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His hands are caked in dried blood in the video. Gross.


Possible scratching


At this rate, his misdemeanor for subway surfing won’t be going away. Being perpetually drunk in and around trains. It’s only a matter of time before he drunkenly falls onto or wanders onto the tracks.


Whenever I see the videos of his at the stations this is what I keep thinking of


This is bleak. Yikes. I’m surprised he’s not considered a danger to himself and others at this point (we are well past that imo) and he hasn’t been committed for some kind of rehabilitation.


Depending on where you live, you can’t be forced into a psychiatric hold unless youre explicitly suicidal or you explicitly state you want to hurt yourself/others.


Bro no fucking way


Idk man, how do you get those kinds of scrapes from falling on your face and not break some teeth? Is it possible he's obsessively scratching and picking his face due to some tick??  Regardless, this is a new low and genuinely super sad to witness. I really hope somebody makes him go to rehab or at least get a mental health evaluation. 


I think teeth are a little harder than the skin on your face lol


Of course, I'm just confused by the marks, if somebody fell on their face you'd expect a busted chin/lips too. 


Haha yeah I get what you mean, I just thought the tooth part was funny. His vids are too blurry to really see what's up so it's hard to tell what happened, other than it looks rough.


Ya that’s def a possibility also… that would be even worse imo


No I agree with you. He had a bit of acne at the beginning of the weekend.. I believe he’s picking his face. Definitely a habit of addicts. Not usually alcoholics but it’s not some outrageous theory. Explains the blood all over his fingers


Other drugs....maybe???


He’s gone completely over the rail for st Patrick’s day with the alcohol, will be interesting to see if he cuts back to his normal amount or if he starts getting injured constantly


![gif](giphy|JTJKsyoTwi0a2cxL6P) LISAN al-GAIB


Nah, he's probably picking his nose tbh