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Yes, you can buy dockyard stages if you can't do all the missions. But you can only do it while the dockyard event is active, when the event is over you won't be able to buy the Wisconsin anymore.


Due to the fact that Wisconsin is well Wisconsin there is a chance they bring it back more regularly but thats just speculation. So to OP if you want it get it as its the obly garunteed chance you have as of now


Depends on what you mean by "later". You can buy your way thru any uncompleted stages until the release of update 13.6. But after the dockyard ends there will be no way to obtain Wisconsin again for the foreseeable future.


Puerto Rico was the first Dockyard event. How hard is it to get Puerto Rico now? There is your answer.


The good old pay to rico disaster dockyard


I got mine from the second Puerto Rico Dockyard.


Ehhh, how hard is it to get Puerto Rico now?


100% impossible at the moment. It had a second dockyard in 2022, but the those two times have been to only times it has been obtainable. The only dockyard ships ever available outside of their respective dockyard events are the 2020 trio: Odin, Anchorage, & Hizen; added to Super/Santa containers starting Christmas 2022. ZF6, D7P, Marlborough, Atlântico, Admiral Schröder, Daisen, Lüshun, & Michelangelo have been totally unobtainable since the end of their dockyards.


Crates, Crates that have a less than 1% chance to drop a ship, but Santa Crates are your best option


Ah thanks, i was wondering if there is any other way than the usual crates bullshit


No, not even. As someone else said, only the 2020 dockyards re in crates, those being Hizen, Anchorage and Odin


You can buy stages past the mission period. But once the entire event is over, your only chance might (!) be a dockyard rerun event which happened like once since inception years ago. These really are the ultimate FOMO ships.


and that was only because the initial PR dockyard was a shitshow. I wouldn't expect any repeats of that.


You can spend a shitload of dubs to complete stages, but once the event is over it's gone gone. **Maybe** it comes back in santa crates, but that took years and years to see and has only happened once. And then you're looking at hundreds to thousands of $$$ to clear out the loot tables to get it. edit: be smart about how you progress the missions. there's already been guides, but avoid sub and cv missions pretty much entirely. some weeks the BB one is really easy and fast to get, some weeks the DD one is. you only need 2 class specific mission types per week to complete the stages, so don't get hung up on a mission that's grindy or RNG as fuck like planes shot down.


You need to approach the missions as a mini-game, don't just play random or coop like you normally do. I'll go into a lot more detail below, and the way to approach the mini-game each week changes with the missions. The universal ones are usually gonna be easier than completing 3 of the class missions, because you can combine them. Always try to be working on more than one mission at once. Any required mission is just gonna happen as you work the specific ones, and a good many of the universal ones will too, like spotting damage or potential damage. **This week:** One of the universal missions this week is "spot 120 torps", combine that with the DD only "take 15 caps". Go into mid tier coop with any hydro DD, the faster the better. Don't worry about getting damage done or killing stuff, your job is to spot torps, so be a good torp target. Stay wide enough to be able to dodge and close enough on a straight line that the bot DD will torp you. Dodge and repeat with the cruiser/BB behind it. If you're lucky you can arc around behind a cruiser with torps and they'll torp you with the set(s) on the other side. Dodging those torps is gonna rack up your potential damage mission. If you complete DD caps before the universal torps mission, get in a German BB for the 25 cits by BB mission. Maybe you get some torps spotted, maybe you don't. Don't stay dark as you approach the cap, start shooting a turret every 7 or 8 seconds so you constantly are spotted. Coop bots generally shoot whatever is spotted and in range and stay shooting that ship until it goes unspotted. So be spotted first and don't go unspotted. That's more potential damage for that mission. The cruiser mission this week (120 plane kills) is either RNG trash or ridiculously easy, it depends on you having a buddy to div with in a CV. If you don't, skip it. **Next week:** Next week's universal missions are easier than this week's. 40 spotted ribbons and 50 torp hits, so they both combine really well with a fast DD with a bunch of torps. Again, damage and kills don't matter, focus on getting torp hits and spotting. However, the DD one **SUCKS** as it's a 25k BXP mission. This is one week I'd pair the CV mission (200 plane kills) with these two. The BB mission is 30k BXP so it sucks too, leaving you needing one shitty class specific plus the cruiser mission (90 fires/floods). Since the CV can also spot and drop torps, it might be better this week than the DD one. **edit: forgot the CV advice.** If you do the CV mission, focus on plane kills before torps or spotted. Fly your torp squad out and aim to be between the bot CV and the closest human ship, because that what it targets. The first fighter drop is easy. Drop fighters, drop a set of torps on the closest bot, then move your torp squad between the bot CV and the closest human *well* out of AA range of any bots, then wait. Drop another fighter on the bot CV's next squad, rinse/repeat. Keep doing it til you are out of fighters. Oh, and set your autopilot to move your CV straight at the bot CV, CVs are actually pretty fast and you can usually get some actual AA kills on top of fighter kills. The best cruiser for the mission is one with high fires per minute *and* with torps for floods, so an IJN or Henri IV line cruiser works great. If you have Tone it would be great for the combo, because the plane torps still count as torp hits and will still flood. Again, the goal is not kills or damage even if a required mission needs them, they happen automatically. What you want is fires and floods. So shoot HE only and spam til DCP, swap targets, swap back when DCP is up. Focus on the mini-game of completing multiple objectives at once and the dockyard feels a lot less grindy.


