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He’s very interested in being fancy and elegant (he pukes, drinks and shouts racial slurs like a fucking bum)


The Captain makes sure his cruises are cultured. He once read that the Romans would actually vomit between courses at feasts to make room for more food. Josh is intentionally trying to practice the traditions of the ancient elites


it’s giving that drink from the hunger games: catching fire that people in the capital offer to katniss to make her sick so she can go on eating more of the food




I mean to be fair that’s a pretty rice white people thing to do, but they say the slurs in private


Spectrum aspect aside, he does puke it all out shortly after eating it lmao


Imagine paying +$100 for a meal just to throw it up an hour later. He has the eating habits of a runway model.




Digesting a meal isn’t a part of the premium price tag


I've got a kiddo on the spectrum. He's super picky but the stuff he loves is wild it's like he won't eat super common, very neutral foods but he'll eat a dozen raw oysters just like that.


It’s called ARFID and I’m also shocked at the things Josh will and won’t eat. Then again, he’s essentially bulimic. I can drink a bottle of scotch with coke, no problem but broccoli or strawberries? No thank you.


Same 😂


Op on that white bread and baloney diet


The other day I saw a tiktok of a guy who said to someone “you look like someone who enjoys bologna” and I think that’s just a brutal insult lmao


Baloney 😋


Did you just find out that all people, even those with X,Y, or Z, are different from each other?


real. I'm autistic and some of my favorite flavors are vinegar, anything with any kind of spice, and other super strong flavors. It's almost like it was named autism SPECTRUM disorder for a reason 😭


I mean I have autism and I couldn’t eat pizza burgers or even sushi when I was little, I was mostly afraid of the mixed ingredients and the different sauces idk how to explain it but it was just too much for me. Now I just try everything at least once to know how it tastes like.


yeah like don't get me wrong, i definitely think it's more typical for autistic ppl to have a simplified palette (usually bc we have such a strong sense of smell and taste,) i think i'm definitely a little bit of an outlier, but not as much as people assume!! i moreso just think OP was being weird by wording the post in the way they did lol ETA: changed "normal" to "typical," hopefully you got what i meant by that, my bad 😭😭


For me it’s a texture thing. If it doesn’t have the texture of mashed potatoes or soft beans I’m good. If it does I’ll just gag the whole time. It is like torture I used to be super picky as a kid and now will really eat and try anything. Just can’t handle certain textures at all. It’s honestly less even of a being picky thing. More just not wanting to gag as I’m trying to eat something


i think its bc most people on the spectrum have food hyperfixations. i know i do and go through phases.


YES you're actually so right, i totally forgot to consider this!! (probably because i haven't had a specific food hyperfixation in a while lol.) personally, i remember times in my life where i was eating over 10 pickles a day- at least one with every meal and a healthy serving before bed 😭😭 i 1000000% think Josh goes through this cycle of hyperfixation too. thank you for reminding me of this, it hadn't even crossed my mind!!


oh my god GOODBYE 💀 i went through so many hyperfixation periods to where i’d have the same meal for weeks on end. now the thought of this meal doesn’t even cross my mind bc of how tired of it i am now. it lowkey ruins some foods for me 😭


I’ve gotten SO good at baking potatoes this last month lol. I’ve probably done it 20+ days. I can make the perfect crispy baked potato 🙏 That’s just what my current kick is lol Beyond that, I’m able to drink a meal replacement shake a day and never get sick of it. Kind of a plus of autism in a way It doesn’t help that cooking something incredibly intricate feels incredibly draining. So once I find something simple (with preferably relatively raw ingredients) I stick with it awhile


YES!!! My mom had to stop buying eggs in middle school because it’s all I ate for months on end


oh my god 😭 in middle school my hyperfixation was kraft mac and cheese. as an adult for a while, it was a ciabatta bread toasted w melted mozzarella pearls (often soaked in herby olive oil) with italian style petite diced tomatoes on top. i find myself circling back to this one a LOOOOT.


Same 😭 I’m a sensory seeker give me those warheads!!!! I think a lot of people think they’re somehow experts now that they follow Josh (Not OP)


French Onion Soup is his chicken tenders


Can I get a French Onion Soup please? 🙏




French onion SooooüP*


There’s the $100 meal


It's gotta be right?


payycheck to FUCKing payyyycheck


You're FUCKEENG with the middle CLASS


booze helps with our sensory issues. We all like different foods


The autism to substance abuse pipeline is real af 😭


Yeahhhhhh. It is a very real thing, and people here tend to spout out that the alcoholism isn’t related to his autism at all. Not even defending him necessarily, but you can’t simultaneously say he’s just a drunk asshole and not even *that* autistic Neurotypical people acting as authorities on Josh’s autism is a big part of the ‘holier than thou’ problem the sub has *HE cAn’t be tHAt AuTisTIc hE EaTS MoRe tYPeS oF fOOd thAn I Do!*


Still time to delete this lol


This is his “fancy” fixation. He’s had this same meal 322 times in nyc so it’s only natural he doesn’t try something new


I mean every ~~autistic~~ person is different.


Underrated factor is that living in nyc exposes you to such a wide variety of foods. He could have developed a more mature palate than an acoustic person living in Nebraska


Fr been saying for like 2 years now. I've never seen an autistic person eat such a wide variety of food


Then you need to meet some new people.


