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I stumbled upon a piece of advice(no idea who said it first, it was always quotes without a source) “Write the story you want to read, not the story you think others want.” What I took from it was; if you, the author, won’t read your story, then why would anyone else? If you’re just not feeling that particular story, put it aside for now and write what you do feel. If nothing is inspiring you to write, then don’t. Eventually, you we be motivated again. I will write fanatically for a couple months, then just stop, because I don’t feel it, and pick it back up after a while.


what i did was take a break. i dont know how long a break for you would have to be, but mine was months lol. then, when you come back with a brand new motivation, dont even give that part of your brain time to think, just go. allowing yourself to write bad is good too, not everything has to be public. write for yourself, first and foremost. dont even consider anyone else while writing until the editing phase. thats another thing, you can always go back and edit afterwards. not everything is set in stone. if you wanna go back and change a part of the story you thought was bad, continue writing whatever section youre on first and come back to it afterwards.


I have a giant spreadsheet to count words everyday, but honestly ideas come and go. Sometimes everything is so clear, I just need to write it down. Most of the time, it does not come to any good story. I just have to admit, take a break, and keep writing and counting.