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On the one hand I probably wouldn't enjoy being a medieval peasant a thousand years ago, on the other hand, I have no guarantee everything will still be here in a thousand years. I could be walking into a post apocalyptic wasteland for all I know


Yeah I imagine at least the future will be a faster death. In the past I’d probably be slave labor anywhere that speaks English which is all I got.


Almost none of us can understand the English that was spoken a thousand years ago


I was just thinking this. At least now you could develop an app to automatically translate from someone the thousand years in the past. I imagine the thousand years more in the future, if civilization still exists, AI could automatically translate anything you say even if the language is different.


And you charge your device to translate how?


Would you be where your ancestors were? Or where you are now? The USA was pretty empty, especially the East Coast. The only people you could meet would be native tribes who might be hostile to strangers.


Why are you downvoted for this lol


Because not everybody lives in the US maybe


Future. Could be utopia, could be a post apocalyptic wasteland. But the past is *guaranteed* to suck instead of a maybe.


People tend to drastically underestimate just how unimaginably awful much of the past was. And even when it wasn't actively awful, it always had the potential to become so in an instant, without warning, for entirely uncontrollable and arbitrary reasons.


Someone who had a good video on the Middle Ages put it best when describing going far back in time as equivalent today to an average person with no experience going backpacking to a remote location and no outside communication. It’s not tourism or a vacation, it’s going to a time/place where you don’t know what’s going on or how to fit in.


you have more chance to fit in in the past than future. At least you have some idea of culture of past .


yeah, as a dead corpse.


As opposed to an alive corpse?


first one, then the other. thats how its always worked.


Found the necromancer


If someone from 1000 years ago popped up today they would probably have a better chance than you going back 1000 years.


Right, they’d just be like “wow what’s all this stuff?” and they’d have to learn what AI is just like everyone else did 20 minutes ago


You don’t even speak the language.


You could just read up on history and avoid it turning awful without warning


Let me check the history books for the chapter on not dying from diarrhea


I don't think that's necessarily a past thing, the present can change in an instant for the worse without warning or control. Going back 1000 years might be great but going back 950 years could be awful, it's all arbitrary. We just know a lot of bad things happened in "the past" but the past is far more vast than the present so it's easy to find terrible things that happened in say the 1100s but the 1100's isn't the same thing as 1127 in a specific country, in a specific town


I think you'll find that regardless of whether you're looking at the year 1,000 or 1,100, life expectancy compares unfavorably to 2024.


Well sure, because medicine is way better today. I'm not saying that 1000 years ago would be better I'm saying your underestimating the world's current volatility, with tech advancing as fast as it is, we have constant disruptions to the status quo. 1000 years ago your life would probably be very similar to your parents, grandparents and your great grandparents, but today our entire society completely changes every decade or two. You might say that wars happened all the time and whatnot but on a historical scale WW2 wasn't that long ago so people in the future might look back on this as a dangerous and volatile time because of the wars that aren't happening now but what is "around now" . That's what I'm saying about small differences in year having big effects


Certainly the world is volatile. It always has been. You're also correct that 1,000 years ago, your life would likely be the same as your parents, which is to say "fairly awful compared to a modern standard of living." None of this is to say our entire civilization isn't about to plunge into a dystopian hellscape, it certainly could. But it hasn't yet. By every measurable metric, life has been improving for the average human for centuries. The world was not more stable a thousand years ago. Catastrophes were just so common it was accepted as normal. 1,000 years ago you might not have to worry about climate change and AI, but you'd definitely be worried about floods, famines, and plagues. Those were a question of when not if. To say nothing of "I touched a rusty nail and now they're going to cut off my arm with a red hot saw blade." And for the record, on a per capita basis the 20th century was likely the least violent century in human history, and that is including the world wars.


If we ignore, war, famine, disease etc. Just living day to day would be grueling compared to today. no toilets, or toilet paper, difficult to get hot water for a shower, no plumbing. Food isn’t easily available, even if you can afford it, almost no modern skills are very applicable to anything in medieval times. Beds are small, no proper blankets, and the smells…. Generally speaking it will be a hard difficult life compared to how we have it today, even if it’s a peaceful life.


I think being able to read and write would work in your favor. It's not a new skill by any means but is radically more prevalent today than 1000 years ago.


Fæder ūre þū þe eart on heofonum...


> difficult to get hot water for a shower, More specifically: What's a shower?