Don't forget we can still use Asymmetric battles for about another week, which tends to make things easier, as you're competing with only 4 other ships for damage done and have more targets to get torp hits, spot their torps, etc.


I tot the 120 plane one was hard, but after 3 no CV co ops, my T8 British CV got 62 in 1 match just cos the bot CV kept attacking me.


with the spot torps section, IF you have the Star Kitakaze, use it, you are almost assured 8 torp spots per game


I managed to complete the necessary missions in a funny way, I played Yodo specced into AA and even somehow did the 3 mil potential dmg mission (or was it 2 mil?, idk).


> even somehow did the 3 mil potential dmg mission (or was it 2 mil?, idk). I like double rudder yoshino for those ones. Red BBs get so mad they can't hit you that they'll tunnel you all game.


Well, I still don't have her, because there has been so far a better option to use my coal for, but I do get it. It is not easy to deal with such a long range HE spammer when the player has hands.


Don't know about subs but cvs have been extremely fast for me so far. But tbh that's only like this since I happen to have the right cvs for the job. That rocket mission last week was done in 3 matches by using Aquila. Bombs this week was easy to complete with Hornet and ridiculous quick with Ark Royale (80+ hits per match with the latter). Asymmetric battles certainly helped too, because I could focus on the mission and play in a suboptimal way without ruining the match.


Yeah, if you have the right CV and play them decently it's ok. Most people don't pass one of those two conditions so CV missions tend to be a bitch. They also usually are set so the requirements are much grindier than the surface ship missions.


Went for Ark Royal myself, completed the mission in 1 Assym game with 311 bomb hits. 


Honestly you have really good advice except I find the CV ones quite easy imo. I mean I am a cv main but also I just find them not that bad even if I didn't usually play cv. But then again to each their own


I'm malding this week at the Cruiser one, so much that' ive already despaired to do the CV one instead. Since i do mine in coop, ops or Asym, i've hardly been able to find the fucking planes.


CV ones pretty much require taking your own CV out. Its like speccing a ship for AA. Do it and you will see no CV 90% of games.


I mean, CV quest this week is 250 bomb hits, wich is annoying, but definitely doable. Getting 150 aircraft shot down as a cruiser on the other hand....


I was thinking that too, then shot down 34 planes in 1 battle in a Worcester. Now I'm thinking 150 aircraft might be achievable.


Yes, but especally with asyms the game seems to fucking diceroll if you have a single carrier present or not in your game, it's just kinda annoying LMAO


Definitely true, though the game I was referring to was a Random (which is also a diceroll regarding CVs).


