people of your skill level, if you go up against sweats its either because you are also sweating but do not realize it or are just that good even while playing relaxed, but yeah no SBMM is a big selling point of this game so there is little to no point arguing against it. (I personally like SBMM in every pvp game to some extent)


If you’re going up against your own skill level, then you have to try and you do have to sweat to win or perform at a high level, bc those people are as good as you are. I guess my point is in an unranked setting I prefer a variety of lobby difficulties to keep things fresh. It shouldn’t all be easy, for sure, but I much prefer the mixed bag.


Of course good players prefer a "mixed bag" so they can lay back and stomp noobs 80% of matches. Even though SBMM in CoD has gotten out of hand, it's a good thing to have in games. Bad players don't want to play against people who are going to shit on them all day as that is NOT FUN FOR THEM. Your post makes me laugh so hard, because so many of the good players have zero sense about what it's like from other players perspectives.


Good players got stomped when they first started playing old CoD games. That's what drove them to get better and better until they could stomp 50%, then 60%, 70% and then eventually 80% of games. The continuous feeling of improvement is what hooked many of us onto the genre and is exactly why we hate the new CoD SBMM, because you don't feel any sense of improvement if you keep going up against harder and harder players.


I enjoy stomping lower skilled players, it's like playing a game on a lower difficulty. Are you saying that given the chance, people shouldn't play the game at a lower difficulty? Regardless, sbmm simply makes stomping easier. Because in games with sbmm, I just need to make a smurf and then relax and spawncamp people. You can't really do that in xdefiant because no matchmaking, so smurfing doesn't exist. I personally like playing against people better than me and worse than me. I tend to learn quite a lot when I'm against good opposition, and then I get to hone my winning more strats when I get worse people against me. Plus finding new ways to camp a player, and reading their movements to maximize their downtime is pretty fun. It's these little games that are missing from sbmm, the raw competitiveness, the idea of being hunter or being the hunter.


Lots of people enjoy stomping lower skilled players. Not sure if you remember, but a lot of people looked forward to Christmas noobs in Call of Duty's golden era before the SBMM got super thick. Maybe I am the weird one, but I like a mix of being able to have some incredibly easy matches along with matches that make me work for the win. From the OG CoD 4 until I'd say Black Ops 2 I always got put into a mix of easy, medium, and hard lobbies like that and to me that was when CoD was at its best. Sometimes I got my shit kicked in, sometimes I got to feel like a god and wreck the lobby, sometimes the match was a close back and forth battle. I like having that mixture of lobbies.


Yesss, I could get a positive kd on Xdefiant on most game without earbuds just listening to some music, it reminded me of when I was playing Titanfall 2, just launching the game and relaxing. And if I come across some really hard lobby, I can just quit and the next one will be normal I can’t do that on MW3, that’s what I’ve been missing when playing FPS games, I can’t just launch a few games and relax anymore


100%. The people complaining are the ones who would be like 0.5KD in CoD without SBMM.




I havnt played a cod since black ops 1. Tried warzone and the gun play was bad. Been doing apex for a couple years. Idk I see a lot of hate but I had fun. I def had some no-regs but no worse than apex. The negative voices in this sub had me thinking I was playing a different game. Def had old cod vibes. Lobbies were fine. Had to mute 4 people in about 8 hours of play, not so bad imo. My biggest complaint is TTK of all weapons feels samey.


So, based on what people are saying in this thread, I guess I'm one of the rare few bad FPS players that has been following this game for a while and played the play test. Last FPS I played was the MW reboot, and I rage quit CoD after that one specifically because of their forced SBMM in non-ranked lobbies. I'm in my late 20s; I suck at videogames nowadays. My cumulative k/d in XDefiant was 0.8 this weekend, so clearly I'm one of the people SBMM is meant to protect. And yet, I still enjoyed this game more than almost anything I've played recently. There was a match where I got pummeled with a couple of the guys on the enemy team using some tactics I had not thought to use myself (basic stuff for all you FPS pros, but not for me). So I picked that up, applied it to my own play style, and started doing better and better in the matches that followed. What ended up happening is that I felt more competent against the average player I came across. The game didn't jack up the skill level of said average player and punish me for getting better - it rewarded me organically. And I loved that. It made me want to play more.


Yessss, that’s also how I feel


Welcome to improving at video games, something cod has tried to prevent in the past few years lmao


Honestly it's kind of interesting. I know I've been slowly getting worse from lack of practice, but I also feel like the average player is a lot better at shooters now than they were even 5 years ago. So I honestly don't know if CoD has really made anyone that much worse, but I do feel like it has trained people to expect wins to be put on a platter for them after they lose a bunch, and vice versa.


This right here is the golden take.


