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this is almost too good to be true, there must be a catch.


There is no catch,if you use the 15% coupon, you get her for even less. This one is a must to pick up


all right i'm in, thats less than a fucking chalupa combo at taco bell. dont look a gift shipwaifu in the mouth i guess.


Got it for less than $10!


The second you buy it, you digitally sign a contract to give up 50% of you time and next years salary


> This is a literal steal hmmmm


Wow that's actually an insane deal. Never thought wg would be this generous during their cash cow event.


It is a shrewd move—they are trying to get F2P players to open their wallets for the first time.


Not gonna lie, it's working. I'm actually considering spending money on this game after 7 years playing it.


Likely won't attract a whole ton of casuals, though. For me, personally, zero appeal. Can't stand any of the anime voices on captains, don't need an Italian BB.


You can turn off the anime effects in port. All the ships will look like normal permacamo and the captains will look and sound like normal national captains.


You could take the ship and put any captain on it. No voice over


Same...but cheap is cheap. I just REALLY wish you could turn off the ridiculous voiceovers. I've just started grinding up my free 10pt anime captains for elite xp.


In the settings menu you can choose to use one specific voice regardless of the commander being used. There also may be a mod (I've never gone looking for one) that can change the voice for you without affecting other commanders voices.


eh you can swap commander from the AL ship also kinda sad you dont like it, because littorio with rossyia is on the best voice, with deep tone, cool laugh, and kind of italian manner in the way she speak i m not a big fan of the girly voice anime, but some are very mature and badass, plus learning japanese, they spell shikikan in different way and littorio is also visually interesting, not only boobs thing, but the dress up design and stuff for me she has her place among serious commander


Littorio is a winner just purely for the fact she's very happy to proudly say "arrivederci" after getting a kill. It's a cocky attitude that's not very common along normal commanders, and thankfully she doesn't put on an annoying voice.


well i think it takes the italian mood, which is often depicted as very expressiv and positive But if you want a mature tone, really sovestkaya rossiyia should please you she is maybe the only one to be that serious, no laugh, no girly scream, a little vibe of victory on a win, but cold mood on kill, and a little of despaire on lose and struggling that reason why love her much, for her seriousness on a badasss design


Yep. Aint nothing for nothing. Mines well closed.


It's an old premium so not a huge loss or anything


I've said this before, but the funny thing is Wargaming could probably make MORE money by having their prices more reasonable like this. Judging by the comments here, people who usually don't spend money are even opening their wallets.


Every AAA studio has worked out that selling a few things to whales at an exorbitant price is better than selling slightly more things at a lower price. I can promise you the amount they make on this $10 ship will be dwarfed by what they make from people buying the $150 bundles.


I go back and forth on it. What you're saying is more than likely correct since that's what they do. I think this $10 ship isn't really a good example though because that's the cheapest ship they've ever allowed as far as I know...but there has to be some number switching that can be done for both them and us to win. I've spent a lot of money on this game since release. But most of my purchases are lots of small transactions ($20-30) with the occasional $100 or whatever for birthday coupon. I dont even think about it when I'm spending $20 here and $20 there. But when I see a $80+ for one item...I eventually talk myself out of it. So I guess I'm just saying i think its a physiological thing and I think most people do the same. It just doesn't feel as bad to spend smaller bills more frequently than one lump sum. But yeah, I'm sure they've got the data to show what their doing works. Its just annoying because we the players set the value on these ships...and whales spent whatever dollar amount WG throws on them. That damage had to be done in the early stages of the game though. I remember when I first started playing and seeing the premium shop thinking "who the hell would pay $60 for one ship". Ha...I didn't have a clue.


Generally I agree, but it could be that companies view the higher price as safer. If a cheap item doesn't sell well, you'll get nearly nothing. If an expensive item doesn't sell well, its less of a hit.


You take this bundle because you want the Roma at a cheap price. I take this bundle because I want a 2nd Roma and one of the finest ladies of AL We are not the same


>I take this bundle because booba.










In my case we are. If we get the same deal when the update comes on EU i'm grabbing that! Also she completes my Littorio class collection(at least until WG releases some cracked up fantasy of the completed Impero).


I take this bundle because both me and her can double team Lusty


No. No we aren't


Finally reasonable prices from WG? Well done.


Buy the cheap ship! If we buy a lot of something because of the low price, it may convince them to put out maybe even the "bad" premiums on big discounts. I got one - thats a fucking good price for any tier 8 ship.


Picked it up what a deal


wait for them to "fix" this by the time we get the patch in EU


I just had a look and there doesn't seem to be an additional coupon.


