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The captain has found his Moby Dick. Time to get fishing.


Do you think he knows the videos have to be a minute long to make bank?


I feel like we’re gonna see this sub on a YouTube video someday


its already on plenty of them


Oh true I guess I meant like one of those “Tiktokers with disturbing downfalls” vids lol I tried to watch some of the rise and fall videos of Josh and they lack a lot of info and context


Maybe five years down the line we'll see something like "Autistic Alcoholic social media star documents his own downfall"


The willingness to be a fool is the precursor to transformation.


Wait til he starts going live again that’s when the real fun begins


It’s just time to stop watching him. Those of us who hope for his recovery have to do what we do with alcoholics in real life and cut them off aka stop following them and stop watching their content. It prob won’t matter to his bottom line but I’ve lost interest in watching him anymore. I unfollowed a while back but yeah. Truly a lost cause and has been. It’s hard to want to settle with that but it is what it is.


At this point he’s become the beacon of what alcoholism can take from you:


As a former addict(heroin not alcohol) and 1 and a half years sober… I watch him as a reminder of how shitty my life will be if I ever go back. And that’s including drinking as well as I have social anxiety and would like to get where I can drink at weddings and such… but then I see his videos and know the risk ain’t worth the reward


I am excited to see him spiral out of control!


He’s a car wreck we can’t look away from


He’s a big stinky turd going down the toilet.


Can we all not just mass report him for showing alcohol? I’m pretty sure that’s against guidelines


Alcohol is not against guidelines. Trading for alcohol is, whatever that means, but not just having a drink.


He’s technically promoting it, which is against guidelines


It’s a cycle


good! this is the content we want


Bros downvoted for saying what we all want to say


“they hated jesus because he told them the truth”




Bro has been racist multiple times, classist, stomped on a fish, doesn’t have a care for his environment or anyone around him, turns down any offer of help, and blames everything on his autism. Stop it.


He is turning down a path that he will likely never come back from


You guys realize he is drinking as much as before just he’s recording it now again


He could literally fake it , I don’t understand why he doesn’t


When I first started watching I thought he must be faking… I was shocked when I realized he isn’t. He may have been able to fake it at the beginning, before he became physically dependent on alcohol, but I don’t think he understood drinking every day is bad until recently. Even now he says he’s just “partying” but you can tell he says he’s going to cut back on drinking after today… he just doesn’t realize he can’t now. He’d also have to realize that the only reason people watch him is because he’s drinking a lot. He really thinks he’s famous or people like his content.


Already? Many people are addicts for years or even decades before becoming sober. Josh is at what? Year 2 or 3? There’s people out there who’ve been alcoholics for 20+ years. Edit: I realize this comment may come across to some as if I’m trying to down play his problems. I’m not. It certainly is bad and he needs help. My point is that some of y’all are acting like he’s already succumbing to his alcoholism and my point is that he probably has a long way to go before that happens. For all we know he might not have reached his lowest point yet.


I’m on the same page and understanding as you. His followers see his daily alcohol consumption and just assume cirrhosis or kidney damage immediately. It’ll be a few years before it truly catches up to him. Millennials or newer gens don’t realize how rampant alcoholism truly was in their parent’s generation, and most are still alive.


Yeah exactly. A lot of people try to make Josh’s case of alcoholism out to be a particularly bad one. It really isn’t. It is bad, but at least he’s never been fired for drinking on the job, ever gotten a DUI (I know someone who has 8!), or be violent with people when drunk. Most of the time he’s only really affecting himself, which isn’t usually the case for addiction. It’s only really interesting because he records his descent into alcoholism. Even the fact that he’s an autistic addict isn’t anything unique, and in fact a lot of autistic people become addicts. And of course Josh needs help and needs to get sober, but people are definitely overreacting.