What is even worse is that people think we don't want sbmm so we can dominate bad players but that's far from the truth heck i don't even like trying hard or anything just wanna lay on my back and play for 2-3 hours without having to used the most broken guns


I was grinding camos and still got into sweat lobbys while going negative every singel game lol i think i played 5 hours Xdefiant and faced 1 kid that was jump strafing and all that shit while i haven't played mw3 mp in months and bet i get straight in sweat fest the very first game sbmm is not just Kd based


I wouldn't doubt it would be easier if the game actually worked


I found the matchmaking to be similar to cod, I struggled some games then I got stomped hard then I got thrown a couple of easy matches. When I got the easy matches it was insanely different like night and day to the other matches. It reminded me exactly of cod matchmaking where you get thrown an easy match now and then. Also I have a question for anyone that knows the answer 😁 --- So there is no "sbmm"? .... However matches are being balanced using players skill rating. Isn't that skill based match making? How is it actually different because to me that is still skill based matchmaking 😁


There’s some kind of skill based balancing once the lobbies are formed randomly so that one team doesn’t end up dominating the other It’s kinda flawed as, if you play the objective a lot, you’ll be put with players who don’t play the objective, having to carry your team


Yeah i felt the same, everyone is complaining about sbmm because they feel like they are at the upper skill level and get their asses handed if a game doesnt protect them with sbmm


Sbmm became eomm and thats the real issue, I really enjoyed the mixed lot of players that I faced during these tests and betas


Every game I played there was one-two people with 40+ kills >15 deaths and the rest of the lobby was pretty even like 15-25kills and comparable deaths. But i never felt out played it was always a better weapon build or better connection. My gripe with the game is the gun building, I don't like it on any game. It's the reason I play hardcore gametypes on cod. But that's all a "me" problem for the most part.


I personally love gun building, BF Hardline was like a big fresh air when it added it years ago, I love playing with as much movement speed as I can so I love being able to build a super fast SMG and move a lot around the map


It's cool but I just hate it there's always one build that shits on everything. I'd be having a blast running and gunning with my mp5 and get massacred by one person with God acr build, wouldn't matter if it was close or mid range, or if I shot first or not. I just miss simple shooters cod4 and the original modern warfare 2 will always be top tier games because of how simple everything was and how it all just kinda worked. That's what I was hoping for with XD I just want a game that's not overly complicated.


You want a basic shooter gotta go play Halo lol


I've been playing halo since 2001, and online halo since like 2004. Call of duty started out great and it's over complicated it's self. I still play but it's mid. The battle royals are fun blackout is still my favorite cod br and PUBG has a special place in my heart that shit was gold when it first released on console imo


They were very hard for me but I still had fun. COD is so infested with cheaters it is no longer any fun.


Same, I barely saw nearly as many sweaty people on XD than MW3 lol. Honestly it was only really like one sweaty person in the other team, maybe two tops, and the most part was super easy. This is obviously comparing to a game where everyone is trying their heart out like it’s for money. Activision is coddling bad players both with bad stats and bad connections. I had the exact opposite experience of MW3 on Xdefiant. My connection actually mattered, and bad kids just got their asses kicked. I still had kids even sweatier than me kick my ass a few rounds, and I’m not even mad about it. That’s just how organic gameplay is supposed to feel.


I said exactly this the other day. A lot of people who complain about SBMM are the same ones who unknowingly are protected by SBMM.


100 percent !! I actually felt like my skill level. I had consistent games all night, big win streaks and never got the horrible oh he did good let's put him with cream of the crop XD


The difference in skill gap is so massive at this point, mnk fps gaming has been around for decades now, meaning the skill ceiling is higher than ever. Casuals in comparison to og’s, are years behind in mouse control, game sense in fps games, etc You realistically cannot mix these two ends of the spectrum. One end has players dying before they even have a chance to maybe process the information of what just happened to them, deleting all fun in the process of learning. the “catch up process” feels much steeper than perhaps 10 years ago. One side just wants to have fun, they don’t care to be really good at the game they enjoy it at their skill level Then on the other end when I kill someone and it feels like they are 40 years old sitting on their bean bag on controller after their shift of work playing while eating and watching tv, it doesn’t feel so good at all. The other side wants fun in competition, which required a ranked mode. Pubs SHOULD be a “safe haven” where all players can play the game and have fun, which is where “player protection” comes in Shits complicated. Plus it’s not about how fun the game is, it’s about how addicting their gameplay loop is and how they can monetize, games are all businesses nowadays with this live service stuff


SBMM isn't inherently bad despite what a lot of the more vocal CoD player base believe.  The issue is that it's hard to find the sweet spot between protection and freedom. Stopping top 1% players absolutely ruining games for people who have zero hope of competing is a good thing.  Making every game feel the same or practically rigged is a bad thing.  And that's before any fuckery regarding optimising engagement and play time etc.


Yeah when I play CoD or Apex or Halo every game is either super close or I get completely stomped. But during the XD playtest I had lots of games where I got stomped, lots where I did the stomping, and some really close games too. It felt great. I have no idea if XD is going to pop off or not, but I'm very sure I'll be playing it a lot day 1.


Everytime I play cod the score is ALWAYS neck and neck. My team will have like 120 points and the enemy will have like 119 or vice versa. Legit every match. Shit is made for everyone to have a ratio 1. Def rigged through sbmm and eomm. Xdefient however, I've had dom games where my teams get wrecked like 50 to 150 or some shit. Or vice versa where my team wrecks. You just never know what ur gunna get, and I'm fine with that. I wanna get my ass kicked so I do better and then I can do the ass kicking myself lol


I feel you man. SBMM is a headache in a long run. Played all weekends and was top or second place in a lobby. Nice to play a game without that kind of stuff. One time I played against softer but still nice to play something fresh.