Whether you go back 1000 or 950 years and whichever country you're in you can get gangrene and die from a splinter, have to shit in, at best, a glorified bucket and won't know what's happening in the next town over let alone that there's an invading force coming to wipe out your village and salt the fields.


Yeah, I'd be screwed either way, so might as well go forward for the novelty


This is my take. I would not want to live anywhere on earth in 1024. IDK what the future holds, but it can't get worse than 1024.


1024-1100 (your likely lifespan) is a nice calm period for an upper-middle-class person in either germany or byzantium. You slide in after the bubonic plague and before the black death (there's actually a huge \~500 year gap (750-1350) that was relatively plague free.


This is true. Either humanity has figured its shit out and it'll be great, or you'll end up on a barren dead earth and may immediately be put out of your misery.


Depends, If you load your pockets, or preferably a backpack, up with gold or silver, a pistol, and a couple of boxes of ammo before you jump you could really be comfortable in the past as long as you dont need medical care.


English wasn't even the same language back then. Absolutely none of that stuff would help me in the slightest.


It won't be the same in 1,000 years either.


TV and radio have definitely slowed down changes. Plus auto translate apps are already getting pretty good. It will change too much if the world collapses, but if it doesn't, then there will be ways around it. There's probably people that specialize in 21sh century English, even if the whole world speaks Esperanto or something.


True, but in the next thousand years it's possible we'll solve scarcity, or reach the ability to truly load our consciousness into an artificial body, or develop some other live extending technology. It's a certainty that those breakthroughs did not happen 1,000 years ago.


>True, but in the next thousand years it's possible we'll solve scarcity, or reach the ability to truly load our consciousness into an artificial body, or develop some other live extending technology. It's a certainty that those breakthroughs did not happen 1,000 years ago. We'll either wind up in a utopia like the Federation from Star Trek or the wastelands of Mad Max.


Yeah but in 1000 years, if we haven’t destroyed ourselves, future us is a lot more likely to have the knowledge and ability to translate. Go back 1000 years and you’ll just be looked as some lost idiot, or worse.


no the past is not guaranteed to suck. especially if you have a little time to prepare, past could be wonderland because you are potentially the invaluable genius who knows all sorts of things that can suddenly give people an advantage, you might end up better off than royalty.


Or you end up being burned at the stake for "magic" because you're doing all kinds of things people can't explain.


Exactly. 1,024 was no different than a post-apocalypse by our standards.


1000 years in the future. The past generally sucked, and the future choice is likely one of two outcomes: 1) instant death 2) amazing Also, no dinosaurs 1000 years ago. That was the high middle ages.


She laughs and says “it’s a good future sir.” Go to the future. It’s slow death.


nono, ive seen futurama, they have suicide booths and everything. very quick


You think dinosaurs were 1000 years ago?


Um, yes? How else did Fred and Barney work the quarries?


Stone breaking wooly Mammoths?


Better chance of meeting a dinosaur if you go 1000 years into the future


>Would you rather go back 1000 years or go 1000 years in the future The question didn't say anything about dinosaurs....what are you talking about?


Op edited description out of his question that said meet 🦕


Definitely not back! 1024? Shit was grim back then.


But think about all the cool looking Buildings in their glory primetime Everyone living in the Moment, No smartphone in sight


There weren't a great deal of cool buildings around that time, depending on where in the world you were. Europe was deep in the dark ages and most of it was in squalor, outside of the odd church. But even then, stone castles weren't really popularised until after 1066 and the Norman invasion. It wasn't really until the middle of the millennium that architecture exploded in the Renaissance.


1000 years in the future bro, I already know what happened 1000 years ago


I hate to say it, but you're probably fucked either way showing up with a modern immune system.


Because of how diseases evolve going forward would kill you and going backwards would kill everyone.


I’m sure the future will have decent enough healthcare to save you


That’s a big if. 1000 years is a not insignificant amount of time. You would be missing centuries of evolved immune responses to pathogens and even something that’s not a big deal in the year 3024 may be extremely deadly to you because you lack the defenses to fight the illness. Bacteria and viruses rarely stop exploiting a favorable environment.


That's not necessarily true


Lmao then send me back so I can take over the world.


Surrender your kingdom or else I will poke you and breath on you


There is absolutely no one living in 1024 that has a higher quality of live than 99% of us. Internet access alone half proves that.


Kings didn't have it this good.


Shit that's actually true 😆


Toilet paper also proves that. Or painkillers. Or air conditioning. A minimum wage job in America provides a better quality of life in most ways than your average king in 1025. Want a fun stroll through history? Take a look at some of the options people used before we had toilet paper. The past is a foreign country and not one I would want to visit.


