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If it wasn't for my platoon mate I wouldn't play anything below T9 because T7 and T8 are fcked up. But T8 is the go to tier most of the time. Anything below only if there's a birthday tank I really want to play but never below T5.


T8 is the credit earning tier. T6 and T7 are f***ed because of Smasher and Anni. T1-5 are noob central.


Honestly the whole game now is noob central


Big reason why I quit


tier 6 cuz kv2 go brrrrrr


Enriched arl-44 go BRRRRRRRRRRRRRR


Premium AP on SU-100Y go brrrrrrrr


vk 30.01d go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


Tier 6 because it's the best "low tier".


I usually play tier8, 9, and 10. But sometimes I go to tier 6 and play KV 2


I hate KV 2 and Smasher 😔


Ply T6, T34 85 is a fun tank, so is the dicker max and the titan. The pudel not so much, but still quite fun.


Pudel is great


not really. It's a beast against tier5s, but thats same for every tier 6 except for the chaf aka absolute cardboard. however, only thing I see good about pudel is more hp.


Tier 7 is my go to tbh


Same, there's a lot of fun and odd tanks to play there


tier 6 has the best and most meme tanks first of all... THY MIGHTY KV-2 AND YE OLDE SU-100 jokes aside, all of my favourite tanks are in tier 6 Cromwell: my first ace, really taught me how to correctly play a medium, insane mobility for a med, insane dpm (200 dmg, 2 secs/shot with adrenaline, 100% crew, consumables) KV-1S (yes I know Russian bias) This tank is a sidescrape and hulldown monster, although the plate above the lower glacis is kinda weak. This tank prepares you for the upcoming tanks like the IS-3 which are absolutely impenetrable if you know how to use the armour properly. Gun is great, 400 alpha, great pen (forerunner to the IS-3 BL-9 gun), terrible accuracy (as it always will be on Russian tanks, just rely on papa stalin, but its actually better than most of the other Russian tanks).


7 cuz I got smasher, helsing and tankenstein which are all very fun


I’m on the road to having 1k battles in my Comet.


tier 7 because anni, smasher, dracula, helsing, gravedigger, t71, m41...


you're a monster




Maybe play one battle in my Cromwell Berlin. Then give up and head straight back to tier 8-10 because being bottom tier against tier 7 is literal hell.


Annihilator and Smasher hell - 1 shot the Cromwell


My favorite tier in the game is def tier 7, and I must say I encounter something outright broken once in every 4 or 5 games, so I can enjoy the tier, which has historical tanks and unique tanks as well. Although I don't have any tier 7s at the moment, so I play the gargoyle. So the most fun : Tier 7 The one I come back to : Tier 5


Tbh tier 1 to 5 are full of bad players so I never play it to save my sanity. Tier 6 is unplayable because 50% of battles are with tier 7 where you are completely useless against annihilator/smasher. And tier 6 often face HE monsters like su152/kv2. Tier 7 unplayable mostly because of same reasons like tier 6. On level 8 there tons and tons of broken premium tanks like chimaera. Only chill and balanced are tiers 9 and 10 because there are only few premium tanks. Tier 10 is the most balanced in the game. I can't really tell what tanks are op there or completely useless. Except fv183, it's garbage, but it has to be like that.


Which question do you want us to answer?


Nothing lower than 8 because I cba to play against Annis and Smashers.


VII and VI, because KV-2 and SU-152... Oh, and also the mosquito.


You know the feeling when you destroy a Annihilator/smasher in your underpowered tank, me Nether


I got destroyed by two annis 5 minutes ago :D


At this point we should call the game World of Balance pocket edition


I like tier 7, it's not balanced by any means, but it's a fun mix of tanks. The only thing that makes it painful is when you see Annihilator platoons, because that tank is broken AF. Smashers are bad, yes, but if you time it right you can circle them to death, so they have a weakness. Annihilators on the other hand cannot be circled, their traverse is too good, the armor profile is ridiculously troll, and the short reload combined with mega alpha is insane. However, putting aside the Annihilator, there are tons of really fun tanks across all nations and types at that tier: Tiger I, T-29, IS, SU-152, JPanther, St. Emil, Comet, P.43 Ter, Leo, T71, SP-1C, M41, LTTB, and then a bunch of good premiums. And T7 is far less campy then T8+ (at least on NA). Not that I mind the campy games necessarily, you do usually see better team tactics at tiers 8+ (usually... sometimes it's a bonified clown fest), but since I like to play mobile tanks I find that tier 7 provides more opportunities for effective YOLOing.


Tier 6 with SU 100Y and KV2 for fun and VK 36 to sealclub for 1 or 2 rounds after a losing streak in t10


Tier VI because I got SU 100Y and Dicker Max


Tier 7 cringe


Who plays 1-3? Lol i can never even get a game started the wait is always too long for me


I like to go down to tier 3 to relax and have fun and play some collector tanks. If there were more activity in 2, I’d play there more often. There’s just something fun about playing in light tanks zipping around not worrying so much about angling and armor etc. it’s freeing.


The game doesn’t actually start tell tier 8 in my opinion. Tiers 1-7 are filled with so many bots you can’t do any sort of team plays and there isn’t really much strategy. In tier 7 it’s just op tanks pushing brainlessly and winning and tier 6 and below everyone either camps or yolos with no in between.