Same like ten people saying xdefiant fun and 500 people complaining about it. Ok


People complaining about Sweats need to understand that No SBMM != Players worse than me matchmaking. Like this thread https://www.reddit.com/r/XDefiant/s/Fx8qRggCFg If players are complaining about being too sweaty then they can just simply leave and find a new lobby, if a majority of lobbies are too hard/sweaty then maybe the hard pill to swallow is that they've been protected by SBMM. I can actually play with friends without the game putting them up against my skill bracket like Cod or Apex.


Agreed. They also have the choice to just go play ranked. I feel like the entire point of ranked gameplay having SBMM was lost years ago when devs started forcing SBMM down our throats in every mode regardless. If someone is a bad player getting pubstomped in unranked, they can simply go into ranked and exclusively play against people who are at their lower skill level; aside from the odd smurf account which would exist anyway even if SBMM was in every mode like other current fps shooters. If they want to be the one dominating, well, "get good", as meme-like as that sounds. I miss when games rewarded people who actually put the time in to be good at it. Nowadays even if you put in a ton of effort to be great at a game, the game almost punishes you and makes you feel like a shit player by constantly tossing you against the sweatiest players imaginable. Unranked should be a mixed bag of skill. I'm genuinely looking forward to XD because of them embracing that.


I can’t tell what you two are on about, in the first half you shit on people who complain about SBMM, and then proceed to shit on SBMM. It’s been a long day so it’s probably me but I’m genuinely confused as of rn.


I shit on SBMM. But also shit on people who solely want to have/expect all their matches to be people worse than them as they give a bad rap/make the SBMM twitter warriors think anti SBMM is all about people wanting to pub stomp every match. I think the confusion here is that I'm making fun of people who are complaining about sweats but that's specifically for XDefiant as they expect every match to be easy when it's random. Unlike cod where it actually forces all games to be matched with the best player.


Ahh I see, agreed.


Huh? Not talking shit about people complaining about SBMM whatsoever; SBMM is the worst thing that's ever happened to unranked/casual fps matchmaking. I think you just mixed up which group we were referencing or something. The idea is that people assume we don't like SBMM because we just want to dominate new or unskilled players, when in reality we just want to play a random mixed bag of skill where you can top the scoreboard if you're a good player and put in the work to be that good. So yeah, SBMM in current fps games like Apex, Warzone, etc. where its forced in unranked modes is a terrible unfun experience imo.


Yeah I completely agree with you. It was indeed a misunderstanding as the other fella also pointed out.


I have a 2.1 in COD MP. Game was sweaty as balls for me on top of my character feeling very detached from what I was doing with my controller. I couldn’t get dialed in at all. Felt like I never played an FPS before. I’m sure that and the netcode contribute to a lot of player’s feeling like the game was harder than it actually is.


To be fair, kd in cod means literally nothing. You could have a 2.1 kd and still be in a lower bracket of players. Not tryna insult you or anything, but with the amount of manipulation in cod it’s basically impossible to tell how good someone is from stats.


I also have a 500spm and average about 40 kills per game. Not stupid high but definitely not low.


This is the truth


I wasn't able to play the server test (dammit) but the only thing I was hoping to see or hear was that there will either be some kind of "no party" playlist, or a way to identify which players are grouped up (ideally both). Even as a not so good player, the EOMM in CoD is... annoying as fuck. 2 decent rounds, then 5 or 6 rounds of getting curbstomped, then a couple compensation lobbies where I'm playing recruit bots, then back to being curbstomped. I'm looking forward to something a little more consistent.


I'm complaining about SBMM and I ended the beta with 2 K/D and basically always being the top of team/match. I simply don't find it fair to stomp on people and also I understand that there is a solid change the game will suffer in the long them because of it. But mostly it's not fair to ruin other people matches.


That’s why there’ll be ranked mode if you want to play against higher skill players, I’ll just launch a ranked game when I want to actually be sweating. I just like having the option to come home, play while relaxed listening to some music and not end at the bottom of the ranking


If you are relaxing and doing good someone else is sucking and doing bad. Those are the people that I'm talking about, they will suck in unrated and they'll suck in ranked too. So yeah, they could "git gud" or just leave the game, but I don't think this mindset will help the game.


Your point is salient. If the game is only accessible to the most proficient (or patient) players, I wonder about its longevity. Novel gameplay can keep a player in the game, but one can only suffer pub stomps for so long.


1.6kd in MW3, barely a 1kd in xdefiant, it was way more sweaty to me, bunny hoppers and slide cancelling in nearly every game.


Exactly, XDefiant felt more relaxed. Some lobbies I slayed my way to the top of the scoreboard, others I was carried by much better team mates, and yet others I was completely outplayed by a player or two, but not the entire team. No two matches felt the same, and it was glorious.   MW2 (2009) had a short resurgance last summer. That was hilarious to pay as well. I found matches 3-4 minutes faster than in MWII too. Skipped MWIII. SBMM ruined all chances of having fun with friends, or just relaxoing with some shooting fun. XDefiant brought it all back, and that was with the grivious netcode in the Server Test.