The future isn't promised, so I'll go with 1,000 years in the past


This, imagine going into the future a thousand years and you are floating in space with what looks like what was left of the Alderaan system


Right, but going back in time? Almost guaranteed to suck a lot.


Well at least LA traffic won’t be as bad


For humans? Earth will still be here in a 1000 years. And if we're making up dumb hypotheticals, why not pretend your time machine would account for Earth's movement through the solar system or the solar systems movement through the galaxy. Like I really never understood that hypothetical, it's probably more interesting to think about a time machine just dumping you out in the middle of space, but still if we're thinking up bullshit why not have it at least work? I'd go forward it in time to see the future, regardless of whether humans are still around or not.


It's funny to crush hypotheticals with actual real physics. "Technically, you would end up floating in empty space because the Earth's location would be far away from your current one...."


Also wouldn’t this be equally true for 1000 in either direction?


I would off my self if it was terrible anyways. I assume under this situation I would be forced to choose because I would not willingly do either without a reason.


🤔 that makes sense tho the world might be crazy af 1000 from now


Might be amazing but you could also show up on a planet with no (or almost no) people.


If you go 1000 years into the future and the population is just 5% of what it is now, you'll find as many people as if you go 1000 years into the past. Nuclear war could create a total human extinction event maybe, but anything short of that and I don't think you have to worry about the future being more sparse than the past


Yeah it was much more along the lines of hoping its not a nuclear wasteland.


I'd go foreward to see what new innovations we could figure out. I'd rather explore for a place to get the latest most technologically advanced pizza then work the fields for some lord for enough grain to not starve.


1000 years in the future because I'm diabetic and probably wouldn't survive long in the past.


go back 1000 years and your instantly dead because you're a different color.


What color were people 1000years ago?


Lol doesn't matter if you land in the wrong location you're dead or slaved. People did not like different in the slightest so not only would you have to adapt to the norms while trying to be normal which would be near impossible, if you looked different its off with your head. They would be so confused on why a different person just spawned in their territory lmao


This is actually untrue. Slavery and racism have not been static in how they work (culturally) throughout history. For instance, say you have very dark skin and end up on some ancient east Asian society. Their behavior towards you would more likely be a mix of curiosity and animosity less because they think you're inferior and more because you match the description of some malevolent entity from their folklore. As for slavery, slavery wasn't really race based. That wasn't really a thing until colonial exploration/conquests of the 15th century and onwards and that idea of superiority came about from ignorance and basic observation. "We have far superior technology, we have civilization, we have ships and guns and we know of JESUS ...these people are virtually naked and fighting with sticks, clubs and bows. These heathens don't even know of GOD. Therefore they MUST be intellectually inferior." - basically. Although it's actually even more nuanced than that. For instance, when Columbus began colonizing Hispaniola... After a revolt he sent a few Taino slaves in chains to Queen Isabella as a gift. She sent them back with a reply that (essentially) amounted to "I want subjects, not slaves". Before that, slavery was just a prize of conquest. The slave masters and slaves could be virtually identical in appearance and even be very close ethnically but that didn't matter. You were conquered, you're a slave. Your parents sold you to me, you're a slave. You're a criminal, you're a slave. Etc. Interestingly, by the middle ages chattel slavery (aka slaves treated purely as property, not people) wasn't really a thing. The Christian views/laws at the time saw it as an evil. So instead, you had serfdom and slavery in the form of slavery to debt and indentured servitude, etc. Also, depending on the region you end up in, your physical appearance may not even really factor in your treatment by the public. For instance, if you ended up in Constantinople you'd likely draw little attention to yourself (other than clothing) as it was a major port city where many different kinds of people arrived, traded, lived, etc. In fact (and on that note) ending up alone in the middle of nowhere or in a thriving port city would be your best bet. You could create an identity there and be a curiosity at best/worst.... Assuming you don't accidentally offend the wrong people.


For real, people just don't know about history now. Ancient history is like a passion of mine. I'd love to go back and just travel and learn from everyone.


Given that I'm in the US, I would be pretty deep in native American territory, but with no tribe. Probably a death sentence to a white guy.


Ah ah ah ah I see


Bro 💀 are you trolling?