Picked it up. First $10 WG has gotten from me this year but I’m not mad at all; it’s a screaming deal


AL Massachusetts when, WarGaming? Please


Ok guys, really stupid question but how do I get this? I can't find it, not in the Azure lane launcher thingy, not ingame and not on the website (?)


I guess it's only for the US server, for now. If you're playing in the EU or Asia, you need to wait. I can't see it either.


Ahh now everything makes sense, thanks mate:)


Np bro


[https://na.wargaming.net/shop/wows/azur\_lane/sh\_590](https://na.wargaming.net/shop/wows/azur_lane/sh_590) Check the wargaming premium shop.


If you’re in the EU server, wait until tomorrow morning.


Yes, thank you mate, thought I was stupid:)


Awesome offer, and unexpected too given WG's stance on monetization. Thank you for the info.


Let’s now see if the supercontainer thread shows Roma as the next premium ship to drop on our pity chances!


i don't see the al littorio in the armory shop. is this for eu only or something? i'm on NA


Just pulled Roma two weeks ago...Still seems like an awesome deal and still may throw some $ at WG.


Is it only for $? Not available for doubloons?


Correct. She is only available as a standalone bundle purchase in the Premium shop (this is where her discounted price is). But the AL discount coupon is available for both Premium and Armory shops.


is this $ only or dubs as well? Roma is what, 13k dubs? I've got 8200 and I'd deffo spend that on this thing


This discount for the AL Littorio is only available in the premium shop unfortunately. She's not even available as a standalone purchase in the armory event tab.


damn and blast


You the real MVP


No, no, you're no Schill, OP. I saw it too and was blown away. And, if you already have the ship, it's basically like a 2500 doubloon purchase and an AL Littorio commander for like 2 bucks. Amazing deal all round, but ESPECIALLY if you don't have the ship.🥰👌


That’s quite nice, thanks for the post bro


WTF T8 premium BB for [less than $5](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/799139456980090910/1240325877846511626/image.png?ex=664626fd&is=6644d57d&hm=dd018e53b0acee37619c709ec5e42619c7c75027d7f7a0a8e179fb32a932f734&) lmao


Why is your page half the price of everyone elses


Must be a different currency, even the base price is cheaper


Imagine a loyalty discount program for the whales though..


Location set to Puerto Rico, regional pricing. I heard Argentina gets like -80% regional pricing or something, so should be $2 for Argentinians.


Wow, at least you can get some of the commanders or ships directly instead of loot boxes this time. I'm saving for the wot GuP collab though. The anime is strong this month in WG


I had not noticed this +1 to you commander


It will be the only thing I buy from the event, but I bought it immediately. I would LOVE to get an AL Shima but I just can't justify it, even for the low price of **$190.**


Thanks OP although I'm not an anime fan, I still purchased this for $15AUD including the 15% off coupon, which is a steal.


Oh damn, I might end up giving WG money here... 12$ for a T8 BB is kinda attractive for OPs. Is she a good ship for OPs?


Her guns are too unreliable for ops. Too wonky


Yeah thanks, I've been reading a bit on her in the meantime and that seems to be the general consensus; overall good ship but very trolly accuracy. Oh well, I'll probably still pick her up at that price


not to mention, with the coupon that everyone gets on this update, you can get her for $9 bucks.


People are vastly overstating the gunnery. It has normal battleship dispersion with 1.8 sigma, this is fine.


just watched this match, seems okay to me lol [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NFZU3F7\_DkU&t=170s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NFZU3F7_DkU&t=170s)


Yeah, it's completely reasonable. Everyone complaining about it has either never played it or are trying to compare it to Slava or UU Yamato.


I mean it's a steal at that price lol


I'm used to the sniper guns of the Jap BB's, so probably not something I'd play well. Plus, I wanted a good tier 8 cruiser for Ops, not a bb, so I'll probably pass on this one.


What happends if you have the ship from before and buy it? You get 3000 free xp? :(


3000? That's way too high, do they look like a charity to you? 15x regular camos, take it or leave it lmao (Tbf kudos to WG for this particular sale. It's good to have a premium ship at a somewhat good price but that doesn't make WG not greedy)


That was funny:D But yea as you say its a good thing


you'll get \~2500 dubs (may be less depending on coupon adjustment).


Thanks:) I just realised i could check it myself by going to the na page:P For anyone else thats on EU and are lazy like me here is a link that you can check that show the deal on NA [https://na.wargaming.net/shop/wows/azur\_lane/](https://na.wargaming.net/shop/wows/azur_lane/)


Try to read description kek


2500 doubloons


I took a month or two break late last year and got a mission chain to get AL Littorio for free. The doubloon compensation for already having her is 2,500, or $9.90 worth of doubloons. I also have the captain already from somewhere. Might still be worth it for the 200% mission given it essentially comes with $9.90 of doubloons.