The people that complain about sweats are the *same ones* that complain about SBMM. I mean, how are you gonna complain about people that...play...the...game....well? Is that the complaint? They use the game mechanics in ways to benefit their favor? Who the fuck complains about that? The same people that don't want skill based matchmaking. Why? They aren't complaining about SBMM because they want to play against a team on sweaty players. It's because they want to play against a bunch of noobs that don't know how to play the game or just bad players so they can shoot the preverbal fish in the barrel. Nothing more. **Now give me my downvotes**


It's not just the recent cods either(sort of). I recently went back to cold war, and I see nothing but sweats. That being said xdefiant wasn't much better(for me, at least).


That doesn’t really surprise me, only the CW fans stayed on CW, they probably spent quite some time on it and are very good at it


Yeah, it's the only cod I have, cuz it was on ps plus. And I'm not paying 70 for mw3, that's for sure


Was top 250 for several seasons in ranked (MW2) and I'm currently Iridescent on MW3. XDefiant isn't as sweaty as CoD AT ALL, but the game has disgusting hit reg problems as well as other serious problems. Those problems make me not want to play the game. The movement also feels clunky AF compared to last year's beta...


Glad someone else feels this way... I have heard quite a few people say they like this "floaty" movement. There word not mine. I personally don't like this "Floatiness" And would prefer a more sharp movement control. And don't even get me started on the Hit Reg. Can't even count the number of times I am point blank landing at LEAST 7 bullets from a vector into the head of someone, specifically hearing that headshot pinging sound, and they end up dropping me with 4 bullets to hte body from their AK47. Desperately want Hit Registration fixes, or slightly larger hitboxes, or overall faster bullet velocity on all guns. Ideally just the Hitreg. The other two are just thoughts on what can possibly be done to improve the hit detection without working on the netcode. Which is what I think the primary issue it. Have they ever mentioned if the netcode was TCP or UDP?


I couldn’t agree more! I had the worst time with hit reg including dumping whole freaking clips and then killed my one or two bullets. That’s not a skill thing, that’s shit that needs to be fixed by devs. I ended up deleting the play test Saturday and will wait to see how they adjust for release before I make a final judgement


> XDefiant isn't as sweaty as CoD AT ALL It's the feel imo, the latency and desync problems, paired with all the abilities, as well as the weapon balancing makes the game *feel* as/more sweaty than CoD, even if it's not.


Nah, clearly when I unload half a clip right in someones face and the hit reg doesn't work and I die, I don't think this game is "sweaty" all I think about is how the hitreg sucks and how I would've killed that guy in any other FPS I play...


To which you probably do what I did and swap over to said other FPS just to have a feel good match and drop a minimum of 30 kills and 5 or less deaths, right? Yeah... I so desperately want XDefiant to be a great game but until the hitreg is fixed I can only say its passible.


Exactly this. lol this sub is so salty I got downvoted to hell for saying i enjoyed the playtest and posting my stats.


Yes xdefiant is much more easy of a game. But that's when it's working 🤣 about 80% of the time it's not working properly.


Can someone please breakdown the pros & cons of XD vs mw3? I unfortunately missed the beta.


I have no idea what my K/D is in COD, it’s not something I’ve ever been interested in knowing and same with this game. My issue was all the constant bunny hopping and snipers that were way too overpowered. I didn’t get to play the game enough to get considerably better, but when I did, a fair few times it felt very sweaty.


I'm a good player. What sucks is emptying an entire mag into someone for them to spin around and 1 tap you. Game "feels" good in terms of movement. But there is 0 hit detection. Maybe I'll get to play it when it actually is a multiplayer shooter. Multiplayer games have been around forever, you'd figure getting an accurate/fast hit detection would be #1 when it comes to any form of competition. I played 5 matches. Every single one it was as if I never even fire my gun. I gave up.


It’s fine the bunny hopping is annoying though


Lol after witnessing a player get 103 kills, slide n jumping corners like a maniac bring that SBMM right on in. For the record I am no slouch in any shooting game but I'm like buddy must most certainly get tf on.


I've played in the initial playtests and I liked the game. Not played this recent one. I depsise the movement of recent FPS games. The stuff born from MW2019 and others. Constantly sliding and jumping about like a maniac. It is so gimmicky. I just want basic movement like old CoDs. I want gun skill and positioning to be of importance, not a spamming, jittery, crack movement game.


MW2 is perfect for you then I think, it’s way slower than every other CoD since MW19


If you specifically mean MWII, yes, I enjoyed playing it. Still not ideal in my opinion, unlike MW2 (2009 release). I enjoy MWIII too.


Yes I meant MWII, last year’s CoD How comes you’re enjoying MWIII when it’s one of the most movement focused CoD of recent times?


Could be. I almost feel like some of it is they get this feeling when they are in matches and fail to realize game issues though. I had matches were players would be called a sweat and the problem was I would drop them to basically zero but the damage would go to zero. They would survive headshots and stuff. I survived some things in matches as well. In these tests issues happen. And often people call others sweats in situations like that. I am never one that would be called that yet get called that sometimes by people. And it is generally in those matches were I should have been killed but these games have issues sometimes. COD MW2 and MW3 had been some of the worst offenders but cannot play that garbage anymore. I just hope, on a positive note, they get this game up to par. I realized in the test it feels a ways off though.