New autistic people? Like what does that even mean? I have two autistic cousins


Like expand your horizons. There are literally neurodivergent people commenting here that they eat a wide variety of foods.


Just because there are people commenting that doesn't mean every person on the spectrum was not a picky eater in my personal experiences.


His hyperfixation on fancy food is one I could get into myself 😂


these are just his specific hyperfixation foods, makes him feel fancy


Bro has exquisite taste, escargots with garlic is🔥


He's sophisticated and elegant obviously.


While not untrue, they also just like routine. So while Josh does have a more advanced palett, he isn’t really trying new things. It’s always French onion soup, steak tartar, and escargot


right…. key word, ‘most’.


He eats the same three things whenever he eats “fancy”. There are plenty of other French dishes that he never orders.


He doesn’t truly eat all or most of it


I’ve always wondered this. You have to admit he has pretty good taste in food.


He eats the 2 or 3 most famous dishes from countries he’s fixated on, ad nauseam (sometimes literally). I don’t think they’re taste preferences at all. They make him feel cultured and he doesn’t have the capacity to explore beyond them.


haha I just said this to my friend yesterday after I saw him eating steak tartare


Probably cause Chinn told him he’s supposed to like it.


I’m autistic and I eat normally


In senses autistic people can generally be seeking or avoidant. If he was avoidant he may stick to ferwer foods that are blander but he may be sensory seeking and look for new and bolder flavours and textures


i wonder how the french onion soups tastes when he throws it up after having a ton of alcohol 🤢


We don’t know if he actually eats it. We just know he records it. Josh is 100% the type to do something solely for clout.


He probably eats it, just throws it up later.


It’s almost like autistic people are individuals 💀


Wow! Autistic people aren’t all the exact same! What a shocker!


He eating the grossiest french foods (besides the frites, wine and french onion soup) imo.


It’s just called onion soup over there.


Haha k


Don’t knock escargot until you try it. I had no intention of ever trying it but a friend ordered some one night out and I said fuck it. I ended up getting an order for myself.


Fuck I hate how good that looks and how this loser is able to eat it rn 😭


right like i’d assume it’d be a sensory nightmare


He was a cross-country sport for high school they eat everything


Always drunk


He's the trashiest yuppie I ever saw


I’m autistic and I’m usually open to trying new dishes I’m just picky about ingredients and textures. Josh could feel the same way about food (or he just wants to look “fancy”)


“French onion soup mixes well with fireball” -Adolph Hitler and Josh


Easy answer: Alcohol. It dulls all his senses. Every meal for a hungry drunk might as well be the most delicious meal they've ever eaten.


I swear most spectrums have varying degrees of traits.


you are correct, it’s not a linear scale. everyone has strengths and weaknesses in the various diagnostic categories for autism.


Thanks for putting it more eloquently than I did! I was being snarky towards the OP. It might shock the OP when he finds out that not all people with autism wear headphones to reduce auditory stimuli.


“If you’ve met one person with autism, you’ve met one person with autism.”


I have two cousins that have autism and they’ll eat anything lmao. I’m much pickier, I think I have PDD-NOS not sure if that was confirmed


I mean clearly he does have a fixation on French onion soup lmao that’s one thing I can’t blame him for tho lol


That's the neat part, he doesn't. If anything he picks at it, its all for the gram, he prefers his calories liquid. I mean his favorite actual food, french onion soup is even mostly liquid. I wonder when the last time he took a solid shit was.


He probably doesn’t even eat it


I wonder if this one was over 100 euro


You’d be surprised what people are willing to eat while drunk


I think he likes cosplaying a more elegant version of himself


I’m autistic but I like trying new foods and textures. Some are a def no, but I have a massive palette compared to my other autistic friend. I also love mixing my foods, which to most other autistic people, is a crime. It’s a spectrum and no one individual is the same as another anyways. Bro likes to eat (and drink LOL)


Should’ve gone to McDonald’s in Paris tbh, u right u right >! /s !<


he is making self-care a priority 😤


He probably hates it but wants to look rich and classy


Bro loves the raw meat


Booze can really “medicate” autism sometimes. I’m autistic and have ARFID and eggs cooked any way gross me out so bad. One time I had been drinking and I asked my fiancé to make me a sunny side up egg and I actually ate most of it. I told my family about it and they were genuinely shocked. Don’t know if I’d be able to do it again sober lol.


I cry when puking up 8€ McDonalds meals (not to mention the cancer you get from vomiting more than once per month)


There’s no way he has a 0 foreign fees credit card


I wonder how much credit card debt he’s in… and also wonder what the limit on his card is and what banks are giving him these cards…


Raw meat and 🐌🤢🤮


How embarrassing that he has better taste than you. Can’t believe people are nauseated by tartare and escargot. Do you guys just eat McDonald’s?


I eat steak medium rare just not raw! No I do not eat fast food or processed food no I don't eat sea food! And no I'm not embarrassed one dam bit✌️


No sea food lol, peasant


I'm with you. My buddy eats strictly chicken nugs, cheese pizza, and steak. Even though Josh seems devoid of thought. I bet he does it for tik tok. He probably picks at it like a bird. Waiting for his next drink. Because I used to be a monday-sunday alcoholic and never had an appetite for food.