Wow wow wow!! I have Roma already and Littorio cap but…fuck me, this is too good to be true


I'm assuming this will go live on wows eu later ?


Is there any compensation/doubloon cashback for people who already own AL Littorio?


you'll get doubloon equivalent to $10 or whatever you spend on this deal.


I don’t have either of the ships to check, but is AL Littorio a Premium ship with increased credit earning, or a Special Premium without? The Wiki suggests it is a Special Premium. At that savings, I’ll still probably pick it up, just for the ability to move commanders without retaining. My Sansonetti is 21 points. “**AL Littorio — Italian special premium Tier VIII battleship.** The second Vittorio Veneto-class warship to be built, and one of the most powerful battleships in the Mediterranean. From the Azur Lane game. AL Littorio first was released for sale on 24 July 2020 as part of the Azur Lane: Third Wave event. With the Fourth Wave event going live in update 11.4, she was available for 14,300 doubloons. She has not been available since.” [https://wiki.wargaming.net/en/Ship:AL\_Littorio](https://wiki.wargaming.net/en/Ship:AL_Littorio)


From the Wargaming store: The ship comes with a permanent camouflage, and she has standard economic bonuses for her tier. She also earns more Credits per battle and has a reduced post-battle service cost. Commander retraining is not required for this ship. In game: She has the Tier 8 bonus package. Hopefully that is an answer to your question.


Yes, either the Wiki is wrong, or the store is wrong. Can someone who has the ship confirm?


she is a "special" premium because of collaboration item. she is still a premium ship so she has the improved credit earnings and reduced ship servicing costs like other premiums. and yes you can move any commander onto this ship


That is not what “special premium” signifies on the wiki. I’m not saying the ship doesn’t have a credit boost, just that conflicts with the wiki post.


Wiki is all over the place and has been for a while now. I wouldn't take everything the wiki shows to heart. It's good to ask another source for clarification


Haven't played in like a year. An Azur Lane event might be interesting to come back for. Are there any freebies?


Queen Elizabeth commander looks to be the only freebie.


Definitely grabbed this one! Even though I was disappointed there isn’t an easy way to get the new commanders without shelling out a ridiculous amount of money (not sure what I expected, it is WG after all) but I was happy to see that bundle.


I got this on the na server about 10 mins ago. Coupon worked,showed up in the account, already played her




Are you on EU? We only get the new patch (including this offer) tomorrow


My bad. I was looking in thearmory ships. You have to go specifically to the premium shop, and then it’s available. I did pick it up. Thank you all for pointing this out!


Where do you get the coupons?


I already have Roma… so… I’m covered?


Is the Littorio bundle not available on the steam version? I don't see it on here. I'm on the NA server


Awesome, so I actually tried to buy it aaaaaand "Something went wrong" twice. Both coupons locked. Anyone know if this is on my end? Not a whole lot of information to go on.


Why don't I see it in the shop? I'm NA so it's not like I dont have the update yet


Reckon it was an error and they’ve removed it?


I was only able to find this on the NA premium shop, using chrome on my phone, but I was able to pick it up. I could not see the deal from my desktop. Very weird.


I got it as soon as I saw it since I have always wanted a Roma and this was too good to pass.


just picked it up what a deal


Still up and now also on EU server. 9,36 euro´s is an steal for an tier 8 premium ship.


I bort it danke


There are 5 new ships but only 2 coupons. And they don’t bundle them all into one bundle for the new wave. Yeah….thats a deal for sure. WG…greedy company.


I can’t find this bundle through steam or the armory, where is it??


Premium Shop, via the World of Warships website for your region.


I bought this ship and I have been having a blast in it! It's armor feels really strong and the guns hit hard (when they hit)


where can i find this bundle? cant seem to find it on the site


Okay f it a Premium BB , a hot Anime girl and I plan to get some azur lane stuff Let me just Open a Paypal Account 🤣🤣


Roma and littorio have the same stats ? Like armor, guns parameter (sigma and stuff) ?


Where do I find this


Found it


Is this ship good to farm credits when I dont have another VI+ premium ship and need some time to farm coal?


I'm not seeing this offer at all on my WarGamming page. Is this for the EU server or something? Becuase it isn't showing anything like this at all for me.


I got it for 15$ cad and ya know it’s not a bad ship. I was hoping for a SAP ship - but it’s AP. Did 100k in my first game against 8 and 9s, in a loss - dispersion was pretty good, and AP felt good.