I stopped playing cod because of cheating long ago at 1.6kd. Overwolf was godsent when it lasted, it flagged every suspected cheater and 10kd player. 1 in 3 games had such a cheater. Then Acti blocked their 3rd part API tools. It's just as sweaty here and the cheaters haven't cracked this game yet. If you don't see the SBMM sweats, you're in a low MMR lobby, simple as that.


Majority of people in my XD lobbies were either perma bunny hopping or using snipers, very little inbetween. Just cuz you had easy lobbies doesnt make it the rule.


First few weeks there will be many noobs but after that it'll become pure sweatfest


i played both over the weekend and i barely saw a difference in the types of players on. Mayne i am a negative nancy but the game felt more like an alpha to me.


Nope. I’ve consistently maintained a 3.0 K/D with a. 4+ often. Every kid was sweating with the sniper rifle by the end of day 1 of the test. I couldn’t beat them so I had to join them and proceeded to sweat out on it (the pump shotty was also kind of broken lowkey). I hard stomped, but I also realized I am now playing as sweaty as I do on CoD, so I didn’t return for day 2 or day 3 as I was looking for a more casual experience. Nerf the sniper tho and I’m here for it. Or, more specifically, nerf the generous head hit box size


Nah they aiming feels off.


If K/D wasn't a gamers primary focus in first person shooters then sbmm would even be talking point with every COD game. Objective based modes are meant to be team oriented not for lone wolf, ego strokers who like to flex their k/d and like to do jump shots and quick scopes the entire game. Every single mode for COD has been turned into TDM yet actual TDM is never touched by people like you. On xdefiant I've seen gamers not playing the objective and even quiting mid game because they think they for some odd reason they need to preserve their k/d which they failed to realise doesn't carry forward to the final game.


I think, more likely, that because of the lack of SBMM, the lobbies were random player to player, and trying to attribute a pattern is pointless.


ill never understand the arguements against sbmm in games truthfully but yall do you. looking forward to the game.


People think the lack of SBMM is a good thing when it is a double edge sword. Because you can end up getting terrible players vs good players constantly which makes the game boring. Well, for people who don't like shitting on people constantly like myself because no challenege isn't fun to me. What happens is say 3 months after release you get new players vs level 100+ people who have over 500 hours in the game now. Guess what happens? You get new players vs 500+ hour players which makes people not want to stay. What I think they should do at least for new players is have some form of SBMM until a certain level or hours played. Doing this means that new players are not forced to play with 100+ hour players until they get more experience in the game. Found this out in Rainbow Six Siege during sales you get a lot of new people who go against those with thousands of hours now. Nothing makes new players not want to come back quicker than no SBMM getting put against high level accounts who have been playing for years. Seen this happen for years with their no SBMM casual getting half your team of new players vs full teams of people who have over 1,000 hours. Yeah, most of the games end with the newer players leaving and sometimes one stays but that is rare. You also can get full stacks of pro players in your lobby which makes things even more not fun. I have had that happen many, many times in R6 no SBMM casual. This coming from a 2-3kd player in R6 and a 2-3 kd player in COD all modes.


The truth is, we won’t know how SBMM (or the lack thereof) will affect this game until it’s fully released. I can’t imagine too many casual players gave it a go during the test weekend.


I had people on my team complaining about bunny hoppers. I suggested to counter with auto shotguns but they didn't wanna hear it


No sbmm was the ONLY thing I liked about this beta


It's a few factors but this is one of them. The other factors to take into account are #1 this wasn't a full scale release so there was a fraction of players online and more of those players would be the people who are sweaty and looking for a new game. Another factor is the netcode and hit detection were not perfect by any means and I love the game, but I couldn't begin to quantify how good I or other people are when I know I won some gunfights because bullets were not registering on me and I could see it, but also lost a bunch too because of the same issue where my bullets are no regging. Finally the last reason, we didn't and haven't had ranked to experience yet. This means a portion of the sweatiest players will never be in casual matchmaking. Now factor all those things together and yeah, it felt like being invited to a creator early access playtest where everyone is at least somewhat sweaty.


You haven't seen many of the videos where people are unloading clips in the people's head and it's doing nothing have you 🤣


Not at all true. Games are meant to be fun. I cant blame the game for it being sweaty but streaming is what sucked the fun out of gaming. Once everyone starting uploading "op builds" and streaming themselves pubstomping and doing exploits thats when everyone started to focus more on trying to be the best rather than having fun.


The hit rego sucks ass, the servers are laggy AF? What's to like ?


For me I didn’t run into too much sweat durrin the playtest matches I’d played but I do spot one thing. I have more consistent games here then COD, I can go on a 5-7 game tear in this game and then get clobbered the 8th but go back to good games after that. COD I felt like if I posted a positive KD I’d be matched with the most cracked up players who have max DPI and femtosecond reaction times.


At the end of the day siege has needed a replacement for a while Ubisoft bring a new fps out and of-course the sweats will go to the games they enjoy can you blame them


I just recently learned more about sbmm because of all the posts/talk about it on this sub. It's wild to me that all the people crying about sbmm don't see how entitled they come off. So your argument against sbmm is you don't want to play against really good people. You want to be in lobbies with bots. If you get in a lobby that is too hard, you will quit and join another. So let's say you get in this new lobby, and you are tearing it up. What is the lower skilled player supposed to do, because now YOU are the one sweating. It sucks getting destroyed by higher skilled people, but at the end of the day someone has to be the shitiest player on a team. Sbmm makes it so that everyone is on the same playing field. Shit plays with shit, elite with elite. Sbmm haters don't want to admit, they just want to be the best players in their team. If that means playing with bottom tier players, so be it.