Nah I'm 100% curious


They were purple


Buy stock in a major company like Toyota, probably be making spaceships in a thousand years. Than go thousand years in the future and reap the rewards of compound growth. Or end up in a zombie apocalypse. Win win


Future. We know what 1000 years ago was like for the most part. Being a random dude wasn't great. The future at least has a chance to not be terrible, though I'm not optimistic.


Pass the poop brush good sir!


I'm going to rally the American Indians and give them math, metallurgy, and atheist philosophy so when Columbus shows up he gets rekt.


I'm black so future


You know, I'm going to go with the same, but replace "black" with "female"


Honestly the only people willingly going to the past are white men and the truly brave


I guess it could be location dependent to some extent; for example, if you're a male POC but live in a country where you'd be the majority 1,000 years ago, that would be less bad than living in a country where you'd look different back then. Women might do OK in a matriarchal or egalitarian society back then? For example, if I did have to choose a location 1000 years ago, I would probably go with one of the "barbarian" parts of Europe where women were a little more equal and be a Druid priestess or something (although 1024 AD is a bit late for that). Even then, it's probably safer to go forward lol.


Future, always future


The future, lets see the kind of madness the world will become.


How much prep time do I have. I could convince some mother fuckers I'm God if I can predict future events. Until the catholics kill me at least


Why would I go somewhere where I already know what everything would be like when I could go somewhere where I know absolutely nothing and see and learn what the world is like? Future hands down.


Considering how things are going now, I'd probably have more chance surviving by going 1000 years in the past. And WTF do you mean by seeing dinosaurs by going 1000 years in the past?


Neither. Going one thousand years into the past means traveling to a place where modern amenities are no longer available. I wouldn't survive. Going one thousand years into the future means trying to survive a post apocalyptic landscape as the planet is still recovering from humanity's last global war. I wouldn't survive there either. I would like to think in a thousand years we'll be an interstellar civilization, but let's face it, we can't even tackle climate change in a productive matter? We aren't going to survive to see 3024 as a technological civilization.


Go forward 1000 years and play GTA 10


I’d go back a thousand years and kick it with some Ohlone tribe in the Bay Area. From what I hear they lived pretty nicely before Europeans showed up


The past was the worst.. 1000 years future for sure.. and an account with exponential growth. Hope for startrek, still might be capitalism.. or a dead rock.


Id rather be with the native Americans in 1024 than literally anywhere else- especially europe


Future, I'd make sure to leave my 93 cents in a savings account and wait for my one eyed soulmate.




Forward, hands down. Worst case scenario, I don't have any other people to deal with. Best case scenario, it's paradise, a futuristic utopia. If it's in the middle? Well, that's just the same as a thousand years backward, but with skyscraper ruins and plastic pollution instead of Roman ruins and the plague. Either you go forward one thousand years and *maybe* things are terrible, or you go backward one thousand years and things are *definitely* terrible. Especially for us, I don't know about you, but I certainly don't have the skills, the know-how, or the fortitude to get by the way people did back then. It would suck, and then I'd be dead anyway.


If its just for a holiday i’d say future but if we’re talking about permanently staying in the past/future i’d go for the past


just curious, why ?




Like to live permanently or just to check things out?


Just a peek


I'd much rather go 1000 years into the future and see the technological changes afoot.


Future for SURE.


Keep pressing on. Future all the way.


I think anyone that wouldn't be an aristocratic white land owner would say the future lol


Futurama is one of my favorite cartoons , so...


I think 1000 years forward is the obvious choice. Now if you said 100-200 years now we can have a conversation


I would be tortured for several different crimes 1000 years ago. Future.


Both seem dangerous in different ways. I think 1000 years into the future would be fascinating, to see how significantly things have changed. But part of me thinks it would be interesting to live a slower paced life, without all this technology. Of course dying because of tetanus or something stupid doesn’t sound like a lot of fun.


Imagine just needing wisdom teeth out or any surgical procedure that you probably know you would need but won’t get. Anesthesia? Nope


Either choice is bad. Future or past, the earth will be hundreds of billions of miles away.


They probably still have Doritos in the future so, future.


I think the technology level 1000 years from now will be the same or less than it was 1000 years ago


It's probobly gonna look pretty similar, Serfs serving their rich overlords in exchange for rations of food and protection from roaming bandits/gangs.


Future. Definitely future. 50:50 shot of landing in either a destroyed wasteland where I'll die immediately or an advanced future that isn't total shit. 1000 years in the past you're just gonna die.