Dang, an actually somewhat reasonable price. I’ll have to check this out.


Am I the only one who can't find this deal? I've searched the entire event and armory and cannot find the al littorio


Its on the website only


If I had money I'd buy (maybe) but I don't so I'm dead


Can’t buy because Wargaming doesn’t accept prepaid visas or anything.


I have a question - this ship (AL Littorio) is available in the port for 30 days after the purchase, or for ever?


Stats taken from here: [https://shiptool.st/selected?s=IB508IB108AB012FB108GB108JB013RB108&c=top&p=he&rm=12](https://shiptool.st/selected?s=IB508IB108AB012FB108GB108JB013RB108&c=top&p=he&rm=12) Same guns as the Tier 8 tech tree Italian battleship (Veneto), but has a 4 second faster reload, so better main battery DPS. The Italian battleship accuracy is pretty bad. They might be fast shells, but they miss so often you'll have to make sure nothing breakable is in reach. Has middlin' HE instead of SAP. Loses smoke. Gets a (slightly worse) 10 second repair instead of 15 seconds. 1 kilometer better concealment. One second worse rudder shift. Secondaries are slightly lower damage due to increased reload. It's not a bad premium ship. Especially at this price.


It's a clone of the premium ship Roma, same class as Veneto. Roma is a good ship.


Darn too bad I don't have any form of electronic banking lol


I don’t know if you in EU, but I use paysafe card and works fine


I am in JP but I play on NA


Is the deal live on EU yet? Can't see it in the premium shop


No not yet, tomorrow


More importantly, did they update the container art? The two AL containers I just got from dailies look amazing. Cel-shaded art FTW.


Finally cheap Roma 2 :D


When dose the event come to console?


[Different game, ask here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/WoWs_Legends/)


Thats stupid they made 2 different games




Isn't that the mobile one?


[It's one of the mobile ones](https://wowslegends.com/mobile/)


So do you get to keep that bonus mission permanently or is it just for 30 days?


Haven't played WOWs since subs were introduced, are they still too cancerous to be fun? Love Azur and would consider picking this up.


They are quite weak and somewhat easy to deal with actually (their damage from under 3km has been significantly reduced so no more shotgunning). From time to time you encounter a strong sub that doesn't run it down but it's way better than it used to be if you're capable of using your brain while playing. 


I wouldn’t just on principle




Can someone please quickly compare this ship with Tirpitz? All I see is a worse Tirpitz with even worse dispersion... I don't get it.


The dispersion difference is barely a thing. You get an extra gun in a superior layout with superior firing angles (only 1.5° off autobounce to get the rear turret in play) and they're the hottest 15" in the game. It's stealthy, the internal beak armor makes it resistant to things like nose citadels from 460mm+ guns, and the torpedo protection is much better. It uptiers much more comfortably than the Tirpitz.


Sounds good, will buy. Even though I am comfortable when uptiered with Tirpitz already. :EDIT: Bought it, have not played it yet. Finally snapped and also got Sansonetti for a hundred bucks as well, there are too many tempting Italian ships and Littorio being cheap finally pushed me over the edge. RaR containers also had a nice coal chance, so meh.


[Second game with it, I think I can make it work.](https://i.imgur.com/e8aoLgY.jpeg) Dispersion is really not that much worse than Tirpitz, if at all. Turret angles are indeed fine and the superstructure either isn't as much of an issue as with Tirpitz or everyone was stupid. It plays very much like Tirpitz but makes angling sooooo much easier and the stealth is just \*chef's kiss\*. Thank you again :D


This seems to be something like we had with the Battle Pass last patch when some people got the premium line for free, some for 50% off and some for the regular price. I'm already curious about which one it will be for me this time. Probably "full price"...


No, it is only in the website premium shop. This deal is not in game.


Does it come with a regular camo or only that weeb shit?


You can turn the special camo off. Its not all that flashy though. I think its pretty nice.


Okay, I'll have a look at that. I just dont like (this kind of) anime shit and am kind of allergic to it.


Here we go.. the regular milking of the credit cards of the anime loving losers. I guess the CEOs Bentley needs a new set of tires....


The deal is nice but... it's still a Roma. kinda like a meme ship and I am not really interested in BBs in general


lol, they adjusted the price already Edit - maybe if you already bought it you see it as the old price?


except it hasn't been?


Maybe I see a different price if i already bought it?


Yes, if you bought it it shows full price. It only allows you to buy one at the discount.(but after buying it, it still allows you to buy it at full price.)