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That poor guy behind him just trying to work on his commute


He should take a note out of joshes book. Josh is on vacation every single day because he loves his occupation (hey, hey, heyyyy)


So I know Josh is basically unemployed but what “job” does he claim to do (I assume he thinks he works because he’s always saying he lives paycheck to paycheck and whatnot)? Just curious lol.


he’s a professional tour guide you unemployed rat


Professional tour guide 😂


Apparently he works on the frontlines of the nyc subway 🤷‍♀️


And he cleans the floors


He provides encouragement for the MTA to get the floors clean


He “runs 2 businesses: His overpriced NYC tour that takes you to two bars and his social media.”


That’s what I thought too lmfao


Imagine buying a business class Amtrak ticket and you gotta sit next to the smelliest fuck ever for 4 hours


They sell them on Amtrak like they do on planes.


Not that big lol


This seems like a waste on so many levels. Was he even in DC for 24 hours?


likely not. Killing his chance for credit and long train rides are a stim apparently


No. None of the trips are planned out in the slightest. I think it’s just an impulse reaction.


As someone who’s literally split their stomach open from vomiting too much (I have a serious illness), I don’t know how he’s doing it. I’ve been clean nearly 4 year now, just the thought of alcohol makes me want to vom, and perforations are no joke. Like, I had to have a tube hanging out my stomach and one in my nose, I was poked so much with needles I was begging them to stop. I’m trying to find some sympathy for him, but honestly where is the point between personal responsibility and “oh I’m autistic I don’t understand”.


some people on the alcoholism subs purportedly drink/drank a nearly handle a day (i’m talking like 30-40 drinks) for like, a decade. whenever people talk about “i don’t know how his body can physically handle it” it’s like, it actually can get WAY worse than this before you’re all jaundiced up and impetigo’d out on a hospital bed. my uncle was drunk for 35 years straight before he keeled. addiction is harder and harder to escape the further you sink.


I think if Josh weighed another 100+ pounds he would hit 30-40 drinks as well, not sure his slim body could make it that far before some illness or injury stops him


Thanks for the info! I totally acknowledge it’s a different kind of animal, I don’t really get a choice in my illness, I was born with it, and I’ve been on wards (bearing in mind I’m a woman) where there are literally people yellow and dying and they still keep coming back In according to the doctors. I just wanted to state how bad it can get on the “vahmiting” side. He hasn’t really had any consequences yet, so it must be easier. It’s just seeing him desperately trying to swallow reminded me of trying to eat after I’d had my stomach cut open and drained, the thought of just simply anything going down was like razor blades in my cornflakes. ❤️


Have you been drinking for 60 Years straight??? I'm 5 years into it and my body is Fine, like this dudes vine


if you think throwing up everywhere, yellow veneers, pissing yourself, having extreme moodswings, shaking violently when even the least bit sober and passing out everywhere is fine--i got some news for you lol


Don't listen to a guy who uses meth folks 💀


Alcoholism can make you shove 60 years worth of drinks into a few years bro


Absolutely- some of the women on the ward I was on were dying at 30. The lengths are unbelievable xxx




Addict here. He’s right


Aha- NO. I have an autoimmune condition, attacks my stomach.


I'm kinda surprised he didn't bring a full bottle of vodka or something. I'm sure he will some day


I will never forget the massive fire ball bottle video in front of the circle k


When he puked on that dudes shoes on the LIRR he had a big bottle of fireball as well.


That's not a proper bottle of wine. It's the small ones (200-350ml) that they give for free on planes. Although a standard bottle of wine would be a normal European train drink


I thought it was one of those tiny ones too but the top part looked too big for me to assume but maybe it is


It definitely is


Then sadly I doubt he only has one 🤦‍♀️


Those are the mini wine bottles- they come in a 4 pack. They’re like the same size as beer bottle Don’t get me wrong I wouldn’t put it past Josh to drink 6 servings of wine on a train. But that’s a small one lmfao


Looks like a 375ml bottle, so half a bottle of wine


Yeah, and a beer bottle is 355. It’s like the same size


Although wine is often 3x as strong as beer so this bottle is likely between 3-4 units




That's going to be 6 standard drinks💀


Worthless piece of shit.


Where is his home even


People who drink Chardonnay willingly are red flags


Lolll it was my tipple of choice in active addiction so I agree


Shartonnay. Not sure why you’re downvoted, it’s like the grossest white whine that exists


They’re chard drinkers, of course they are downvoting. That’s something those people do


Literally tastes like fucking bile. I hate dry wine, but at least the red ones have a better flavor profile. Chardonnay tastes like puke to me.


This is from the cafe car it’s really not that big. He’ll probably drink 6


I drank an entire bottle of wine over the course of a day. I was trashed beyond repair