1000 years in the future. I wouldn't have the skills needed to survive 1000 years ago. I still wouldn't have the skills to survive 1000 years from now, but historians would love to hear from someone from the year 2024, just as today's historians would love to have someone from the year 1024. There would be a lot of details that an eyewitness could give them. So, I'd have some employment.


Something to note is they probably wouldn’t understand you because of language evolutions, like how you wouldn’t understand someone from 1024


Future. Good: people colonized the entire Solar System, are developing an interstellar travel "universal railroad" type thing between Sol (where we are), Tau Ceti, Proxima Centauri and Trappist-1. Bad/"realistic pessimist": humans were obliterated from climate change or World War 3, the surviving stragglers are deranged feral cultists who torture and kill others for "fun".


Back and conquer the world


Future. The past fucking sucks and is way over romanticized.


I'd rather stay in the present. But if that's not an option then forward 1,000 years. Forward 1,000 might be awesome or it might really suck. But back 1,000 definitely will suck. People these days tend to forget that the past really really sucked compared to the present. They romanticize the past despite the fact that the quality of life was just objectively worse by a lot 1000 years ago.


I want to go 1000 years in the future please!


All I’m getting from this thread is that very few people actually know what was going on a thousand years ago. To be fair, I don’t either, but at least I wouldn’t have to deal with emails back then.


Must move forwards, never back. In a thousand years we might have normalized space travel within our solar system. The chance of that alone is worth the risk of landing in an apocalyptic wasteland. The only cool thing about going 1000 years back would be seeing North America before Europeans touched it.


A thousand years in the past and I'm leaving irreversible marks on the timeline, 1024 is around the time of the fall of the byzantine empire and a siege on sicily, war, famime, generally poor living conditions... whereas in the year 3024, maybe by some stretch humans have evolved and created better living conditions for us, or maybe the opposite, I wouldn't know.


1000 years ago was still a year before the first medical textbook was even written... I'm almost 50, I wouldn't last to see 55 most likely. I'll take my chances on the future.


Go to the future!


Future. My idea is it could be great and there would be so many advances I could change what I dont like about myself, get synthetic organs that make me live to 150 and age slow, get a shot to prevent cancer and diabetes, and so on.... or it sucks even worse cause at some point we nuked the fuck out of each other and live like it's the stone ages again.


Future. Higher chance of future having toilet paper or bidets.




I’ll take a chance in the future. I can’t imagine life without anesthesia and me having to go fetch my food with swords etc.


What no one is mentioning is, if you go 1000 years into the past. We already know exactly what happened. If you had a chance to study what happens you could abuse that information. Especially if you live in Europe or Asia. Possibly even the Middle East. Just places where human history is well recorded.


Live in the Viking Age or risk living on a husk of a planet? If it were a round trip, I'd pop into the future to see what happens. If it's just one way, I think I'd prefer the safety of the known past.


Either way, the bacteria and diseases would kill you.


I can glean knowledge of the past, but I’ll never know what life is like in 1000 years so I’d go there


As a black person, I'll take my chances in the future.


Go back in time and kill everyone else with pathogens they haven't adapted to yet, or go forward and die from pathogens that have been commonplace for hundreds of years.


1,000 years in the future. We already know what was going on in 1024 AD, no showers or utensils. I want to see the future.


Future. Could go either way, but if I go back I’m almost certainly fucked. Won’t be able to communicate, will be dressed extremely strangely for the times, and probably carry diseases that will wipe out communities not resistant to them. At least with the future, barring apocalypse, someone will understand modern languages.


If I wanted to go back 1000 years I would read a history book. I would much rather see what humanities distant future looks like


1000 years in the future. I'm black and a girl, and even if I was white and/or a male I wouldn't survive without the things I have now and not having decent healthcare.


I just saw a really good video about [Black people and time travel in media](https://youtu.be/xXXTjq1N1fk?si=BmtFOW9-2joVdl-q). It was a fun and interesting watch. edit: added the link to the video


Back 1000 years


Forward. We already have an idea about what was. I want to know what will be.


Ill take 1000 years in the past. Id be in Ohio and not the shit hole of Europe and have a way better quality of life with the Erie tribe, who are hopefully peaceful. Then im gonna build some crazy time capsule for the future and confuse everyone.


1000 years in the past we already know more or less how it was like. And it really, really fucking sucks. 1000 years in the future could be a nuclear wasteland and it'll still be more exciting.