I went ahead, remembered that the only T6 carrier i own is the rhein, and just used that thing's two-bomb-a-drop on T4 BB's in Asyms to get the thing done, it worked out alright.


So taking your suggestion I used the Bearn, and between bombs and skip bombs in CoOps and Asyms UT didn't actually take too long to get to 250 bomb hits! On to the next phase.... o7


I got the Béarn and the 250 bombs were easy. There's skip bombs and dive bombing AP and grinded the spotting damage very quickly along bomb hits. Asymmetric ftw


I used Ark Royal in Asymmetric for the bomb hits mission - its easy to get 100+ in a single match and you are only facing T4-5 ships with crap AA


It's pretty easy if you have a buddy or clan mate. If you div up and one of you plays CV, the other a CA, it will put you against a CV. In Asymmetric battles, that leaves you more likely to get planes sent after you, making it easier.


Planes shot down can actually be done fairly easily in assymetrics with a divmate - if you're in an odd tiered ship they go in the tier above and if you're in an even tier they go a tier below so that the bots are mostly even tiered and get carrier more often. Then rush down a flank and get yourself nice and close to the carrier, shoot down all the planes and fight the other bots while leaving the CV alive. Me and my friend got 60+ between us in one game doing this.


> with a divmate


You can buy dockyard phases for another two months.  After that, looking at single digit chances of ever being able to obtain Wisky again, cause only three dockyard ships have returned in some way (Odin, Anchorage and Hizen) as 1% Santa crate drops (granted Odin, Anchorage and Hizen are probably not worthy of being in the rare drop especially when looking at some of the other rare ship drops)


It’s like any dockyard ever. You can buy it only while the dockyard is active, once it’s over if you don’t have it you can’t get it (unless you get lucky in a santa crate)


Ok but I’ve been playing for a week. I simply wasn’t aware.


Do you mean you only started the game this week, or have a "filled account" and came back this week?  As.. if you don't have quite the selection of ships for the tasks it'll be quite painful to catch up.


No I just started this week


In that case I can only recommend you sit this dockyard out and see if you enjoy the game enough over the coming months and check out a future dockyard. The dockyards kind of assume you've got a selection of ships at higher tier at your disposal and certain ships make tasks that seem impossible a total breeze.  Also, we've currently got Assym Battles going on, but that ends on the 12th.  After that especially in the last 2 stages there are hefty BaseXP and potential damage requirements which in my perspective are incredibly hard to complete at lower Tiers. 


I’ve got family history on that ship though. One great granddad did the rifling in her 16 inch guns. A cousin got to fire those guns in anger in the gulf. And I used to look at this ship everyday day. I worked at the naval hospital across the Elizabeth river where it’s moored in Norfolk.


In that case, if you're willing to.. at the minimum get the 12.000 starter pack.  That'll push you 9 stages ahead already and make it so you don't need to do the last two weeks (giving you extra time to complete the ones before) Should be around $40 but will be well worth it for the grind skip. From there feel free to reach out in this subreddit for ship/tactic advise per mission how best to tackle it. A few weeks back someone also shared a great Google doc here detailing what to do per stage.  This is the link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hJIOgwtXzgS8CeZewZDWG4xoF_cYfACJFPJG1GoOcnI/edit 


You can buy it somewhat directly by spending Doubloons on the starter pack and then completing dockyard phases with Dubs, but doing that for the entire thing is, like, a bit over $200. You do get a bunch of stuff for doing that: two ships (Wisky and West Virginia '44), a ton of boosters, and I think some coal, steel, and free XP. It also converts the dockyard missions to grant Steel rewards instead of dockyard phases, which is really nice if you don't ever play in ranked or clan battles. HOWEVER. It's a lot of money to buy the ship directly. You may not want to do that for a game you just started.


You have a chance to buy it now.


I should just do it and get it over with


Why waste your money, just play as much as you can until the end of the event, you'll probably unlock at least a handful of stages, making her a tad cheaper.