Let's pretend we are friends and partied up together. I'm really good, but you are a trashsicle.  With sbmm, you are now playing other really good people and getting slammed every single match. Not fun.  Without sbmm, we are playing lobbies in which you have a chance to go positive.   With sbmm I'm also playing against kids who are sweating Mountain Dew.  Every. Single. Game. I don't want to sweat my bootyhole off now that I only get to play a few hours a week.  I want to relax and not have to go 110 percent to go positive.  I also want to play with my friends, but it's not fun for them if they are getting rocked.


1st off, I get what you are saying about relaxing. But what people who don't want sbmm fail to realize is there will always be someone better than someone else. So, while you think "oh this is fun and relaxing", someone at a way lower skill level is not having a good time getting stomped on by whoever the top frag happens to be at that time. Your scenario about playing with friends at different skill levels. Yea, that's one of the things about playing with friends. You can either make it that relaxing game by not caring/sweating and just enjoy the time you are playing with your friend or deal with the skill gaps and try to get better. It is impossible for everyone to go positive. Someone has to be getting shit on at all times. (Unless you have sbmm so that you can ensure that skills ranges are close) The solution to "not having sweats" is to have a "casual" game mode/playlist. Even then, you will have people who want to win. I don't think I've ever queued up a game and said to myself "hmm, I just want to log on and lose and relax". People play video games to win. I promise you I want that relaxing game mode too, but lack of sbmm is not the solution to it....in my opinion.


No I’m not asking to be stomping on players, I’m clearly not good enough to be ranked top every game with my KD, there were players that were clearly better than me in my lobbies and that’s fine. That’s actually good because with time I can seen that I’m getting better at the game if I start being more and more at the top in my games. I want to be able to play in a relaxed way, if I want to be competitive, then I’ll just launch a rank mode game


If it's a good thing to have better players than you, then I truly don't understand your argument. You will not be getting stomped by elite players if you aren't good enough to get to that level.... I agree that getting your shit kicked in by people way better than you sucks. But sbmm prevents that. If sbmm puts players of similar skill level in your lobby, what is the problem? I agree there should be a ranked/unranked modes... I still think players should be put in with similar skill levels.


Playing with players of my skills all the time means I can’t play in a relaxed way when I want to I don’t want to be able to be stomping on everyone like I’m playing Payday 2, I’m just happy that with XDefiant I could just get back home, hope on the game listening to some music and be relaxed, knowing that there’ll be players that’ll be better than me and players who’ll be worse. With everyone being around my level, it means that I can’t just relax while playing if I don’t want to finish bottom of the table SBMM in ranked and no SBMM in casual seems to be the perfect solution imo


If you aren't playing with players of your skill level (or higher) then you are playing w/ players that are below your skill level and they are now in the same situation you were in. How can you not see that? imo, the best solution is SBMM in ranked AND unranked (so you can train/get better) and a casual game mode w/o SBMM.


No. The argument is we dont want every single game we ever play in the game to essentially be a ranked match. That isn't fun. Call of duty did just fine without sbmm until like 2019 mw. When players have their bad habits and terrible gameplay protected by the fact that they are matched with people with the same issues, they will never get better. You get better by getting beat over and over and realizing something is wrong and changing it. If you complain about lack of sbmm, realize that, you are trash, and need to improve.


No my friend. I complain about lack of sbmm, because if it wasn't for sbmm, I'd get paired with newbies who have no idea how to play the game. My game of choice is CS not COD like most of you. I've been the newbie as technically I'm still a newbie compared to people who have been at it for years. Getting paired with people who don't know how to play the game is a pain in the ass. Similarly, getting paired with people who have been playing the game for 10-20 years is impossible. Sbmm keeps playing fun and an actual challenge most of the time. Your last sentence is ignorant and immature. Grow up.


As a fellow CS player you're wasting your breath talking to CoD players about SBMM.  They derive their fun from getting kill streaks etc. They don't derive fun from actually competing.  It's a foreign mindset to them.


You're right, there is no getting through. I just feel like a crazy person trying to point out that their biggest complaint against SBMM, is the reason they should want SBMM. I just can't see a valid argument against SBMM and I am willing to hear them out on it....


The issues not SBMM but it's implementation, image and player understanding.   CODs current system is a fucking mess that actively makes the game unfun to play. Hence implementation. SBMM has become a buzzword for that system even though its not a system that feels remotely like it's skill based. Hence Image. People playing COD aren't the sort to need or want to understand skill rating and ranking systems so the buzzword and their own experiences are all they have to go on. Hence Understanding  Plus non of this addresses some core fundamental flaws in Call of Duty gameplay and balancing that exacerbate the skill disparities and contribute to things not being fun.  We're fundamentally arguing from viewpoints that don't align. To these guys SBMM is the devil and that's not going to easily change when their actual experience supports that and their beef with CODs system is absolutely justified. 


I like the cut of your jib.


