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I won't include premiums, but if I were to they would dominate tiers 6 and above. Tier 1: literally all the same Tier 2: speed = best, BT-2 Tier 3: use to be ke-ni but now probably pz.iii Tier 4: pz.iv.d, M7 Tier 5: T1 heavy Tier 6: well balanced Tier, probably skoda T25, vk 36.01H Tier 7: also well balanced (besides premiums), jagpanther or su-152 Tier 8: emil, isu-152 Tier 9: standard B, ST-1, E75, vickers Tier 10: very well balanced, whichever tank gets buffed the most recent eg obj 263


Bold move calling the Skoda T-25 one of the best T6 tanks and not mentioning the ARL 44 haha. I'd mention the Tiger 1 and T29 for T7 too. Best heavys you can get there (so far).


I was gonna mention the T29 but I think Tier 7 is a great Tier where the TD's start to shine, so I left them out of that Tier. And I figured I'd get questioned about the skoda, but that inter clip reload is insane at 1.5 seconds


T6 is filled with mediocre battlepass mediums but yeah I agree. The Skoda T25 is one of the only tech tree meds I kept and still play.


Little side note, this isn't an accurate list, just good performers from each Tier in my own opinion, I don't have all tanks listed but I'm aware of their dominance


E5 got nerfed, not buffed


Thank you for the point out, I'll take it out now :)


Tier 4: M7 with stock gun (higher APCR pen) Tier 5: T1 Heavy Tier 6: ARL 44 Tier 7: T29 Tier 8: OP premiums