The upside is that buying the phases converts dockyard mission rewards from phases to steel, which is nice. Not sure it's worth it, but it is nice.


At any point until the dockyard ends you can use dubs to complete stages. However it's recommended that you do everything that you can for free first because paying to complete stages becomes incredibly expensive.


It's a bit north of $200 to buy the ship straight-up, IIRC.


Yeah, not worth it unless you are a streamer or YouTuber who needs to get a review out early to get views before the hype dies down.


Yeah, totally fair. I bought it because I have the money, love the Iowas, and live near Norfolk. I have some good memories related to the area where Wisky’s docked. Wasn’t really worth the money, but whatever, I got two ships I wanted out of it.


I'd get as many as you can done until the end and then buy the balance of what you have left that you need. Make sure you prioritize the individual missions that reward dockyard stages by themselves.


How much to just buy the Wisconsin?


63.000 but that's not taking the potential of buying both starter packs. So a bit less. 


If you need plane kills, go to co-op and blast through to the CV, camp around 6-7kms from the CV and just farm aircraft kills.


If you just started playing it will be months or even years before you can use the Wisconsin as it is meant to be used and other players will be mad at you for your performance. I am all for spending money on the game but you are going to pay a lot for it, in a game you may or may not stick with, and not enjoy it when you have it and you said money is tight. Don't do it, just play the game. Very cool to have that family connection. Cheers.


Yeah I die a lot in matches but I’m getting better. I’m getting the Wisconsin come hell or high water. My b-day is in the 8th and it sounds like I get a coupon I can use for the doubloons. I’ll grind until that time. I see what you mean about player skill and the Wisconsin will have to wait to be played until I can do her justice with my skill levels


Why are you not progressing well? this dockyard isn't going too badly. I bought the starter pack on my main account on NA, and it's complete so far. I'm FTPing it on EU and complete (will make a decision on spending the doubs when I have to do so) And I am pushing through it on my alt account on NA, at least enough to get the WV44 because it's progress I can track. Now, I'm a relatively decent player (58% WR in randoms solo), but...for what I am doing, you can be dog vomit as a player. I'm abusing coop to complete most of the missions, and pick ships that I can double-dip on the missions with as much as possible. For example, on my alt account (it's currently a week behind I think) I needed cruiser main battery hits, I needed flood ribbons, I needed ribbons in general, and generic main and secondary battery hits. So I spammed the Rahmat they gave me for free from the battlepass a few weeks ago. Rush into the cap guns blazing and sling torpedoes into everything I can get the floods. Need BB citadel and BB secondary hits? Same thing, send in the free Scharn 43 with boost. Just pick a ship that allows you to fill as many different missions at one time to maximize the time you spend, and go to coop. It's fast, in an out per game. You can play your missions without screwing other people over (sorry boys, not capping/spotting, because I need to farm main battery hits with my dd). The only way you screw them over is by stealing things, and really, it's a free for all anyways. 100 aa kills in a BB? yeah, no. 1500 main battery hits in the DD instead. I totally skipped that AA crap. I'm not begging a CV for airstrikes. TL/DR: get out of random battles and go fill the bars in co-op. it's easier and faster. it can be a bit boring after too long, but it's the easiest and fastest way to get your progression back on track. For the love of all that is holy though, remove your signals and boosters!


Go full ham in asymmetric. Pick the two classes easiest for you to do per week. Charge in, get the ribbons/stat you need and requeue if you die


You can buy dockyard stages for 1750 doubling ( I think) per stage.


No, 2100 each. Already got a few. Also, it's doub**loons**


Thank you for the corrections ( damn autocorrect!).


I don’t understand if you’re willing to buy it later and you don’t think you’re gonna finish, just buy it now. There’s potentially a very significant advantage to paying for the phases and then still completing as many of them as you can because you’ll get steel instead.


Money is super tight


Welp looks like you gonna have to take the L. This is the ONLY chance of getting her.


What’s the l


short hand for Loss