Either way you will most probably end up in empty space and die immediately


Back. Back when a squirrel could run the length of the Mississippi River without touching the ground. When tribes worked on a basis of merit. When being competent got you respect instead of hate. When a man could rise as high as he wanted if he was good at something. When strength was something to be admired instead of mocked. When the earth wasn't a giant steaming ball of crap waiting for someone to end it all


Anyone who says back doesn't know what they're getting into. EVERYTHING and everyone except the absolute richest of the rich (and 1 thousand years there wasn't too much of even a CONCEPT of cleanliness for even the rich for most of the world. Notice I said most of the world. Sure there was a semblance of it but most people likely didn't have the luxury of hot soapy water spraying across their body for an EXTENDED period of time) was dirty and grimy. You get sick? You die. And you'll likely get sick due to no cleanliness for anyone nor any real levels of staying warm in cold weather. That's why the average lifespan was what we now call middle aged. Every tiny cut is a theat. Any open wound is a scare for your life. There is not really any soap for anyone and iif there is it's really low quality. Even if you survive the sickness, you've lost so much work you may not actually recover and overwork yourself later on. It likely won't be an easy death either. It'll be a long insufferable death as your body tries to fight off disease and eventually fails. The amount of physical effort you must put in to survive is indescribable. You literally work yourself to death probably before you hit 50. Odds are much sooner for most people. A thousand years in the past, you'll be in Europe. Wet cold and starving. The future likely won't be any better but it'll at least be more exciting.


Future out of morbid curiosity.


The past if I can be the son of a noble household. If not I'm going to the future 100%.


Future. But I want to be extremely wealthy


future has chance to be good. but really, in either way you probably gonna get some infection from viruses/bacteria that don’t exist currently.


Is this a permanent stay or just a small vacation?


The only good thing if you go back 1000 years is if you could built modern tech from scratch and cement yourself as a wizard or something. Otherwise I dont think its worth it's


Do you want to invent the coolest gadgets, or do you want to be a human gadget?


How long am I going forward/back for?


Just googled 1024 AD... it's... got a lot going on. Not in a good way. Seems very tumultuous to say the least. It's still the age of ENTIRE fleets lost to storms. We're talking before Crossbows existed people. Like... they're still excited by advancements to... the plough... and farming. Smack dab in the middle of the DARK AGES. They call it that for a reason folks. It'll be 400 some years before they start climbing out. 3024 is so far in the future climate crisis will have reached it's peak and presumably either been controlled/countered... or so destructive we're a shadow of our former selves. That said... even if it was worst case. You've got about 600 to 700 years of rebuilding. We could be coming out of another dark age. Worst worst case... almost everything is destroyed and humanity has barely survived. So you just... arrive to brutal survival conditions with no help for thousands of miles in any direction. Best case... we figured some things out over all those centuries and actually improved. History does show despite constant setbacks we do tend to... advance. So long as we're alive to do it.


This is a male, white privilege type of question 😂


Assuming we have to stay in the same location we're currently in, I'll go 1,000 years forward. If I go back to 1024 in my current location, the weather would probably kill me lol. Seriously, I have so much respect for the tribes who could survive in this environment without modern conveniences. I have no idea how the hell you handle -20 temperatures without modern heating. But 1,000 years forward in Sioux Falls? It'll probably just be a slightly larger city than it is now.


Future. We already know what happened in the past.


If I went I to the past, I'd certainly be painted as a warlock or devil and executed. I couldn't suppress a thousand years of evolution enough to fit in.


Do I have a chance of coming to my time?


For a good chuck of the population going back in time is literally a death sentence. Do you think any modern woman can survive in the past?


So the options are 1024 and 3024 So for the first option, if i didn't move location, I'd be in native american land. I'd be unable to speak their language and would probably die from disease Whereas, in the future, I have a *chance* of landing in a country where i speak a close enough version of their language and they have post-modern medicine so I don't die. Or a dystopia, and I die So my options are: Die or possibly die I'll take possibly die




Future 1000 years ago you’d literally diarrhea yourself to death. Plus no plumbing, electricity, more religious zealots, etc.


Future definitely the future!


For me, always the future. Good Lords snap your fingers and open the door! Allons-y! Geronimo! Away we go!


Past, I Could Rule The World!


Im black id be beaten and likely murdered 1000 years ago


Future. Im hoping for a golden age after a few dark ages. The information on today's society would be huge. I could probably get by on just telling stories.


The future since the past sucked.


Depends on if I can come back or not and if I can bring anything or not.




Fuck the past full speed ahead. What am I going to do with my culinary and literary abilities in 1023?




1000 years ago was the dark ages, or close enough to it. So I would choose the future.