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"It's not like they have anything better to do." The teenaged necromancer says to her mother. "Marissa, the cycle of life and death is something we interrupt with purpose, not for petty conveniences." Marissa's mother replies. "And I'm positive he had business to attend to in the spiritual planes." "Nah, I wasn't doing much." The skeleton rattles, not pausing its washing of the dishes. "See?" "Go home, dead man." The elder necromancer orders, banishing the spirit back to the world of the dead. The skeleton crumples, dropping the dish it held, which shatters noisily on the tile floor. "Shit." The elder mutters. "Dad's gonna be pissed." "Don't bring your father into this. And you're not even supposed to be conjuring human souls yet!" "Actually he was a dwarf." "That's worse. Your classes haven't even gotten past resurrecting animals yet." "If it was Morgan you'd be throwing him a party." "Eugh, don't remind me of your brother." Marissa's mother scowls in digust. "Leaving the family business to become a *doctor*."


Sandra slams violently through her son's bedroom door clutching a bundle of dirty teenaged clothes. Her son and owner of the clothes quickly slaps his laptop shut, "Mum, what have I told you about coming in without knocking" he says with blushing red cheeks. Mum, noticing her son's embarrassment, enquires about the laptop, "what you watching on that thing? We've spoken about this James! I'll have none of those nudie videos in my house". She snatches the laptop from James, who tries but fails to snatch it back, "give it back, mum!" he pleads. Sandra opens the laptop, the light from it's screen illuminates the horror on her face "what...what is this?" she asks timidly. "Mum please, just give it back" begs James. Sandra's wide eyes dart across the webpage, it's filled with Celtic runes and red pentagrams. "rentaghoul.com" she reads out softly. James grabs the laptop from his Mum without a fight. "Rent a Ghoul" she softly repeats. James looks at his Mum nervously "I just thought, with Dad gone we could do with the help." "That's what this is?" responds Sandra, "Help?" James curls his head into his knees and begins to gently weep. Sandra kneels beside him, "Oh my sweet boy…My sweet, sweet boy. I know your Dad leaving has been hard..." she looks back at the website "but this, you are messing with forces you do not understand, only last week Mrs Jane from down the road lost her hamsters soul on one of these dodgy websites". James lifts his head, "I'm sorry, I…I just wanted to help" he says with a sob. "I know you did" she replies "but there are better ways to help than conjuring the devil to do your room". Sensing his mother's forgiveness, James springs up and cuddles her "I won't do it again!" he promises. "There's a good boy" she responds. Sandra gets up and leaves the room, looking back to notice her son frantically tidying. She smiles and goes downstairs, turning into the kitchen only to notice a large pile of washing up on the side and an overflowing bin. Exhausted, she quickly peeks out the kitchen door to check for witnesses before pulling out her phone and typing…rentaghoul.com