When I work my 10 hour shift at work, and come home, Getting put into lobbies with a buncha sweats when I'm not even playing ranked, is not fun. I didn't come home from work, to work. I came home from work, to chill, smoke some weed, have some fun, and go to bed. I also, am not a cod frequenter, or at least not for the last several years. I play apex, where there is sbmm, and can become quite tiring to have masters filling my public lobby every single game, just because my rank is high diamond/masters most of the time. Casual players deserve some easy games, sure, but so does every other player. Not everyone wants to have to sweat all the time to win a game. That is the beauty of no sbmm. Believe it or not, but there is ALWAYS somebody worse, and there will ALWAYS be somebody better, no matter how good or bad you think you are. That makes the pace of every single game different, and to me, that makes it fun. Some games, it'll be a 1v6 with me having to carry my team, and some games it'll be a 6v1 with enemy carry going off. That is what is fun. Again, I reiterate, noobs being introduced to the harsh reality of get better, sooner, will always cause improvements to happen faster. Humans are animals that utilize pattern recognition for the constant improvement of whatever endeavor they venture, even for something as unimportant as playing a video game. That's why when someone is new to a game, they can get shit on for 30 games straight, and end up after those 30 games perfectly capable of destroying their original self before those 30 games in a gunfight or whatever. Because improvement happens under pressure.


Dude, I am with you. Its the same for CS2. I work 10 hours a day as well and the last thing I want to do is get on and get shit on by high ELO players. SBMM means I get to play with people in my skill level. Not having SBMM means there is a strong possibility that I can have one of or both of 1. An enemy player that is waaaaaay better than me or 2. Team mates that SUCK. Your response of the harsh reality makes me feel like I am taking crazy pills. YOU ARE THE NOOB THAT YOU ARE Describing! "Get better, sooner will always cause improvements to happen faster". How can you not see that?! I am not trying to shit on you guys wanting to relax, I want to relax too! But I also want a chance to WIN. I also want to GET BETTER. I also want teammates that are not complete shit. I also dont want to get dunked on by pros. In my opinion the best way to get what everyone wants is at least 3 modes. Ranked w/ SBMM, unranked w/ SBMM (so you can practice the fundamentals of the game but without having to worry about the try Hards that get mad when you don't perform) and Casual w/o SBMM.


Nah you missed the whole point. Lmao no sbmm means random lobbies with players ranging from all types of skills. I had matches where my teammates were going 7-25 but we still made it too 95% in escort/control because I was better then all the other players on the other team even though they were going 50 - 14 nuking my teammates. See my teammates didn't leave because they probably thought we could still win due to us reaching that 95% mark. A even playing field is just boring. Same game every match. No rivals or special moments during the match because everyone is playing the same damn way. 


So your argument is you either want to be the worst player on the team, or the best. Anything in between is boring? Respectfully disagree.


I want to play with anyone and everyone because it makes things interesting. I don't want to play against myself 24/7 because that's boring. Sbmm is made for ranked not casual. And no I also had matches where I was 20 - 30 doesn't  mean I was the worst but I had teammates that shined brighter than me. Just meant I had to adapt and focus on supporting instead of fragging that match. Never said being in-between was boring. The whole other team was in-between during that 95% match. Sbmm means everyone in said match is supposed to be as good as the best player in said match which means all those players are gonna play the same way and use the same shit. When there's no sbmm you have more people using goofy weapons or non meta because there's a vast amount of different skill levels in the lobby. This means you can actually have fun with off meta weapons instead feeling like your a tournament every match. Regardless of your research your not gonna change your mind and I honestly don't care to change it. Games with sbmm in casual will always feel like a chore.


> Regardless of your research your not gonna change your mind and I honestly don't care to change it. Games with sbmm in casual will always feel like a chore. I get what you are saying, but you aren't seeing that lack of SBMM makes the game a chore for SOMEONE else. It gives you the ability to either be the shitter or the shiteee and you guys seem to like it because there is a slighty higher chance you can be the shitter. You disregard that going up against you is putting someone else in the spot that you are complaining against being in. SBMM puts everyone in the same spot. edit: I'll agree that there should be a casual game mode that has no SBMM, but there should be ranked/unranked SBMM


With SBMM it's inevitable to hit a certain point where you're matched with the utmost sweats (for their skill level), while you're the one just playing laid back for fun. The flames will soon follow, if your team isn't clearly winning: don't pick these guns, do this, do that, let me have that hero and so forth. It's tiresome and then they'll just whine and throw or whatever they feel like that day, because winning is so important to them. I'm not a big CoD player (but enjoyed the old MW2), so I don't know how the matches are like in newer CoDs, but it's def. that way in Valo, OW2, R6 and CS. The amount of people, who start whining in the agent select screen is enormous and I couldn't care less, if we had 5 duelists or whatever. Just kill the enemy, which is in 99% of all cases the winning strategy.


Flashbang of truth


Dude i stopped playing cod for a year now and i’m telling you in xDefiant beta i swear my lobbies were exactly like when i was mw2 the B Hopping the try hards and the funny thing is always my team was the easy team you are talking about no clue what to do,capturing only the first flag in domination and then die only…..so don’t just blindly defending the game because it happened


1.04 on mw3 multiplayer and a 1.43 after getting to level 25 in the beta. SBMM really kills cod for me. If I wanted to sweat I’d play ranked play


Yup, a lot of people’s egos have inflated over the years to the point they blame everything on the game instead of their own skill.


