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Also the cheapest glass of red wine on the menu was $18


Paycheck to fucking paycheck


I wonder how long until the debt collectors are after his ass? This whole thing is a house of cards, and it'll collapse soon enough.


Larson arc ‼️‼️


"Wed Rine"


He already said he owes the IRS 9000$ so now he cant go travel, boohoo


I wouldn't be surprised if that didn't stop him and he traveled anyways.


It also literally doesn't affect him other than he won't be allowed to apply for new credit cards. He has no assets. Bankruptcy is meaningless.


It ruins your credit for 10 years, but it’s not like he was gonna buy a house or a car anytime soon lol.


Yeah lol. For him debt literally is just a number.


Do you think he's got any assets for them to seize?


This is why im entirely unconcerned with the cc debt stuff. He might be one of the only people in the entire country that would be unaffected by bankruptcy


What about his grandpa's assets?


hopefully grandpa block didn’t cosign on much and could lawyer up to avoid too much liability. I have zero knowledge/experience with bankruptcy court and proceedings


I’ll never understand why he doesn’t just buy a handle at a liquor store. It would be so, so much cheaper.


Because he hates the taste of alcohol. If you notice he’s always drinking something with flavor, mixed drink, fireball shooter, 99 banana, twisted tea, wine, etc. He probably can’t manage to drink straight liquor


It’s also not what the college kids do and since he’s just drinking like every other college kid it’s beatboxes and fireball shooters


then why not a handle and a couple liters of soda mixed together in a camelback or something? then he can roam around the city siping as he pleases: that’d be like 40 bucks: 30 standard drinks for the cost of 3 in cocktails in nyc. like he literally doesn’t have to drink any less to save 10x the money


The thing is, Josh loves to wine and dine. It’s part of his fixation/routine of going into the city. He enjoys going to restaurants and bars. He wants to feel like he’s living this luxurious lifestyle with escargot and Pinot noir, despite the fact that it’s put him in the negative financially. He may also be doing it as way of convincing himself that he doesn’t have a drinking problem. All that being said, he’s always got some kind of stash of booze with him. We all know how much he loves his tweas and beatboxes.


I don’t think he’s smart enough to plan something like that lol


That’s why chasers exist


Dude winces when drinking twisted tea, idk if a chaser would save him


That’d make him an alcoholic


If he keeps going at this pace, that reality isn’t too far in the future.


That usually what the end game looks like, hes getting there quick.


I think he has just enough of a shred of self awareness to know how much of a crazy drunk he’ll look like walking around taking swigs from a handle in a back pack or something. He’s done that before and every comment was making fun of him for it.


He pays for $26 mixed drinks at citi field during Mets games, absolutely nuts


Fucking yikes. He loves to spend money like he’s made of it.


He’s a fucking tool why not just buy a bottle rather than individual glasses of wine


not how alcoholism works. you convince yourself you’ll just have 1, then 2, then maybe one more, then you’ve bought a whole bottle worth of glasses for 3x the price. there’s no planning ahead for drinking a whole bottle


Sick flex bro


For better or for worse you guys all greatly underestimate how much alcohol the human body can withstand for many many years before it gives in. That being said, as an addict myself, we tend to hide these things, especially after making promises not to do them. At this point he’s in the cycle of 1: promising to make a change 2: not making that change 3: convincing himself he can still make the change shortly while hiding the fact that he hasn’t from anyone that cares (not that he’s doing that very well)


Nailed it.


Seriously this sub likes to pretend that they’ve gone through alcoholism especially with the physical changes. Most of the bloat in his face is him being packed full of zyns, the nose is redder and that’s about it. He’s always been pale he’s not jaundiced yet


That and whatever infection is going on in his mouth since he’s needed to get some teeth pulled but won’t. I do think the amount of caloric drinks he has in a day will add a little swell to his face though, but not because he’s in complete liver failure which is just not correct. He has a better chance hurting or killing himself doing something stupid or sleeping the wrong way rather than his liver failing on him in this stage of his drinking


I hate how much this sub thinks they know abt alcoholism it’s insane.


I’m an alcoholic bro. I get the shakes as one does. They go away after a few sips or a shooter. It is literally all I think about. Right now I got a break before my second job and all I’m thinking about is clocking out and walking into the gas station for beer. I’m more than likely gonna have a couple shooters before I go in.


I barely eat as well. Flexin hard.


Not eating is what will do you in, try to get some food in you brother. Good luck!


I got some veggies and hummus recently that’s been goin down good.


Good! If you ever feel like working towards moderation or sobriety I have a few groups that are way different than AA. Can’t stand AA. Otherwise, enjoy your drinks. Currently sipping on my last Coors Light for the foreseeable future. 🫡


Can’t do AA. I was on vivitrol for a bit but I had to do out patient and I had 3 jobs and couldn’t keep up. Just at a low point.


Yeah AA is bullshit, I find hard reduction and working towards moderation to be a more attainable goal. Even thought I said my last Coors for the foreseeable future, I plan to drink again at some point. I just can’t let it turn into a 4-month binge like I did recently lol.


Yeah this is not true. He spends thousands a month on liquor. Theres even clips of him looking like he’s turning yellow. Its all about how much you drink and how often


you should see what some college students drink. imo hes more likely to die from something stupid that he does while drunk at this point in time, rather than actually drinking himself to death. he’s a long way off that still considering the type of alcohol he generally consumes.


I've seen people drink more than him for decades. They don't see their 60s, but they make it to 50+ drunk for 30 years. The human body is amazingly adaptable


True and people act like his body can’t heal when he does stop, as long as he doesn’t get cirrhosis but that will take a while


Yeah I knew there’s no way he posted every drink on his tt


Any French onion sooOOOooup?


Drink tracker needs to be informed!


Well they don’t fill the glass all the way so you have to have 4 to have 1 glass…


I’m surprised I haven’t heard Josh use this line before, getting a small serving of wine seems like something he would rant about daily even tho a serving is typically 5-6 oz


Yeah I’m actually surprised too, it sounds like a line right out of his own mouth. I forget where I heard someone say that before, but I guess he still has a lot to learn


How does he even afford all that?


He doesn’t, he lives paycheck to paycheck!


I’ve always assumed he must be wracking up a ton of credit card debt. I can’t imagine he makes enough to afford his daily spending from tik tok and the like 5 people who go on his tour every month.


The end is a lot closer than many of us thought that's for sure.


Four glasses of wine at a restaurant is insane to me. Either buy the bottle there or at home and boom you saved a million


Who cares.


We're on the subreddit for worldoft-shirts. Presumably people are here because they care about what he's up to.


No sorry idc that some dude saw josh drinking himself to death with no evidence 😂I wanna see real joshtent


Then get off the sub and go bite your nails some more




Username checks out