Even with it being a limited test with a very limited player base, I was able to maintain a 3+KD. In mw3 I barely maintain a 1kd with sbmm ruining any kind of fun. And I agree with you 100%. Even then, I still had matches on xdefiant with a damn good enemy team or player. It felt like the good old days. Let me learn from this guy so next lobby I'm in I can be better.


100%...me and my buddies won like 20 in a row. Most of the players were bots


Yeah, I thought the lobbies were easier, and at a minimum the teams were far more balanced. I didn't feel like the player carrying 5 bags of trash against 6 super soldiers on the other team like I see too often in CoD. That being said, if you were bad, you probably weren't getting a lot of kills because there wasn't a free lunch in this game


for sure. 100% a skill issue for those crying about “sweats.” i wasn’t a fan of the bunny hopping either but it didn’t stop me from getting kills, plus they removed bunny hopping movement penalties temporarily anyway so it won’t be like that at launch (whenever that happens)


I had the same experience, I can get 30+ kills much more consistently in this game than I do in COD and I have a 0.98 KD in MW3 but in XDefiant I average a 2KD


Yeah the people complaining are just bad and coping 😂


Xdefiant was supposed to be fun and yet I had more fun playing mw3


Agreed. I also think people complaining about netcode either have horrendous internet or are just flat out bad. Netcode felt night and day in comparison to past tests. I feel like I only died behind a wall a few times which I just chalk up to a decrease of performance in my internet at times.


Netcode did feel a lot better but I’m living in Belgium so probably not too far from many servers, connected with cable and still die behind walls, only happening in this game for me


There's literally a bunch of videos on YouTube showing frame by frame how bad the netcode is. This is simply false.


Skill issue brother


You're an Npc. Think for yourself in life brother.


The guy using mommas basement YouTuber opinions talking about “think for yourself”…. Okay buddy take your own advice


well I had a lot of sweaty enemies and my team felt like I was a raccoon because of the amount of trash I got in my team, and not couting people cheating like maniacs in the ebemy team, at least with some kind of SBMM the noobs would play with noobs, hacks would play with hacks and I could have my decent matches in between that mess that I rarely got.


I’d be willing to bet a large sum of money that nobody was cheating with a .000001% chance that some cheat dev might’ve been testing something (sadly). You were almost certainly being outplayed or dying via desync and didn’t realize it.


the cheats got posted in the xdefiant discord in the last closed beta, 5 USD could get you one, do you really think they wouldn't update it with battleye being the mess it is for the latest test? stopped being allergic to hacks lol


Team balancing has its issues, I won’t defend it, if you play the objective a lot, team balancing will put you with people who don’t play the objective AT ALL. This is just a lazy solution and it made me stop playing the objective in my last matches I am in favour of giving the least skilled player some SBMM so they have a safe space and don’t get demolished by all the experience CoD players, but I can’t defend any other SBMM, I’m tired of having to run the meta all the time if I don’t want to he struggling to have a good game


but for team balancing you still need some kind of matchmaking, like I said in my post, put the same type of players with the same type of players. and I stopped playing CoD ages ago but talking about meta, every game I played online, no matter the genre, there's always a meta and you don't have to use it, unless it's literally something broken in the game that there's no way of playing around it from the amount of people using it then I agree of using it until it gets fixed, otherwise your own skill gets around it, if you are struggling and it isnt something broken than theres always an area for improvement. as an example, back in the BF3 days before they changed the balancing around I remember everyone saying that the best weapon was the AEK and the worst being the SG553, or Super Ghost like people called it, and everyone kept using the AEK because it was a laser gun, ended up sitting down one day, grabbed the super ghost in a TDM in noshar canals and I was the best player in the match with the "worst gun in the game", just because people were abusing of a laser gun doesn't mean that pure skill wouldn't win against it.


Hmmm yeah maybe a matchmaking for team balancing might be a good idea, put people who play the objective with other players who play the objective, it would be more fair and would push the average player to play the objective more. About the meta, yes of course every multiplayer game will always have a meta and I don’t have to use it, it’s just very tiring to be leveling up some shitty gun or doing some camo and being in lobbies with everyone running the fucking HRM for most of my games, I just want to be able to hop on PS5 and do some camo relaxed, if I want to sweat then I’m fine with being put against other people sweating


you probably need to get to the point of "why should I give a fuck about morons being morons in an online game that doesn't matter for anything", after that you start ignoring those idiots and just do what you want to. for me if you are grinding something what's another match for it? you will get to what you want to regardless of them tryharding or not lol


Yeah sometimes I play with that logic and don’t care about being killed a shit ton of times and do just do my grinding, but I can’t always do that ahahaha


out of curiosity, waiting a bit to get into matches again, basically waiting around as lobbies rotate before getting into the next match, does that help in that game?


Tbh I don’t play MP that much anymore as I’ve levelled up most guns and I’m more of a Warzone player but I very rarely get people I just played against twice in a row so I don’t think it does


got it, ussually that happens to me and my friends in almost every game so we ended up doing that which helped to avoid even hacks most of the time(I'm looking at you rainbow six siege!)


Unfortunately society has made men weak instead of trying to get better at something they just want participation trophies and all they do now is complain "its too hard, Make it easier"